16 research outputs found

    A genetic approach to Markovian characterisation of H.264 scalable video

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    We propose an algorithm for multivariate Markovian characterisation of H.264/SVC scalable video traces at the sub-GoP (Group of Pictures) level. A genetic algorithm yields Markov models with limited state space that accurately capture temporal and inter-layer correlation. Key to our approach is the covariance-based fitness function. In comparison with the classical Expectation Maximisation algorithm, ours is capable of matching the second order statistics more accurately at the cost of less accuracy in matching the histograms of the trace. Moreover, a simulation study shows that our approach outperforms Expectation Maximisation in predicting performance of video streaming in various networking scenarios

    Quantifying the impact of daily and seasonal variation in sap pH on xylem dissolved inorganic carbon estimates in plum trees

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    In studies on internal CO2 transport, average xylem sap pH (pH(x)) is one of the factors used for calculation of the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in the xylem sap ([CO2*]). Lack of detailed pH(x) measurements at high temporal resolution could be a potential source of error when evaluating [CO2*] dynamics. In this experiment, we performed continuous measurements of CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and stem temperature (T-stem), complemented with pH(x) measurements at 30-min intervals during the day at various stages of the growing season (Day of the Year (DOY): 86 (late winter), 128 (mid-spring) and 155 (early summer)) on a plum tree (Prunus domestica L. cv. Reine Claude d'Oullins). We used the recorded pH(x) to calculate [CO2*] based on T-stem and the corresponding measured [CO2]. No statistically significant difference was found between mean [CO2*] calculated with instantaneous pH(x) and daily average pH(x). However, using an average pH(x) value from a different part of the growing season than the measurements of [CO2] and T-stem to estimate [CO2*] led to a statistically significant error. The error varied between 3.25 +/- 0.01% under-estimation and 3.97 * 0.01% over-estimation, relative to the true [CO2*] data. Measured pH(x) did not show a significant daily variation, unlike [CO2], which increased during the day and declined at night. As the growing season progressed, daily average [CO2] (3.4%, 5.3%, 7.4%) increased and average pH(x) (5.43, 5.29, 5.20) decreased. Increase in [CO2] will increase its solubility in xylem sap according to Henry's law, and the dissociation of [CO2*] will negatively affect pH(x). Our results are the first quantifying the error in [CO2*] due to the interaction between [CO2] and pH(x) on a seasonal time scale. We found significant changes in pH(x) across the growing season, but overall the effect on the calculation of [CO2*] remained within an error range of 4%. However, it is possible that the error could be more substantial for other tree species, particularly if pH(x) is in the more sensitive range (pHx > 6.5)

    Rate-distortion analysis and traffic modeling of scalable video coders

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    In this work, we focus on two important goals of the transmission of scalable video over the Internet. The first goal is to provide high quality video to end users and the second one is to properly design networks and predict network performance for video transmission based on the characteristics of existing video traffic. Rate-distortion (R-D) based schemes are often applied to improve and stabilize video quality; however, the lack of R-D modeling of scalable coders limits their applications in scalable streaming. Thus, in the first part of this work, we analyze R-D curves of scalable video coders and propose a novel operational R-D model. We evaluate and demonstrate the accuracy of our R-D function in various scalable coders, such as Fine Granular Scalable (FGS) and Progressive FGS coders. Furthermore, due to the time-constraint nature of Internet streaming, we propose another operational R-D model, which is accurate yet with low computational cost, and apply it to streaming applications for quality control purposes. The Internet is a changing environment; however, most quality control approaches only consider constant bit rate (CBR) channels and no specific studies have been conducted for quality control in variable bit rate (VBR) channels. To fill this void, we examine an asymptotically stable congestion control mechanism and combine it with our R-D model to present smooth visual quality to end users under various network conditions. Our second focus in this work concerns the modeling and analysis of video traffic, which is crucial to protocol design and efficient network utilization for video transmission. Although scalable video traffic is expected to be an important source for the Internet, we find that little work has been done on analyzing or modeling it. In this regard, we develop a frame-level hybrid framework for modeling multi-layer VBR video traffic. In the proposed framework, the base layer is modeled using a combination of wavelet and time-domain methods and the enhancement layer is linearly predicted from the base layer using the cross-layer correlation

    Broadcast quality video over IP

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    We consider the problem of designing systems for the transmission of high-quality video signals over certain high-speed segments of the public IP network. Our most important contribution is the definition of a network/coder interface for IP networks which gathers channel state information, and then sets parameters of the video coder to maximize the quality of the signal delivered to the receiver, while remaining fair to other data or video connections. This interface plays a role analogous to that of a Leaky Bucket controller, in that it specifies traffic shaping parameters which result in simultaneous good Quality of Service (QoS) for the source and good network performance. Since the network is not assumed to provide any form of QoS guarantee, fundamental to our construction is a hidden Markov model for the channel, based on which the interface solves a problem of optimal stochastic control, to decide how to configure the encoder. Other contributions are (a) modifications to the standard Internet transport protocol, to make it suitable for the transport of delay-constrained traffic and to gather channel state information, and (b) the design of an error-resilient video coder. Experimental studies reveal that the proposed system is able to stream video signals of the quality of current TV-broadcasts, among hosts in wide-area networks connected to the experimental vBNS backbone

    A rate control algorithm for scalable video coding

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    This thesis proposes a rate control (RC) algorithm for H.264/scalable video coding (SVC) specially designed for real-time variable bit rate (VBR) applications with buffer constraints. The VBR controller assumes that consecutive pictures within the same scene often exhibit similar degrees of complexity, and aims to prevent unnecessary quantization parameter (QP) fluctuations by allowing for just an incremental variation of QP with respect to that of the previous picture. In order to adapt this idea to H.264/SVC, a rate controller is located at each dependency layer (spatial or coarse grain scalability) so that each rate controller is responsible for determining the proper QP increment. Actually, one of the main contributions of the thesis is a QP increment regression model that is based on Gaussian processes. This model has been derived from some observations drawn from a discrete set of representative encoding states. Two real-time application scenarios were simulated to assess the performance of the VBR controller with respect to two well-known RC methods. The experimental results show that our proposal achieves an excellent performance in terms of quality consistency, buffer control, adjustment to the target bit rate, and computational complexity. Moreover, unlike typical RC algorithms for SVC that only satisfy the hypothetical reference decoder (HRD) constraints for the highest temporal resolution sub-stream of each dependency layer, the proposed VBR controller also delivers HRD-compliant sub-streams with lower temporal resolutions.To this end, a novel approach that uses a set of buffers (one per temporal resolution sub-stream) within a dependency layer has been built on top of the RC algorithm.The proposed approach aims to simultaneously control the buffer levels for overflow and underflow prevention, while maximizing the reconstructed video quality of the corresponding sub-streams. This in-layer multibuffer framework for rate-controlled SVC does not require additional dependency layers to deliver different HRD-compliant temporal resolutions for a given video source, thus improving the coding e ciency when compared to typical SVC encoder con gurations since, for the same target bit rate, less layers are encoded

    Dynamic Resource Management of Network-on-Chip Platforms for Multi-stream Video Processing

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    This thesis considers resource management in the context of parallel multiple video stream decoding, on multicore/many-core platforms. Such platforms have tens or hundreds of on-chip processing elements which are connected via a Network-on-Chip (NoC). Inefficient task allocation configurations can negatively affect the communication cost and resource contention in the platform, leading to predictability and performance issues. Efficient resource management for large-scale complex workloads is considered a challenging research problem; especially when applications such as video streaming and decoding have dynamic and unpredictable workload characteristics. For these type of applications, runtime heuristic-based task mapping techniques are required. As the application and platform size increase, decentralised resource management techniques are more desirable to overcome the reliability and performance bottlenecks in centralised management. In this work, several heuristic-based runtime resource management techniques, targeting real-time video decoding workloads are proposed. Firstly, two admission control approaches are proposed; one fully deterministic and highly predictable; the other is heuristic-based, which balances predictability and performance. Secondly, a pair of runtime task mapping schemes are presented, which make use of limited known application properties, communication cost and blocking-aware heuristics. Combined with the proposed deterministic admission controller, these techniques can provide strict timing guarantees for hard real-time streams whilst improving resource usage. The third contribution in this thesis is a distributed, bio-inspired, low-overhead, task re-allocation technique, which is used to further improve the timeliness and workload distribution of admitted soft real-time streams. Finally, this thesis explores parallelisation and resource management issues, surrounding soft real-time video streams that have been encoded using complex encoding tools and modern codecs such as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). Properties of real streams and decoding trace data are analysed, to statistically model and generate synthetic HEVC video decoding workloads. These workloads are shown to have complex and varying task dependency structures and resource requirements. To address these challenges, two novel runtime task clustering and mapping techniques for Tile-parallel HEVC decoding are proposed. These strategies consider the workload communication to computation ratio and stream-specific characteristics to balance predictability improvement and communication energy reduction. Lastly, several task to memory controller port assignment schemes are explored to alleviate performance bottlenecks, resulting from memory traffic contention

