16 research outputs found

    Wavenet based low rate speech coding

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    Traditional parametric coding of speech facilitates low rate but provides poor reconstruction quality because of the inadequacy of the model used. We describe how a WaveNet generative speech model can be used to generate high quality speech from the bit stream of a standard parametric coder operating at 2.4 kb/s. We compare this parametric coder with a waveform coder based on the same generative model and show that approximating the signal waveform incurs a large rate penalty. Our experiments confirm the high performance of the WaveNet based coder and show that the speech produced by the system is able to additionally perform implicit bandwidth extension and does not significantly impair recognition of the original speaker for the human listener, even when that speaker has not been used during the training of the generative model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Multimedia in mobile networks: Streaming techniques, optimization and User Experience

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    1.UMTS overview and User Experience 2.Streaming Service & Streaming Platform 3.Quality of Service 4.Mpeg-4 5.Test Methodology & testing architecture 6.Conclusion

    A General Framework for Analyzing, Characterizing, and Implementing Spectrally Modulated, Spectrally Encoded Signals

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    Fourth generation (4G) communications will support many capabilities while providing universal, high speed access. One potential enabler for these capabilities is software defined radio (SDR). When controlled by cognitive radio (CR) principles, the required waveform diversity is achieved via a synergistic union called CR-based SDR. Research is rapidly progressing in SDR hardware and software venues, but current CR-based SDR research lacks the theoretical foundation and analytic framework to permit efficient implementation. This limitation is addressed here by introducing a general framework for analyzing, characterizing, and implementing spectrally modulated, spectrally encoded (SMSE) signals within CR-based SDR architectures. Given orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a 4G candidate signal, OFDM-based signals are collectively classified as SMSE since modulation and encoding are spectrally applied. The proposed framework provides analytic commonality and unification of SMSE signals. Applicability is first shown for candidate 4G signals, and resultant analytic expressions agree with published results. Implementability is then demonstrated in multiple coexistence scenarios via modeling and simulation to reinforce practical utility

    Optimizing IETF multimedia signaling protocols and architectures in 3GPP networks : an evolutionary approach

