27 research outputs found

    ATSC 3.0 Next Generation Digital TV Standard - An Overview and Preview of the Issue

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    "(c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works."The Advanced Television Committee (ATSC) has been working on the next generation broadcast television system, known as ATSC 3.0, to replace the first-generation (ATSC 1.0) A/53 standard, the basic component technologies of which have been in use for 20 years.Chernock, R.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Whitaker, J.; Park, S.; Wu, Y. (2016). ATSC 3.0 Next Generation Digital TV Standard - An Overview and Preview of the Issue. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 62(1):154-158. doi:10.1109/TBC.2016.2515542S15415862

    Estándares de interactividad en televisión híbrida

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    Interactivity with linear and “on demand” content provided by the Digital Terrestrial Television stations is a growing demand by viewers. This technology has evolved to the current concept of Hybrid Television. This article describes the general architecture of the Hybrid Television systems, and presents the main standards in interactive Hybrid Television currently used in different regions worldwide.La interactividad con contenido lineal como “a demanda” provisto por las emisoras de Televisión Digital terrestre es un requerimiento cada vez mayor por parte de los televidentes. Esta tecnología ha evolucionado hasta el concepto actual de Televisión Híbrida. El presente artículo describe la arquitectura general de los sistemas de Televisión Híbrida, y presenta los principales estándares de interactividad en Televisión Híbrida utilizados y en desarrollo actualmente a nivel mundial

    Projeto de comunicação via streaming

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    Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de streaming de vídeo, o qual pode utilizar técnicas de adaptação de qualidade implementado com protocolo HTTP. Existem diversas técnicas para codificar o vídeo para que se possa criar um streaming, entre elas existem MPEGDASH, HLS e o MMT, que são estudadas neste trabalho. Com uma particularidade do MPEGDASH que foi utilizado no estudo de caso. Este trabalho apresenta também uma visão do ATSC 3.0, padrão já utilizado na Coreia do Sul e que faz uso de alguns segmentos do MPEGDASH, denominado ROUTE/DASH. O estudo de caso apresenta resultados de comutação de banda, que possibilita a visualização da mudança de imagem codificada em MPEGDASH.This paper studies video streaming, that can use techniques of adaptive streaming over HTTP. There are different video coding techniques that can be use on video streaming, among them there are MPEG-DASH, HLS and MMT, which are studied in this paper. However only MPEG-DASH is tested in this paper. This paper still presents a little about ATSC 3.0, standard already used South Korea, which also use some pieces of MPEG-DASH coding, that is named ROUTE/DASH. The test brings the results made by switching the bandwidth, which enable to see changes in image of the video coding with MPEG-DASH

    Estudio para la planificación de redes de difusión según el estándar ATSC 3.0

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    Abstract: In this BsC final degree project, different configuration and network architecture settings for the standard ATSC 3.0 are studied. The work analyzes bitrate requirements, associated ATSC 3.0 modes and several network architecture options. Both calculations and minimum requirements of SNR have been analyzed and simulations in selected environments have been carried out. The field strength distribution of each transmitter have been obtained using SPLAT!. Afterwards, to estimate the coverage probability for each service, a toolbox coded on Python has been applied. By means of these simulations, some implementation guidelines for deploying ATSC 3.0 services are given for each selected scenario.Resumen: En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) se estudiarán las posibles configuraciones del sistema y arquitectura de red para el estándar de ATSC 3.0. Se analizarán los requisitos de bitrate para la emisión de cada servicio (UHD, HD,…) además de las posibles planificaciones de redes. Una vez realizados los cálculos y obtenidos los valores de SNR mínimo necesarios, se empezará con las simulaciones en los diferentes entornos seleccionados. En primer lugar, se usará SPLAT! para obtener los valores de campo eléctrico de cada transmisor. Posteriormente, usando una herramienta codificada en Python, se obtendrán las estimaciones de cobertura para cada servicio. Mediante estas simulaciones se ofrecerán unas recomendaciones para la implantación del sistema ATSC 3.0 en los escenarios seleccionados.Laburpena: Gradu Amaierako Lan (GrAL) honetan, ATSC 3.0 estandarrak barruan har ditzakeen konfigurazio ezberdinak eta sare arkitektura aztertzen dira. Igorri ahalko diren zerbitzurentzako (UHD, HD, …) bitrate betekizunak eta sare-plangintza ezberdinak ikertuko dira. Behin eragiketak eta beharrezko SNR minimoak lortuta, hautatutako ingurune bakoitzerako simulazioekin hasiko da. Lehenengo eta behin, transmisore bakoitzak igorritako eremu elektrikoaren balioak lortzeko, SPLAT! softwarea erabiliko da. Ondoren, zerbitzu bakoitzerako estaldura zenbatespenak lortuko dira Pythonen kodetutako erreminta baten bidez. Simulazio hauen bitartez, ATSC 3.0 sistemaren ezarpenerako hainbat gomendio eskainiko dira

