224 research outputs found

    Scalability of broadcast performance in wireless network-on-chip

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    Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are currently the paradigm of choice to interconnect the cores of a chip multiprocessor. However, conventional NoCs may not suffice to fulfill the on-chip communication requirements of processors with hundreds or thousands of cores. The main reason is that the performance of such networks drops as the number of cores grows, especially in the presence of multicast and broadcast traffic. This not only limits the scalability of current multiprocessor architectures, but also sets a performance wall that prevents the development of architectures that generate moderate-to-high levels of multicast. In this paper, a Wireless Network-on-Chip (WNoC) where all cores share a single broadband channel is presented. Such design is conceived to provide low latency and ordered delivery for multicast/broadcast traffic, in an attempt to complement a wireline NoC that will transport the rest of communication flows. To assess the feasibility of this approach, the network performance of WNoC is analyzed as a function of the system size and the channel capacity, and then compared to that of wireline NoCs with embedded multicast support. Based on this evaluation, preliminary results on the potential performance of the proposed hybrid scheme are provided, together with guidelines for the design of MAC protocols for WNoC.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Performance-Engineered Network Overlays for High Quality Interaction in Virtual Worlds

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    Overlay hosting systems such as PlanetLab, and cloud computing environments such as Amazon’s EC2, provide shared infrastructures within which new applications can be developed and deployed on a global scale. This paper ex-plores how systems of this sort can be used to enable ad-vanced network services and sophisticated applications that use those services to enhance performance and provide a high quality user experience. Specifically, we investigate how advanced overlay hosting environments can be used to provide network services that enable scalable virtual world applications and other large-scale distributed applications requiring consistent, real-time performance. We propose a novel network architecture called Forest built around per-session tree-structured communication channels that we call comtrees. Comtrees are provisioned and support both unicast and multicast packet delivery. The multicast mechanism is designed to be highly scalable and light-weight enough to support the rapid changes to multicast subscriptions needed for efficient support of state updates within virtual worlds. We evaluate performance using a combination of analysis and experimental measurement of a partial system prototype that supports fully functional distributed game sessions. Our results provide the data needed to enable accurate projections of performance for a variety of session and system configurations

    A Dual Digraph Approach for Leaderless Atomic Broadcast (Extended Version)

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    Many distributed systems work on a common shared state; in such systems, distributed agreement is necessary for consistency. With an increasing number of servers, these systems become more susceptible to single-server failures, increasing the relevance of fault-tolerance. Atomic broadcast enables fault-tolerant distributed agreement, yet it is costly to solve. Most practical algorithms entail linear work per broadcast message. AllConcur -- a leaderless approach -- reduces the work, by connecting the servers via a sparse resilient overlay network; yet, this resiliency entails redundancy, limiting the reduction of work. In this paper, we propose AllConcur+, an atomic broadcast algorithm that lifts this limitation: During intervals with no failures, it achieves minimal work by using a redundancy-free overlay network. When failures do occur, it automatically recovers by switching to a resilient overlay network. In our performance evaluation of non-failure scenarios, AllConcur+ achieves comparable throughput to AllGather -- a non-fault-tolerant distributed agreement algorithm -- and outperforms AllConcur, LCR and Libpaxos both in terms of throughput and latency. Furthermore, our evaluation of failure scenarios shows that AllConcur+'s expected performance is robust with regard to occasional failures. Thus, for realistic use cases, leveraging redundancy-free distributed agreement during intervals with no failures improves performance significantly.Comment: Overview: 24 pages, 6 sections, 3 appendices, 8 figures, 3 tables. Modifications from previous version: extended the evaluation of AllConcur+ with a simulation of a multiple datacenters deploymen

    Systems support for distributed learning environments

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    This thesis contends that the growing phenomena of multi-user networked "learning environments" should be treated as distributed interactive systems and that their developers should be aware of the systems and networks issues involved in their construction and maintenance. Such environments are henceforth referred to as distributed learning environments, or DLEs. Three major themes are identified as part of systems support: i) shared resource coherence in DLEs; ii) Quality of Service for the end- users of DLEs; and iii) the need for an integrating framework to develop, deploy and manage DLEs. The thesis reports on several distinct implementations and investigations that are each linked by one or more of those themes. Initially, responsiveness and coherence emerged as potentially conflicting requirements, and although a system was built that successfully resolved this conflict it proved difficult to move from the "clean room" conditions of a research project into a real world learning context. Accordingly, subsequent systems adopted a web-based approach to aid deployment in realistic settings. Indeed, production versions of these systems have been used extensively in credit-bearing modules in several Scottish Universities. Interactive responsiveness then emerged as a major Quality of Service issue in its own right, and motivated a series of investigations into the sources of delay, as experienced by end users of web-oriented distributed learning environments. Investigations into this issue provided insight into the nature of web-oriented interactive distributed learning and highlighted the need to be QoS-aware. As the volume and the range of usage of distributed learning applications increased the need for an integrating framework emerged. This required identifying and supporting a wide variety of educational resource types and also the key roles occupied by users of the system, such as tutors, students, supervisors, service providers, administrators, examiners. The thesis reports on the approaches taken and lessons learned from researching, designing and implementing systems which support distributed learning. As such, it constitutes a documented body of work that can inform the future design and deployment of distributed learning environments

