68 research outputs found

    Acceptance sampling plans for percentiles based on the inverse Rayleigh distribution

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    In this article, acceptance sampling plans are developed for the inverse Rayleigh distribution percentiles when the life test is truncated at a pre-specified time. The minimum sample size necessary to ensure the specified life percentile is obtained under a given customer’s risk. The operating characteristic values (and curves) of the sampling plans as well as the producer’s risk are presented. Two examples with real data sets are also given as illustration

    Acceptance Sampling Plans for Percentiles Based on the Exponentiated Half Logistic Distribution

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    In this article, acceptance sampling plans are developed for the exponentiated half logistic distribution percentiles when the life test is truncated at a pre-specified time. The minimum sample size necessary to ensure the specified life percentile is obtained under a given customer’s risk. The operating characteristic values (and curves) of the sampling plans as well as the producer’s risk are presented. Two examples with real data sets are also given as illustration

    Limited Failure Censored Life Test Sampling Plan in Burr Type X Distribution

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    The Burr type X distribution is considered as a life time random variable of a product whose lots are to be decided for acceptance or otherwise on the basis of sample lifetimes drawn from the lot. The sample is divided into various groups in order to develop a group sampling plan in such a way that the life testing experiment is terminated as soon as the first failure in each group is observed. The acceptance criterion based on the theory of order statistics is proposed and is shown to be more economical than a criterion proposed in the earlier similar works

    An Attribute Control Chart Based on the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution Using Repetitive Sampling

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    In this paper, an attribute control chart using repetitive sampling is proposed when the lifetime of a product follows the Birnbaum Saunders distribution. The number of failures is to be monitored by designing two pairs of upper and lower control limits. The necessary measurements are derived to assess the average run length (ARL). The various tables for ARLs are presented when the scale parameter and/or the shape parameter are shifted. The efficiency of the proposed control chart is compared with an existing chart. The proposed chart is shown to be more efficient than an existing control chart in terms of ARL. A real example is given for illustration purpose.112Ysciescopu

    A two-pronged truncated deferred sampling plan (TTDSP) for log-logistic distribution

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    This paper is aimed at developing a new truncated sampling plan that uses information from precedent and successive lots for lot disposition with a pretention that the life-time of a particular product assumes a Log-logistic distribution. A new Two-pronged Truncated Deferred Sampling Plan (TTDSP) for Log-logistic distribution is proposed when the testing is truncated at a precise time. The best possible sample sizes are obtained under a given Maximum Allowable Percent Defective (MAPD), Test Suspension Ratios (TSR) and acceptance numbers (c). A formula for calculating the operating characteristics of the proposed plan is also developed. The operating characteristics and mean-ratio values were used to measure the performance of the plan. The findings of the study show that: Log-logistic distribution has a decreasing failure rate; furthermore, as mean-life ratio increase, the failure rate reduces; the sample size increase as the acceptance number, test suspension ratios and maximum allowable percent defective increases. The study concludes that the new minimum sample sizes were smaller which makes the plan a more economical plan to adopt when cost and time of production is costly and the experiment being destructive