4,424 research outputs found

    Airborne LiDAR for DEM generation: some critical issues

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    Airborne LiDAR is one of the most effective and reliable means of terrain data collection. Using LiDAR data for DEM generation is becoming a standard practice in spatial related areas. However, the effective processing of the raw LiDAR data and the generation of an efficient and high-quality DEM remain big challenges. This paper reviews the recent advances of airborne LiDAR systems and the use of LiDAR data for DEM generation, with special focus on LiDAR data filters, interpolation methods, DEM resolution, and LiDAR data reduction. Separating LiDAR points into ground and non-ground is the most critical and difficult step for DEM generation from LiDAR data. Commonly used and most recently developed LiDAR filtering methods are presented. Interpolation methods and choices of suitable interpolator and DEM resolution for LiDAR DEM generation are discussed in detail. In order to reduce the data redundancy and increase the efficiency in terms of storage and manipulation, LiDAR data reduction is required in the process of DEM generation. Feature specific elements such as breaklines contribute significantly to DEM quality. Therefore, data reduction should be conducted in such a way that critical elements are kept while less important elements are removed. Given the highdensity characteristic of LiDAR data, breaklines can be directly extracted from LiDAR data. Extraction of breaklines and integration of the breaklines into DEM generation are presented

    Evaluating the Differences of Gridding Techniques for Digital Elevation Models Generation and Their Influence on the Modeling of Stony Debris Flows Routing: A Case Study From Rovina di Cancia Basin (North-Eastern Italian Alps)

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    Debris \ufb02ows are among the most hazardous phenomena in mountain areas. To cope with debris \ufb02ow hazard, it is common to delineate the risk-prone areas through routing models. The most important input to debris \ufb02ow routing models are the topographic data, usually in the form of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). The quality of DEMs depends on the accuracy, density, and spatial distribution of the sampled points; on the characteristics of the surface; and on the applied gridding methodology. Therefore, the choice of the interpolation method affects the realistic representation of the channel and fan morphology, and thus potentially the debris \ufb02ow routing modeling outcomes. In this paper, we initially investigate the performance of common interpolation methods (i.e., linear triangulation, natural neighbor, nearest neighbor, Inverse Distance to a Power, ANUDEM, Radial Basis Functions, and ordinary kriging) in building DEMs with the complex topography of a debris \ufb02ow channel located in the Venetian Dolomites (North-eastern Italian Alps), by using small footprint full- waveform Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data. The investigation is carried out through a combination of statistical analysis of vertical accuracy, algorithm robustness, and spatial clustering of vertical errors, and multi-criteria shape reliability assessment. After that, we examine the in\ufb02uence of the tested interpolation algorithms on the performance of a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based cell model for simulating stony debris \ufb02ows routing. In detail, we investigate both the correlation between the DEMs heights uncertainty resulting from the gridding procedure and that on the corresponding simulated erosion/deposition depths, both the effect of interpolation algorithms on simulated areas, erosion and deposition volumes, solid-liquid discharges, and channel morphology after the event. The comparison among the tested interpolation methods highlights that the ANUDEM and ordinary kriging algorithms are not suitable for building DEMs with complex topography. Conversely, the linear triangulation, the natural neighbor algorithm, and the thin-plate spline plus tension and completely regularized spline functions ensure the best trade-off among accuracy and shape reliability. Anyway, the evaluation of the effects of gridding techniques on debris \ufb02ow routing modeling reveals that the choice of the interpolation algorithm does not signi\ufb01cantly affect the model outcomes

    Heuristic 3d Reconstruction Of Irregular Spaced Lidar

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    As more data sources have become abundantly available, an increased interest in 3D reconstruction has emerged in the image processing academic community. Applications for 3D reconstruction of urban and residential buildings consist of urban planning, network planning for mobile communication, tourism information systems, spatial analysis of air pollution and noise nuisance, microclimate investigations, and Geographical Information Systems (GISs). Previous, classical, 3D reconstruction algorithms solely utilized aerial photography. With the advent of LIDAR systems, current algorithms explore using captured LIDAR data as an additional feasible source of information for 3D reconstruction. Preprocessing techniques are proposed for the development of an autonomous 3D Reconstruction algorithm. The algorithm is designed for autonomously deriving three dimensional models of urban and residential buildings from raw LIDAR data. First, a greedy insertion triangulation algorithm, modified with a proposed noise filtering technique, triangulates the raw LIDAR data. The normal vectors of those triangles are then passed to an unsupervised clustering algorithm – Fuzzy Simplified Adaptive Resonance Theory (Fuzzy SART). Fuzzy SART returns a rough grouping of coplanar triangles. A proposed multiple regression algorithm then further refines the coplanar grouping by further removing outliers and deriving an improved planar segmentation of the raw LIDAR data. Finally, further refinement is achieved by calculating the intersection of the best fit roof planes and moving nearby points close to that intersection to exist at the intersection, resulting in straight roof ridges. The end result of the aforementioned techniques culminates in a well defined model approximating the considered building depicted by the LIDAR data

    Interpolation routines assessment in ALS-derived Digital Elevation Models for forestry applications

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    Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) is capable of estimating a variety of forest parameters using different metrics extracted from the normalized heights of the point cloud using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). In this study, six interpolation routines were tested over a range of land cover and terrain roughness in order to generate a collection of DEMs with spatial resolution of 1 and 2 m. The accuracy of the DEMs was assessed twice, first using a test sample extracted from the ALS point cloud, second using a set of 55 ground control points collected with a high precision Global Positioning System (GPS). The effects of terrain slope, land cover, ground point density and pulse penetration on the interpolation error were examined stratifying the study area with these variables. In addition, a Classification and Regression Tree (CART) analysis allowed the development of a prediction uncertainty map to identify in which areas DEMs and Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) derived products may be of low quality. The Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) to raster interpolation method produced the best result in the validation process with the training data set while the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) routine was the best in the validation with GPS (RMSE of 2.68 cm and RMSE of 37.10 cm, respectively)

