10 research outputs found

    Configurateur de Système Automatisé de Production en vue de la Formation de ses Utilisateurs

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    National audienceCet article présente l'avancement d'une recherche visant à proposer un logiciel de configuration d'un Système Automatisé de Production en fonction d'objectifs pédagogiques. Ce type de logiciel trouve son utilité à la fois dans un cadre industriel quand il s'agit de former le personnel à l'usage d'un nouveau SAP, et dans un cadre universitaire lorsque des SAP complexes sont partagés entre différentes formations comme c'est le cas dans de nombreux AIP. Le contexte scientifique de ce travail est présenté et les besoins fonctionnels de ce système affinés. L'architecture globale est décrite et les choix de réalisation ainsi que la procédure d'expérimentation (à venir) sont exposés

    Educating the world: a remote experiment in photovoltaics

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    The increasing deployment of photovoltaic (PV) systems requires large numbers of skilled engineers with a greater understanding of all aspects of PV teehnology both theoretical and practical. Developing experimental rigs at universities is expensive and limited to students physically attending the university. One recent approach to increase access to laboratories is the development of remote experiments. Here students can control real experimental equipment using a visual interface via the Internet. In this paper we explore the development of a photovoltaic laboratory to enable users to access and remotely control experimental equipment based at Loughborough University, UK, from anywhere in the world

    The development of a photovoltaic remotely operated laboratory experiment: a contribution to meeting the challenge of the renewable energy skills shortage

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    Skills shortages are often quoted as a threat to renewables growth. The increasing deployment of photovoltaic (PV) systems around the world requires large numbers of trained engineers with a greater understanding of all aspects of PV technology both theoretical and practical. The development of experimental rigs at universities and training establishments is expensive and limited to students physically being present for time constrained activities. One recent approach to increase access to laboratories is the development of remote experiments. Here students can control real experimental equipment using a graphical user interface via the Internet. In this paper we explore the development of a PV laboratory that characterises PV panels under different environmental conditions. It enables users to access and remotely control experimental equipment based at Loughborough University, UK, from anywhere in the world via an Internet connection. We report on student experiences using the laboratory from distance

    Conception générique d'un outil de configuration de « e-TP »

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    Powered by the technological advances of the “Information and communication sciences and technologies”, the Electronic Laboratory for Practical Training “ELab” (also known as ELab hands-on training) has become an inescapable teaching mode especially in the technical and scientific disciplines. Thus, several ELab modes have emerged: virtual ELab, remote ELab, Local Elab, augmented reality ELab, etc. The latter require the use of hardware devices (educational mock ups, measuring instruments, robots, etc.). In most cases, before or during an ELab session, these devices need to be reconfigured according to teaching purposes. For complex systems, like Automated Production Systems (APS), this reconfiguration process requires technical skills which the instructor does not have systematically. This imposes that a technician should be available, failing which the usage of the pedagogical platform will be limited to a few skilled instructors. Accordingly, this research aims at facilitating the reconfiguration process of complex systems (particularly the APS) featuring ELabs. A first survey designated to the users of « AIP-Priméca-RAO », located at the INSA de Lyon, has revealed the needs and constraints related to such a platform. It has been highlighted that beyond the (re)configuration process, a waste of precious time was detected. It has been established that it was due to the absence of a common tool for pedagogical resource management. This observation fed the design of a software tool managing an editorial chain aiming at simplifying creation, edition, assembling, organization, and the reutilization of different resources that can be exploited in an ELab session. This tool is also intended to improve the autonomy of the instructor during the preparation of an ELab session, by reducing the required time to configure this session. This implies to automate the reconfiguration process of an APS supporting the ELab and the publishing of the pedagogical learning scenarios on a Learning Management System (LMS). In order to validate this design, a prototype has been developed and tested on real Elab cases. Subsequently, this tool could be rendered more generic so that it can serve Elabs in different disciplines.Renforcés par les avancées technologiques des « Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (STIC) », les Travaux Pratiques électroniques « e-TP » sont devenus un mode d’enseignement incontournable surtout dans les disciplines techniques et scientifiques. Plusieurs modes d’e-TP ont émergé : TP virtuel, TéléTP, TP présentiel assisté par ordinateur, TP en réalité augmentée... ces derniers modes nécessitant l'usage de dispositifs matériels (maquette pédagogique, appareils de mesure, robots, etc.). Dans la majorité des cas, avant ou même pendant une session d'e-TP, il est nécessaire de (re)configurer ces dispositifs selon des besoins pédagogiques. Cette reconfiguration nécessite, pour des systèmes complexes, comme les Systèmes Automatisés de Production (SAP), des compétences que l'instructeur ne possède pas systématiquement. Ce qui impose la présence d'un technicien ou limite le nombre d'instructeurs susceptibles d'utiliser la plate-forme pédagogique. Ce travail de recherche a pour objectif de faciliter la (re)configuration de systèmes complexes, particulièrement les SAP, dans le cadre d'e-TPs. Une première enquête auprès des utilisateurs de l’« AIP-Priméca-RAO » (situé à l’INSA de Lyon) a révélé les besoins et contraintes liés à une plate-forme de ce type. Il s'est avéré qu'au-delà de la (re)configuration, l'absence d'outil commun de gestion des ressources pédagogiques faisait perdre un temps précieux aux utilisateurs. Ce constat a nourri la conception d'un outil informatique gérant une chaîne éditoriale dont le but est de simplifier la création, l’édition, l’assemblage, l’organisation et la réutilisation des différentes ressources à exploiter dans une session d’e-TP. Cet outil a également pour objectif d’améliorer l’autonomie de l’instructeur lors de la préparation de sessions d’e-TP tout en réduisant le temps requis pour configurer cette session. Cela a impliqué d’automatiser le processus de reconfiguration du SAP support d'e-TP, et de publication des scénarios pédagogiques sur un système de gestion d’apprentissage « LMS » (Learning Management System). Un prototype a été développé et testé sur des e-TPs réels afin de valider cette conception. Cet outil pourrait, ultérieurement, être rendu plus générique afin de servir des e-TPs dans d'autres disciplines

