3,076 research outputs found

    Intelligent systems in manufacturing: current developments and future prospects

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    Global competition and rapidly changing customer requirements are demanding increasing changes in manufacturing environments. Enterprises are required to constantly redesign their products and continuously reconfigure their manufacturing systems. Traditional approaches to manufacturing systems do not fully satisfy this new situation. Many authors have proposed that artificial intelligence will bring the flexibility and efficiency needed by manufacturing systems. This paper is a review of artificial intelligence techniques used in manufacturing systems. The paper first defines the components of a simplified intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS), the different Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to be considered and then shows how these AI techniques are used for the components of IMS

    Unexpected Event Prediction in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Using Deep Learning Techniques

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    Theoretical models of manufacturing processes provide a valuable insight into physical phenomena but their application to practical industrial situations is sometimes difficult. In the context of Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence techniques can provide efficient solutions to actual manufacturing problems when big data are available. Within the field of artificial intelligence, the use of deep learning is growing exponentially in solving many problems related to information and communication technologies (ICTs) but it still remains scarce or even rare in the field of manufacturing. In this work, deep learning is used to efficiently predict unexpected events in wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM), an advanced machining process largely used for aerospace components. The occurrence of an unexpected event, namely the change of thickness of the machined part, can be effectively predicted by recognizing hidden patterns from process signals. Based on WEDM experiments, different deep learning architectures were tested. By using a combination of a convolutional layer with gated recurrent units, thickness variation in the machined component could be predicted in 97.4% of cases, at least 2 mm in advance, which is extremely fast, acting before the process has degraded. New possibilities of deep learning for high-performance machine tools must be examined in the near future.The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding support received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the FEDER operation program for funding the project "Scientific models and machine-tool advanced sensing techniques for efficient machining of precision components of Low Pressure Turbines" (DPI2017-82239-P) and UPV/EHU (UFI 11/29). The authors would also like to thank Euskampus and ONA-EDM for their support in this project

    AI and OR in management of operations: history and trends

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    The last decade has seen a considerable growth in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for operations management with the aim of finding solutions to problems that are increasing in complexity and scale. This paper begins by setting the context for the survey through a historical perspective of OR and AI. An extensive survey of applications of AI techniques for operations management, covering a total of over 1200 papers published from 1995 to 2004 is then presented. The survey utilizes Elsevier's ScienceDirect database as a source. Hence, the survey may not cover all the relevant journals but includes a sufficiently wide range of publications to make it representative of the research in the field. The papers are categorized into four areas of operations management: (a) design, (b) scheduling, (c) process planning and control and (d) quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis. Each of the four areas is categorized in terms of the AI techniques used: genetic algorithms, case-based reasoning, knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic and hybrid techniques. The trends over the last decade are identified, discussed with respect to expected trends and directions for future work suggested

    Web-based CBR (case-based reasoning) as a tool with the application to tooling selection

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    Over the past few years, manufacturing companies have had to deal with an increasing demand for feature-rich products at low costs. The pressures exerted on their existing manufacturing processes have lead manufacturers to investigate internet-based solutions, in order to cope with growing competition. The decentralisation phenomenon also came up as a reason to implement networked-application, which has been the starting point for internet/intranet–based systems. Today, the availability of powerful and low cost 3D tools, database backend systems, along with web-based technologies, provides interesting opportunities to the manufacturing community, with solutions directly implementable at the core of their businesses and organisations. In this paper a web-based engineering approach is presented to developing a design support system using case-based reasoning (CBR) technology for helping in the decision-making process when choosing cutting tools. The system aims to provide on-line intelligent support for determining the most suitable configuration for turning operations, based on initial parameters and requirements for the cutting operation. The system also features a user-driven 3D turning simulator which allows testing the chosen insert for several turning operations. The system aims to be a useful e-manufacturing tool being able to quickly and responsively provide tooling data in a highly interactive way

