5,551 research outputs found

    An Experimental Study of Reduced-Voltage Operation in Modern FPGAs for Neural Network Acceleration

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    We empirically evaluate an undervolting technique, i.e., underscaling the circuit supply voltage below the nominal level, to improve the power-efficiency of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) accelerators mapped to Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Undervolting below a safe voltage level can lead to timing faults due to excessive circuit latency increase. We evaluate the reliability-power trade-off for such accelerators. Specifically, we experimentally study the reduced-voltage operation of multiple components of real FPGAs, characterize the corresponding reliability behavior of CNN accelerators, propose techniques to minimize the drawbacks of reduced-voltage operation, and combine undervolting with architectural CNN optimization techniques, i.e., quantization and pruning. We investigate the effect of environmental temperature on the reliability-power trade-off of such accelerators. We perform experiments on three identical samples of modern Xilinx ZCU102 FPGA platforms with five state-of-the-art image classification CNN benchmarks. This approach allows us to study the effects of our undervolting technique for both software and hardware variability. We achieve more than 3X power-efficiency (GOPs/W) gain via undervolting. 2.6X of this gain is the result of eliminating the voltage guardband region, i.e., the safe voltage region below the nominal level that is set by FPGA vendor to ensure correct functionality in worst-case environmental and circuit conditions. 43% of the power-efficiency gain is due to further undervolting below the guardband, which comes at the cost of accuracy loss in the CNN accelerator. We evaluate an effective frequency underscaling technique that prevents this accuracy loss, and find that it reduces the power-efficiency gain from 43% to 25%.Comment: To appear at the DSN 2020 conferenc

    Power efficient job scheduling by predicting the impact of processor manufacturing variability

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    Modern CPUs suffer from performance and power consumption variability due to the manufacturing process. As a result, systems that do not consider such variability caused by manufacturing issues lead to performance degradations and wasted power. In order to avoid such negative impact, users and system administrators must actively counteract any manufacturing variability. In this work we show that parallel systems benefit from taking into account the consequences of manufacturing variability when making scheduling decisions at the job scheduler level. We also show that it is possible to predict the impact of this variability on specific applications by using variability-aware power prediction models. Based on these power models, we propose two job scheduling policies that consider the effects of manufacturing variability for each application and that ensure that power consumption stays under a system-wide power budget. We evaluate our policies under different power budgets and traffic scenarios, consisting of both single- and multi-node parallel applications, utilizing up to 4096 cores in total. We demonstrate that they decrease job turnaround time, compared to contemporary scheduling policies used on production clusters, up to 31% while saving up to 5.5% energy.Postprint (author's final draft

    An Intelligent Framework for Energy-Aware Mobile Computing Subject to Stochastic System Dynamics

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    abstract: User satisfaction is pivotal to the success of mobile applications. At the same time, it is imperative to maximize the energy efficiency of the mobile device to ensure optimal usage of the limited energy source available to mobile devices while maintaining the necessary levels of user satisfaction. However, this is complicated due to user interactions, numerous shared resources, and network conditions that produce substantial uncertainty to the mobile device's performance and power characteristics. In this dissertation, a new approach is presented to characterize and control mobile devices that accurately models these uncertainties. The proposed modeling framework is a completely data-driven approach to predicting power and performance. The approach makes no assumptions on the distributions of the underlying sources of uncertainty and is capable of predicting power and performance with over 93% accuracy. Using this data-driven prediction framework, a closed-loop solution to the DEM problem is derived to maximize the energy efficiency of the mobile device subject to various thermal, reliability and deadline constraints. The design of the controller imposes minimal operational overhead and is able to tune the performance and power prediction models to changing system conditions. The proposed controller is implemented on a real mobile platform, the Google Pixel smartphone, and demonstrates a 19% improvement in energy efficiency over the standard frequency governor implemented on all Android devices.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Engineering 201

    Comprehensive characterization of an open source document search engine

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    This work performs a thorough characterization and analysis of the open source Lucene search library. The article describes in detail the architecture, functionality, and micro-architectural behavior of the search engine, and investigates prominent online document search research issues. In particular, we study how intra-server index partitioning affects the response time and throughput, explore the potential use of low power servers for document search, and examine the sources of performance degradation ands the causes of tail latencies. Some of our main conclusions are the following: (a) intra-server index partitioning can reduce tail latencies but with diminishing benefits as incoming query traffic increases, (b) low power servers given enough partitioning can provide same average and tail response times as conventional high performance servers, (c) index search is a CPU-intensive cache-friendly application, and (d) C-states are the main culprits for performance degradation in document search.Web of Science162art. no. 1

    A Survey of Phase Classification Techniques for Characterizing Variable Application Behavior

