57,750 research outputs found

    Formation Of Socio-economic Development Strategy Of Construction Enterprises

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    The improvement of economic and social results of the current activity of a construction enterprise and future development of the socio-economic system is possible by forming and accepting complex arrangements within the mechanism of rationalization of cooperation between elements of the system of construction activity management, directed on establishing the organizational structure, providing balance between existent resources and establishing future aims for achieving economic and social results, observing the functional destination and objective orientation of technological and resource elements of the management system of the socio-economic development. The conducted studies established that the strategy must provide arrangements as to improvement of the economic mechanism, system of management and planning, economic stimulation, creation of conditions for the effective use of the production potential of an economic enterprise. It was proved, that they are in: realization of profound marketing studies for determining a consumption demand for final construction products in whole and by their most important groups and usage directions; formation of alternative variants of creating final products, taking into account the structure of needs in them and within resources, allotted for the development of a construction enterprise; choice of a variant that mostly satisfies needs for a new strategy, solving socio-economic tasks at least costs, getting the proper quality of products and raising a competitiveness level of the production potential of a construction enterprise. It allows to state that the development project of a construction enterprise must be based on multi-criteria optimization, oriented on getting the maximal profit and maximal satisfaction of the consumption demand of products, presented on internal and external markets at raising their competitiveness

    LLM for SoC Security: A Paradigm Shift

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    As the ubiquity and complexity of system-on-chip (SoC) designs increase across electronic devices, the task of incorporating security into an SoC design flow poses significant challenges. Existing security solutions are inadequate to provide effective verification of modern SoC designs due to their limitations in scalability, comprehensiveness, and adaptability. On the other hand, Large Language Models (LLMs) are celebrated for their remarkable success in natural language understanding, advanced reasoning, and program synthesis tasks. Recognizing an opportunity, our research delves into leveraging the emergent capabilities of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) to address the existing gaps in SoC security, aiming for a more efficient, scalable, and adaptable methodology. By integrating LLMs into the SoC security verification paradigm, we open a new frontier of possibilities and challenges to ensure the security of increasingly complex SoCs. This paper offers an in-depth analysis of existing works, showcases practical case studies, demonstrates comprehensive experiments, and provides useful promoting guidelines. We also present the achievements, prospects, and challenges of employing LLM in different SoC security verification tasks.Comment: 42 page

    Theoretical results of research on spatial and territorial development (with examples on the european north of Russia)

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    This article focuses primarily on the correlation between the concepts of “spatial” and “territorial” development. It is shown that, while differing in their content, these concepts substantially complement each other when it comes to specific research studies. In this case, the topic of spatial development includes considering the general areas for the location of productive forces, geographic dimension of the specific types of economic activities, economic measurement of distances, linear communications and a network structure of the economy while. In the topic of territorial development, the author introduces the territory itself as a natural and economic capital and territorial economic management based on such capital. The study of spatial and territorial aspects of socio-economic development in the European North of Russia (ENR) showed that its immediate future is associated not so much with the large projects aimed at creating new fuel and energy, mineral and raw material, or forestry bases, as with the improvement in the existing economic systems based on scientific and technological progress and interregional integration. The progression from developed territories to new Arctic and Northern locations is associated with tremendous costs and requires time for scientific and technical preparation. The modernization of existing production facilities, territorial and production complexes is a priority in the development of productive forces in ENR. The author proposes to apply the theoretical provisions and practical recommendations formulated as a result of studying the spatial and territorial development in the elaboration of government strategic planning documents. Currently, the practice of strategic planning does not fully consider the substance of such concepts as “spatial development” and “territorial development.” This incompleteness is so significant that overcoming it should be considered as one of the key objectives pursued by the regional policy

    Do Chatbots Dream of Androids? Prospects for the Technological Development of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

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    The article discusses the main trends in the development of artificial intelligence systems and robotics (AI&R). The main question that is considered in this context is whether artificial systems are going to become more and more anthropomorphic, both intellectually and physically. In the current article, the author analyzes the current state and prospects of technological development of artificial intelligence and robotics, and also determines the main aspects of the impact of these technologies on society and economy, indicating the geopolitical strategic nature of this influence. The author considers various approaches to the definition of artificial intelligence and robotics, focusing on the subject-oriented and functional ones. It also compares AI&R abilities and human abilities in areas such as categorization, pattern recognition, planning and decision making, etc. Based on this comparison, we investigate in which areas AI&R’s performance is inferior to a human, and in which cases it is superior to one. The modern achievements in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence create the necessary basis for further discussion of the applicability of goal setting in engineering, in the form of a Turing test. It is shown that development of AI&R is associated with certain contradictions that impede the application of Turing’s methodology in its usual format. The basic contradictions in the development of AI&R technologies imply that there is to be a transition to a post-Turing methodology for assessing engineering implementations of artificial intelligence and robotics. In such implementations, on the one hand, the ‘Turing wall’ is removed, and on the other hand, artificial intelligence gets its physical implementation