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    Signaling in Next Generation IP-based networks heavily relies in the family of multimedia signaling protocols defined by IETF. Two of these signaling protocols are RTSP and SIP, which are text-based, client-server, request-response signaling protocols aimed at enabling multimedia sessions over IP networks. RTSP was conceived to set up streaming sessions from a Content / Streaming Server to a Streaming Client, while SIP was conceived to set up media (e.g.: voice, video, chat, file sharing, …) sessions among users. However, their scope has evolved and expanded over time to cover virtually any type of content and media session. As mobile networks progressively evolved towards an IP-only (All-IP) concept, particularly in 4G and 5G networks, 3GPP had to select IP-based signaling protocols for core mobile services, as opposed to traditional SS7-based protocols used in the circuit-switched domain in use in 2G and 3G networks. In that context, rather than reinventing the wheel, 3GPP decided to leverage Internet protocols and the work carried on by the IETF. Hence, it was not surprise that when 3GPP defined the so-called Packet-switched Streaming Service (PSS) for real-time continuous media delivery, it selected RTSP as its signaling protocol and, more importantly, SIP was eventually selected as the core signaling protocol for all multimedia core services in the mobile (All-)IP domain. This 3GPP decision to use off-the-shelf IETF-standardized signaling protocols has been a key cornerstone for the future of All-IP fixed / mobile networks convergence and Next Generation Networks (NGN) in general. In this context, the main goal of our work has been analyzing how such general purpose IP multimedia signaling protocols are deployed and behave over 3GPP mobile networks. Effectively, usage of IP protocols is key to enable cross-vendor interoperability. On the other hand, due to the specific nature of the mobile domain, there are scenarios where it might be possible to leverage some additional “context” to enhance the performance of such protocols in the particular case of mobile networks. With this idea in mind, the bulk of this thesis work has consisted on analyzing and optimizing the performance of SIP and RTSP multimedia signaling protocols and defining optimized deployment architectures, with particular focus on the 3GPP PSS and the 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) service. This work was preceded by a detailed analysis work of the performance of underlying IP, UDP and TCP protocol performance over 3GPP networks, which provided the best baseline for the future work around IP multimedia signaling protocols. Our contributions include the proposal of new optimizations to enhance multimedia streaming session setup procedures, detailed analysis and optimizations of a SIP-based Presence service and, finally, the definition of new use cases and optimized deployment architectures for the 3GPP MCPTT service. All this work has been published in the form of one book, three papers published in JCR cited International Journals, 5 articles published in International Conferences, one paper published in a National Conference and one awarded patent. This thesis work provides a detailed description of all contributions plus a comprehensive overview of their context, the guiding principles beneath all contributions, their applicability to different network deployment technologies (from 2.5G to 5G), a detailed overview of the related OMA and 3GPP architectures, services and design principles. Last but not least, the potential evolution of this research work into the 5G domain is also outlined as well.Els mecanismes de Senyalització en xarxes de nova generació es fonamenten en protocols de senyalització definits per IETF. En particular, SIP i RTSP són dos protocols extensibles basats en missatges de text i paradigma petició-resposta. RTSP va ser concebut per a establir sessions de streaming de continguts, mentre SIP va ser creat inicialment per a facilitar l’establiment de sessions multimèdia (veu, vídeo, xat, compartició) entre usuaris. Tot i així, el seu àmbit d’aplicació s’ha anat expandint i evolucionant fins a cobrir virtualment qualsevol tipus de contingut i sessió multimèdia. A mesura que les xarxes mòbils han anat evolucionant cap a un paradigma “All-IP”, particularment en xarxes 4G i 5G, 3GPP va seleccionar els protocols i arquitectures destinats a gestionar la senyalització dels serveis mòbils presents i futurs. En un moment determinat 3GPP decideix que, a diferència dels sistemes 2G i 3G que fan servir protocols basats en SS7, els sistemes de nova generació farien servir protocols estandarditzats per IETF. Quan 3GPP va començar a estandarditzar el servei de Streaming sobre xarxes mòbils PSS (Packet-switched Streaming Service) va escollir el protocol RTSP com a mecanisme de senyalització. Encara més significatiu, el protocol SIP va ser escollit com a mecanisme de senyalització per a IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), l’arquitectura de nova generació que substituirà la xarxa telefònica tradicional i permetrà el desplegament de nous serveis multimèdia. La decisió per part de 3GPP de seleccionar protocols estàndards definits per IETF ha representat una fita cabdal per a la convergència del sistemes All-IP fixes i mòbils, i per al desenvolupament de xarxes NGN (Next Generation Networks) en general. En aquest context, el nostre objectiu inicial ha estat analitzar com aquests protocols de senyalització multimèdia, dissenyats per a xarxes IP genèriques, es comporten sobre xarxes mòbils 3GPP. Efectivament, l’ús de protocols IP és fonamental de cara a facilitar la interoperabilitat de solucions diferents. Per altra banda, hi ha escenaris a on és possible aprofitar informació de “context” addicional per a millorar el comportament d’aquests protocols en al cas particular de xarxes mòbils. El cos principal del treball de la tesi ha consistit en l’anàlisi i optimització del rendiment dels protocols de senyalització multimèdia SIP i RTSP, i la definició d’arquitectures de desplegament, amb èmfasi en els serveis 3GPP PSS i 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT). Aquest treball ha estat precedit per una feina d’anàlisi detallada del comportament dels protocols IP, TCP i UDP sobre xarxes 3GPP, que va proporcionar els fonaments adequats per a la posterior tasca d’anàlisi de protocols de senyalització sobre xarxes mòbils. Les contribucions inclouen la proposta de noves optimitzacions per a millorar els procediments d’establiment de sessions de streaming multimèdia, l’anàlisi detallat i optimització del servei de Presència basat en SIP i la definició de nous casos d’ús i exemples de desplegament d’arquitectures optimitzades per al servei 3GPP MCPTT. Aquestes contribucions ha quedat reflectides en un llibre, tres articles publicats en Revistes Internacionals amb índex JCR, 5 articles publicats en Conferències Internacionals, un article publicat en Congrés Nacional i l’adjudicació d’una patent. La tesi proporciona una descripció detallada de totes les contribucions, així com un exhaustiu repàs del seu context, dels principis fonamentals subjacents a totes les contribucions, la seva aplicabilitat a diferents tipus de desplegaments de xarxa (des de 2.5G a 5G), així una presentació detallada de les arquitectures associades definides per organismes com OMA o 3GPP. Finalment també es presenta l’evolució potencial de la tasca de recerca cap a sistemes 5G.Postprint (published version

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    Optimizing IETF multimedia signaling protocols and architectures in 3GPP networks : an evolutionary approach

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    Signaling in Next Generation IP-based networks heavily relies in the family of multimedia signaling protocols defined by IETF. Two of these signaling protocols are RTSP and SIP, which are text-based, client-server, request-response signaling protocols aimed at enabling multimedia sessions over IP networks. RTSP was conceived to set up streaming sessions from a Content / Streaming Server to a Streaming Client, while SIP was conceived to set up media (e.g.: voice, video, chat, file sharing, …) sessions among users. However, their scope has evolved and expanded over time to cover virtually any type of content and media session. As mobile networks progressively evolved towards an IP-only (All-IP) concept, particularly in 4G and 5G networks, 3GPP had to select IP-based signaling protocols for core mobile services, as opposed to traditional SS7-based protocols used in the circuit-switched domain in use in 2G and 3G networks. In that context, rather than reinventing the wheel, 3GPP decided to leverage Internet protocols and the work carried on by the IETF. Hence, it was not surprise that when 3GPP defined the so-called Packet-switched Streaming Service (PSS) for real-time continuous media delivery, it selected RTSP as its signaling protocol and, more importantly, SIP was eventually selected as the core signaling protocol for all multimedia core services in the mobile (All-)IP domain. This 3GPP decision to use off-the-shelf IETF-standardized signaling protocols has been a key cornerstone for the future of All-IP fixed / mobile networks convergence and Next Generation Networks (NGN) in general. In this context, the main goal of our work has been analyzing how such general purpose IP multimedia signaling protocols are deployed and behave over 3GPP mobile networks. Effectively, usage of IP protocols is key to enable cross-vendor interoperability. On the other hand, due to the specific nature of the mobile domain, there are scenarios where it might be possible to leverage some additional “context” to enhance the performance of such protocols in the particular case of mobile networks. With this idea in mind, the bulk of this thesis work has consisted on analyzing and optimizing the performance of SIP and RTSP multimedia signaling protocols and defining optimized deployment architectures, with particular focus on the 3GPP PSS and the 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) service. This work was preceded by a detailed analysis work of the performance of underlying IP, UDP and TCP protocol performance over 3GPP networks, which provided the best baseline for the future work around IP multimedia signaling protocols. Our contributions include the proposal of new optimizations to enhance multimedia streaming session setup procedures, detailed analysis and optimizations of a SIP-based Presence service and, finally, the definition of new use cases and optimized deployment architectures for the 3GPP MCPTT service. All this work has been published in the form of one book, three papers published in JCR cited International Journals, 5 articles published in International Conferences, one paper published in a National Conference and one awarded patent. This thesis work provides a detailed description of all contributions plus a comprehensive overview of their context, the guiding principles beneath all contributions, their applicability to different network deployment technologies (from 2.5G to 5G), a detailed overview of the related OMA and 3GPP architectures, services and design principles. Last but not least, the potential evolution of this research work into the 5G domain is also outlined as well.Els mecanismes de Senyalització en xarxes de nova generació es fonamenten en protocols de senyalització definits per IETF. En particular, SIP i RTSP són dos protocols extensibles basats en missatges de text i paradigma petició-resposta. RTSP va ser concebut per a establir sessions de streaming de continguts, mentre SIP va ser creat inicialment per a facilitar l’establiment de sessions multimèdia (veu, vídeo, xat, compartició) entre usuaris. Tot i així, el seu àmbit d’aplicació s’ha anat expandint i evolucionant fins a cobrir virtualment qualsevol tipus de contingut i sessió multimèdia. A mesura que les xarxes mòbils han anat evolucionant cap a un paradigma “All-IP”, particularment en xarxes 4G i 5G, 3GPP va seleccionar els protocols i arquitectures destinats a gestionar la senyalització dels serveis mòbils presents i futurs. En un moment determinat 3GPP decideix que, a diferència dels sistemes 2G i 3G que fan servir protocols basats en SS7, els sistemes de nova generació farien servir protocols estandarditzats per IETF. Quan 3GPP va començar a estandarditzar el servei de Streaming sobre xarxes mòbils PSS (Packet-switched Streaming Service) va escollir el protocol RTSP com a mecanisme de senyalització. Encara més significatiu, el protocol SIP va ser escollit com a mecanisme de senyalització per a IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), l’arquitectura de nova generació que substituirà la xarxa telefònica tradicional i permetrà el desplegament de nous serveis multimèdia. La decisió per part de 3GPP de seleccionar protocols estàndards definits per IETF ha representat una fita cabdal per a la convergència del sistemes All-IP fixes i mòbils, i per al desenvolupament de xarxes NGN (Next Generation Networks) en general. En aquest context, el nostre objectiu inicial ha estat analitzar com aquests protocols de senyalització multimèdia, dissenyats per a xarxes IP genèriques, es comporten sobre xarxes mòbils 3GPP. Efectivament, l’ús de protocols IP és fonamental de cara a facilitar la interoperabilitat de solucions diferents. Per altra banda, hi ha escenaris a on és possible aprofitar informació de “context” addicional per a millorar el comportament d’aquests protocols en al cas particular de xarxes mòbils. El cos principal del treball de la tesi ha consistit en l’anàlisi i optimització del rendiment dels protocols de senyalització multimèdia SIP i RTSP, i la definició d’arquitectures de desplegament, amb èmfasi en els serveis 3GPP PSS i 3GPP Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT). Aquest treball ha estat precedit per una feina d’anàlisi detallada del comportament dels protocols IP, TCP i UDP sobre xarxes 3GPP, que va proporcionar els fonaments adequats per a la posterior tasca d’anàlisi de protocols de senyalització sobre xarxes mòbils. Les contribucions inclouen la proposta de noves optimitzacions per a millorar els procediments d’establiment de sessions de streaming multimèdia, l’anàlisi detallat i optimització del servei de Presència basat en SIP i la definició de nous casos d’ús i exemples de desplegament d’arquitectures optimitzades per al servei 3GPP MCPTT. Aquestes contribucions ha quedat reflectides en un llibre, tres articles publicats en Revistes Internacionals amb índex JCR, 5 articles publicats en Conferències Internacionals, un article publicat en Congrés Nacional i l’adjudicació d’una patent. La tesi proporciona una descripció detallada de totes les contribucions, així com un exhaustiu repàs del seu context, dels principis fonamentals subjacents a totes les contribucions, la seva aplicabilitat a diferents tipus de desplegaments de xarxa (des de 2.5G a 5G), així una presentació detallada de les arquitectures associades definides per organismes com OMA o 3GPP. Finalment també es presenta l’evolució potencial de la tasca de recerca cap a sistemes 5G

