17,716 research outputs found

    Improvement of fuzzy neural network using mine blast algorithm for classification of Malaysian Small Medium Enterprises based on strength

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    Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNNs) with the integration of fuzzy logic, neural networks and optimization techniques have not only solved the issue of “black box” in Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) but also have been effective in a wide variety of real-world applications. Despite of attracting researchers in recent years and outperforming other fuzzy inference systems, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) still needs effective parameter training and rule-base optimization methods to perform efficiently when the number of inputs increase. Many researchers have trained ANFIS parameters using metaheuristic algorithms but very few have considered optimizing the ANFIS rule-base. Mine Blast Algorithm (MBA) which has been improved by Improved MBA (IMBA) can be further improved by modifying its exploitation phase. This research proposes Accelerated MBA (AMBA) to accelerate convergence of IMBA. The AMBA is then employed in proposed effective technique for optimizing ANFIS rule-base. The ANFIS optimized by AMBA is used employed to model classification of Malaysian small medium enterprises (SMEs) based on strength using non-financial factors. The performance of the proposed classification model is validated on SME dataset obtained from SME Corporation Malaysia, and also on real-world benchmark classification problems like Breast Cancer, Iris, and Glass. The performance of the ANFIS optimization by AMBA is compared with Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), MBA and Improved MBA (IMBA), respectively. The results show that the proposed method achieved better accuracy with optimized rule-set in less number of iterations

    Satyaning Amba

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    Abstract Sosok Dewi Amba sebagai putri raja, dengan kesetiaan dan ambisinya terus menuntut agar Bhisma mempersunting dirinya. Tetapi Bhisma menolak karena ia adalah seorang Sukla Bramacari. Dewi Amba tidak menyerah dan terus berusaha mengejar Bhisma. Kebencian dan dendam Dewi Amba kepada Bhisma semakin memuncak, Bhisma dianggap sebagai sumber kehancuran hidupnya

    Selective in vitro targeting of GRP and NMB receptors in human tumours with the new bombesin tracer 177Lu-AMBA

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    Purpose: To investigate the in vitro binding properties of a novel radiolabelled bombesin analogue, 177Lu-AMBA, in human neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissues selected for their expression of the bombesin receptor subtypes GRP-R, NMB-R and BRS-3. Methods: In vitro receptor autoradiography was performed in cancers expressing the various bombesin receptor subtypes. The novel radioligand 177Lu-AMBA was used and compared with established bombesin radioligands such as 125I-Tyr4-bombesin and 125I-[D-Tyr6,β-Ala11,Phe13,Nle14]-bombesin(6-14). In vitro incidence of detection of each of the three bombesin receptor subtypes was evaluated in each tumour. Results: 177Lu-AMBA identified all GRP-R-expressing tumours, such as prostatic, mammary and renal cell carcinomas as well as gastrointestinal stromal tumours. 177Lu-AMBA also identified all NMB-expressing tumours, but did not detect BRS-3-expressing tumours or BRS-3-expressing pancreatic islets. GRP-R-expressing peritumoural vessels were heavily labelled with 177Lu-AMBA. In contrast to the strongly GRP-R-positive mouse pancreas, the human pancreas was not labelled with 177Lu-AMBA unless chronic pancreatitis was diagnosed. In general, the sensitivity was slightly better with 177Lu-AMBA than with the conventional bombesin radioligands. Conclusion: The present in vitro study suggests that 177Lu-AMBA may be a very useful in vivo targeting agent for GRP-R-expressing tumours, NMB-R-expressing tumours and GRP-R-expressing neoangiogenic vessel

    Perkembangan Kepribadian Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel "AMBA" Karya Laksmi Pamuntjak

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    ABSTRAK: Memahami tahapan perkembangan yang sedang dialami ataupun perubahan perkembangan kepribadian yang sedang dialami anak, siswa, dan orang lain di sekitarnya membuat kita bisa memahami sesama manusia. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengungkap tahap-tahap dalam perkembangan menurut Charles H Cooley yang terbagi menjadi tiga fase perkembangan, dengan menggunakan sumber data dari novel AMBA karya Laksmi Pamuntjak, peneliti menemukan kutipan narasi pengarang, monolog dari tokoh-tokoh, kutipan dari tokoh lain yang menggambarkan sikap maupun tingkah laku Amba dan Bhisma,dialog antar tokoh, dialog tokoh utama dengan tokoh lain, kumpulan surat-surat Salwa untuk Amba, surat-surat Bhisma untuk Amba, surat-surat Amba untuk Bhisma, Salwa, Samuel, dan orangtuanya yang berhubungan dengan tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu mendeskripsikan tahapan perkembangan pada tokoh utama dalam novel AMBA.Kata Kunci : Perkembangan Kepribadian, AMBA, Karya Sastra


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengklasifikasikan dan mendeskripsikan citra perempuan tokoh utama dalam novel Amba karya Laksmi Pamuntjak. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan kajian pustaka. data penelitian berupa kata, frasa, klausa, kalimat, dan paragraf berupa ujaran atau deskripsi yang menggambarkan adanya citra perempuan pada tokoh utama dalam novel Amba karya Laksmi Pamuntjak. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu novel Amba karya Laksmi Pamuntjak. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu menggunakan baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa citra perempuan dibagi menjadi empat, yaitu (1) citra fisik perempuan, (2) citra psikis perempuan, (3) citra perempuan dalam keluarga dan (4) citra perempuan dalam masyarakat. Citra fisik tokoh Amba tergambarkan sebagai perempuan yang cantik, anggun dan awet muda. Citra psikis tokoh Amba digambarkan sebagai sosok yang berani dalam mengambil keputusan yang terbaik untuk dirinya, ia juga digambarkan sebagai perempuan yang berpendidikan padahal di tahun 50-an perempuan masih jarang sekali yang memikirkan arti penting dari pendidikan, Amba juga merupakan sosok perempuan yang masih menggunakan perasaan, sama seperti perempuan lain, ia juga masih memiliki perasaan cinta dan kasih terhadap sesama. Sedangkan, citra tokoh Amba dalam keluarga digambarkan peranannya sebagai anak, kakak, istri, dan ibu. Citra tokoh Amba dalam masyarakat digambarkan sebagai perempuan yang berani mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan hubungan lebih dekat dengan laki-laki yang dicintainya. Kata kunci: tokoh utama, citra perempuan, nove