    Flow control of real-time unicast multimedia applications in best-effort networks

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    One of the fastest growing segments of Internet applications are real-time mul- timedia applications, like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Real-time multimedia applications use the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport protocol because of the inherent conservative nature of the congestion avoidance schemes of Transmis- sion Control Protocol (TCP). The e®ects of uncontrolled °ows on the Internet have not yet been felt because UDP tra±c frequently constitutes only » 20% of the total Internet tra±c. It is pertinent that real-time multimedia applications become better citizens of the Internet, while at the same time deliver acceptable Quality of Service (QoS). Traditionally, packet losses and the increase in the end-to-end delay experienced by some of the packets characterizes congestion in the network. These two signals have been used to develop most known °ow control schemes. The current research considers the °ow accumulation in the network as the signal for use in °ow control. The most signi¯cant contribution of the current research is to propose novel end- to-end °ow control schemes for unicast real-time multimedia °ows transmitting over best-e®ort networks. These control schemes are based on predictive control of the accumulation signal. The end-to-end control schemes available in the literature are based on reactive control that do not take into account the feedback delay existing between the sender and the receiver nor the forward delay in the °ow dynamics. The performance of the proposed control schemes has been evaluated using the ns-2 simulation environment. The research concludes that active control of hard real- time °ows delivers the same or somewhat better QoS as High Bit Rate (HBR, no control), but with a lower average bit rate. Consequently, it helps reduce bandwidth use of controlled real-time °ows by anywhere between 31:43% to 43:96%. Proposed reactive control schemes deliver good QoS. However, they do not scale up as well as the predictive control schemes. Proposed predictive control schemes are e®ective in delivering good quality QoS while using up less bandwidth than even the reactive con- trol schemes. They scale up well as more real-time multimedia °ows start employing them

    Video transmission over wireless networks

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    Compressed video bitstream transmissions over wireless networks are addressed in this work. We first consider error control and power allocation for transmitting wireless video over CDMA networks in conjunction with multiuser detection. We map a layered video bitstream to several CDMA fading channels and inject multiple source/parity layers into each of these channels at the transmitter. We formulate a combined optimization problem and give the optimal joint rate and power allocation for each of linear minimum mean-square error (MMSE) multiuser detector in the uplink and two types of blind linear MMSE detectors, i.e., the direct-matrix-inversion (DMI) blind detector and the subspace blind detector, in the downlink. We then present a multiple-channel video transmission scheme in wireless CDMA networks over multipath fading channels. For a given budget on the available bandwidth and total transmit power, the transmitter determines the optimal power allocations and the optimal transmission rates among multiple CDMA channels, as well as the optimal product channel code rate allocation. We also make use of results on the large-system CDMA performance for various multiuser receivers in multipath fading channels. We employ a fast joint source-channel coding algorithm to obtain the optimal product channel code structure. Finally, we propose an end-to-end architecture for multi-layer progressive video delivery over space-time differentially coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (STDC-OFDM) systems. We propose to use progressive joint source-channel coding to generate operational transmission distortion-power-rate (TD-PR) surfaces. By extending the rate-distortion function in source coding to the TD-PR surface in joint source-channel coding, our work can use the ??equal slope?? argument to effectively solve the transmission rate allocation problem as well as the transmission power allocation problem for multi-layer video transmission. It is demonstrated through simulations that as the wireless channel conditions change, these proposed schemes can scale the video streams and transport the scaled video streams to receivers with a smooth change of perceptual quality

    The Fifth NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The fifth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design had 13 sessions including Radiation Effects, Architectures, Mixed Signal, Design Techniques, Fault Testing, Synthesis, Signal Processing, and other Featured Presentations. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The presentations share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design