10 research outputs found


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    Analysis of the Movement of the Upper Limbs for Biofeedback in Rehabilitation

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    Tato práce se zabývá snímáním pohybu horních končetin s využitím biofeedbacku a následným použitím v rehabilitaci. Teoretická část práce rozebírá problematiku motorického systému, fyziologie a patologie horních končetin a způsoby jejich rehabilitace. V další části se práce zmiňuje o typech a využití biofeedbacku v rehabilitaci. Součástí práce je také rešerše, která popisuje stav v oblasti snímání a analýzy pohybů horních končetin a typy používaných senzorů. V další části práce byly popsány způsoby měření a zpracování signálu a následně bylo cílem sestavit měřící řetězec, který snímá rozsah pohybů předloktím a zápěstím s využitím biofeedbacku a má následné využití v rehabilitaci. Získaná data jsou zobrazována na PC a také je vytvořena rehabilitační hra. V poslední části je měřící řetězec testován a data jsou statisticky zpracována.This work describes upper limbs motion recognition with biofeedback and next usage in rehabilitation. The theoretical part talks about motional system, physiology and pathology of upper limbs and types of their rehabilitation. In the next part of this work there are mentioned types and usage of biofeedback in rehabilitation. This work also includes a state of art of capturing and analysis of upper limbs motion and types of sensors. Next there are described ways of measuring and analysis of a signal followed by a development of a prototype for motion recognition of forearm and wrist with biofeedback and next usage in rehabilitation. Measured data are displayed on a PC and there is also created a rehabilitation game. In the final part of this work the prototype is tested on the mentioned game and data are statistically processed.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Application of Wireless Sensor Networks to Healthcare Promotion

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    Born on military applications, wireless sensor networks(WSNs) application grew on the promise of environment sensing and data processing capability at low cost. These networks can hold hundreds or even thousands of smart sensing nodes with processing and sensing capabilities and even integrated power through a dedicated battery. This paper surveys on the application of wireless sensor networks to healthcare promotion, namely with the use of biosensor technology applied to body sensor networks. On a wireless body sensor network, a person wears biosensors to gather data, while doing their daily activities. Currently, engineers and medical staff are cooperating on findingnew ways to properly gather meaningful data on-site and achieve a convenient way to process these data for research and on-site medical decision. New challenges that such approach brings are also considered. Moreover, it is shown that wireless sensor networks provide the technology to built wireless sensing and create a convenient infrastructure for multiple data gathering in healthcare applications. Together with real successful examples, we demonstrate the great usefulness of wireless sensor networks in healthcare promotion. The paper concludes with some guidelines for future work


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    Instrumentation of a cane to detect and prevent falls