    Performance Evaluation of LTE and LTE advanced standards for next generation mobile networks

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    Nel corso della trattazione sono analizzati gli standard 3GPP LTE e LTE-Advanced per la prossima generazione delle reti mobili cellulari. L'algoritmo OptiMOS, che può essere impiegato dalla Stazione Base per servire in modo efficiente connessioni VoIP, è descritto nel capitolo [8]. L’algoritmo di link scheduling Relay, finalizzato a ottimizzare le reti LTE avanzate in presenza di nodi relay è descritto nel capitolo [9]. Questo lavoro è stato presentato in adempimento parziale dei requisiti per la Laurea di Dottore di Ricerca in Ingegneria dell'Informazione presso l'ufficio informazioni Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Università degli Studi di Pisa, Italia

    A Scheduling and Resource Allocation Algorithm for LTE Networks Using Tree Structures

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    Το σύστημα LTE σχεδιάστηκε από τη 3GPP με στόχο την ικανοποίηση των ολοένααυξανόμενων αναγκών για ασύρματη ευρυζωνική πρόσβαση. Τεχνικές όπως το σχήμα πολλαπλής πρόσβασης OFDMA, το MIMOκαι η Προσαρμοστική Διαμόρφωση και Κωδικοποίηση υιοθετήθηκαν προκειμένου να αυξήσουν τους επιτεύξιμους ρυθμούςμετάδοσης και να βελτιώσουν τη φασματική απόδοση. Ωστόσο, απαιτείται η ανάπτυξη εξελιγμένων αλγορίθμωνχρονοπρογραμματισμού προκειμένου να αξιοποιηθεί η πλήρης δυναμική αυτών των τεχνικών. Παρά το γεγονός ότι η 3GPPέχειπροτυποποιήσει πλήρως τη σηματοδοσία ελέγχου που απαιτείται για την εκτέλεση του χρονοπρογραμματισμού, οι αλγόριθμοι πουχρειάζεται να εκτελεστούν προκειμένου να ληφθούν αποδοτικές αποφάσεις έχουν αφεθεί στους κατασκευαστές για υλοποίηση.Ωςεκ τούτου, σημαντική ερευνητική προσπάθεια έχει καταβληθεί προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση και έχουν προταθεί αρκετοίαλγόριθμοιχρονοπρογραμματισμού. Το κύριο συμπέρασμα που εξάγεται από τη μελέτη της βιβλιογραφίας είναι ότι οχρονοπρογραμματισμόςσε ένα σύστημα πολλών φερουσών με τους περιορισμούς του LTE αποτελεί ένα πολυδιάστατο πρόβλημα.Ανάμεσα στις πολλέςδιαστάσεις του, αυτές που κυρίως λαμβάνονται υπόψη στους προτεινόμενους αλγορίθμους είναι ηρυθμαπόδοση, η δικαιοσύνη και η εξασφάλιση εγγυημένης ποιότητας υπηρεσίας.Η κύρια συμβολή της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η πρόταση ενός νέου αλγόριθμου χρονοπρογραμματισμού και διαχείρισης πόρων ο οποίος αντιμετωπίζει τα περισσότερα από τα θέματα που καθορίζουν τησυνολική απόδοση μίας οντότητας χρονοπρογραμματισμού του LTE. Η πρόταση εστιάζει κυρίως στην πολυπλοκότητα πουεισάγεται κατά τη λήψη μίας απόφασης χρονοπρογραμματισμού. Επιχειρεί δε να επιλύσει αυτό το πρόβλημα με την εισαγωγή μίαςεξελιγμένης δενδρικής δομής η οποία επιτρέπει την αποδοτική αποθήκευση όλων των παραμέτρων που θεωρούνται ουσιώδεις στηδιαδικασία λήψης μίας απόφασης χρονοπρογραμματισμού. Με αυτό τον τρόπο η οντότητα χρονοπρογραμματισμού έχει άμεσηπρόσβαση σε αυτές τις πληροφορίες. Στην εργασία περιγράφεται ένας πλήρης αλγόριθμος προγραμματισμού στο πεδίο τουχρόνου που αξιοποιεί αυτή τη δενδρική δομή και επιπλέον προτείνονται δύο νέοι αλγόριθμοι κατανομής πόρων. Οι αλγόριθμοιαυτοί επίσης αξιοποιούν κάποιες επιπρόσθετες δενδρικές δομές οι οποίες