    Laboratório remoto para o ensino de operações logísticas

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    En Colombia se está impulsando la vinculación entre la academia, el gobierno y las empresas para el mejor desarrollo y la apropiación del conocimiento en tópicos determinados, como es el caso de la logística. Uno de los problemas de la enseñanza de logística es intentar acercar los problemas reales, sacados de contextos laborales, a personas que no cuentan con experiencia. La incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en ambientes académicos da soporte a la formación de profesionales de diversas áreas. El Laboratorio Tele-operado de Operaciones Logísticas vía Internet2 [TELEOPLOGIS] está enfocado en el desarrollo y puesta en marcha de un laboratorio remoto en el cual se incorpora una celda integrada de manufactura didáctica, robots manipuladores y software específico, a la enseñanza de operaciones logísticas. Este laboratorio incluye el desarrollo de guías y talleres académicos con dos enfoques: sistemas de tele-operación de eventos discretos y la celda de manufactura, convirtiendo los nodos de la celda en elementos de operación logística. Se han logrado resultados aceptables, tanto en la operación remota, como sobre las prácticas para la enseñanza de logística que se han desarrollado.The link between academia, government, and business to improve the development and appropriation of knowledge in certain topics, such as logistics, is being promoted in Colombia. One of the key issues of teaching logistics is try to bring to actual work contexts, problems that can be handled by people who do not have experience. The incorporation of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in academic environments supports the training of professionals in different fields. The tele-operated laboratory for logistics operations called Internet2 way [TELEOPLOGIS] is a project focused on the development and implementation of a remote laboratory where an integrated and didactic manufacturing cell, some robot manipulators, and specific pieces of software are used for the teaching of logistics operations. This laboratory includes the development of guidelines and academic workshops with two approaches: teleoperation systems for discrete events, and manufacturing cells that transform the cell nodes into elements of logistics operations. We achieved acceptable results in both remote operations and in practices that currently are in progress.A Colômbia está promovendo a ligação entre aacademia, o governo e as empresas para melhorar o desenvolvimentoe a apropriação do conhecimento sobre determinadostemas, como a logística. Um dos problemas do ensino da logísticaé tentar aproximar os problemas reais, tirados de contextos detrabalho, das pessoas que não têm experiência. A incorporaçãodas Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação em ambientesacadêmicos apoia a formação de profissionais em diferentesáreas. O Laboratório remoto de Operações Logísticas via Internet2 [TELEOPLOGIS] está focado no desenvolvimento eimplementação de um laboratório no qual se incorporam umacélula didática de manufatura integrada, robôs manipuladores eum software específico, no ensino de operações logísticas. Estelaboratório inclui o desenvolvimento de diretrizes e workshopsacadêmicos com dois enfoques: os sistemas de tele operação deeventos discretos e a célula de manufatura, convertendo os nósda célula em elementos de operação logística. Foram alcançadosresultados aceitáveis, tanto na operação remota, quanto nas práticasdo ensino de logística que têm sido desenvolvidas

