256 research outputs found

    Models and Performance of VANET based Emergency Braking

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    The network research community is working in the field of automotive to provide VANET based safety applications to reduce the number of accidents, deaths, injuries and loss of money. Several approaches are proposed and investigated in VANET literature, but in a completely network-oriented fashion. Most of them do not take into account application requirements and no one considers the dynamics of the vehicles. Moreover, message repropagation schemes are widely proposed without investigating their benefits and using very complicated approaches. This technical report, which is derived from the Master Thesis of Michele Segata, focuses on the Emergency Electronic Brake Lights (EEBL) safety application, meant to send warning messages in the case of an emergency brake, in particular performing a joint analysis of network requirements and provided application level benefits. The EEBL application is integrated within a Collaborative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) which uses network-provided information to automatically brake the car if the driver does not react to the warning. Moreover, an information aggregation scheme is proposed to analyze the benefits of repropagation together with the consequent increase of network load. This protocol is compared to a protocol without repropagation and to a rebroadcast protocol found in the literature (namely the weighted p-persistent rebroadcast). The scenario is a highway stretch in which a platoon of vehicles brake down to a complete stop. Simulations are performed using the NS_3 network simulation in which two mobility models have been embedded. The first one, which is called Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) emulates the behavior of a driver trying to reach a desired speed and braking when approaching vehicles in front. The second one (Minimizing Overall Braking Induced by Lane change (MOBIL)), instead, decides when a vehicle has to change lane in order to perform an overtake or optimize its path. The original simulator has been modified by - introducing real physical limits to naturally reproduce real crashes; - implementing a CACC; - implementing the driver reaction when a warning is received; - implementing different network protocols. The tests are performed in different situations, such as different number of lanes (one to five), different average speeds, different network protocols and different market penetration rates and they show that: - the adoption of this technology considerably decreases car accidents since the overall average maximum deceleration is reduced; - network load depends on application-level details, such as the implementation of the CACC; - VANET safety application can improve safety even with a partial market penetration rate; - message repropagation is important to reduce the risk of accidents when not all vehicles are equipped; - benefits are gained not only by equipped vehicles but also by unequipped ones

    Supporting Real-Time Communication in CSMA-Based Networks : the VTP-CSMA Virtual Token Passing Approach

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    JamLab: Augmenting Sensornet Testbeds with Realistic and Controlled Interference Generation

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    Radio interference drastically affects the performance of sensor-net communications, leading to packet loss and reduced energy-efficiency. As an increasing number of wireless devices operates on the same ISM frequencies, there is a strong need for understanding and debugging the performance of existing sensornet protocols under interference. Doing so requires a low-cost flexible testbed infrastructure that allows the repeatable generation of a wide range of interference patterns. Unfortunately, to date, existing sensornet testbeds lack such capabilities, and do not permit to study easily the coexistence problems between devices sharing the same frequencies. This paper addresses the current lack of such an infrastructure by using off-the-shelf sensor motes to record and playback interference patterns as well as to generate customizable and repeat-able interference in real-time. We propose and develop JamLab: a low-cost infrastructure to augment existing sensornet testbeds with accurate interference generation while limiting the overhead to a simple upload of the appropriate software. We explain how we tackle the hardware limitations and get an accurate measurement and regeneration of interference, and we experimentally evaluate the accuracy of JamLab with respect to time, space, and intensity. We further use JamLab to characterize the impact of interference on sensornet MAC protocols

    Towards edge robotics: the progress from cloud-based robotic systems to intelligent and context-aware robotic services

