48 research outputs found

    Multi-GPU aggregation-based AMG preconditioner for iterative linear solvers

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    We present and release in open source format a sparse linear solver which efficiently exploits heterogeneous parallel computers. The solver can be easily integrated into scientific applications that need to solve large and sparse linear systems on modern parallel computers made of hybrid nodes hosting NVIDIA Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) accelerators. The work extends our previous efforts in the exploitation of a single GPU accelerator and proposes an implementation, based on the hybrid MPI-CUDA software environment, of a Krylov-type linear solver relying on an efficient Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG) preconditioner already available in the BootCMatchG library. Our design for the hybrid implementation has been driven by the best practices for minimizing data communication overhead when multiple GPUs are employed, yet preserving the efficiency of the single GPU kernels. Strong and weak scalability results on well-known benchmark test cases of the new version of the library are discussed. Comparisons with the Nvidia AmgX solution show an improvement of up to 2.0x in the solve phase

    Generalizing Reduction-Based Algebraic Multigrid

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    Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) methods are often robust and effective solvers for solving the large and sparse linear systems that arise from discretized PDEs and other problems, relying on heuristic graph algorithms to achieve their performance. Reduction-based AMG (AMGr) algorithms attempt to formalize these heuristics by providing two-level convergence bounds that depend concretely on properties of the partitioning of the given matrix into its fine- and coarse-grid degrees of freedom. MacLachlan and Saad (SISC 2007) proved that the AMGr method yields provably robust two-level convergence for symmetric and positive-definite matrices that are diagonally dominant, with a convergence factor bounded as a function of a coarsening parameter. However, when applying AMGr algorithms to matrices that are not diagonally dominant, not only do the convergence factor bounds not hold, but measured performance is notably degraded. Here, we present modifications to the classical AMGr algorithm that improve its performance on matrices that are not diagonally dominant, making use of strength of connection, sparse approximate inverse (SPAI) techniques, and interpolation truncation and rescaling, to improve robustness while maintaining control of the algorithmic costs. We present numerical results demonstrating the robustness of this approach for both classical isotropic diffusion problems and for non-diagonally dominant systems coming from anisotropic diffusion

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPartial differential equations (PDEs) are widely used in science and engineering to model phenomena such as sound, heat, and electrostatics. In many practical science and engineering applications, the solutions of PDEs require the tessellation of computational domains into unstructured meshes and entail computationally expensive and time-consuming processes. Therefore, efficient and fast PDE solving techniques on unstructured meshes are important in these applications. Relative to CPUs, the faster growth curves in the speed and greater power efficiency of the SIMD streaming processors, such as GPUs, have gained them an increasingly important role in the high-performance computing area. Combining suitable parallel algorithms and these streaming processors, we can develop very efficient numerical solvers of PDEs. The contributions of this dissertation are twofold: proposal of two general strategies to design efficient PDE solvers on GPUs and the specific applications of these strategies to solve different types of PDEs. Specifically, this dissertation consists of four parts. First, we describe the general strategies, the domain decomposition strategy and the hybrid gathering strategy. Next, we introduce a parallel algorithm for solving the eikonal equation on fully unstructured meshes efficiently. Third, we present the algorithms and data structures necessary to move the entire FEM pipeline to the GPU. Fourth, we propose a parallel algorithm for solving the levelset equation on fully unstructured 2D or 3D meshes or manifolds. This algorithm combines a narrowband scheme with domain decomposition for efficient levelset equation solving

    Why diffusion-based preconditioning of Richards equation works: spectral analysis and computational experiments at very large scale