    Application of Audible Signals in Tool Condition Monitoring using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Machining is always accompanied by many difficulties like tool wear, tool breakage, improper machining conditions, non-uniform workpiece properties and some other irregularities, which are some of major barriers to highly-automated operations. Effective tool condition monitoring (TCM) system provides a best solution to monitor those irregular machining processes and suggest operators to take appropriate actions. Even though a wide variety of monitoring techniques have been developed for the online detection of tool condition, it remains an unsolved problem to look for a reliable, simple and cheap solution. This research work mainly focuses on developing a real-time tool condition monitoring model to detect the tool condition, part quality in machining process by using machine learning techniques through sound monitoring. The present study shows the development of a process model capable of on-line process monitoring utilizing machine learning techniques to analyze the sound signals collected during machining and train the proposed system to predict the cutting phenomenon during machining. A decision-making system based on the machine learning technique involving Support Vector Machine approach is developed. The developed system is trained with pre-processed data and tested, and the system showed a significant prediction accuracy in different applications which proves to be an effective model in applying to machining process as an on-line process monitoring system. In addition, this system also proves to be effective, cheap, compact and sensory position invariant. The successful development of the proposed TCM system can provide a practical tool to reduce downtime for tool changes and minimize the amount of scrap in metal cutting industry

    Adaptive control optimization in micro-milling of hardened steels-evaluation of optimization approaches

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    Nowadays, the miniaturization of many consumer products is extending the use of micro-milling operations with high-quality requirements. However, the impacts of cutting-tool wear on part dimensions, form and surface integrity are not negligible and part quality assurance for a minimum production cost is a challenging task. In fact, industrial practices usually set conservative cutting parameters and early cutting replacement policies in order to minimize the impact of cutting-tool wear on part quality. Although these practices may ensure part integrity, the production cost is far away to be minimized, especially in highly tool-consuming operations like mold and die micro-manufacturing. In this paper, an adaptive control optimization (ACO) system is proposed to estimate cutting-tool wear in terms of part quality and adapt the cutting conditions accordingly in order to minimize the production cost, ensuring quality specifications in hardened steel micro-parts. The ACO system is based on: (1) a monitoring sensor system composed of a dynamometer, (2) an estimation module with Artificial Neural Networks models, (3) an optimization module with evolutionary optimization algorithms, and (4) a CNC interface module. In order to operate in a nearly real-time basis and facilitate the implementation of the ACO system, different evolutionary optimization algorithms are evaluated such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithms (GA), and simulated annealing (SA) in terms of accuracy, precision, and robustness. The results for a given micro-milling operation showed that PSO algorithm performs better than GA and SA algorithms under computing time constraints. Furthermore, the implementation of the final ACO system reported a decrease in the production cost of 12.3 and 29 % in comparison with conservative and high-production strategies, respectively

    Image-based Decision Support Systems: Technical Concepts, Design Knowledge, and Applications for Sustainability

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    Unstructured data accounts for 80-90% of all data generated, with image data contributing its largest portion. In recent years, the field of computer vision, fueled by deep learning techniques, has made significant advances in exploiting this data to generate value. However, often computer vision models are not sufficient for value creation. In these cases, image-based decision support systems (IB-DSSs), i.e., decision support systems that rely on images and computer vision, can be used to create value by combining human and artificial intelligence. Despite its potential, there is only little work on IB-DSSs so far. In this thesis, we develop technical foundations and design knowledge for IBDSSs and demonstrate the possible positive effect of IB-DSSs on environmental sustainability. The theoretical contributions of this work are based on and evaluated in a series of artifacts in practical use cases: First, we use technical experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of innovative approaches to exploit images for IBDSSs. We show the feasibility of deep-learning-based computer vision and identify future research opportunities based on one of our practical use cases. Building on this, we develop and evaluate a novel approach for combining human and artificial intelligence for value creation from image data. Second, we develop design knowledge that can serve as a blueprint for future IB-DSSs. We perform two design science research studies to formulate generalizable principles for purposeful design — one for IB-DSSs and one for the subclass of image-mining-based decision support systems (IM-DSSs). While IB-DSSs can provide decision support based on single images, IM-DSSs are suitable when large amounts of image data are available and required for decision-making. Third, we demonstrate the viability of applying IBDSSs to enhance environmental sustainability by performing life cycle assessments for two practical use cases — one in which the IB-DSS enables a prolonged product lifetime and one in which the IB-DSS facilitates an improvement of manufacturing processes. We hope this thesis will contribute to expand the use and effectiveness of imagebased decision support systems in practice and will provide directions for future research