παράγονται ύστερα από κατάλληλη προ-επεξεργασίαπου λαμβάνει χώρα πριν τη λήψη της απόφασης χρονοπρογραμματισμού. Ο πρώτος αλγόριθμος παρουσιάζει χαμηλήπολυπλοκότητα και ικανοποιητική απόδοση ενώ ο δεύτερος βελτιωμένη απόδοση με το κόστος κάποιας επιπρόσθετηςπολυπλοκότητας. Αποτελέσματα εκτεταμένων προσομοιώσεων επιβεβαιώνουν την ικανότητα του προτεινόμενου σχήματος στηνικανοποίηση των αυστηρών απαιτήσεων του LTE σε ότι αφορά την ποιότητα υπηρεσίας, ενώ ταυτόχρονα η απόδοση τωνπροτεινόμενων αλγορίθμων συγκρίνεται με γνωστές τεχνικές χρονοπρογραμματισμού. Οι προτεινόμενες λύσεις είναι εφαρμόσιμες μόνο στην περίπτωση της κατωφερούς ζεύξης, ωστόσο η ίδια ιδέα μπορεί να προσαρμοστεί κατάλληλα για να παρέχει μία αποδοτική λύση και στην περίπτωση της ανωφερούς ζεύξηςLong Term Evolution (LTE) has been designed by 3GPP with the target to meet the ever increasing demands in broadband wireless access. Techniques such as OFDMA multiple access scheme, MIMO and Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) have been adopted in order to boost the achieved data rates and improve spectral efficiency. However, the development of sophisticated scheduling algorithms is required so that the full potential of those techniques is exploited. Even though 3GPP has fully standardized the control signaling required to perform scheduling, the algorithms that need to be executed to make efficient decisions are left to vendor implementation. Therefore significant research effort has been dedicated to this direction and several scheduling algorithms have been proposed. The main conclusion drawn from the study of the literature is that scheduling in a multicarrier system with the restrictions of LTE constitutes a multidimensional problem. Among the multiple dimensions, those that are mostly considered in the proposed algorithms are throughput, fairness and QoS guarantee. The main contribution of this thesis is to propose a new scheduling algorithm that addresses most of the issues that define the overall performance of an LTE scheduler. The proposal focuses mainly on the complexity involved in making a scheduling decision. It attempts to resolve this issue by the introduction of a sophisticated tree structure that enables the efficient storage of all the parameters that are considered essential in the scheduling decision process. Thus the scheduler can have immediate access to this information. A full time domain scheduling algorithm that utilizes this tree structure is described and two new resource allocation algorithms are proposed. These algorithms also utilize some additional tree structures derived from appropriate preprocessing actions that take place before the actual scheduling decision. The first algorithm has low complexity and satisfactory performance while the second has improved performance with the cost of some additional complexity. Extensive simulation results confirm the capability of the proposed scheme in satisfying the strict QoS requirements of LTE, while the performance of the newly proposed algorithms is compared with well-known scheduling techniques. The proposed solutions are applicable to the downlink case, while the same concept may be adapted properly to provide an efficient solution for the uplink case