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    We consider here a cell-centered finite difference approximation of the Richards equation in three dimensions, averaging for interface values the hydraulic conductivity K=K(p)K=K(p), a highly nonlinear function, by arithmetic, upstream, and harmonic means. The nonlinearities in the equation can lead to changes in soil conductivity over several orders of magnitude and discretizations with respect to space variables often produce stiff systems of differential equations. A fully implicit time discretization is provided by \emph{backward Euler} one-step formula; the resulting nonlinear algebraic system is solved by an inexact Newton Armijo-Goldstein algorithm, requiring the solution of a sequence of linear systems involving Jacobian matrices. We prove some new results concerning the distribution of the Jacobians eigenvalues and the explicit expression of their entries. Moreover, we explore some connections between the saturation of the soil and the ill-conditioning of the Jacobians. The information on eigenvalues justifies the effectiveness of some preconditioner approaches which are widely used in the solution of Richards equation. We also propose a new software framework to experiment with scalable and robust preconditioners suitable for efficient parallel simulations at very large scales. Performance results on a literature test case show that our framework is very promising in the advance towards realistic simulations at extreme scale

    Multicore architecture optimizations for HPC applications

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    From single-core CPUs to detachable compute accelerators, supercomputers made a tremendous progress by using available transistors on chip and specializing hardware for a given type of computation. Today, compute nodes used in HPC employ multi-core CPUs tailored for serial execution and multiple accelerators (many-core devices or GPUs) for throughput computing. However, designing next-generation HPC system requires not only the performance improvement but also better energy efficiency. Current trend of reaching exascale level of computation asks for at least an order of magnitude increase in both of these metrics. This thesis explores HPC-specific optimizations in order to make better utilization of the available transistors and to improve performance by transparently executing parallel code across multiple GPU accelerators. First, we analyze several HPC benchmark suites, compare them against typical desktop applications, and identify the differences which advocate for proper core tailoring. Moreover, within the HPC applications, we evaluate serial and parallel code sections separately, resulting in an Asymmetric Chip Multiprocessor (ACMP) design with one core optimized for single-thread performance and many lean cores for parallel execution. Our results presented here suggests downsizing of core front-end structures providing an HPC-tailored lean core which saves 16% of the core area and 7% of power, without performance loss. Further improving an ACMP design, we identify that multiple lean cores run the same code during parallel regions. This motivated us to evaluate the idea where lean cores share the I-cache with the intent of benefiting from mutual prefetching, without increasing the average access latency. Our exploration of the multiple parameters finds the sweet spot on a wide interconnect to access the shared I-cache and the inclusion of a few line buffers to provide the required bandwidth and latency to sustain performance. The projections presented in this thesis show additional 11% area savings with a 5% energy reduction at no performance cost. These area and power savings might be attractive for many-core accelerators either for increasing the performance per area and power unit, or adding additional cores and thus improving the performance for the same hardware budget. Finally, in this thesis we study the effects of future NUMA accelerators comprised of multiple GPU devices. Reaching the limits of a single-GPU die size, next-generation GPU compute accelerators will likely embrace multi-socket designs increasing the core count and memory bandwidth. However, maintaining the UMA behavior of a single-GPU in multi-GPU systems without code rewriting stands as a challenge. We investigate multi-socket NUMA GPU designs and show that significant changes are needed to both the GPU interconnect and cache architectures to achieve performance