114,461 research outputs found

    Terahertz-driven linear electron acceleration

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    The cost, size and availability of electron accelerators is dominated by the achievable accelerating gradient. Conventional high-brightness radio-frequency (RF) accelerating structures operate with 30-50 MeV/m gradients. Electron accelerators driven with optical or infrared sources have demonstrated accelerating gradients orders of magnitude above that achievable with conventional RF structures. However, laser-driven wakefield accelerators require intense femtosecond sources and direct laser-driven accelerators and suffer from low bunch charge, sub-micron tolerances and sub-femtosecond timing requirements due to the short wavelength of operation. Here, we demonstrate the first linear acceleration of electrons with keV energy gain using optically-generated terahertz (THz) pulses. THz-driven accelerating structures enable high-gradient electron or proton accelerators with simple accelerating structures, high repetition rates and significant charge per bunch. Increasing the operational frequency of accelerators into the THz band allows for greatly increased accelerating gradients due to reduced complications with respect to breakdown and pulsed heating. Electric fields in the GV/m range have been achieved in the THz frequency band using all optical methods. With recent advances in the generation of THz pulses via optical rectification of slightly sub-picosecond pulses, in particular improvements in conversion efficiency and multi-cycle pulses, increasing accelerating gradients by two orders of magnitude over conventional linear accelerators (LINACs) has become a possibility. These ultra-compact THz accelerators with extremely short electron bunches hold great potential to have a transformative impact for free electron lasers, future linear particle colliders, ultra-fast electron diffraction, x-ray science, and medical therapy with x-rays and electron beams

    Can we apply accelerator-cores to control-intensive programs?

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    There is a trend towards using accelerators to increase performance and energy efficiency of general-purpose processors. So far, most accelerators have been build with HPC-applications in mind. A question that arises is how well can other applications benefit from these accelerators? In this paper, we discuss the acceleration of three benchmarks using the SPUs of a Cell-BE. We analyze the potential speedup given the inherent parallelism in the applications. While the potential speedup is significant in all benchmarks, the obtained speedup lags behind due to a mismatch between micro-architectural properties of the accelerators and the benchmark properties

    Future Accelerators (?)

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    I describe the future accelerator facilities that are currently foreseen for electroweak scale physics, neutrino physics, and nuclear structure. I will explore the physics justification for these machines, and suggest how the case for future accelerators can be made.Comment: Presented at the Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 2003), New York City, May 200

    Gravitomagnetic Accelerators

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    We study a simple class of time-dependent rotating Ricci-flat cylindrically symmetric spacetime manifolds whose geodesics admit gravitomagnetic jets. The helical paths of free test particles in these jets up and down parallel to the rotation axis are analogous to those of charged particles in a magnetic field. The jets are attractors. The jet speed asymptotically approaches the speed of light. In effect, such source-free spacetime regions act as "gravitomagnetic accelerators".Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; v2: reference added; v3: slightly expanded version accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Linear accelerators

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    Radio-frequency linear accelerators are used as injectors for synchrotrons and as stand-alone accelerators for the production of intense particle beams, thanks to their ability to accelerate high beam currents at high repetition rates. This lecture introduces their main features, reviewing the different types of accelerating structures used in linacs and presenting the main characteristics of linac beam dynamics. Building on these bases, the architecture of modern proton linear accelerators is presented with a particular emphasis on high-energy and high-beam-power applications.Comment: 25 pages, contribution to the CAS - CERN Accelerator School: Course on High Power Hadron Machines; 24 May - 2 Jun 2011, Bilbao, Spai