30 research outputs found

    Performance engineering of data-intensive applications

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    Data-intensive programs deal with big chunks of data and often contain compute-intensive characteristics. Among various HPC application domains, big data analytics, machine learning and the more recent deep-learning models are well-known data-intensive applications. An efficient design of such applications demands extensive knowledge of the target hardware and software, particularly the memory/cache hierarchy and the data communication among threads/processes. Such a requirement makes code development an arduous task, as inappropriate data structures and algorithm design may result in superfluous runtime, let alone hardware incompatibilities while porting the code to other platforms. In this dissertation, we introduce a set of tools and methods for the performance engineering of parallel data-intensive programs. We start with performance profiling to gain insights on thread communications and relevant code optimizations. Then, by narrowing down our scope to deep-learning applications, we introduce our tools for enhancing the performance portability and scalability of convolutional neural networks (ConvNet) at inference and training phases. Our first contribution is a novel performance-profiling method to unveil potential communication bottlenecks caused by data-access patterns and thread interactions. Our findings show that the data shared between a pair of threads should be reused with a reasonably short intervals to preserve data locality, yet existing profilers neglect them and mainly report the communication volume. We propose new hardware-independent metrics to characterize thread communication and provide suggestions for applying appropriate optimizations on a specific code region. Our experiments show that applying relevant optimizations improves the performance in Rodinia benchmarks by up to 56%. For the next contribution, we developed a framework for automatic generation of efficient and performance-portable convolution kernels, including Winograd convolutions, for various GPU platforms. We employed a synergy of meta-programming, symbolic execution, and auto-tuning. The results demonstrate efficient kernels generated through an automated optimization pipeline with runtimes close to vendor deep-learning libraries, and the minimum required programming effort confirms the performance portability of our approach. Furthermore, our symbolic execution method exploits repetitive patterns in Winograd convolutions, enabling us to reduce the number of arithmetic operations by up to 62% without compromising the numerical stability. Lastly, we investigate possible methods to scale the performance of ConvNets in training and inference phases. Our specialized training platform equipped with a novel topology-aware network pruning algorithm enables rapid training, neural architecture search, and network compression. Thus, an AI model training can be easily scaled to a multitude of compute nodes, leading to faster model design with less operating costs. Furthermore, the network compression component scales a ConvNet model down by removing redundant layers, preparing the model for a more pertinent deployment. Altogether, this work demonstrates the necessity and shows the benefit of performance engineering and parallel programming methods in accelerating emerging data-intensive workloads. With the help of the proposed tools and techniques, we pinpoint data communication bottlenecks and achieve performance portability and scalability in data-intensive applications

    On sample efficiency and systematic generalization of grounded language understanding with deep learning