scalability. We show that application phase effects can be exploited allowing GPU sockets to dynamically optimize their individual interconnect and cache policies, minimizing the impact of NUMA effects. Our NUMA-aware GPU outperforms a single GPU by 1.5×, 2.3×, and 3.2× while achieving 89%, 84%, and 76% of theoretical application scalability in 2, 4, and 8 sockets designs respectively. Implementable today, NUMA-aware multi-socket GPUs may be a promising candidate for performance scaling of future compute nodes used in HPC.Empezando por CPUs de un solo procesador, y pasando por aceleradores discretos, los supercomputadores han avanzado enormemente utilizando todos los transistores disponibles en el chip, y especializando los diseños para cada tipo de cálculo. Actualmente, los nodos de cálculo de un sistema de Computación de Altas Prestaciones (CAP) utilizan CPUs de múltiples procesadores, optimizados para el cálculo serial de instrucciones, y múltiples aceleradores (aceleradores gráficos, o many-core), optimizados para el cálculo paralelo. El diseño de un sistema CAP de nueva generación requiere no solo mejorar el rendimiento de cálculo, sino también mejorar la eficiencia energética. La siguiente generación de sistemas requiere mejorar un orden de magnitud en ambas métricas simultáneamente. Esta tesis doctoral explora optimizaciones específicas para sistemas CAP para hacer un mejor uso de los transistores, y para mejorar las prestaciones de forma transparente ejecutando las aplicaciones en múltiples aceleradores en paralelo. Primero, analizamos varios conjuntos de aplicaciones CAP, y las comparamos con aplicaciones para servidores y escritorio, identificando las principales diferencias que nos indican cómo ajustar la arquitectura para CAP. En las aplicaciones CAP, también analizamos la parte secuencial del código y la parte paralela de forma separada, . El resultado de este análisis nos lleva a proponer una arquitectura multiprocesador asimétrica (ACMP) , con un procesador optimizado para el código secuencial, y múltiples procesadores, más pequeños, optimizados para el procesamiento paralelo. Nuestros resultados muestran que reducir el tamaño de las estructuras del front-end (fetch, y predicción de saltos) en los procesadores paralelos nos proporciona un 16% extra de área en el chip, y una reducción de consumo del 7%. Como mejora a nuestra arquitectura ACMP, proponemos explotar el hecho de que todos los procesadores paralelos ejecutan el mismo código al mismo tiempo. Evaluamos una propuesta en que los procesadores paralelos comparten la caché de instrucciones, con la intención de que uno de ellos precargue las instrucciones para los demás procesadores (prefetching), sin aumentar la latencia media de acceso. Nuestra exploración de los distintos parámetros determina que el punto óptimo requiere una interconexión de alto ancho de banda para acceder a la caché compartida, y el uso de unos pocos line buffers para mantener el ancho de banda y la latencia necesarios. Nuestras proyecciones muestran un ahorro adicional del 11% en área y el 5% en energía, sin impacto en el rendimiento. Estos ahorros de área y energía permiten a un multiprocesador incrementar la eficiencia energética, o aumentar el rendimiento añadiendo procesador adicionales. Por último, estudiamos el efecto de usar múltiples aceleradores (GPU) en una arquitectura con tiempo de acceso a memoria no uniforme (NUMA). Una vez alcanzado el límite de número de transistores y tamaño máximo por chip, la siguiente generación de aceleradores deberá utilizar múltiples chips para aumentar el número de procesadores y el ancho de banda de acceso a memoria. Sin embargo, es muy difícil mantener la ilusión de un tiempo de acceso a memoria uniforme en un sistema multi-GPU sin reescribir el código de la aplicación. Nuestra investigación sobre sistemas multi-GPU muestra retos significativos en el diseño de la interconexión entre las GPU y la jerarquía de memorias cache. Nuestros resultados muestran que se puede explotar el comportamiento en fases de las aplicaciones para optimizar la configuración de la interconexión y las cachés de forma dinámica, minimizando el impacto de la arquitectura NUMA. Nuestro diseño mejora el rendimiento de un sistema con una única GPU en 1.5x, 2.3x y 3.2x (el 89%, 84%, y 76% del máximo teórico) usando 2, 4, y 8 GPUs en paralelo. Siendo su implementación posible hoy en dia, los nodos de cálculo con múltiples aceleradores son una alternativa atractiva para futuros sistemas CAP

