295 research outputs found

    Fault Tolerance in the Parareal Method

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    Parallel-in-time integration is an often advocated approach for extracting parallelism in the solution of PDEs beyond what is possible using spacial domain decomposition tech- niques. Due to the comparatively low parallel efficiency of parallel-in-time integration techniques, they are primar- ily of interest as an extension for classical approaches at parallelism. As such, potential applications are expected to scale across several hundreds, or possibly thousands of nodes, making algorithmic resilience towards hardware in- duced errors highly relevant. In this work we develop a scheduling scheme for the parareal algorithm that is resilient to node-loss. The fault-tolerant scheme is based on a popu- lar approach introduced by E. Aubanel in [1], modified with a set of MPI interface extensions for implementing recov- ery strategies available in the ULFM framework. In ad- dition, we demonstrate how the parareal algorithm may be made resilient towards Silent-Data-Corruption (SDC) errors by viewing it as a point-iterative method, locally monitor- ing the residual between consecutive iterations so to discard potentially corrupt iterations

    Toward fault-tolerant parallel-in-time integration with PFASST

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    We introduce and analyze different strategies for the parallel-in-time integration method PFASST to recover from hard faults and subsequent data loss. Since PFASST stores solutions at multiple time steps on different processors, information from adjacent steps can be used to recover after a processor has failed. PFASST's multi-level hierarchy allows to use the coarse level for correcting the reconstructed solution, which can help to minimize overhead. A theoretical model is devised linking overhead to the number of additional PFASST iterations required for convergence after a fault. The potential efficiency of different strategies is assessed in terms of required additional iterations for examples of diffusive and advective type

    Multiphysics simulations: challenges and opportunities.

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    Scaling and Resilience in Numerical Algorithms for Exascale Computing

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    The first Petascale supercomputer, the IBM Roadrunner, went online in 2008. Ten years later, the community is now looking ahead to a new generation of Exascale machines. During the decade that has passed, several hundred Petascale capable machines have been installed worldwide, yet despite the abundance of machines, applications that scale to their full size remain rare. Large clusters now routinely have 50.000+ cores, some have several million. This extreme level of parallelism, that has allowed a theoretical compute capacity in excess of a million billion operations per second, turns out to be difficult to use in many applications of practical interest. Processors often end up spending more time waiting for synchronization, communication, and other coordinating operations to complete, rather than actually computing. Component reliability is another challenge facing HPC developers. If even a single processor fail, among many thousands, the user is forced to restart traditional applications, wasting valuable compute time. These issues collectively manifest themselves as low parallel efficiency, resulting in waste of energy and computational resources. Future performance improvements are expected to continue to come in large part due to increased parallelism. One may therefore speculate that the difficulties currently faced, when scaling applications to Petascale machines, will progressively worsen, making it difficult for scientists to harness the full potential of Exascale computing. The thesis comprises two parts. Each part consists of several chapters discussing modifications of numerical algorithms to make them better suited for future Exascale machines. In the first part, the use of Parareal for Parallel-in-Time integration techniques for scalable numerical solution of partial differential equations is considered. We propose a new adaptive scheduler that optimize the parallel efficiency by minimizing the time-subdomain length without making communication of time-subdomains too costly. In conjunction with an appropriate preconditioner, we demonstrate that it is possible to obtain time-parallel speedup on the nonlinear shallow water equation, beyond what is possible using conventional spatial domain-decomposition techniques alone. The part is concluded with the proposal of a new method for constructing Parallel-in-Time integration schemes better suited for convection dominated problems. In the second part, new ways of mitigating the impact of hardware failures are developed and presented. The topic is introduced with the creation of a new fault-tolerant variant of Parareal. In the chapter that follows, a C++ Library for multi-level checkpointing is presented. The library uses lightweight in-memory checkpoints, protected trough the use of erasure codes, to mitigate the impact of failures by decreasing the overhead of checkpointing and minimizing the compute work lost. Erasure codes have the unfortunate property that if more data blocks are lost than parity codes created, the data is effectively considered unrecoverable. The final chapter contains a preliminary study on partial information recovery for incomplete checksums. Under the assumption that some meta knowledge exists on the structure of the data encoded, we show that the data lost may be recovered, at least partially. This result is of interest not only in HPC but also in data centers where erasure codes are widely used to protect data efficiently

    Scientific Grand Challenges: Crosscutting Technologies for Computing at the Exascale - February 2-4, 2010, Washington, D.C.

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    The goal of the "Scientific Grand Challenges - Crosscutting Technologies for Computing at the Exascale" workshop in February 2010, jointly sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research and the National Nuclear Security Administration, was to identify the elements of a research and development agenda that will address these challenges and create a comprehensive exascale computing environment. This exascale computing environment will enable the science applications identified in the eight previously held Scientific Grand Challenges Workshop Series

    Combined Industry, Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop

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    The sixth annual Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop and the third annual Data Compression Industry Workshop were held as a single combined workshop. The workshop was held April 4, 1996 in Snowbird, Utah in conjunction with the 1996 IEEE Data Compression Conference, which was held at the same location March 31 - April 3, 1996. The Space and Earth Science Data Compression sessions seek to explore opportunities for data compression to enhance the collection, analysis, and retrieval of space and earth science data. Of particular interest is data compression research that is integrated into, or has the potential to be integrated into, a particular space or earth science data information system. Preference is given to data compression research that takes into account the scien- tist's data requirements, and the constraints imposed by the data collection, transmission, distribution and archival systems
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