    Semi-automated mobile television interactive application generation based on XHTML and Java ME

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    Mobile Digital TV (MDTV), the hybrid of Digital Television (DTV) and mobile devices (such as mobile phones), has introduced a new way for people to watch DTV and has brought new opportunities for development in the DTV industry. Nowadays, the development of the next generation MDTV service has progressed in terms of both hardware layers and software, with interactive services/applications becoming one of the future MDTV service trends. However, current MDTV interactive services still lack in terms of attracting the consumers and the service creation and implementation process relies too much on commercial solutions, resulting in most parts of the process being proprietary. In addition, this has increased the technical demands for developers as well as has increased substantially the cost of producing and maintaining MDTV services. In light of the aforementioned situation, the Thesis has contributed to this field, by proposing an innovative MDTV service creation and consumption system based on XHTML and Java ME. On the head-end it introduces a semi-automatic creation mechanism to facilitate a less technical and more efficient interactive service creation process. This enables designers and creative individuals to be actively involved in the MDTV service creation process and to develop interactive-rich MDTV service. On the client-end it employs an open-source software environment as the interactive service MDTV consumption platform, rendering the MDTV service implementation process as less proprietary as possible. Furthermore, the Thesis offers a discussion on the different MDTV interactive application models currently used and based on the proposed software, a novel MDTV service presentation method is further introduced and adopted instead of the Rich Media and ECMAScript based methods. Finally, a series of qualitative testing procedures have been implemented with regards to conducting an essential evaluation on the operability of the proposed software system.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Semi-automated mobile television interactive application generation based on XHTML and Java ME

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    Mobile Digital TV (MDTV), the hybrid of Digital Television (DTV) and mobile devices (such as mobile phones), has introduced a new way for people to watch DTV and has brought new opportunities for development in the DTV industry. Nowadays, the development of the next generation MDTV service has progressed in terms of both hardware layers and software, with interactive services/applications becoming one of the future MDTV service trends. However, current MDTV interactive services still lack in terms of attracting the consumers and the service creation and implementation process relies too much on commercial solutions, resulting in most parts of the process being proprietary. In addition, this has increased the technical demands for developers as well as has increased substantially the cost of producing and maintaining MDTV services. In light of the aforementioned situation, the Thesis has contributed to this field, by proposing an innovative MDTV service creation and consumption system based on XHTML and Java ME. On the head-end it introduces a semi-automatic creation mechanism to facilitate a less technical and more efficient interactive service creation process. This enables designers and creative individuals to be actively involved in the MDTV service creation process and to develop interactive-rich MDTV service. On the client-end it employs an open-source software environment as the interactive service MDTV consumption platform, rendering the MDTV service implementation process as less proprietary as possible. Furthermore, the Thesis offers a discussion on the different MDTV interactive application models currently used and based on the proposed software, a novel MDTV service presentation method is further introduced and adopted instead of the Rich Media and ECMAScript based methods. Finally, a series of qualitative testing procedures have been implemented with regards to conducting an essential evaluation on the operability of the proposed software system.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Ubiquitous Computing

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    The aim of this book is to give a treatment of the actively developed domain of Ubiquitous computing. Originally proposed by Mark D. Weiser, the concept of Ubiquitous computing enables a real-time global sensing, context-aware informational retrieval, multi-modal interaction with the user and enhanced visualization capabilities. In effect, Ubiquitous computing environments give extremely new and futuristic abilities to look at and interact with our habitat at any time and from anywhere. In that domain, researchers are confronted with many foundational, technological and engineering issues which were not known before. Detailed cross-disciplinary coverage of these issues is really needed today for further progress and widening of application range. This book collects twelve original works of researchers from eleven countries, which are clustered into four sections: Foundations, Security and Privacy, Integration and Middleware, Practical Applications