    Multicore architecture optimizations for HPC applications

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    From single-core CPUs to detachable compute accelerators, supercomputers made a tremendous progress by using available transistors on chip and specializing hardware for a given type of computation. Today, compute nodes used in HPC employ multi-core CPUs tailored for serial execution and multiple accelerators (many-core devices or GPUs) for throughput computing. However, designing next-generation HPC system requires not only the performance improvement but also better energy efficiency. Current trend of reaching exascale level of computation asks for at least an order of magnitude increase in both of these metrics. This thesis explores HPC-specific optimizations in order to make better utilization of the available transistors and to improve performance by transparently executing parallel code across multiple GPU accelerators. First, we analyze several HPC benchmark suites, compare them against typical desktop applications, and identify the differences which advocate for proper core tailoring. Moreover, within the HPC applications, we evaluate serial and parallel code sections separately, resulting in an Asymmetric Chip Multiprocessor (ACMP) design with one core optimized for single-thread performance and many lean cores for parallel execution. Our results presented here suggests downsizing of core front-end structures providing an HPC-tailored lean core which saves 16% of the core area and 7% of power, without performance loss. Further improving an ACMP design, we identify that multiple lean cores run the same code during parallel regions. This motivated us to evaluate the idea where lean cores share the I-cache with the intent of benefiting from mutual prefetching, without increasing the average access latency. Our exploration of the multiple parameters finds the sweet spot on a wide interconnect to access the shared I-cache and the inclusion of a few line buffers to provide the required bandwidth and latency to sustain performance. The projections presented in this thesis show additional 11% area savings with a 5% energy reduction at no performance cost. These area and power savings might be attractive for many-core accelerators either for increasing the performance per area and power unit, or adding additional cores and thus improving the performance for the same hardware budget. Finally, in this thesis we study the effects of future NUMA accelerators comprised of multiple GPU devices. Reaching the limits of a single-GPU die size, next-generation GPU compute accelerators will likely embrace multi-socket designs increasing the core count and memory bandwidth. However, maintaining the UMA behavior of a single-GPU in multi-GPU systems without code rewriting stands as a challenge. We investigate multi-socket NUMA GPU designs and show that significant changes are needed to both the GPU interconnect and cache architectures to achieve performance scalability. We show that application phase effects can be exploited allowing GPU sockets to dynamically optimize their individual interconnect and cache policies, minimizing the impact of NUMA effects. Our NUMA-aware GPU outperforms a single GPU by 1.5×, 2.3×, and 3.2× while achieving 89%, 84%, and 76% of theoretical application scalability in 2, 4, and 8 sockets designs respectively. Implementable today, NUMA-aware multi-socket GPUs may be a promising candidate for performance scaling of future compute nodes used in HPC.Empezando por CPUs de un solo procesador, y pasando por aceleradores discretos, los supercomputadores han avanzado enormemente utilizando todos los transistores disponibles en el chip, y especializando los diseños para cada tipo de cálculo. Actualmente, los nodos de cálculo de un sistema de Computación de Altas Prestaciones (CAP) utilizan CPUs de múltiples procesadores, optimizados para el cálculo serial de instrucciones, y múltiples aceleradores (aceleradores gráficos, o many-core), optimizados para el cálculo paralelo. El diseño de un sistema CAP de nueva generación requiere no solo mejorar el rendimiento de cálculo, sino también mejorar la eficiencia energética. La siguiente generación de sistemas requiere mejorar un orden de magnitud en ambas métricas simultáneamente. Esta tesis doctoral explora optimizaciones específicas para sistemas CAP para hacer un mejor uso de los transistores, y para mejorar las prestaciones de forma transparente ejecutando las aplicaciones en múltiples aceleradores en paralelo. Primero, analizamos varios conjuntos de aplicaciones CAP, y las comparamos con aplicaciones para servidores y escritorio, identificando las principales diferencias que nos indican cómo ajustar la arquitectura para CAP. En las aplicaciones CAP, también analizamos la parte secuencial del código y la parte paralela de forma separada, . El resultado de este análisis nos lleva a proponer una arquitectura multiprocesador asimétrica (ACMP) , con un procesador optimizado para el código secuencial, y múltiples procesadores, más pequeños, optimizados para el procesamiento paralelo. Nuestros resultados muestran que reducir el tamaño de las estructuras del front-end (fetch, y predicción de saltos) en los procesadores paralelos nos proporciona un 16% extra de área en el chip, y una reducción de consumo del 7%. Como mejora a nuestra arquitectura ACMP, proponemos explotar el hecho de que todos los procesadores paralelos ejecutan el mismo código al mismo tiempo. Evaluamos una propuesta en que los procesadores paralelos comparten la caché de instrucciones, con la intención de que uno de ellos precargue las instrucciones para los demás procesadores (prefetching), sin aumentar la latencia media de acceso. Nuestra exploración de los distintos parámetros determina que el punto óptimo requiere una interconexión de alto ancho de banda para acceder a la caché compartida, y el uso de unos pocos line buffers para mantener el ancho de banda y la latencia necesarios. Nuestras proyecciones muestran un ahorro adicional del 11% en área y el 5% en energía, sin impacto en el rendimiento. Estos ahorros de área y energía permiten a un multiprocesador incrementar la eficiencia energética, o aumentar el rendimiento añadiendo procesador adicionales. Por último, estudiamos el efecto de usar múltiples aceleradores (GPU) en una arquitectura con tiempo de acceso a memoria no uniforme (NUMA). Una vez alcanzado el límite de número de transistores y tamaño máximo por chip, la siguiente generación de aceleradores deberá utilizar múltiples chips para aumentar el número de procesadores y el ancho de banda de acceso a memoria. Sin embargo, es muy difícil mantener la ilusión de un tiempo de acceso a memoria uniforme en un sistema multi-GPU sin reescribir el código de la aplicación. Nuestra investigación sobre sistemas multi-GPU muestra retos significativos en el diseño de la interconexión entre las GPU y la jerarquía de memorias cache. Nuestros resultados muestran que se puede explotar el comportamiento en fases de las aplicaciones para optimizar la configuración de la interconexión y las cachés de forma dinámica, minimizando el impacto de la arquitectura NUMA. Nuestro diseño mejora el rendimiento de un sistema con una única GPU en 1.5x, 2.3x y 3.2x (el 89%, 84%, y 76% del máximo teórico) usando 2, 4, y 8 GPUs en paralelo. Siendo su implementación posible hoy en dia, los nodos de cálculo con múltiples aceleradores son una alternativa atractiva para futuros sistemas CAP.Postprint (published version

    Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) for Saddle Point Systems

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    We introduce an algebraic multigrid method for the solution of matrices with saddle point structure. Such matrices e.g. arise after discretization of a second order partial differential equation (PDE) subject to linear constraints. Algebraic multigrid (AMG) methods provide optimal linear solvers for many applications in science, engineering or economics. The strength of AMG is the automatic construction of a multigrid hierarchy adapted to the linear system to be solved. However, the scope of AMG is mainly limited to symmetric positive definite matrices. An essential feature of these matrices is that they define an inner product and a norm. In AMG, matrix-dependent norms play an important role to investigate the action of the smoother, to verify approximation properties for the interpolation operator and to show convergence for the overall multigrid cycle. Furthermore, the non-singularity of all coarse grid operators in a AMG hierarchy is ensured by the positive definiteness of the initial fine level matrix. Saddle point matrices have positive and negative eigenvalues and hence are indefinite. In consequence, if conventional AMG is applied to these matrices, the method will not always converge or may even break down if a singular coarse grid operator is computed. In this thesis, we describe how to circumvent these difficulties and to build a stable saddle point AMG hierarchy. We restrict ourselves to the class of Stokes-like problems, i.e. saddle point matrices which contain a symmetric positive definite submatrix that arises from the discretization of a second order PDE. Our approach is purely algebraic, i.e. it does not require any information not contained in the matrix itself. We identify the variables associated to the positive definite submatrix block (the so-called velocity components) and compute an inexact symmetric positive Schur complement matrix for the remaining degrees of freedom (in the following called pressure components). Then, we employ classical AMG methods for these definite operators individually and obtain an interpolation operator for the velocity components and an interpolation operator for the pressure matrix. The key idea of our method is to not just merge these interpolation matrices into a single prolongation operator for the overall system, but to introduce additional couplings between velocity and pressure. The coarse level operator is computed using this "stabilized" interpolation operator. We present three different interpolation stabilization techniques, for which we show that they resulting coarse grid operator is non-singular. For one of these methods, we can prove two-grid convergence. The numerical results obtained from finite difference and finite element discretizations of saddle point PDEs demonstrate the practical applicability of our approach