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    Current robotic systems handle a different range of applications such as video surveillance, delivery of goods, cleaning, material handling, assembly, painting, or pick and place services. These systems have been embraced not only by the general population but also by the vertical industries to help them in performing daily activities. Traditionally, the robotic systems have been deployed in standalone robots that were exclusively dedicated to performing a specific task such as cleaning the floor in indoor environments. In recent years, cloud providers started to offer their infrastructures to robotic systems for offloading some of the robot’s functions. This ultimate form of the distributed robotic system was first introduced 10 years ago as cloud robotics and nowadays a lot of robotic solutions are appearing in this form. As a result, standalone robots became software-enhanced objects with increased reconfigurability as well as decreased complexity and cost. Moreover, by offloading the heavy processing from the robot to the cloud, it is easier to share services and information from various robots or agents to achieve better cooperation and coordination. Cloud robotics is suitable for human-scale responsive and delay-tolerant robotic functionalities (e.g., monitoring, predictive maintenance). However, there is a whole set of real-time robotic applications (e.g., remote control, motion planning, autonomous navigation) that can not be executed with cloud robotics solutions, mainly because cloud facilities traditionally reside far away from the robots. While the cloud providers can ensure certain performance in their infrastructure, very little can be ensured in the network between the robots and the cloud, especially in the last hop where wireless radio access networks are involved. Over the last years advances in edge computing, fog computing, 5G NR, network slicing, Network Function Virtualization (NFV), and network orchestration are stimulating the interest of the industrial sector to satisfy the stringent and real-time requirements of their applications. Robotic systems are a key piece in the industrial digital transformation and their benefits are very well studied in the literature. However, designing and implementing a robotic system that integrates all the emerging technologies and meets the connectivity requirements (e.g., latency, reliability) is an ambitious task. This thesis studies the integration of modern Information andCommunication Technologies (ICTs) in robotic systems and proposes some robotic enhancements that tackle the real-time constraints of robotic services. To evaluate the performance of the proposed enhancements, this thesis departs from the design and prototype implementation of an edge native robotic system that embodies the concepts of edge computing, fog computing, orchestration, and virtualization. The proposed edge robotics system serves to represent two exemplary robotic applications. In particular, autonomous navigation of mobile robots and remote-control of robot manipulator where the end-to-end robotic system is distributed between the robots and the edge server. The open-source prototype implementation of the designed edge native robotic system resulted in the creation of two real-world testbeds that are used in this thesis as a baseline scenario for the evaluation of new innovative solutions in robotic systems. After detailing the design and prototype implementation of the end-to-end edge native robotic system, this thesis proposes several enhancements that can be offered to robotic systems by adapting the concept of edge computing via the Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) framework. First, it proposes exemplary network context-aware enhancements in which the real-time information about robot connectivity and location can be used to dynamically adapt the end-to-end system behavior to the actual status of the communication (e.g., radio channel). Three different exemplary context-aware enhancements are proposed that aim to optimize the end-to-end edge native robotic system. Later, the thesis studies the capability of the edge native robotic system to offer potential savings by means of computation offloading for robot manipulators in different deployment configurations. Further, the impact of different wireless channels (e.g., 5G, 4G andWi-Fi) to support the data exchange between a robot manipulator and its remote controller are assessed. In the following part of the thesis, the focus is set on how orchestration solutions can support mobile robot systems to make high quality decisions. The application of OKpi as an orchestration algorithm and DLT-based federation are studied to meet the KPIs that autonomously controlledmobile robots have in order to provide uninterrupted connectivity over the radio access network. The elaborated solutions present high compatibility with the designed edge robotics system where the robot driving range is extended without any interruption of the end-to-end edge robotics service. While the DLT-based federation extends the robot driving range by deploying access point extension on top of external domain infrastructure, OKpi selects the most suitable access point and computing resource in the cloud-to-thing continuum in order to fulfill the latency requirements of autonomously controlled mobile robots. To conclude the thesis the focus is set on how robotic systems can improve their performance by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to generate smart decisions. To do so, the edge native robotic system is presented as a true embodiment of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) in Industry 4.0, showing the mission of AI in such concept. It presents the key enabling technologies of the edge robotic system such as edge, fog, and 5G, where the physical processes are integrated with computing and network domains. The role of AI in each technology domain is identified by analyzing a set of AI agents at the application and infrastructure level. In the last part of the thesis, the movement prediction is selected to study the feasibility of applying a forecast-based recovery mechanism for real-time remote control of robotic manipulators (FoReCo) that uses ML to infer lost commands caused by interference in the wireless channel. The obtained results are showcasing the its potential in simulation and real-world experimentation.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Karl Holger.- Secretario: Joerg Widmer.- Vocal: Claudio Cicconett

