13 research outputs found

    Constant Amortized Time Enumeration of Eulerian trails

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    In this paper, we consider enumeration problems for edge-distinct and vertex-distinct Eulerian trails. Here, two Eulerian trails are \emph{edge-distinct} if the edge sequences are not identical, and they are \emph{vertex-distinct} if the vertex sequences are not identical. As the main result, we propose optimal enumeration algorithms for both problems, that is, these algorithm runs in O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) total time, where NN is the number of solutions. Our algorithms are based on the reverse search technique introduced by [Avis and Fukuda, DAM 1996], and the push out amortization technique introduced by [Uno, WADS 2015]

    Mixing and perfect sampling in one-dimensional particle systems

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    We study the approach to equilibrium of the event-chain Monte Carlo (ECMC) algorithm for the one-dimensional hard-sphere model. Using the connection to the coupon-collector problem, we prove that a specific version of this local irreversible Markov chain realizes perfect sampling in O(N^2 log N) events, whereas the reversible local Metropolis algorithm requires O(N^3 log N) time steps for mixing. This confirms a special case of an earlier conjecture about O(N^2 log N) scaling of mixing times of ECMC and of the forward Metropolis algorithm, its discretized variant. We furthermore prove that sequential ECMC (with swaps) realizes perfect sampling in O(N^2) events. Numerical simulations indicate a cross-over towards O(N^2 log N) mixing for the sequential forward swap Metropolis algorithm, that we introduce here. We point out open mathematical questions and possible applications of our findings to higher-dimensional statistical-physics models.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Event-chain Monte Carlo with factor fields

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    International audienceWe study the dynamics of one-dimensional (1D) interacting particles simulated with the event-chain Monte Carlo algorithm (ECMC). We argue that previous versions of the algorithm suffer from a mismatch in the factor potential between different particle pairs (factors) and show that in 1D models, this mismatch is overcome by factor fields. ECMC with factor fields is motivated, in 1D, for the harmonic model, and validated for the Lennard-Jones model as well as for hard spheres. In 1D particle systems with short-range interactions, autocorrelation times generally scale with the second power of the system size for reversible Monte Carlo dynamics, and with its first power for regular ECMC and for molecular-dynamics. We show, using numerical simulations, that they grow only with the square root of the systems size for ECMC with factor fields. Mixing times, which bound the time to reach equilibrium from an arbitrary initial configuration, grow with the first power of the system size

    Lightweight Massively Parallel Suffix Array Construction

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    The suffix array is an array of sorted suffixes in lexicographic order, where each sorted suffix is represented by its starting position in the input string. It is a fundamental data structure that finds various applications in areas such as string processing, text indexing, data compression, computational biology, and many more. Over the last three decades, researchers have proposed a broad spectrum of suffix array construction algorithms (SACAs). However, the majority of SACAs were implemented using sequential and parallel programming models. The maturity of GPU programming opened doors to the development of massively parallel GPU SACAs that outperform the fastest versions of suffix sorting algorithms optimized for the CPU parallel computing. Over the last five years, several GPU SACA approaches were proposed and implemented. They prioritized the running time over lightweight design. In this thesis, we design and implement a lightweight massively parallel SACA on the GPU using the prefix-doubling technique. Our prefix-doubling implementation is memory-efficient and can successfully construct the suffix array for input strings as large as 640 megabytes (MB) on Tesla P100 GPU. On large datasets, our implementation achieves a speedup of 7-16x over the fastest, highly optimized, OpenMP-accelerated suffix array constructor, libdivsufsort, that leverages the CPU shared memory parallelism. The performance of our algorithm relies on several high-performance parallel primitives such as radix sort, conditional filtering, inclusive prefix sum, random memory scattering, and segmented sort. We evaluate the performance of our implementation over a variety of real-world datasets with respect to its runtime, throughput, memory usage, and scalability. We compare our results against libdivsufsort that we run on a Haswell compute node equipped with 24 cores. Our GPU SACA is simple and compact, consisting of less than 300 lines of readable and effective source code. Additionally, we design and implement a fast and lightweight algorithm for checking the correctness of the suffix array

    Event-chain Monte Carlo: foundations, applications, and prospects

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    This review treats the mathematical and algorithmic foundations of non-reversible Markov chains in the context of event-chain Monte Carlo (ECMC), a continuous-time lifted Markov chain that employs the factorized Metropolis algorithm. It analyzes a number of model applications, and then reviews the formulation as well as the performance of ECMC in key models in statistical physics. Finally, the review reports on an ongoing initiative to apply the method to the sampling problem in molecular simulation, that is, to real-world models of peptides, proteins, and polymers in aqueous solution.Comment: 35 pages, no figure

    Engineering Algorithms for Dynamic and Time-Dependent Route Planning

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    Efficiently computing shortest paths is an essential building block of many mobility applications, most prominently route planning/navigation devices and applications. In this thesis, we apply the algorithm engineering methodology to design algorithms for route planning in dynamic (for example, considering real-time traffic) and time-dependent (for example, considering traffic predictions) problem settings. We build on and extend the popular Contraction Hierarchies (CH) speedup technique. With a few minutes of preprocessing, CH can optimally answer shortest path queries on continental-sized road networks with tens of millions of vertices and edges in less than a millisecond, i.e. around four orders of magnitude faster than Dijkstra’s algorithm. CH already has been extended to dynamic and time-dependent problem settings. However, these adaptations suffer from limitations. For example, the time-dependent variant of CH exhibits prohibitive memory consumption on large road networks with detailed traffic predictions. This thesis contains the following key contributions: First, we introduce CH-Potentials, an A*-based routing framework. CH-Potentials computes optimal distance estimates for A* using CH with a lower bound weight function derived at preprocessing time. The framework can be applied to any routing problem where appropriate lower bounds can be obtained. The achieved speedups range between one and three orders of magnitude over Dijkstra’s algorithm, depending on how tight the lower bounds are. Second, we propose several improvements to Customizable Contraction Hierarchies (CCH), the CH adaptation for dynamic route planning. Our improvements yield speedups of up to an order of magnitude. Further, we augment CCH to efficiently support essential extensions such as turn costs, alternative route computation and point-of-interest queries. Third, we present the first space-efficient, fast and exact speedup technique for time-dependent routing. Compared to the previous time-dependent variant of CH, our technique requires up to 40 times less memory, needs at most a third of the preprocessing time, and achieves only marginally slower query running times. Fourth, we generalize A* and introduce time-dependent A* potentials. This allows us to design the first approach for routing with combined live and predicted traffic, which achieves interactive running times for exact queries while allowing live traffic updates in a fraction of a minute. Fifth, we study extended problem models for routing with imperfect data and routing for truck drivers and present efficient algorithms for these variants. Sixth and finally, we present various complexity results for non-FIFO time-dependent routing and the extended problem models

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum