3,686 research outputs found

    Luonnontieteiden, lukemisen ja matematiikan osaamisen arviointi : PISA 2006 -viitekehys

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    Suomi on ollut mukana OECD:n PISA-tutkimusohjelmassa (Programme for International Student Assessment) sen perustamisvuodesta 1997 lĂ€htien. Tutkimusohjelmassa OECD-jĂ€senmaiden hallitukset sitoutuvat arvioimaan koulutusjĂ€rjestelmiensĂ€ oppimistuloksia yhteisen kansainvĂ€lisen viitekehyksen avulla. PISA-tutkimuksen kansainvĂ€lisillĂ€ asiantuntijaryhmillĂ€ varmistetaan, ettĂ€ vĂ€lineissĂ€ huomioidaan eri OECD-maiden kulttuuriset ja koulutuspoliittiset erityispiirteet, ettĂ€ niiden mittausominaisuudet ovat hyviĂ€ ja ettĂ€ niissĂ€ painottuvat luotettavuus ja koulutuksellinen pĂ€tevyys. Viimeisin raportoitu tutkimuskierros on vuoden 2006 luonnontieteelliseen osaamiseen keskittynyt tutkimus. Luonnontieteiden, lukemisen ja matematiikan osaamisen arviointi: PISA 2006 viitekehys on ensimmĂ€inen suomeksi kÀÀnnetty OECD:n PISA-tutkimuksesta julkaistu viitekehys. TĂ€ssĂ€ julkaisussa esitellÀÀn PISA 2006 -tutkimuksen perusperiaatteet. NiitĂ€ kuvaillaan opittavien sisĂ€ltöjen, suoritettavien prosessien sekĂ€ tietojen ja taitojen soveltamisympĂ€ristöjen avulla. LisĂ€ksi arvioinnin aihepiirejĂ€ havainnollistetaan muutamilla nĂ€ytetehtĂ€villĂ€. OECD:n alkuperĂ€isjulkaisut PISA-tutkimuskierrosten viitekehyksistĂ€ ovat: Measuring Student Knowledge and Skills – A New Framework for Assessment (OECD, 1999), The PISA 2003 Assessment Framework – Mathematics, Reading, Science and Problem Solving Knowledge and Skills (OECD, 2003a), Assessing Scientific, Reading and Mathematical Literacy: A framework for PISA 2006 ja PISA 2009 Assessment Framework.Key Competencies in Reading, Mathematics and Science

    A Phoenician past and present

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    The Palaeographical Method under the Light of a Digital Approach

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    This paper has the twofold aim of reflecting upon a humanities computing approach to palaeography, and of making such reflections - together with its related experimental results - fruitful at the implementation level. Firstly, the paper explores the methodological issues related to the use of a digital tool to support the palaeographical analysis of medieval handwriting. It claims that humanities computing methods can assist in making explicit those processes of the palaeographical research that encompass detailed analyses, in particular of the handwriting and, more generally, of other idiosyncratic features of written cultural artefacts. Thus, palaeographical tools are to be contextualised and used within a broader methodological framework where their role is to mediate the vision, the comparison, the representation, the analysis and the interpretation of these objects. Secondly, the paper attempts to evaluate the experimentations carried out with a specific software and, in so doing, to test a humanities computing approach to palaeography at a practical level, so as to direct future implementations. Some of these implementations have already been carried out by the current developers of the application in question with whom the author collaborates closely, while others are still in progress and in need of future iterative refinements

    Simple_PLUS: una red de relaciones léxico-semånticas

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    Este artĂ­culo trata de la base de datos lĂ©xico-semĂĄntica del italiano, Simple_PLUS, y particularmente de su nĂșcleo central: la red de relaciones lĂ©xico-semĂĄnticas. Este recurso lexical tiene como base Parole-Simple-Clips, un lĂ©xico electrĂłnico con cuatro niveles de descripciĂłn, elaborado segĂșn el modelo SIMPLE. Simple_PLUS se compone de 30.000 entradas semĂĄnticas, sean importadas del lĂ©xico fuente, sean reciĂ©n creadas, todas dotadas de un amplio conjunto de informaciĂłn proporcionado por el modelo subyacente. En Simple_PLUS, aquella representaciĂłn semĂĄntica fue enriquecida con una informaciĂłn relacional esencial, en un proceso semiautomĂĄtico. Mas de 5.000 lazos que relacionan los eventos con sus participantes y los co-participantes entre sĂ­ ─ vĂ­nculos que no podĂ­an ser descritos antes por falta de medios de representaciĂłn adecuados ─ fueron codificados mediante un vocabulario descriptivo apropiado, que fue prestado del modelo EuroWordNet. Estos lazos conceptuales, que enriquecen la representaciĂłn predicativa del lĂ©xico, aportan un conocimiento lexical imprescindible para las tareas de PLN y la Web semĂĄntica.The present article deals with the Italian lexical-semantic database Simple_PLUS and focuses on its essential core, i.e. the network of lexical semantic relations. This lexical resource builds on Parole-Simple-Clips, a four-layered electronic lexicon of Italian, founded on the SIMPLE model. Simple_PLUS consists of 30,000 semantic entries, partly imported from the source lexicon and partly newly created, but all encoding a wide-ranging set of information provided by the underpinning model. In Simple_PLUS, this semantic representation has been enriched with significant relational information, in a largely automated, inexpensive process. More than 5,000 relationships between events and their participants and among co-participants in events, links which were not capturable previously through lack of suitable representational means, have been encoded with the appropriate descriptive vocabulary borrowed from the EuroWordNet lexical model. Such conceptual links, which efficiently enhance the predicative representation in the lexicon, provide crucial lexical knowledge for NLP systems and for the Semantic Web

    Conspectus Fragmentorum and Bibliography

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    8.1. Conspectus Fragmentorum 8.2. Bibliograph

    The CR structure of minimal orbits in complex flag manifolds

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    Let \^G be a complex semisimple Lie group, Q a parabolic subgroup and G a real form of \^G. The flag manifold \^G/Q decomposes into finitely many G-orbits; among them there is exactly one orbit of minimal dimension, which is compact. We study these minimal orbits from the point of view of CR geometry. In particular we characterize those minimal orbits that are of finite type and satisfy various nondegeneracy conditions, compute their fundamental group and describe the space of their global CR functions. Our main tool are parabolic CR algebras, which give an infinitesimal description of the CR structure of minimal orbits.Comment: AMS-TeX, 44 pages v2: minor revisio
