510 research outputs found

    Does emotion shape language?:Studies on the influence of affective state on interactive language production

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    Publiekssamenvatting promotie Charlotte Out Mensen zijn emotionele wezens. Door bijvoorbeeld met een vriend te praten over onze gevoelens, kunnen we taal gebruiken om deze emoties te uiten. Maar ook als we onze gevoelens niet (expliciet) benoemen, beĂŻnvloeden emoties de manier waarop we communiceren. Eerder onderzoek heeft bijvoorbeeld laten zien dat verdrietige mensen, vergeleken met blije mensen, doorgaans met een zachtere stem praten en zich meer richten op hun gesprekspartner. Er is nog niet zoveel bekend over de invloed van emoties op ons taalgedrag, al lijkt er een bijzonder en essentieel verband te zijn tussen emoties en gesproken taal. Om dit verder te onderzoeken, hebben we voor dit proefschrift vier experimenten gedaan, waarbij we hebben gekeken naar de invloed van emoties op de communicatie tussen gesprekspartners in een dialoog. Deze vier experimenten zijn geĂŻnspireerd op eerder onderzoek, waarbij we aan de ene kant proberen de resultaten van dat onderzoek te bevestigen (replicatie), en aan de andere kant er op voort te bouwen. Omdat het grootste deel van onze experimenten in meer natuurlijke situaties plaatsvonden, zoals spontane gesprekken tussen twee proefpersonen, zijn onze resultaten beter te generaliseren naar het dagelijkse leven dan het meeste onderzoek waarop ons proefschrift is gebaseerd. Voor onze experimenten hebben we het taalgedrag bestudeerd van studenten, waarbij we bij ĂŠĂŠn experiment ook een steekproef van mensen met autisme hebben onderzocht. De bevindingen van dit proefschrift laat zien dat er een belangrijke, maar soms subtiele relatie is tussen emotie en gesproken taal. Zo hebben we gevonden dat mensen die objecten aan elkaar beschrijven zich iets meer aan elkaars woordkeuze aanpassen als ze de emotie walging ervaren, dan wanneer ze zich geamuseerd voelen. Ook vonden we dat emoties invloed hebben op hoe mensen met elkaar communiceren over gevoelige onderwerpen zoals pesten, waarbij mensen in een negatieve stemming vaak op een meer indirecte manier vragen stellen aan hun gesprekspartner dan mensen in een positieve stemming. We vonden dit effect echter alleen bij een groep mensen met autisme en niet bij mensen zonder autisme. Gebaseerd op de resultaten van onze experimenten kunnen we concluderen dat gevoelens een invloed hebben op hoe mensen (met elkaar) communiceren, waarbij zowel onze sociale gedrag als ons taalgebruik wordt beĂŻnvloed door onze emoties

    Machine Learning for Seismic Exploration: where are we and how far are we from the Holy Grail?

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    Machine Learning (ML) applications in seismic exploration are growing faster than applications in other industry fields, mainly due to the large amount of acquired data for the exploration industry. The ML algorithms are constantly being implemented to almost all the steps involved in seismic processing and interpretation workflow, mainly for automation, processing time reduction, efficiency and in some cases for improving the results. We carried out a literature-based analysis of existing ML-based seismic processing and interpretation published in SEG and EAGE literature repositories and derived a detailed overview of the main ML thrusts in different seismic applications. For each publication, we extracted various metadata about ML implementations and performances. The data indicate that current ML implementations in seismic exploration are focused on individual tasks rather than a disruptive change in processing and interpretation workflows. The metadata shows that the main targets of ML applications for seismic processing are denoising, velocity model building and first break picking, whereas for seismic interpretation, they are fault detection, lithofacies classification and geo-body identification. Through the metadata available in publications, we obtained indices related to computational power efficiency, data preparation simplicity, real data test rate of the ML model, diversity of ML methods, etc. and we used them to approximate the level of efficiency, effectivity and applicability of the current ML-based seismic processing and interpretation tasks. The indices of ML-based processing tasks show that current ML-based denoising and frequency extrapolation have higher efficiency, whereas ML-based QC is more effective and applicable compared to other processing tasks. Among the interpretation tasks, ML-based impedance inversion shows high efficiency, whereas high effectivity is depicted for fault detection. ML-based Lithofacies classification, stratigraphic sequence identification and petro/rock properties inversion exhibit high applicability among other interpretation tasks

