5 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Biomedical Engineering: A Meta-Analysis

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    The goal of this meta-analysis is to assess the effectiveness of blended learning in biomedical engineering. To that end, the PubMed and Medline databases were combed for relevant research through January 2022, and the eligible papers were picked using a rigorous PRISMA-based selection approach. Blended learning was compared to traditional teaching approaches in all of the research considered. As a consequence of the present search, eighteen research articles with a total of 3097 participants adopting blended learning for biomedical engineering education were dis-covered. Two studies were included from each of the following countries including Australia, Brazil, Germany, Spain and USA. While, one study from China, Denmark, France, KSA, Malaysia, Serbia, Turkey and United Kingdom was included. The results of a metaanalysis employing random effects models revealed a significant difference between all blended learning and conventional learning methods [MD and its 95% CI were 2.36 (0.94, 3.78)]. The findings advised that biomedical engineering education stakeholders use an innovative teaching strategy based on digital pedagogies

    Effectiveness of Practical Experiences in Using Digital Pedagogies in Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis

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    Higher education institutions are trying to give a greater flexibility and individualization, generally through the use of new digital pedagogies. The goal of the meta-analysis is to evaluate the efficacy of a real-world experiences using digital pedagogies in higher education. To that end, the PubMed and Medline databases have been combed for relevant research through December 2021, and the eligible papers were selected using the PRISMA-based selection approach. One compared digital pedagogies to traditional teaching approaches. Various digital pedagogy technologies, such as video tutorials/social media, mobile app/computer software, flipped classroom, and virtual reality/simulation, were applied in this research. As a consequence of the present search, twenty-three research with a total of 1450 participants adopting digital pedagogies for higher education were discovered. The findings advised that higher education stakeholders use an innovative teaching strategy based on digital pedagogies. This integration of digital tools generates an effective learning environment and encourages the self-learning, which enhances the pedagogical performance of students and teachers

    The effects of a goal-framing and need-supportive app on undergraduates麓 intentions, effort, and achievement in mobile science learning

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    In this study we investigate the effect of manipulating intrinsic goals, relative to extrinsic goals, in a mobile learning tool and traditional textbook for biology students. Using Self- Determination Theory, we hypothesized that framing intrinsic goals in a need-supportive mobile learning app would enhance motivation, intentions, effort, and achievement, relative to extrinsic goals in a traditional tool (textbook). We randomized 128 undergraduate students learning to identify species in this 2 脳 2 experiment. Using Bayesian analyses, results show a credible interaction effect between the mobile app and intrinsic goal-framing for intentions and identified regulation. For effort and achievement, the main effect of mobile learning is credible with substantial effect sizes. We argue that these findings are due to the need-supportive features within the mobile app and need-satisfying experience of pursuing intrinsic goals. For intrinsic motivation and amotivation, however, extrinsic goal-framing and intrinsic goal-framing, respectively, are credible and positive main effects, which is unexpected. More research is needed to investigate if this contradictory finding is replicated by others, or if students are pursuing extrinsic goals for autonomous motivation. Bayesian multigroup path analysis found across both groups that identified regulation predicted intentions, and intrinsic motivation predicted effort and achievement. For the extrinsic goal-framing group, amotivation predicted achievement, identified regulation predicted effort and achievement, and intrinsic motivation negatively predicted intentions. The results of our study provide theoretical implications for how goal-framing energizes different types of motivation within the mLearning context, and how manipulation within technology may have a differential effect on motivation than a physical agent.publishedVersio

    AIM-Mobile Learning Platform to enhance the teaching-learning process using smartphones

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    Producci贸n Cient铆ficaDesarrollo de un entorno de ense帽anza-aprendizaje para dispositivos m贸viles que permite asistir a los estudiantes y crear paquetes de educaci贸n on-line en asignaturas de educaci贸n superiorGrupo de Innovaci贸n Docente (Universidad de Valladolid) 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/1

    La docencia en la Ense帽anza Superior. Nuevas aportaciones desde la investigaci贸n e innovaci贸n educativas

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    Esta obra recoge interesantes aportaciones sobre investigaci贸n e innovaci贸n educativa, especialmente aquellas que se dan en el 谩mbito universitario. Con el t铆tulo La docencia en la Ense帽anza Superior. Nuevas aportaciones desde la investigaci贸n e innovaci贸n educativas, se compilan los m谩s actuales trabajos de investigaci贸n en torno al proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje. La obra se estructura en diversos bloques, cada uno de ellos compuesto por un n煤mero variable de cap铆tulos, que aglutinan las experiencias de investigaci贸n te贸rica y aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica sobre experiencias concretas de innovaci贸n docente. Los bloques son: 47 cap铆tulos sobre la tem谩tica referida a Resultados de investigaci贸n sobre la docencia en la Educaci贸n Superior; 43 sobre la tem谩tica Acciones educativas innovadoras en la Educaci贸n Superior; 8 sobre Innovaci贸n docente en torno a los procesos de ense帽anza-aprendizaje inclusivos; 9 sobre Acciones de apoyo, orientaci贸n y refuerzo al alumnado para la mejora de la formaci贸n y de los resultados en la Educaci贸n Superior; 24 sobre Nuevas metodolog铆as basadas en el uso de las tecnolog铆as (TIC o TAC) en la Educaci贸n Superior; y 4 sobre Investigaci贸n e innovaci贸n en ense帽anza no universitaria para tender puentes con la Educaci贸n Superior