    A Framework for Web Object Self-Preservation

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    We propose and develop a framework based on emergent behavior principles for the long-term preservation of digital data using the web infrastructure. We present the development of the framework called unsupervised small-world (USW) which is at the nexus of emergent behavior, graph theory, and digital preservation. The USW algorithm creates graph based structures on the Web used for preservation of web objects (WOs). Emergent behavior activities, based on Craig Reynolds’ “boids” concept, are used to preserve WOs without the need for a central archiving authority. Graph theory is extended by developing an algorithm that incrementally creates small-world graphs. Graph theory provides a foundation to discuss the vulnerability of graphs to different types of failures and attack profiles. Investigation into the robustness and resilience of USW graphs lead to the development of a metric to quantify the effect of damage inflicted on a graph. The metric remains valid whether the graph is connected or not. Different USW preservation policies are explored within a simulation environment where preservation copies have to be spread across hosts. Spreading the copies across hosts helps to ensure that copies will remain available even when there is a concerted effort to remove all copies of a USW component. A moderately aggressive preservation policy is the most effective at making the best use of host and network resources. Our efforts are directed at answering the following research questions: 1. Can web objects (WOs) be constructed to outlive the people and institutions that created them? We have developed, analyzed, tested through simulations, and developed a reference implementation of the unsupervised small-world (USW) algorithm that we believe will create a connected network of WOs based on the web infrastructure (WI) that will outlive the people and institutions that created the WOs. The USW graph will outlive its creators by being robust and continuing to operate when some of its WOs are lost, and it is resilient and will recover when some of its WOs are lost. 2. Can we leverage aspects of naturally occurring networks and group behavior for preservation? We used Reynolds’ tenets for “boids” to guide our analysis and development of the USW algorithm. The USW algorithm allows a WO to “explore” a portion of the USW graph before making connections to members of the graph and before making preservation copies across the “discovered” graph. Analysis and simulation show that the USW graph has an average path length (L(G)) and clustering coefficient (C(G)) values comparable to small-world graphs. A high C(G) is important because it reflects how likely it is that a WO will be able spread copies to other domains, thereby increasing its likelihood of long term survival. A short L(G) is important because it means that a WO will not have to look too far to identify new candidate preservation domains, if needed. Small-world graphs occur in nature and are thus believed to be robust and resilient. The USW algorithms use these small-world graph characteristics to spread preservation copies across as many hosts as needed and possible. USW graph creation, damage, repair and preservation has been developed and tested in a simulation and reference implementation

    Atomic Broadcast in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems

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    Communication services have long been recognized as possessing a dominant effect on both performance and robustness of distributed systems. Distributed applications rely on a multitude of protocols for the support of these services. Of crucial importance are multicast protocols. Reliable multicast protocols enhance the efficiency and robustness of distributed systems. Numerous reliable multicast protocols have been proposed, each differing in the set of assumptions adopted, especially for the communication network. These assumptions make each protocol suitable for a specific environment. The presence of different distributed applications that run on different LANs and single distributed applications that span different LANs mandate interaction between protocols on these LANs. This interaction is driven by the necessity of cooperation between individual applications. The state of the art in reliable multicast protocols renders itself inadequate for multicasting in interconnected LANs. The progress in development methodology for efficient and robust LAN software has not been matched by similar advances for WANs. A high-latency, a lower bandwidth, a higher probability of partitions, and a frequent loss of messages are the main restrictive barriers. In our work, we propose a global standard protocol that orchestrates cooperation between the different reliable broadcast protocols that run on different LANs. Our objective is to support a reliable ordered delivery service for inter-LAN messages and achieve the utmost utilization of the underlying local communication services. Our protocol suite accommodates the existence of LANs managed by autonomous authorities. To uphold this autonomy (as a defacto condition), LANs under different authorities must be able to adopt different ordering criteria for group multicasting. The developed suite assumes an environment in which multicasting groups can have members that belong to different LANs; each group can adopt either total or causal order for message delivery to its members. We also recognize the need for interaction between different reliable multicasting protocols. This interaction is a necessity in an autonomous environment in which each local authority selects a protocol that is suitable to its individual needs. Our protocols are capable of interacting with any reliable protocol that achieves a causal order as well as with all timestamp-based total-order protocols. Our protocols can also be used as a medium for interaction between existing reliable multicasting protocols. This feature opens new avenues in interactability between reliable multicasting protocols. Finally, our protocol suite enjoys a communication structure that can be aligned with the actual routing topology, which largely minimizes the necessary protocol messages

    Distributed algorithms for hard real-time systems

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    Time bounded medium access control for ad hoc networks

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    Partial replication in distributed software transactional memory

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaDistributed software transactional memory (DSTM) is emerging as an interesting alternative for distributed concurrency control. Usually, DSTM systems resort to data distribution and full replication techniques in order to provide scalability and fault tolerance. Nevertheless, distribution does not provide support for fault tolerance and full replication limits the system’s total storage capacity. In this context, partial data replication rises as an intermediate solution that combines the best of the previous two trying to mitigate their disadvantages. This strategy has been explored by the distributed databases research field, but has been little addressed in the context of transactional memory and, to the best of our knowledge, it has never before been incorporated into a DSTM system for a general-purpose programming language. Thus, we defend the claim that it is possible to combine both full and partial data replication in such systems. Accordingly, we developed a prototype of a DSTM system combining full and partial data replication for Java programs. We built from an existent DSTM framework and extended it with support for partial data replication. With the proposed framework, we implemented a partially replicated DSTM. We evaluated the proposed system using known benchmarks, and the evaluation showcases the existence of scenarios where partial data replication can be advantageous, e.g., in scenarios with small amounts of transactions modifying fully replicated data. The results of this thesis show that we were able to sustain our claim by implementing a prototype that effectively combines full and partial data replication in a DSTM system. The modularity of the presented framework allows the easy implementation of its various components, and it provides a non-intrusive interface to applications.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - (FCT/MCTES) in the scope of the research project PTDC/EIA-EIA/113613/2009 (Synergy-VM
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