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    Adaptable computing is an increasingly important paradigm that specializes system resources to variable application requirements, environmental conditions, or user requirements. Adapting computing resources to variable application requirements (or application phases) is otherwise known as phase-based optimization. Phase-based optimization takes advantage of application phases, or execution intervals of an application, that behave similarly, to enable effective and beneficial adaptability. In order for phase-based optimization to be effective, the phases must first be classified to determine when application phases begin and end, and ensure that system resources are accurately specialized. In this paper, we present a survey of phase classification techniques that have been proposed to exploit the advantages of adaptable computing through phase-based optimization. We focus on recent techniques and classify these techniques with respect to several factors in order to highlight their similarities and differences. We divide the techniques by their major defining characteristics---online/offline and serial/parallel. In addition, we discuss other characteristics such as prediction and detection techniques, the characteristics used for prediction, interval type, etc. We also identify gaps in the state-of-the-art and discuss future research directions to enable and fully exploit the benefits of adaptable computing.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS

    An experimental study of reduced-voltage operation in modern FPGAs for neural network acceleration

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    We empirically evaluate an undervolting technique, i.e., underscaling the circuit supply voltage below the nominal level, to improve the power-efficiency of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) accelerators mapped to Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Undervolting below a safe voltage level can lead to timing faults due to excessive circuit latency increase. We evaluate the reliability-power trade-off for such accelerators. Specifically, we experimentally study the reduced-voltage operation of multiple components of real FPGAs, characterize the corresponding reliability behavior of CNN accelerators, propose techniques to minimize the drawbacks of reduced-voltage operation, and combine undervolting with architectural CNN optimization techniques, i.e., quantization and pruning. We investigate the effect ofenvironmental temperature on the reliability-power trade-off of such accelerators. We perform experiments on three identical samples of modern Xilinx ZCU102 FPGA platforms with five state-of-the-art image classification CNN benchmarks. This approach allows us to study the effects of our undervolting technique for both software and hardware variability. We achieve more than 3X power-efficiency (GOPs/W ) gain via undervolting. 2.6X of this gain is the result of eliminating the voltage guardband region, i.e., the safe voltage region below the nominal level that is set by FPGA vendor to ensure correct functionality in worst-case environmental and circuit conditions. 43% of the power-efficiency gain is due to further undervolting below the guardband, which comes at the cost of accuracy loss in the CNN accelerator. We evaluate an effective frequency underscaling technique that prevents this accuracy loss, and find that it reduces the power-efficiency gain from 43% to 25%.The work done for this paper was partially supported by a HiPEAC Collaboration Grant funded by the H2020 HiPEAC Project under grant agreement No. 779656. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme under the LEGaTO Project (www.legato-project.eu), grant agreement No. 780681.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fairness-aware scheduling on single-ISA heterogeneous multi-cores

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    Single-ISA heterogeneous multi-cores consisting of small (e.g., in-order) and big (e.g., out-of-order) cores dramatically improve energy- and power-efficiency by scheduling workloads on the most appropriate core type. A significant body of recent work has focused on improving system throughput through scheduling. However, none of the prior work has looked into fairness. Yet, guaranteeing that all threads make equal progress on heterogeneous multi-cores is of utmost importance for both multi-threaded and multi-program workloads to improve performance and quality-of-service. Furthermore, modern operating systems affinitize workloads to cores (pinned scheduling) which dramatically affects fairness on heterogeneous multi-cores. In this paper, we propose fairness-aware scheduling for single-ISA heterogeneous multi-cores, and explore two flavors for doing so. Equal-time scheduling runs each thread or workload on each core type for an equal fraction of the time, whereas equal-progress scheduling strives at getting equal amounts of work done on each core type. Our experimental results demonstrate an average 14% (and up to 25%) performance improvement over pinned scheduling through fairness-aware scheduling for homogeneous multi-threaded workloads; equal-progress scheduling improves performance by 32% on average for heterogeneous multi-threaded workloads. Further, we report dramatic improvements in fairness over prior scheduling proposals for multi-program workloads, while achieving system throughput comparable to throughput-optimized scheduling, and an average 21% improvement in throughput over pinned scheduling

    Towards resource-aware computing for task-based runtimes and parallel architectures