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    En utilisant la méthodologie de l'apprentissage profond qui préconise de s'appuyer davantage sur des données et des modèles neuronaux flexibles plutôt que sur les connaissances de l'expert dans le domaine, la communauté de recherche a récemment réalisé des progrès remarquables dans la compréhension et la génération du langue naturel. Néanmoins, il reste difficile de savoir si une simple extension des méthodes d'apprentissage profond existantes sera suffisante pour atteindre l'objectif d'utiliser le langage naturel pour l'interaction homme-machine. Nous nous concentrons sur deux aspects connexes dans lesquels les méthodes actuelles semblent nécessiter des améliorations majeures. Le premier de ces aspects est l'inefficacité statistique des systèmes d'apprentissage profond: ils sont connus pour nécessiter de grandes quantités de données pour bien fonctionner. Le deuxième aspect est leur capacité limitée à généraliser systématiquement, à savoir à comprendre le langage dans des situations où la distribution des données change mais les principes de syntaxe et de sémantique restent les mêmes. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons quatre études de cas dans lesquelles nous cherchons à apporter plus de clarté concernant l'efficacité statistique susmentionnée et les aspects de généralisation systématique des approches d'apprentissage profond de la compréhension des langues, ainsi qu'à faciliter la poursuite des travaux sur ces sujets. Afin de séparer le problème de la représentation des connaissances du monde réel du problème de l'apprentissage d'une langue, nous menons toutes ces études en utilisant des langages synthétiques ancrés dans des environnements visuels simples. Dans le premier article, nous étudions comment former les agents à suivre des instructions compositionnelles dans des environnements avec une forme de supervision restreinte. À savoir pour chaque instruction et configuration initiale de l'environnement, nous ne fournissons qu'un état cible au lieu d'une trajectoire complète avec des actions à toutes les étapes. Nous adaptons les méthodes d'apprentissage adversariel par imitation à ce paramètre et démontrons qu'une telle forme restreinte de données est suffisante pour apprendre les significations compositionelles des instructions. Notre deuxième article se concentre également sur des agents qui apprennent à exécuter des instructions. Nous développons la plateforme BabyAI pour faciliter des études plus approfondies et plus rigoureuses de ce cadre d'apprentissage. La plateforme fournit une langue BabyAI compositionnelle avec 101910 ^ {19} instructions, dont la sémantique est précisément définie dans un environnement partiellement observable. Nous rapportons des résultats de référence sur la quantité de supervision nécessaire pour enseigner à l'agent certains sous-ensembles de la langue BabyAI avec différentes méthodes de formation, telles que l'apprentissage par renforcement et l'apprentissage par imitation. Dans le troisième article, nous étudions la généralisation systématique des modèles de réponse visuelle aux questions (VQA). Dans le scénario VQA, le système doit répondre aux questions compositionelles sur les images. Nous construisons un ensemble de données de questions spatiales sur les paires d'objets et évaluons la performance des différents modèles sur les questions concernant les paires d'objets qui ne se sont jamais produites dans la même question dans la distribution d'entraînement. Nous montrons que les modèles dans lesquels les significations des mots sont représentés par des modules séparés qui effectuent des calculs indépendants généralisent beaucoup mieux que les modèles dont la conception n'est pas explicitement modulaire. Cependant, les modèles modulaires ne généralisent bien que lorsque les modules sont connectés dans une disposition appropriée, et nos expériences mettent en évidence les défis de l'apprentissage de la disposition par un apprentissage de bout en bout sur la distribution d'entraînement. Dans notre quatrième et dernier article, nous étudions également la généralisation des modèles VQA à des questions en dehors de la distribution d'entraînement, mais cette fois en utilisant le jeu de données CLEVR, utilisé pour les questions complexes sur des scènes rendues en 3D. Nous générons de nouvelles questions de type CLEVR en utilisant des références basées sur la similitude (par exemple `` la balle qui a la même couleur que ... '') dans des contextes qui se produisent dans les questions CLEVR mais uniquement avec des références basées sur la localisation (par exemple `` le balle qui est à gauche de ... ''). Nous analysons la généralisation avec zéro ou quelques exemples de CLOSURE après un entraînement sur CLEVR pour un certain nombre de modèles existants ainsi qu'un nouveau modèle.By using the methodology of deep learning that advocates relying more on data and flexible neural models rather than on the expert's knowledge of the domain, the research community has recently achieved remarkable progress in natural language understanding and generation. Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether simply scaling up existing deep learning methods will be sufficient to achieve the goal of using natural language for human-computer interaction. We focus on two related aspects in which current methods appear to require major improvements. The first such aspect is the data inefficiency of deep learning systems: they are known to require extreme amounts of data to perform well. The second aspect is their limited ability to generalize systematically, namely to understand language in situations when the data distribution changes yet the principles of syntax and semantics remain the same. In this thesis, we present four case studies in which we seek to provide more clarity regarding the aforementioned data efficiency and systematic generalization aspects of deep learning approaches to language understanding, as well as to facilitate further work on these topics. In order to separate the problem of representing open-ended real-world knowledge from the problem of core language learning, we conduct all these studies using synthetic languages that are grounded in simple visual environments. In the first article, we study how to train agents to follow compositional instructions in environments with a restricted form of supervision. Namely for every instruction and initial environment configuration we only provide a goal-state instead of a complete trajectory with actions at all steps. We adapt adversarial imitation learning methods to this setting and demonstrate that such a restricted form of data is sufficient to learn compositional meanings of the instructions. Our second article also focuses on instruction following. We develop the BabyAI platform to facilitate further, more extensive and rigorous studies of this setup. The platform features a compositional Baby language with 101910^{19} instructions, whose semantics is precisely defined in a partially-observable gridworld environment. We report baseline results on how much supervision is required to teach the agent certain subsets of Baby language with different training methods, such as reinforcement learning and imitation learning. In the third article we study systematic generalization of visual question answering (VQA) models. In the VQA setting the system must answer compositional questions about images. We construct a dataset of spatial questions about object pairs and evaluate how well different models perform on questions about pairs of objects that never occured in the same question in the training distribution. We show that models in which word meanings are represented by separate modules that perform independent computation generalize much better than models whose design is not explicitly modular. The modular models, however, generalize well only when the modules are connected in an appropriate layout, and our experiments highlight the challenges of learning the layout by end-to-end learning on the training distribution. In our fourth and final article we also study generalization of VQA models to questions outside of the training distribution, but this time using the popular CLEVR dataset of complex questions about 3D-rendered scenes as the platform. We generate novel CLEVR-like questions by using similarity-based references (e.g. ``the ball that has the same color as ...'') in contexts that occur in CLEVR questions but only with location-based references (e.g. ``the ball that is to the left of ...''). We analyze zero- and few- shot generalization to CLOSURE after training on CLEVR for a number of existing models as well as a novel one