    Persönliche Wege der Interaktion mit multimedialen Inhalten

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    Today the world of multimedia is almost completely device- and content-centered. It focuses it’s energy nearly exclusively on technical issues such as computing power, network specifics or content and device characteristics and capabilities. In most multimedia systems, the presentation of multimedia content and the basic controls for playback are main issues. Because of this, a very passive user experience, comparable to that of traditional TV, is most often provided. In the face of recent developments and changes in the realm of multimedia and mass media, this ”traditional” focus seems outdated. The increasing use of multimedia content on mobile devices, along with the continuous growth in the amount and variety of content available, make necessary an urgent re-orientation of this domain. In order to highlight the depth of the increasingly difficult situation faced by users of such systems, it is only logical that these individuals be brought to the center of attention. In this thesis we consider these trends and developments by applying concepts and mechanisms to multimedia systems that were first introduced in the domain of usercentrism. Central to the concept of user-centrism is that devices should provide users with an easy way to access services and applications. Thus, the current challenge is to combine mobility, additional services and easy access in a single and user-centric approach. This thesis presents a framework for introducing and supporting several of the key concepts of user-centrism in multimedia systems. Additionally, a new definition of a user-centric multimedia framework has been developed and implemented. To satisfy the user’s need for mobility and flexibility, our framework makes possible seamless media and service consumption. The main aim of session mobility is to help people cope with the increasing number of different devices in use. Using a mobile agent system, multimedia sessions can be transferred between different devices in a context-sensitive way. The use of the international standard MPEG-21 guarantees extensibility and the integration of content adaptation mechanisms. Furthermore, a concept is presented that will allow for individualized and personalized selection and face the need for finding appropriate content. All of which can be done, using this approach, in an easy and intuitive way. Especially in the realm of television, the demand that such systems cater to the need of the audience is constantly growing. Our approach combines content-filtering methods, state-of-the-art classification techniques and mechanisms well known from the area of information retrieval and text mining. These are all utilized for the generation of recommendations in a promising new way. Additionally, concepts from the area of collaborative tagging systems are also used. An extensive experimental evaluation resulted in several interesting findings and proves the applicability of our approach. In contrast to the ”lean-back” experience of traditional media consumption, interactive media services offer a solution to make possible the active participation of the audience. Thus, we present a concept which enables the use of interactive media services on mobile devices in a personalized way. Finally, a use case for enriching TV with additional content and services demonstrates the feasibility of this concept.Die heutige Welt der Medien und der multimedialen Inhalte ist nahezu ausschließlich inhalts- und geräteorientiert. Im Fokus verschiedener Systeme und Entwicklungen stehen oft primär die Art und Weise der Inhaltspräsentation und technische Spezifika, die meist geräteabhängig sind. Die zunehmende Menge und Vielfalt an multimedialen Inhalten und der verstärkte Einsatz von mobilen Geräten machen ein Umdenken bei der Konzeption von Multimedia Systemen und Frameworks dringend notwendig. Statt an eher starren und passiven Konzepten, wie sie aus dem TV Umfeld bekannt sind, festzuhalten, sollte der Nutzer in den Fokus der multimedialen Konzepte rücken. Um dem Nutzer im Umgang mit dieser immer komplexeren und schwierigen Situation zu helfen, ist ein Umdenken im grundlegenden Paradigma des Medienkonsums notwendig. Durch eine Fokussierung auf den Nutzer kann der beschriebenen Situation entgegengewirkt werden. In der folgenden Arbeit wird auf Konzepte aus dem Bereich Nutzerzentrierung zurückgegriffen, um diese auf den Medienbereich zu übertragen und sie im Sinne einer stärker nutzerspezifischen und nutzerorientierten Ausrichtung einzusetzen. Im Fokus steht hierbei der TV-Bereich, wobei die meisten Konzepte auch auf die allgemeine Mediennutzung übertragbar sind. Im Folgenden wird ein Framework für die Unterstützung der wichtigsten Konzepte der Nutzerzentrierung im Multimedia Bereich vorgestellt. Um dem Trend zur mobilen Mediennutzung Sorge zu tragen, ermöglicht das vorgestellte Framework die Nutzung von multimedialen Diensten und Inhalten auf und über die Grenzen verschiedener Geräte und Netzwerke hinweg (Session mobility). Durch die Nutzung einer mobilen Agentenplattform in Kombination mit dem MPEG-21 Standard konnte ein neuer und flexibel erweiterbarer Ansatz zur Mobilität von Benutzungssitzungen realisiert werden. Im Zusammenhang mit der stetig wachsenden Menge an Inhalten und Diensten stellt diese Arbeit ein Konzept zur einfachen und individualisierten Selektion und dem Auffinden von interessanten Inhalten und Diensten in einer kontextspezifischen Weise vor. Hierbei werden Konzepte und Methoden des inhaltsbasierten Filterns, aktuelle Klassifikationsmechanismen und Methoden aus dem Bereich des ”Textminings” in neuer Art und Weise in einem Multimedia Empfehlungssystem eingesetzt. Zusätzlich sind Methoden des Web 2.0 in eine als Tag-basierte kollaborative Komponente integriert. In einer umfassenden Evaluation wurde sowohl die Umsetzbarkeit als auch der Mehrwert dieser Komponente demonstriert. Eine aktivere Beteiligung im Medienkonsum ermöglicht unsere iTV Komponente. Sie unterstützt das Anbieten und die Nutzung von interaktiven Diensten, begleitend zum Medienkonsum, auf mobilen Geräten. Basierend auf einem Szenario zur Anreicherung von TV Sendungen um interaktive Dienste konnte die Umsetzbarkeit dieses Konzepts demonstriert werden