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    Current large scale systems show increasing power demands, to the point that it has become a huge strain on facilities and budgets. The increasing restrictions in terms of power consumption of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and data centers have forced hardware vendors to include power capping capabilities in their commodity processors. Power capping opens up new opportunities for applications to directly manage their power behavior at user level. However, constraining power consumption causes the individual sockets of a parallel system to deliver different performance levels under the same power cap, even when they are equally designed, which is an effect caused by manufacturing variability. Modern chips suffer from heterogeneous power consumption due to manufacturing issues, a problem known as manufacturing or process variability. As a result, systems that do not consider such variability caused by manufacturing issues lead to performance degradations and wasted power. In order to avoid such negative impact, users and system administrators must actively counteract any manufacturing variability. In this thesis we show that parallel systems benefit from taking into account the consequences of manufacturing variability, in terms of both performance and energy efficiency. In order to evaluate our work we have also implemented our own task-based version of the PARSEC benchmark suite. This allows to test our methodology using state-of-the-art parallelization techniques and real world workloads. We present two approaches to mitigate manufacturing variability, by power redistribution at runtime level and by power- and variability-aware job scheduling at system-wide level. A parallel runtime system can be used to effectively deal with this new kind of performance heterogeneity by compensating the uneven effects of power capping. In the context of a NUMA node composed of several multi core sockets, our system is able to optimize the energy and concurrency levels assigned to each socket to maximize performance. Applied transparently within the parallel runtime system, it does not require any programmer interaction like changing the application source code or manually reconfiguring the parallel system. We compare our novel runtime analysis with an offline approach and demonstrate that it can achieve equal performance at a fraction of the cost. The next approach presented in this theis, we show that it is possible to predict the impact of this variability on specific applications by using variability-aware power prediction models. Based on these power models, we propose two job scheduling policies that consider the effects of manufacturing variability for each application and that ensures that power consumption stays under a system wide power budget. We evaluate our policies under different power budgets and traffic scenarios, consisting of both single- and multi-node parallel applications.Los sistemas modernos de gran escala muestran crecientes demandas de energía, hasta el punto de que se ha convertido en una gran presión para las instalaciones y los presupuestos. Las restricciones crecientes de consumo de energía de los sistemas de alto rendimiento (HPC) y los centros de datos han obligado a los proveedores de hardware a incluir capacidades de limitación de energía en sus procesadores. La limitación de energía abre nuevas oportunidades para que las aplicaciones administren directamente su comportamiento de energía a nivel de usuario. Sin embargo, la restricción en el consumo de energía de sockets individuales de un sistema paralelo resulta en diferentes niveles de rendimiento, por el mismo límite de potencia, incluso cuando están diseñados por igual. Esto es un efecto causado durante el proceso de la fabricación. Los chips modernos sufren de un consumo de energía heterogéneo debido a problemas de fabricación, un problema conocido como variabilidad del proceso o fabricación. Como resultado, los sistemas que no consideran este tipo de variabilidad causada por problemas de fabricación conducen a degradaciones del rendimiento y desperdicio de energía. Para evitar dicho impacto negativo, los usuarios y administradores del sistema deben contrarrestar activamente cualquier variabilidad de fabricación. En esta tesis, demostramos que los sistemas paralelos se benefician de tener en cuenta las consecuencias de la variabilidad de la fabricación, tanto en términos de rendimiento como de eficiencia energética. Para evaluar nuestro trabajo, también hemos implementado nuestra propia versión del paquete de aplicaciones de prueba PARSEC, basada en tareas paralelos. Esto permite probar nuestra metodología utilizando técnicas avanzadas de paralelización con cargas de trabajo del mundo real. Presentamos dos enfoques para mitigar la variabilidad de fabricación, mediante la redistribución de la energía a durante la ejecución de las aplicaciones y mediante la programación de trabajos a nivel de todo el sistema. Se puede utilizar un sistema runtime paralelo para tratar con eficacia este nuevo tipo de heterogeneidad de rendimiento, compensando los efectos desiguales de la limitación de potencia. En el contexto de un nodo NUMA compuesto de varios sockets y núcleos, nuestro sistema puede optimizar los niveles de energía y concurrencia asignados a cada socket para maximizar el rendimiento. Aplicado de manera transparente dentro del sistema runtime paralelo, no requiere ninguna interacción del programador como cambiar el código fuente de la aplicación o reconfigurar manualmente el sistema paralelo. Comparamos nuestro novedoso análisis de runtime con los resultados óptimos, obtenidos de una análisis manual exhaustiva, y demostramos que puede lograr el mismo rendimiento a una fracción del costo. El siguiente enfoque presentado en esta tesis, muestra que es posible predecir el impacto de la variabilidad de fabricación en aplicaciones específicas mediante el uso de modelos de predicción de potencia conscientes de la variabilidad. Basados ​​en estos modelos de predicción de energía, proponemos dos políticas de programación de trabajos que consideran los efectos de la variabilidad de fabricación para cada aplicación y que aseguran que el consumo se mantiene bajo un presupuesto de energía de todo el sistema. Evaluamos nuestras políticas con diferentes presupuestos de energía y escenarios de tráfico, que consisten en aplicaciones paralelas que corren en uno o varios nodos