    Supervision and control architecture proposal for automation and robotics training on platform

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    Orientador: João Maurício RosárioDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Este trabalho propõe uma arquitetura genérica de supervisão e comando para uma plataforma automatizada de experimentação modular com capacidade de utilização remota, concebida para apoiar e complementar os processos de formação e pesquisa em Automação Industrial e Robótica, descrevendo sua concepção, modelagem dinâmica e implementação hardware - software. A integração de tecnologias e dispositivos industriais existentes no mercado (Controladores Lógicos Programáveis - CLP, diversos tipos de sensores e atuadores industriais, processamento de imagens, sistemas supervisórios e dispositivos robóticos de movimentação) em uma única plataforma implementada através de uma arquitetura modular de Sistema Automatizado de Produção Colaborativo (CSAP/ADACOR) permite que alunos e pesquisadores possam interatuar com essas tecnologias realizando atividades de modo a automatizar, supervisar e comandar um processo completo de produção. Uma plataforma desenvolvida utilizando esta arquitetura genérica permite aos estudantes e pesquisadores trabalhar dentro de um ambiente educacional, mas que retrata a maioria dos aspectos encontrados em um Sistema Automatizado de Manufatura real, tais como Integração Tecnológica, Redes de Comunicação, Controle de Processos e Gestão da Produção. Além disso, é possível realizar o controle e supervisão do processo completo que ocorre na plataforma automatizada por meio de uma conexão remota que utiliza a internet - WEBLAB (Laboratório Remoto); possibilitando que usuários e grupos em diferentes lugares possam utilizar a plataforma e compartilhar informação rapidamente. Pode-se destacar também que as características de Modularidade e Flexibilidade da plataforma permitem futuras modificações tanto do software quanto do hardware da mesmaAbstract: This work proposes a generic supervisory and command architecture for an experimentation modular automated platform equipped with remote access capacities which is conceived with the aim of improve training and research processes on Automation and Robotics, this study describes the platform's design, dynamic modeling and implementation stages. The technologic and industrial devices integration (Programmable Logic Controllers - PLC, several types of sensors and actuators, image processing, supervisory systems and robotic manipulation devices) in a single platform which is implemented following a modular Collaborative Automatic Production System (CAPS/ADACOR) architecture allows students and researchers to Interact with it by means of doing practices in order to successfully automate, supervise and manage a complete production process. Therefore, class acquired theoretical concepts are supported so improving user's professional skills. A platform developed using the here proposed generic structure allows users to work within an educational environment coping with most of the encountered aspects in a real Manufacturing Automation System, such as Technologic Integration, Communication Networks, Process Control and Production Management. Furthermore it is possible to command the entire assembly process taking place at the platform by a remote network connection using the internet - WEBLAB (Remote Laboratory), enabling individual users and groups in different places in order to use the platform and quickly interchange information. In addition it is important to outstand that both the Modularity and Flexibility of the platform can allow readily any further hardware or software enhancementMestradoMecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto MecanicoMestre em Engenharia Mecânic

    AIP-Primeca RAO Remote Laboratories in Automation

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    During last decade, Internet and related web technology development enabled the arising of e-learning services and made distant learning a reality. As traditional face to face classroom became virtual classroom through Internet, traditional laboratories found their image in Electronic Laboratories (ELABs). These ones enable learners to train themselves on remote real or virtual systems. They represent essential components in e-learning environments, especially in scientific and technical disciplines. In this context, AIP-Primeca RAO is a pool of resources and competencies about industrial topics for many universities in Rhône-Alpes french Region. Due to the constraints inherent in using heavy and shared industrial resources, AIP is setting up new laboratories related to automation as both local and distant resources. After recalling the global context of e-laboratories, this paper describes this platform. It evokes first returns of use and it details evolutions to come