    IMBER – Research for marine sustainability: Synthesis and the way forward

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    The Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) project aims at developing a comprehensive understanding of and accurate predictive capacity of ocean responses to accelerating global change and the consequent effects on the Earth system and human society. Understanding the changing ecology and biogeochemistry of marine ecosystems and their sensitivity and resilience to multiple drivers, pressures and stressors is critical to developing responses that will help reduce the vulnerability of marine-dependent human communities. This overview of the IMBER project provides a synthesis of project achievements and highlights the value of collaborative, interdisciplinary, integrated research approaches as developed and implemented through IMBER regional programs, working groups, project-wide activities, national contributions, and external partnerships. A perspective is provided on the way forward for the next 10 years of the IMBER project as the global environmental change research landscape evolves and as new areas of marine research emerge. IMBER science aims to foster collaborative, interdisciplinary and integrated research that addresses key ocean and social science issues and provides the understanding needed to propose innovative societal responses to changing marine systems

    GMOs: Prospects for Increased Crop Productivity in Developing Countries

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    Genetically Modified Crops (GMO foods) have been widely available to farmers since 1996. The Gene Revolution, based on recombinant DNA (rDNA) genetic engineering techniques, is seen by proponents as both supplanting Green Revolution varieties, based on conventional plant breeding techniques, and potentially enabling "disadvantaged" production environments, unreached by Green Revolution varieties to achieve productivity improvements. This paper argues that the private firms supplying GM crop products have generally had little interest in selling products in disadvantaged production environments. The paper also argues that present rDNA techniques allow only static gains from specific "trait" improvements. But these GM products can be installed on Green Revolution varieties where continued dynamic varietal improvement is possible. As a consequence, the Gene Revolution complements the Green Revolution, and because trait incorporation expands area planted to Green Revolution varieties, there is potential for productivity improvement in disadvantaged environments.Genetically Modified Foods, Genetic Engineering

    Signaling the Competencies of High School Students to Employers

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    [Excerpt] The fundamental cause of the low effort level of American students, parents, and voters in school elections is the absence of good signals of effort and accomplishment and the consequent lack of rewards for learning. In most other advanced countries mastery of the curriculum is assessed by examinations that are set and graded at the national or regional level. Grades on these exams signal the student\u27s achievement to employers and colleges and influence the jobs that graduates get and the universities and programs to which they are admitted. Exam results also influence school reputations and in some countries the number of students applying for admission to the school. In the United States, by contrast, students take aptitude tests that are not intended to assess the learning that has occurred in most of the classes taken in high school. The primary signals of academic achievement are diplomas awarded for time spent in school and grades and rank in class—criteria that assess achievement relative to other students in the school or classroom, not relative to an external standard

    Future space transport

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    Prospects for the mastery of space and the basic problems which must be solved in developing systems for both manned and cargo spacecraft are examined. The achievements and flaws of rocket boosters are discussed as well as the use of reusable spacecraft. The need for orbiting satellite solar power plants and related astrionics for active control of large space structures for space stations and colonies in an age of space industrialization is demonstrated. Various forms of spacecraft propulsion are described including liquid propellant rocket engines, nuclear reactors, thermonuclear rocket engines, electrorocket engines, electromagnetic engines, magnetic gas dynamic generators, electromagnetic mass accelerators (rail guns), laser rocket engines, pulse nuclear rocket engines, ramjet thermonuclear rocket engines, and photon rockets. The possibilities of interstellar flight are assessed

    A Scientific Roadmap for Antibiotic Discovery: A Sustained and Robust Pipeline of New Antibacterial Drugs and Therapies is Critical to Preserve Public Health

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    In recent decades, the discovery and development of new antibiotics have slowed dramatically as scientific barriers to drug discovery, regulatory challenges, and diminishing returns on investment have led major drug companies to scale back or abandon their antibiotic research. Consequently, antibiotic discovery—which peaked in the 1950s—has dropped precipitously. Of greater concern is the fact that nearly all antibiotics brought to market over the past 30 years have been variations on existing drugs. Every currently available antibiotic is a derivative of a class discovered between the early 1900s and 1984.At the same time, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens has accelerated, giving rise to life-threatening infections that will not respond to available antibiotic treatment. Inevitably, the more that antibiotics are used, the more that bacteria develop resistance—rendering the drugs less effective and leading public health authorities worldwide to flag antibiotic resistance as an urgent and growing public health threat