    Controlo de acesso ao meio em comunicações veiculares de tempo-real

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    Despite several preventive measures, the number of roadway accidents is still very high, being considered even a problem of public health by some entities. This thesis has as global purpose of contributing to the reduction of that number of accidents, and consequent fatalities, by using safety-related applications that use communication among vehicles. In particular, the primary goal is guaranteeing that communication between users in vehicular environments is done with appropriate time bounds to transfer safety-critical information. In detail, it is studied how to manage the scheduling of message’s transmissions (medium access control - MAC), in order to define precisely who will communicate and when is the appropriate instant. The preferable situation where a communication infrastructure is present with full coverage (RSUs) is also studied, from which medium access control is defined precisely, and vehicles (OBUs) become aware of medium utilization. Also, sporadic situations (e.g., absence of RSUs) are studied in which the communication network is “ad hoc” and solely formed by the current vehicles. It is used the recently WAVE / IEEE 802.11p standard, specific for vehicular communications, and it is proposed a TDMA based solution, with appropriate coordination between RSUs in order to effectively disseminate a critical safety event. It is taken into account two different ways of choosing the instant for the initial broadcast, and both cases are compared. In case there is no infrastructure available, methods are derived to minimize communication medium access collisions, and to maximize the available bandwidth. The results reflect the total end-to-end delay, and show that adequate times are attained, and meet with the requisites for the type of applications being considered. Also, enhancements are obtained when using the alternate choice for the initial broadcast instant.Apesar de diversas medidas preventivas, o número de acidentes rodoviários continua a ser muito elevado, sendo mesmo considerado uma questão de saúde pública por algumas entidades. Esta tese tem como objetivo geral contribuir para a redução desse número de acidentes, e consequentes fatalidades, através da utilização de aplicações de segurança que envolvem comunicação entre veículos. Em particular, o objetivo principal é garantir que a comunicação entre utentes, em ambientes veiculares, seja efetuada com limites temporais apropriados à transferência de informações críticas. De forma mais detalhada, é estudada a gestão do escalonamento das transmissões (controlo de acesso ao meio – MAC) que irá definir quem vai comunicar e quando o pode fazer. São estudadas situações (desejadas) onde há uma infra-estrutura de comunicações com cobertura integral (RSUs), a partir da qual se faz a coordenação do acesso ao meio pelos veículos (OBUs), e situações (esporádicas, por ausência de RSU) em que a rede de comunicação é “ad hoc” e apenas constituída pelos veículos presentes. Utiliza-se a recente norma WAVE / IEEE 802.11p, específica para comunicações veiculares, e propõe-se uma solução baseada em TDMA, com coordenação apropriada entre RSUs para disseminação efetiva de um evento crítico de segurança. A escolha do instante para o broadcast inicial do evento de segurança também é tida em conta, e são comparados dois casos distintos. No caso da ausência de infraestrutura, derivam-se métodos para minimizar colisões no acesso ao meio de comunicação, e maximizar a largura de banda disponível. Os resultados refletem o atraso total end-to-end, mostrando tempos apropriados para os requisitos das aplicações em causa, e evidenciando melhorias aquando da escolha alternativa para o instante do broadcast inicial.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Filtered multi-carrier modulations for industrial wireless communications based on cognitive radio

