11 research outputs found

    Constrained optimization in simulation: a novel approach.

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    This paper presents a novel heuristic for constrained optimization of random computer simulation models, in which one of the simulation outputs is selected as the objective to be minimized while the other outputs need to satisfy prespeci¯ed target values. Besides the simulation outputs, the simulation inputs must meet prespeci¯ed constraints including the constraint that the inputs be integer. The proposed heuristic combines (i) experimental design to specify the simulation input combinations, (ii) Kriging (also called spatial correlation modeling) to analyze the global simulation input/output data that result from this experimental design, and (iii) integer nonlinear programming to estimate the optimal solution from the Kriging metamodels. The heuristic is applied to an (s, S) inventory system and a realistic call-center simulation model, and compared with the popular commercial heuristic OptQuest embedded in the ARENA versions 11 and 12. These two applications show that the novel heuristic outperforms OptQuest in terms of search speed (it moves faster towards high-quality solutions) and consistency of the solution quality.

    Constrained Optimization in Simulation: A Novel Approach

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    This paper presents a novel heuristic for constrained optimization of random computer simulation models, in which one of the simulation outputs is selected as the objective to be minimized while the other outputs need to satisfy prespeci¯ed target values. Besides the simulation outputs, the simulation inputs must meet prespeci¯ed constraints including the constraint that the inputs be integer. The proposed heuristic combines (i) experimental design to specify the simulation input combinations, (ii) Kriging (also called spatial correlation mod- eling) to analyze the global simulation input/output data that result from this experimental design, and (iii) integer nonlinear programming to estimate the optimal solution from the Krig- ing metamodels. The heuristic is applied to an (s, S) inventory system and a realistic call-center simulation model, and compared with the popular commercial heuristic OptQuest embedded in the ARENA versions 11 and 12. These two applications show that the novel heuristic outper- forms OptQuest in terms of search speed (it moves faster towards high-quality solutions) and consistency of the solution quality.

    Automated, Parallel Optimization Algorithms for Stochastic Functions

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    The optimization algorithms for stochastic functions are desired specifically for real-world and simulation applications where results are obtained from sampling, and contain experimental error or random noise. We have developed a series of stochastic optimization algorithms based on the well-known classical down hill simplex algorithm. Our parallel implementation of these optimization algorithms, using a framework called MW, is based on a master-worker architecture where each worker runs a massively parallel program. This parallel implementation allows the sampling to proceed independently on many processors as demonstrated by scaling up to more than 100 vertices and 300 cores. This framework is highly suitable for clusters with an ever increasing number of cores per node. The new algorithms have been successfully applied to the reparameterization of a model for liquid water, achieving thermodynamic and structural results for liquid water that are better than a standard model used in molecular simulations, with the the advantage of a fully automated parameterization process

    Pattern Search Ranking and Selection Algorithms for Mixed-Variable Optimization of Stochastic Systems

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    A new class of algorithms is introduced and analyzed for bound and linearly constrained optimization problems with stochastic objective functions and a mixture of design variable types. The generalized pattern search (GPS) class of algorithms is extended to a new problem setting in which objective function evaluations require sampling from a model of a stochastic system. The approach combines GPS with ranking and selection (R&S) statistical procedures to select new iterates. The derivative-free algorithms require only black-box simulation responses and are applicable over domains with mixed variables (continuous, discrete numeric, and discrete categorical) to include bound and linear constraints on the continuous variables. A convergence analysis for the general class of algorithms establishes almost sure convergence of an iteration subsequence to stationary points appropriately defined in the mixed-variable domain. Additionally, specific algorithm instances are implemented that provide computational enhancements to the basic algorithm. Implementation alternatives include the use modern R&S procedures designed to provide efficient sampling strategies and the use of surrogate functions that augment the search by approximating the unknown objective function with nonparametric response surfaces. In a computational evaluation, six variants of the algorithm are tested along with four competing methods on 26 standardized test problems. The numerical results validate the use of advanced implementations as a means to improve algorithm performance

    Optimization with Discrete Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Using Noisy Loss Function Measurements

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    Discrete stochastic optimization considers the problem of minimizing (or maximizing) loss functions defined on discrete sets, where only noisy measurements of the loss functions are available. The discrete stochastic optimization problem is widely applicable in practice, and many algorithms have been considered to solve this kind of optimization problem. Motivated by the efficient algorithm of simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) for continuous stochastic optimization problems, we introduce the middle point discrete simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (DSPSA) algorithm for the stochastic optimization of a loss function defined on a p-dimensional grid of points in Euclidean space. We show that the sequence generated by DSPSA converges to the optimal point under some conditions. Consistent with other stochastic approximation methods, DSPSA formally accommodates noisy measurements of the loss function. We also show the rate of convergence analysis of DSPSA by solving an upper bound of the mean squared error of the generated sequence. In order to compare the performance of DSPSA with the other algorithms such as the stochastic ruler algorithm (SR) and the stochastic comparison algorithm (SC), we set up a bridge between DSPSA and the other two algorithms by comparing the probability in a big-O sense of not achieving the optimal solution. We show the theoretical and numerical comparison results of DSPSA, SR, and SC. In addition, we consider an application of DSPSA towards developing optimal public health strategies for containing the spread of influenza given limited societal resources

    A careful solution: patient scheduling in health care

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    Koole, G.M. [Promotor