    Web-LABAI: Remote Laboratory in Industrial Automation

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    [EN] This paper presents a remote laboratory with facilities that allow students to interact and perform, via internet, experiments in automation and process control. It proposes a Hardware-Software system which allows monitoring and controlling, through a website, a prototype of an industrial process implemented at the Industrial Automation Laboratory of the Department of Electronic Engineering at the UNEXPO “Antonio Jose de Sucre”, at Barquisimeto, Venezuela. The interaction of a Server computer, a Programmable Logic Controller or PLC and an IP camera allows the monitoring and controlling of a concentrated food maker prototype remotely. The software has two applications: the Server and the Client; the first being composed of an embedded Modbus TCP/IP Server into the PLC and a Web server which allows students to access the remote laboratory. The second component is integrated by a group of Java applets to control and monitor the system and also allows the students to visualize real time images through an IP camera.[ES] Este trabajo presenta un laboratorio remoto que permite a los alumnos interactuar y realizar, desde Internet, prácticas de automatización y control de procesos. Se desarrolló un sistema Hardware-Software que permite monitorizar y controlar variables, remotamente desde una pagina Web, de la maqueta de un proceso industrial localizado en el Laboratorio de Automatización Industrial del Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Universidad Politécnica "Antonio José de Sucre", UNEXPO, Barquisimeto, Venezuela. La interacción de un computador servidor, un Controlador Lógico Programable o PLC y una cámara IP permite el control y monitorización remota de una maqueta que simula un proceso de fabricación de alimentos. El software está constituido por una aplicación Servidor y una aplicación Cliente. La primera contiene un Servidor Modbus TCP/IP, embebido en el PLC, y un Servidor Web, que aloja una página Web a través de la cual los usuarios accederán al laboratorio remoto. La aplicación Cliente se compone de un conjunto de applets de JAVA que permite controlar y monitorizar el sistema, y además visualizar el proceso en tiempo real a través de la cámara IP.De La Cruz F., F.; Díaz-Granados, M.; Zerpa, S.; Giménez, D. (2010). Web-LABAI: Laboratorio Remoto de Automatización Industrial. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 7(1):101-106. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1697-7912(10)70013-3OJS10110671Coquard, P., Guillemot, M.,. Lelevé, A., Noterman, D., Benmohamed, H. (2008). AIP-Primeca RAO. Remote Laboratories in Automation. International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE). Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp 12-18. http://www.online-journals.org/index.php/ijoe/issue/view/42 (Enero 15, 2009).García Zubía, J., Sáenz Ruiz de Velasco, J. Diseño de laboratorios remotos virtuales: WebLab. XI Jornadas de la enseñanza universitaria de la informática JENUI 2005 Universidad Europea de Madrid.(UEM).García-Zubía, J., López-de-Ipiña, D., Orduña, P. (2005). Evolving towards better architectures for remote laboratories: a practical case. International Journal of Online Engineering, (iJOE). Vol. 1. N° 2 Special Issue REV2005. http://www.online-journals.org/index.php/ijoe/issue/view/33 (Enero 15, 2009).Garrido, I. (2003). Maqueta de ascensor para la realización d prácticas por Internet. Bachelor Tesis. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. http://hdl.handle.net/2099.1/2998 (junio, 2007).Lorenzo, N. (2006) Aplicación docente de una plataforma de accionamientos mecatrónicos controlada a través de Internet. Bachelor Tesis. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. http://hdl.handle.net/2099.1/3620 (junio, 2007).MODBUS-IDA (2006) MODBUS Messaging on TCP/IP Implementation Guide. http://www.modbus.org/tech.php (Febrero, 2009).Saire A., Gómez H. (2008) Plataforma de aprendizaje a distancia en automatización industrial empleando laboratorios remotos. Investigación Aplicada e Innovación. http://www.tecsup.edu.pe/graficos/pdf/noticia/imasi.pdf (marzo, 2009).Schneider Electric (2005) Controladores programables Twido. Guía de referencia de hardware.Schneider Electric (2008) TwidoSuite V2.1. Guía de programación.TightVNC (2009). TightVNC: VNC-Compatible Free Remote Control Software. http://www.tightvnc.com (Octubre, 2009).Vargas, H., Sánchez, J., Duro, N., Dormido, R., Dormido-Canto, S., Farias, G., … Gillet, D. (2008). A Systematic Two-Layer Approach to Develop Web-Based Experimentation Environments for Control Engineering Education. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 14(4), 505-524. doi:10.1080/10798587.2008.1064300