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    Doktoretza-tesi honetako helburu nagusia, hari gabeko komunikazio industrialetarako fidagarritasun maila onargarria eman dezakeen maila fisikoko modulazio bat aurkitzea da. Eremu industrialetako radio bidezko kanaletan ematen diren komunikazioetarako baldintza bereziki aurkakoak direla eta, helburu hori lortzea benetako erronkatzat jo liteke. Gainera, modulazio horrek \Radio Cognitiva" deritzoten teknikekin bateragarria izan beharra dauka, hauek hari gabeko komunikazioen fidagarritasuna hobetzeko gaitasuna baitute. Bibliografian oinarrituz, gaur egungo baliabideekin hari gabeko komunikazio industrial kasu ugariri konponbidea emateko aukera badela ondoriozta genezake, baina ez kasu guztiei ordea. Hari gabeko kanalen egoera bereziki aurkakoa denerako eta komunikazio sistemek denbora muga bereziki zorrotzak bete behar dituztenerako, ezta erantzun nahikoa ona eman lezakeen hari gabeko komunikazio sistema industrialik bibliografia zientifikoan. Hori dela eta, doktoretza tesi honetan, \Radio Cognitiva" delakoa eta 5G-rako aurreikusita dauden filtro bankuetan oinarrituriko modulazio multigarraiatzaileak bezalako teknologia hasiberrietara jotzen dugu, aurrez aipaturiko arazoari konponbide berriak bilatu nahian. Bibliografian dauden filtro bankuetan oinarrituriko modulazio multi-garraiatzaileak aztertu eta ondoren beraien egokitasuna ebaluatzen dugu, kanal dispertsiboen aurkako sendotasuna eta \Radio Cognitiva" teknikekin izan lezaketen bateragarritasuna irizpide hartuz. Ebaluaketa horretan oinarrituz, doktoretza-tesi honetan \Radio Cognitiva" teknikekin bateragarria den WCP-COQAM proposatzen dugu modulazio industrial gisa. Modulazio teknika berau erakusteaz gain, bibliografian eskuragarri ez dauden WCP-COQAM-rentzat sinkronizazio eta kanal estimazio teknikak ere aurkezten ditugu.El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral consiste en encontrar una modulación de capa física capaz de proporcionar robustez y fiabilidad suficientes a sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricas industriales. Esto supone un desafío, dadas las adversas condiciones del canal inalámbrico propias de entornos industriales. Además, dicha modulación debería presentar una alta compatibilidad con las técnicas de Radio Cognitiva, debido al potencial de éstas para mejorar la fiabilidad de las comunicaciones inalámbricas. Basándonos en la bibliografía, concluimos que las soluciones presentes en el estado del arte actual cubren una amplia variedad de escenarios dentro de las comunicaciones inalámbricas industriales, pero no todas. Para los escenarios con canales altamente dispersivos y requerimientos de tiempo especialmente estrictos, no existe ninguna solución en la industria ni dentro de la bibliografía científica. En esta tesis doctoral nos centramos en tecnologías incipientes como la Radio Cognitiva y las modulaciones multi-portadora con bancos de filtros para 5G para tratar de buscar nuevas soluciones al problema anteriormente descrito. Por lo tanto, analizamos algunas de las técnicas multi-portadora con bancos de filtros presentes en la bibliografía científica y las evaluamos basándonos en su robustez frente a canales altamente dispersivos y su compatibilidad con la Radio Cognitiva. Basándonos en dicha evaluación, proponemosWCP-COQAM como posible candidata a modulación industrial compatible con Radio Cognitiva. Además de la propia técnica de modulación, presentamos métodos de sincronización y estimación de canal para la misma que no se encuentran presentes en el estado del arte.The main goal of this doctoral thesis is to find a physical layer modulation able to provide high enough robustness and reliability levels for wireless industrial communications systems. Considering the harsh wireless channel conditions of industrial environments, that goal implies a considerable challenge. Besides, this modulation should be highly compatible with Cognitive Radio techniques, due to their potential to improve the reliability of wireless communications. Based on the bibliography, we conclude that the existent solutions in the current state of the art cover a wide range of wireless industrial communications scenarios, but not all of them. There is no solution, neither in the industry nor in the scientific bibliography, for those scenarios involving highly dispersive wireless channels and particularly stringent timeliness requirements. In this doctoral thesis, we focus on upcoming technologies such as Cognitive Radio and multi-carrier modulations based on filter banks for 5G, in order to search new solutions for the aforementioned problem. Therefore, we analyse some of the multi-carrier modulations based on filter banks of the scientific bibliography and we evaluate them in terms of robustness against highly dispersive channels and in terms of compatibility with Cognitive Radio. In this doctoral thesis we propose the modulation WCP-COQAM as possible candidate for industrial wireless modulation and compatible with Cognitive Radio. In addition to the modulation technique itself, we also introduce some synchronization and channel estimation techniques which are not present in the state of the art

    Remote Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Through the Internet and IEEE 802.11

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    This dissertation focuses on real-time control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) through TCP/IP/IEEE 802.11. Using the MAVLink protocol - an open-source protocol for micro air vehicles - a solution that allows the exchange, in real-time, of control messages between a UAV and a remote Control Station was implemented. In order to allow the UAV control by a remote user, the vehicle streams a real-time video feed captured by a video-camera on board. The main challenge of this dissertation is related about the designing and implementation of a fast handover solution that allows an uninterruptible communication

    Analysis of Ethernet Powerlink network and development of a wireless extension based on the IEEE 802.11n WLAN

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    In questa tesi si analizza inizialmente Ethernet POWERLINK (EPL), una delle reti Ethernet Real-Time più popolari grazie alle sue caratteristiche e prestazioni. Viene poi proposta l'estensione wireless della rete POWERLINK basata sulla rete IEEE 802.11n (WLAN), con quest'ultima opportunamente ottimizzata per la comunicazione industriale attraverso l'algoritmo di dynamic rate adaptation RSIN