    Assessment of Unmanned Aerial Systems and lidar for the Utility Vegetation Management of Electrical Distribution Rights-of-Ways

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    Utility Vegetation Management (UVM) is often the largest maintenance expense for many utilities. However, with advances in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS; or more commonly, “drones”) and lidar technologies, vegetation managers may be able to more rapidly and accurately identify vegetation threats to critical infrastructures. The goal of this study was to assess the utility of Geodetics’ UAS-lidar system for vegetation threat assessment for 1.6 km of a distribution electric circuit. We investigated factors which contribute to accurate tree crown detection and segmentation of trees from within an UAS-lidar derived point cloud, and the factors which contribute to accurate tree risk assessment. The study adapted the International Society of Arboriculture’s (ISA) tree risk assessment methodology to the application of remotely sensed tree inventory. We utilized the lidar detected and segmented tree crowns for tree risk analysis based upon each tree’s height, elevation, and location in relation to the electrical infrastructure. The individual tree detection and segmentation results show that our canopy type parameter and the routine used for field- and lidar-derived tree matching to have the largest effect on the classification agreement of field and lidar derived datasets. The Threat Detection classification also demonstrated a significant effect due to our canopy modeling parameter, where single canopy models possessed higher average Kappa agreement statistic and divided canopy models detected a larger number of threats on average. Ultimately, our best model was capable of the correct detection, segmentation, matching, and classification of half of the field trees which were determined to be vegetation threats

    Spatial modelling of wetness for the Antarctic Dry Valleys

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    This paper describes a method used to model relative wetness for part of the Antarctic Dry Valleys using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing. The model produces a relative index of liquid water availability using variables that influence the volume and distribution of water. Remote sensing using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images collected over four years is used to calculate an average index of snow cover and this is combined with other water sources such as glaciers and lakes. This water source model is then used to weight a hydrological flow accumulation model that uses slope derived from Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) elevation data. The resulting wetness index is validated using three-dimensional visualization and a comparison with a high-resolution Advanced Land Observing Satellite image that shows drainage channels. This research demonstrates that it is possible to produce a wetness model of Antarctica using data that are becoming widely available

    The role of morphometric parameters in Digital Terrain Models interpolation accuracy: a case study

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    AbstractIn the present study different algorithms, usually available in GIS environment, are analyzed in order to spot an optimal interpolation methodology and to define, by classification techniques, which morphological variable affects the interpolation quality. The investigated dataset is a helicopter-borne laser scanner survey carried out on a mountain slope. It has been interpolated at various resolutions, and a percentage of the entire set has been employed to evaluate the interpolation accuracy.The analysis has highlighted, among the tested interpolators, the Natural Neighbour as the best one. The classification has drawn the attention to the total curvature and slope as the main factors affecting interpolation accuracy. The next goal is the mapping of such classification results

    Digital Elevation Models in Geomorphology

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    This chapter presents place of geomorphometry in contemporary geomorphology. The focus is on discussing digital elevation models (DEMs) that are the primary data source for the analysis. One has described the genesis and definition, main types, data sources and available free global DEMs. Then we focus on landform parameters, starting with primary morphometric parameters, then morphometric indices and at last examples of morphometric tools available in geographic information system (GIS) packages. The last section briefly discusses the landform classification systems which have arisen in recent years

    Land-Surface Parameters for Spatial Predictive Mapping and Modeling

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    Land-surface parameters derived from digital land surface models (DLSMs) (for example, slope, surface curvature, topographic position, topographic roughness, aspect, heat load index, and topographic moisture index) can serve as key predictor variables in a wide variety of mapping and modeling tasks relating to geomorphic processes, landform delineation, ecological and habitat characterization, and geohazard, soil, wetland, and general thematic mapping and modeling. However, selecting features from the large number of potential derivatives that may be predictive for a specific feature or process can be complicated, and existing literature may offer contradictory or incomplete guidance. The availability of multiple data sources and the need to define moving window shapes, sizes, and cell weightings further complicate selecting and optimizing the feature space. This review focuses on the calculation and use of DLSM parameters for empirical spatial predictive modeling applications, which rely on training data and explanatory variables to make predictions of landscape features and processes over a defined geographic extent. The target audience for this review is researchers and analysts undertaking predictive modeling tasks that make use of the most widely used terrain variables. To outline best practices and highlight future research needs, we review a range of land-surface parameters relating to steepness, local relief, rugosity, slope orientation, solar insolation, and moisture and characterize their relationship to geomorphic processes. We then discuss important considerations when selecting such parameters for predictive mapping and modeling tasks to assist analysts in answering two critical questions: What landscape conditions or processes does a given measure characterize? How might a particular metric relate to the phenomenon or features being mapped, modeled, or studied? We recommend the use of landscape- and problem-specific pilot studies to answer, to the extent possible, these questions for potential features of interest in a mapping or modeling task. We describe existing techniques to reduce the size of the feature space using feature selection and feature reduction methods, assess the importance or contribution of specific metrics, and parameterize moving windows or characterize the landscape at varying scales using alternative methods while highlighting strengths, drawbacks, and knowledge gaps for specific techniques. Recent developments, such as explainable machine learning and convolutional neural network (CNN)-based deep learning, may guide and/or minimize the need for feature space engineering and ease the use of DLSMs in predictive modeling tasks