    Computación paralela heterogénea en registro de imágenes y aplicaciones de álgebra lineal

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    This doctoral thesis focuses on GPU acceleration of medical image registration and sparse general matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM). The comprehensive work presented here aims to enable new possibilities in Image Guided Surgery (IGS). IGS provides the surgeon with advanced navigation tools during surgery. Image registration, which is a part of IGS, is computationally demanding, therefore GPU acceleration is greatly desirable. spGEMM, which is an essential part in many scientific and data analytics applications, e.g., graph applications, is also a useful tool in biomechanical modeling and sparse vessel network registration. We present this work in two parts. The first part of this thesis describes the optimization of the most demanding part of non-rigid Free Form Deformation registration, i.e., B-spline interpolation. Our novel optimization technique minimizes the data movement between processing cores and memory and maximizes the utilization of the very fast register file. In addition, our approach re-formulates B-spline interpolation to fully utilize Fused Multiply Accumulation instructions for additional benefits in performance and accuracy. Our optimized B-spline interpolation provides significant speedup to image registration. The second part describes the optimization of spGEMM. Hardware manufacturers, with the aim of increasing the performance of deep-learning, created specialized dense matrix multiplication units, called Tensor Core Units (TCUs). However, until now, no work takes advantage of TCUs for sparse matrix multiplication. With this work we provide the first TCU implementation of spGEMM and prove its benefits over conventional GPU spGEMM.Esta tesis doctoral se centra en la aceleración por GPU del registro de imágenes médicas y la multiplicación de matrices dispersas (SpGEMM). El exhaustivo trabajo presentado aquí tiene como objetivo permitir nuevas posibilidades en la cirugía guiada por imagen (IGS). IGS proporciona al cirujano herramientas de navegación avanzadas durante la cirugía. El registro de imágenes, parte de IGS computacionalmente exigente, por lo tanto, la aceleración en GPU es muy deseable. spGEMM, la cual es una parte esencial en muchas aplicaciones científicas y de análisis de datos, por ejemplo, aplicaciones de gráficos, también es una herramienta útil en el modelado biomecánico y el registro de redes de vasos dispersos. Presentamos este trabajo en dos partes. La primera parte de esta tesis describe la optimización de la parte más exigente del registro de deformación de forma libre no rígida, es decir, la interpolación B-spline. Nuestra novedosa técnica de optimización minimiza el movimiento de datos entre los núcleos de procesamiento y la memoria y maximiza la utilización del archivo de registro rápido. Además, nuestro enfoque reformula la interpolación B-spline para utilizar completamente las instrucciones de multiplicación-acumulación fusionada (FMAC) para obtener beneficios adicionales en rendimiento y precisión. Nuestra interpolación B-spline optimizada proporciona una aceleración significativa en el registro de imágenes. La segunda parte describe la optimización de spGEMM. Los fabricantes de hardware, con el objetivo de aumentar el rendimiento del aprendizaje profundo, crearon unidades especializadas de multiplicación de matrices densas, llamadas Tensor Core Units (TCU). Sin embargo, hasta ahora, no se ha encontrado ningún trabajo aprovecha las TCU para la multiplicación de matrices dispersas. Con este trabajo, proporcionamos la primera implementación TCU de spGEMM y demostramos sus beneficios sobre la spGEMM convencional operada sobre dispositivos GPU