    Mobile radio alternative systems study satellite/terrestrial (hybrid) systems concepts

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    The use of satellites for mobile radio service in non-urban areas of the United States in the years from 1985 to 2000 was investigated. Several satellite concepts are considered: a system with single-beam coverage of the fifty United States and Puerto Rico, and multi-beam satellites with greater capacity. All of the needed functions and services identified in the market study are provided by the satellite systems, including nationwide radio access to vehicles without knowledge of vehicle location wideband data transmission from remote sites, two way exchange of short data and control messages between vehicles and dispatch or control centers, and automatic vehicle location (surveillance). The costs of providing the services are within acceptable limits, and the desired returns to the system investors are attractive. The criteria by which the Federal Communication judges the competing demands for public radio spectrum are reviewed with comments on how the criteria might apply to the consideration of land mobile satellites. Institutional arrangements for operating a mobile satellite system are based on the present institutional arrangements in which the services are offered to the end users through wireline and radio common carriers, with direct access by large private and government users

    Design and analysis of scheduling algorithms for next generation broadband wireless access systems

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    Efficient utilization of network resources is a key goal for emerging Broadband Wireless Access Systems (BWAS). This is a complex goal to achieve due to the heterogeneous service nature and diverse Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of various applications that BWAS support. Packet scheduling is an important activity that affects BWAS QoS outcomes. This thesis proposes a new packet scheduling mechanism that improves QoS in mobile wireless networks which exploit IP as a transport technology for data transfer between BWAS base stations and mobile users at the radio transmission layer. In order to improve BWAS QoS the new packet algorithm makes changes at both the IP and the radio layers. The new packet scheduling algorithm exploits handoff priority scheduling principles and takes into account buffer occupancy and channel conditions. The packet scheduling mechanism also incorporates the concept of fairness. The algorithm also offers an opportunity to maximize the carriers’ revenue at various traffic situations. Performance results were obtained by computer simulation and compared to the well-known algorithms. Results show that by exploiting the new packet scheduling algorithm, the transport system is able to provide a low handoff packet drop rate, low packet forwarding rate, low packet delay, ensure fairness amongst the users of different services and generates higher revenue for the telecom carriers. Furthermore this research proposes a new and novel measure named “satisfaction factor to measure the efficacy of various scheduling schemes and finally this s research also proposes four performance measurements metric for NodeB’s of Next Generation Wireless Network