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)The number of falls is growing as the main cause of injuries and deaths in the geriatric community. As a result, the cost of treating the injuries associated with falls is also increasing. Thus, the development of fall-related strategies with the capability of real-time monitoring without user restriction is imperative. Due to their advantages, daily life accessories can be a solution to embed fall-related systems, and canes are no exception. Moreover, gait assessment might be capable of enhancing the capability of cane usage for older cane users. Therefore, reducing, even more, the possibility of possible falls amongst them. Summing up, it is crucial the development of strategies that recognize states of fall, the step before a fall (pre-fall step) and the different cane events continuously throughout a stride. This thesis aims to develop strategies capable of identifying these situations based on a cane system that collects both inertial and force information, the Assistive Smart Cane (ASCane). The strategy regarding the detection of falls consisted of testing the data acquired with the ASCane with three different fixed multi-threshold fall detection algorithms, one dynamic multi-threshold and machine learning methods from the literature. They were tested and modified to account the use of a cane. The best performance resulted in a sensitivity and specificity of 96.90% and 98.98%, respectively. For the detection of the different cane events in controlled and real-life situations, a state-of-the-art finite-state-machine gait event detector was modified to account the use of a cane and benchmarked against a ground truth system. Moreover, a machine learning study was completed involving eight feature selection methods and nine different machine learning classifiers. Results have shown that the accuracy of the classifiers was quite acceptable and presented the best results with 98.32% of overall accuracy for controlled situations and 94.82% in daily-life situations. Regarding pre-fall step detection, the same machine learning approach was accomplished. The models were very accurate (Accuracy = 98.15%) and with the implementation of an online post-processing filter, all the false positive detections were eliminated, and a fall was able to be detected 1.019s before the end of the corresponding pre-fall step and 2.009s before impact.O número de quedas tornou-se uma das principais causas de lesões e mortes na comunidade geriátrica. Como resultado, o custo do tratamento das lesões também aumenta. Portanto, é necessário o desenvolvimento de estratégias relacionadas com quedas e que exibam capacidade de monitorização em tempo real sem colocar restrições ao usuário. Devido às suas vantagens, os acessórios do dia-a-dia podem ser uma solução para incorporar sistemas relacionados com quedas, sendo que as bengalas não são exceção. Além disso, a avaliação da marcha pode ser capaz de aprimorar a capacidade de uso de uma bengala para usuários mais idosos. Desta forma, é crucial o desenvolvimento de estratégias que reconheçam estados de queda, do passo anterior a uma queda e dos diferentes eventos da marcha de uma bengala. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo desenvolver estratégias capazes de identificar as situações anteriormente descritas com base num sistema incorporado numa bengala que coleta informações inerciais e de força, a Assistive Smart Cane (ASCane). A estratégia referente à deteção de quedas consistiu em testar os dados adquiridos através da ASCane com três algoritmos de deteção de quedas (baseados em thresholds fixos), com um algoritmo de thresholds dinâmicos e diferentes classificadores de machine learning encontrados na literatura. Estes métodos foram testados e modificados para dar conta do uso de informação adquirida através de uma bengala. O melhor desempenho alcançado em termos de sensibilidade e especificidade foi de 96,90% e 98,98%, respetivamente. Relativamente à deteção dos diferentes eventos da ASCane em situações controladas e da vida real, um detetor de eventos da marcha foi e comparado com um sistema de ground truth. Além disso, foi também realizado um estudo de machine learning envolvendo oito métodos de seleção de features e nove classificadores diferentes de machine learning. Os resultados mostraram que a precisão dos classificadores foi bastante aceitável e apresentou, como melhores resultados, 98,32% de precisão para situações controladas e 94.82% para situações do dia-a-dia. No que concerne à deteção de passos pré-queda, a mesma abordagem de machine learning foi realizada. Os modelos foram precisos (precisão = 98,15%) e com a implementação de um filtro de pós-processamento, todas as deteções de falsos positivos foram eliminadas e uma queda foi passível de ser detetada 1,019s antes do final do respetivo passo de pré-queda e 2.009s antes do impacto

    Investigation of a hierarchical context-aware architecture for rule-based customisation of mobile computing service

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    The continuous technical progress in mobile device built-in modules and embedded sensing techniques creates opportunities for context-aware mobile applications. The context-aware computing paradigm exploits the relevant context as implicit input to characterise the user and physical environment and provide a computing service customised to the contextual situation. However, heterogeneity in techniques, complexity of contextual situation, and gap between raw sensor data and usable context keep the techniques from truly integration for extensive use. Studies in this area mainly focus on feasibility demonstration of the emerging techniques, and they lack general architecture support and appropriate service customisation strategy. This investigation aims to provide general system architecture and technical approaches to deal with the heterogeneity problem and efficiently utilise the dynamic context towards proactive computing service that is customised to the contextual situation. The main efforts of this investigation are the approaches to gathering, handling, and utilising the dynamic context information in an efficient way and the decision making and optimisation methods for computing service customisation. In brief, the highlights of this thesis cover the following aspects: (1) a hierarchical context-aware computing architecture supporting interoperable distribution and further use of context; (2) an in-depth analysis and classification of context and the corresponding context acquisition methods; (3) context modelling and context data representation for efficient and interoperable use of context; (4) a rule-based service customisation strategy with a rule generation mechanism to supervise the service customisation. In addition, feasibility demonstration of the proposed system and contribution justification of this investigation are conducted through case studies and prototype implementations. One case study uses mobile built-in sensing techniques to improve the usability and efficiency of mobile applications constrained by resource limitation, and the other employs the mobile terminal and embedded sensing techniques to predict users’ expectations for home facility automatic control. Results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed context handling architecture and service customisation methods. It shows great potential for employing the context of the computing environment for context-aware adaptation in pervasive and mobile applications but also indicates some underlying problems for further study