    Guided rewriting and constraint satisfaction for parallel GPU code generation

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are notoriously hard to optimise for manually due to their scheduling and memory hierarchies. What is needed are good automatic code generators and optimisers for such parallel hardware. Functional approaches such as Accelerate, Futhark and LIFT leverage a high-level algorithmic Intermediate Representation (IR) to expose parallelism and abstract the implementation details away from the user. However, producing efficient code for a given accelerator remains challenging. Existing code generators depend on the user input to choose a subset of hard-coded optimizations or automated exploration of implementation search space. The former suffers from the lack of extensibility, while the latter is too costly due to the size of the search space. A hybrid approach is needed, where a space of valid implementations is built automatically and explored with the aid of human expertise. This thesis presents a solution combining user-guided rewriting and automatically generated constraints to produce high-performance code. The first contribution is an automatic tuning technique to find a balance between performance and memory consumption. Leveraging its functional patterns, the LIFT compiler is empowered to infer tuning constraints and limit the search to valid tuning combinations only. Next, the thesis reframes parallelisation as a constraint satisfaction problem. Parallelisation constraints are extracted automatically from the input expression, and a solver is used to identify valid rewriting. The constraints truncate the search space to valid parallel mappings only by capturing the scheduling restrictions of the GPU in the context of a given program. A synchronisation barrier insertion technique is proposed to prevent data races and improve the efficiency of the generated parallel mappings. The final contribution of this thesis is the guided rewriting method, where the user encodes a design space of structural transformations using high-level IR nodes called rewrite points. These strongly typed pragmas express macro rewrites and expose design choices as explorable parameters. The thesis proposes a small set of reusable rewrite points to achieve tiling, cache locality, data reuse and memory optimisation. A comparison with the vendor-provided handwritten kernel ARM Compute Library and the TVM code generator demonstrates the effectiveness of this thesis' contributions. With convolution as a use case, LIFT-generated direct and GEMM-based convolution implementations are shown to perform on par with the state-of-the-art solutions on a mobile GPU. Overall, this thesis demonstrates that a functional IR yields well to user-guided and automatic rewriting for high-performance code generation

    Automated cache optimisations of stencil computations for partial differential equations

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    This thesis focuses on numerical methods that solve partial differential equations. Our focal point is the finite difference method, which solves partial differential equations by approximating derivatives with explicit finite differences. These partial differential equation solvers consist of stencil computations on structured grids. Stencils for computing real-world practical applications are patterns often characterised by many memory accesses and non-trivial arithmetic expressions that lead to high computational costs compared to simple stencils used in much prior proof-of-concept work. In addition, the loop nests to express stencils on structured grids may often be complicated. This work is highly motivated by a specific domain of stencil computations where one of the challenges is non-aligned to the structured grid ("off-the-grid") operations. These operations update neighbouring grid points through scatter and gather operations via non-affine memory accesses, such as {A[B[i]]}. In addition to this challenge, these practical stencils often include many computation fields (need to store multiple grid copies), complex data dependencies and imperfect loop nests. In this work, we aim to increase the performance of stencil kernel execution. We study automated cache-memory-dependent optimisations for stencil computations. This work consists of two core parts with their respective contributions.The first part of our work tries to reduce the data movement in stencil computations of practical interest. Data movement is a dominant factor affecting the performance of high-performance computing applications. It has long been a target of optimisations due to its impact on execution time and energy consumption. This thesis tries to relieve this cost by applying temporal blocking optimisations, also known as time-tiling, to stencil computations. Temporal blocking is a well-known technique to enhance data reuse in stencil computations. However, it is rarely used in practical applications but rather in theoretical examples to prove its efficacy. Applying temporal blocking to scientific simulations is more complex. More specifically, in this work, we focus on the application context of seismic and medical imaging. In this area, we often encounter scatter and gather operations due to signal sources and receivers at arbitrary locations in the computational domain. These operations make the application of temporal blocking challenging. We present an approach to overcome this challenge and successfully apply temporal blocking.In the second part of our work, we extend the first part as an automated approach targeting a wide range of simulations modelled with partial differential equations. Since temporal blocking is error-prone, tedious to apply by hand and highly complex to assimilate theoretically and practically, we are motivated to automate its application and automatically generate code that benefits from it. We discuss algorithmic approaches and present a generalised compiler pipeline to automate the application of temporal blocking. These passes are written in the Devito compiler. They are used to accelerate the computation of stencil kernels in areas such as seismic and medical imaging, computational fluid dynamics and machine learning. \href{www.devitoproject.org}{Devito} is a Python package to implement optimised stencil computation (e.g., finite differences, image processing, machine learning) from high-level symbolic problem definitions. Devito builds on \href{www.sympy.org}{SymPy} and employs automated code generation and just-in-time compilation to execute optimised computational kernels on several computer platforms, including CPUs, GPUs, and clusters thereof. We show how we automate temporal blocking code generation without user intervention and often achieve better time-to-solution. We enable domain-specific optimisation through compiler passes and offer temporal blocking gains from a high-level symbolic abstraction. These automated optimisations benefit various computational kernels for solving real-world application problems.Open Acces