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mendeskripsikan struktur novel Amba karya Laksmi Pamuntjak dan novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata karya Pitoyo Amrih, (2) untuk mendeskripsikan representasi nilai budaya dalam novel Amba karya Laksmi Pamuntjak dan novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata karya Pitoyo Amrih, (3) untuk mendeskripsikan hasil perbandingan struktur dan nilai budaya dalam novel Amba karya Laksmi Pamuntjak dengan novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata karya Pitoyo Amrih, (4) menyusun bahan ajar dan kegiatan pembelajaran apresiasi sastra di SMA sebagai pemanfaatan novel Amba karya Laksmi Pamuntjak dan novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata karya Pitoyo Amrih. Objek penelitian ini adalah novel Amba karya Laksmi Pamuntjak dan novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata karya Pitoyo Amrih. Melalui paradigma penelitian kualitatatif, penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis komparatif dan pendekatan objektif (struktural) yang didasarkan pada objek karya sastra itu sendiri. Berkaitan dengan langkah kerja praktik konsep sastra bandingan, maka novel dianalisis memanfaatkan beberapa teori sastra (1) teori struktur menurut Robert Stanton, teori struktur Greimas untuk menganalisis alur. (2) teori nilai budaya menurut Kluckhohn. Berdasarkan hasil analisis perbandingan struktur didapatkan deskripsi persamaan dan perbedaan dari dua sumber data sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa novel Amba merupakan bentuk restorasi, yaitu sebagai ungkapan dari keinginan, kerinduan, dan nostalgia yang mengingatkan kembali kepada kekuatan wayang pada zaman modern. Sedangkan novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata merupakan bentuk afirmasi, yang menetapkan norma sosio-budaya yang ada pada waktu tertentu dan merupakan bentuk pengukuhan dari cerita pewayangan yang ideal pada masa tertentu. Berdasarkan hasil analisis perbandingan nilai budaya didapatkan refresentasi nilai-nilai budaya dalam novel Amba dan novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata yang merujuk pada lima masalah dasar dalam hidup yang menetukan nilai budaya sesuai dengan yang telah dikemukakan Kluckhohn. Hasil kajian bandingan struktur dan nilai budaya dalam novel Amba karya Laksmi Pamuntjak dengan novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata karya Pitoyo Amrih dimanfaatkan untuk menyusun modul pembelajaran apresiasi sastra di SMA sesuai kurikulum 2013 pada kelas peminatan bahasa dan budaya.; The purpose of this study were (1) to obtain a description of the structure of the novel Amba by Laksmi Pamuntjak and novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata by Pitoyo Amrih, (2) obtain a description of the representation of cultural values in the novel Amba by Laksmi Pamuntjak and novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata by Pitoyo Amrih , (3) to obtain a description of the results of the comparison structure and cultural values in the novel Amba by Laksmi Pamuntjak with the novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata Amrih Pitoyo. (4) develop instructional materials learning modules appreciation of literature in high school as a novel utilization Amba by Laksmi Pamuntjak and novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata by Pitoyo Amrih. The object of this study is novel Amba by Laksmi Pamuntjak and novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata by Pitoyo Amrih. Through a qualitatively research paradigm, the study was conducted using descriptive method of comparative analysis and objective approach (structural) that is based on the object of literature itself. Step practical work related to the concept of comparative literature, the novel is analyzed utilizing several literary theory (1) the theory of the structure according to Robert Stanton, Greimas structure theory to analyze the flow. (2) the theory of cultural value according to Kluckhohn. Based on the results of comparative analysis of the structure obtained a description of the similarities and differences of the two sources of data so that it can be pointed that Amba novel is a form of restoration, namely as an expression of desire, longing and nostalgia that harks back to the power of puppets in modern times. While the novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata is a form of affirmation, which establishes a socio-cultural norms that exist at a given time, and is a form of affirmation of the ideal puppet story during the time. The results of a comparative analysis of cultural values obtained refresentasi cultural values in the novel Amba and novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata which refers to the five basic problems in life which determine in accordance with the cultural values that have been raised Kluckhohn. The result of comparative study of the structure and cultural values in the novel Amba by Laksmi Pamuntjak with the novel Perjalanan Sunyi Bisma Dewabrata by Pitoyo Amrih used to compile learning module appreciation of literature in high school according to the 2013 curriculum classes of language and cultural specialization

    Molecular Imaging, Pharmacokinetics, and Dosimetry of 111In-AMBA in Human Prostate Tumor-Bearing Mice

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    Molecular imaging with promise of personalized medicine can provide patient-specific information noninvasively, thus enabling treatment to be tailored to the specific biological attributes of both the disease and the patient. This study was to investigate the characterization of DO3A-CH2CO-G-4-aminobenzoyl-Q-W-A-V-G-H-L-M-NH2 (AMBA) in vitro, MicroSPECT/CT imaging, and biological activities of 111In-AMBA in PC-3 prostate tumor-bearing SCID mice. The uptake of 111In-AMBA reached highest with 3.87 ± 0.65% ID/g at 8 h. MicroSPECT/CT imaging studies suggested that the uptake of 111In-AMBA was clearly visualized between 8 and 48 h postinjection. The distribution half-life (t1/2α) and the elimination half-life (t1/2β) of 111In-AMBA in mice were 1.53 h and 30.7 h, respectively. The Cmax and AUC of 111In-AMBA were 7.57% ID/g and 66.39 h∗% ID/g, respectively. The effective dose appeared to be 0.11 mSv/MBq−1. We demonstrated a good uptake of 111In-AMBA in the GRPR-overexpressed PC-3 tumor-bearing SCID mice. 111In-AMBA is a safe, potential molecular image-guided diagnostic agent for human GRPR-positive tumors, ranging from simple and straightforward biodistribution studies to improve the efficacy of combined modality anticancer therapy