    Social resonance and embodied coordination in face-to-face conversation with artificial interlocutors

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    Kopp S. Social resonance and embodied coordination in face-to-face conversation with artificial interlocutors. Speech Communication. 2010;52(6):587-597.Human natural face-to-face communication is characterized by inter-personal coordination. In this paper, phenomena are analyzed that yield coordination of behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes between interaction partners, which can be tied to a concept of establishing social resonance. It is discussed whether these mechanisms can and should be transferred to conversation with artificial interlocutors like ECAs or humanoid robots. It is argued that one major step in this direction is embodied coordination, mutual adaptations that are mediated by flexible modules for the top-down production and bottom-up perception of expressive conversational behavior that ground in and, crucially, coalesce in the same sensorimotor structures. Work on modeling this for ECAs with a focus on coverbal gestures is presented. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Aeronautical Engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 110

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    This bibliography lists 504 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in May 1979

    Stochastic processes and interaction dynamics in bacterial competition

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    Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications

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    This book of Proceedings collects the papers presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, MAVEBA 2003, held 10-12 December 2003, Firenze, Italy. The workshop is organised every two years, and aims to stimulate contacts between specialists active in research and industrial developments, in the area of voice analysis for biomedical applications. The scope of the Workshop includes all aspects of voice modelling and analysis, ranging from fundamental research to all kinds of biomedical applications and related established and advanced technologies

    Design requirements for SRB production control system. Volume 5: Appendices

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    A questionnaire to be used to screen potential candidate production control software packages is presented

    Making in the moment: The dynamic cognition of musicians-in-action

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    Watching highly-skilled experts in the midst of improvised performance can be a source of mystification and wonder. Understanding this mystery in more detail, especially for music, is a major motivation for my dissertation. Moreover, while there are multiple avenues through which one could explore improvisation, I will primarily utilize the tools of embodied cognitive science to help better understand it in general and bebop jazz improvisation in particular. I furthermore consider possible ways to define improvisation as an essential precondition of my project.In what follows, I will not defend one type of embodied approach over all alternatives. Instead, I will consider improvisation in light of three different strands of research: shared intentions, ecological psychology (especially in regards to a theory of affordances), and predictive processing. The focus on these strands, taken both as individual research programs and a single unit of analysis, closely mirrors the essential core commitment of embodiment by providing a dynamic account that spans brain, body, and world. It likewise does so in ways that reject any neat partition of inputs, cognition, and output.For shared intentions, the main issue I will explore concerns how to best account for the dynamic moment-to-moment engagement of musicians with each other, especially in light of improvisation as an intentional activity, and covering the differences from novices to experts in bebop performance. For a theory of affordances, the focus will be on the interplay between a skilled agent and a structured environment as an essential part of musical perception and action. Finally, for predictive processing, a picture of the brain as a predictive, anticipatory engine takes center stage to explain how musicians can respond to the extremely fast time constraints that are part of musical performance. I will also consider how novelty can be accounted for on predictive processing accounts. Through considerations of these different areas, the impacts of embodied approaches will be further clarified and help us to better model, understand, and appreciate the cognition of musicians-in-action

    D5.1 SHM digital twin requirements for residential, industrial buildings and bridges

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    This deliverable presents a report of the needs for structural control on buildings (initial imperfections, deflections at service, stability, rheology) and on bridges (vibrations, modal shapes, deflections, stresses) based on state-of-the-art image-based and sensor-based techniques. To this end, the deliverable identifies and describes strategies that encompass state-of-the-art instrumentation and control for infrastructures (SHM technologies).Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::8 - Treball Decent i Creixement EconòmicObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraPreprin
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