    On Differentiable Interpreters

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    Neural networks have transformed the fields of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with the ability to model complex features and behaviours from raw data. They quickly became instrumental models, achieving numerous state-of-the-art performances across many tasks and domains. Yet the successes of these models often rely on large amounts of data. When data is scarce, resourceful ways of using background knowledge often help. However, though different types of background knowledge can be used to bias the model, it is not clear how one can use algorithmic knowledge to that extent. In this thesis, we present differentiable interpreters as an effective framework for utilising algorithmic background knowledge as architectural inductive biases of neural networks. By continuously approximating discrete elements of traditional program interpreters, we create differentiable interpreters that, due to the continuous nature of their execution, are amenable to optimisation with gradient descent methods. This enables us to write code mixed with parametric functions, where the code strongly biases the behaviour of the model while enabling the training of parameters and/or input representations from data. We investigate two such differentiable interpreters and their use cases in this thesis. First, we present a detailed construction of ∂4, a differentiable interpreter for the programming language FORTH. We demonstrate the ability of ∂4 to strongly bias neural models with incomplete programs of variable complexity while learning missing pieces of the program with parametrised neural networks. Such models can learn to solve tasks and strongly generalise to out-of-distribution data from small datasets. Second, we present greedy Neural Theorem Provers (gNTPs), a significant improvement of a differentiable Datalog interpreter NTP. gNTPs ameliorate the large computational cost of recursive differentiable interpretation, achieving drastic time and memory speedups while introducing soft reasoning over logic knowledge and natural language

    Rethinking FPGA Architectures for Deep Neural Network applications

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    The prominence of machine learning-powered solutions instituted an unprecedented trend of integration into virtually all applications with a broad range of deployment constraints from tiny embedded systems to large-scale warehouse computing machines. While recent research confirms the edges of using contemporary FPGAs to deploy or accelerate machine learning applications, especially where the latency and energy consumption are strictly limited, their pre-machine learning optimised architectures remain a barrier to the overall efficiency and performance. Realizing this shortcoming, this thesis demonstrates an architectural study aiming at solutions that enable hidden potentials in the FPGA technology, primarily for machine learning algorithms. Particularly, it shows how slight alterations to the state-of-the-art architectures could significantly enhance the FPGAs toward becoming more machine learning-friendly while maintaining the near-promised performance for the rest of the applications. Eventually, it presents a novel systematic approach to deriving new block architectures guided by designing limitations and machine learning algorithm characteristics through benchmarking. First, through three modifications to Xilinx DSP48E2 blocks, an enhanced digital signal processing (DSP) block for important computations in embedded deep neural network (DNN) accelerators is described. Then, two tiers of modifications to FPGA logic cell architecture are explained that deliver a variety of performance and utilisation benefits with only minor area overheads. Eventually, with the goal of exploring this new design space in a methodical manner, a problem formulation involving computing nested loops over multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations is first proposed. A quantitative methodology for deriving efficient coarse-grained compute block architectures from benchmarks is then suggested together with a family of new embedded blocks, called MLBlocks