    Manufacturing variation models in multi-station machining systems

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    In product design and quality improvement fields, the development of reliable 3D machining variation models for multi-station machining processes is a key issue to estimate the resulting geometrical and dimensional quality of manufactured parts, generate robust process plans, eliminate downstream manufacturing problems, and reduce ramp-up times. In the literature, two main 3D machining variation models have been studied: the stream of variation model, oriented to product quality improvement (fault diagnosis, process planning evaluation and selection, etc.), and the model of the manufactured part, oriented to product and manufacturing design activities (manufacturing and product tolerance analysis and synthesis). This paper reviews the fundamentals of each model and describes step by step how to derive them using a simple case study. The paper analyzes both models and compares their main characteristics and applications. A discussion about the drawbacks and limitations of each model and some potential research lines in this field are also presented

    Smart Sensor Monitoring in Machining of Difficult-to-cut Materials

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    The research activities presented in this thesis are focused on the development of smart sensor monitoring procedures applied to diverse machining processes with particular reference to the machining of difficult-to-cut materials. This work will describe the whole smart sensor monitoring procedure starting from the configuration of the multiple sensor monitoring system for each specific application and proceeding with the methodologies for sensor signal detection and analysis aimed at the extraction of signal features to feed to intelligent decision-making systems based on artificial neural networks. The final aim is to perform tool condition monitoring in advanced machining processes in terms of tool wear diagnosis and forecast, in the perspective of zero defect manufacturing and green technologies. The work has been addressed within the framework of the national MIUR PON research project CAPRI, acronym for “Carrello per atterraggio con attuazione intelligente” (Landing Gear with Intelligent Actuation), and the research project STEP FAR, acronym for “Sviluppo di materiali e Tecnologie Ecocompatibili, di Processi di Foratura, taglio e di Assemblaggio Robotizzato” (Development of eco-compatible materials and technologies for robotised drilling and assembly processes). Both projects are sponsored by DAC, the Campania Technological Aerospace District, and involve two aerospace industries, Magnaghi Aeronautica S.p.A. and Leonardo S.p.A., respectively. Due to the industrial framework in which the projects were developed and taking advantage of the support from the industrial partners, the project activities have been carried out with the aim to contribute to the scientific research in the field of machining process monitoring as well as to promote the industrial applicability of the results. The thesis was structured in order to illustrate all the methodologies, the experimental tests and the results obtained from the research activities. It begins with an introduction to “Sensor monitoring of machining processes” (Chapter 2) with particular attention to the main sensor monitoring applications and the types of sensors which are employed in machining. The key methods for advanced sensor signal processing, including the implementation of sensor fusion technology, are discussed in details as they represent the basic input for cognitive decision-making systems construction. The chapter finally presents a brief discussion on cloud-based manufacturing which will represent one of the future developments of this research work. Chapters 3 and 4 illustrate the case studies of machining process sensor monitoring investigated in the research work. Within the CAPRI project, the feasibility of the dry turning process of Ti6Al4V alloy (Chapter 3) was studied with particular attention to the optimization of the machining parameters avoiding the use of coolant fluids. Since very rapid tool wear is experienced during dry machining of Titanium alloys, the multiple sensor monitoring system was used in order to develop a methodology based on a smart system for on line tool wear detection in terms of maximum flank wear land. Within the STEP FAR project, the drilling process of carbon fibre reinforced (CFRP) composite materials was studied using diverse experimental set-ups. Regarding the tools, three different types of drill bit were employed, including traditional as well as innovative geometry ones. Concerning the investigated materials, two different types of stack configurations were employed, namely CFRP/CFRP stacks and hybrid Al/CFRP stacks. Consequently, the machining parameters for each experimental campaign were varied, and also the methods for signal analysis were changed to verify the performance of the different methodologies. Finally, for each case different neural network configurations were investigated for cognitive-based decision making. First of all, the applicability of the system was tested in order to perform tool wear diagnosis and forecast. Then, the discussion proceeds with a further aim of the research work, which is the reduction of the number of selected sensor signal features, in order to improve the performance of the cognitive decision-making system, simplify modelling and facilitate the implementation of these methodologies in a cloud manufacturing approach to tool condition monitoring. Sensor fusion methodologies were applied to the extracted and selected sensor signal features in the perspective of feature reduction with the purpose to implement these procedures for big data analytics within the Industry 4.0 framework. In conclusion, the positive impact of the proposed tool condition monitoring methodologies based on multiple sensor signal acquisition and processing is illustrated, with particular reference to the reliable assessment of tool state in order to avoid too early or too late cutting tool substitution that negatively affect machining time and cost
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