103 research outputs found

    Scouting algorithms for field robots using triangular mesh maps

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    Labor shortage has prompted researchers to develop robot platforms for agriculture field scouting tasks. Sensor-based automatic topographic mapping and scouting algorithms for rough and large unstructured environments were presented. It involves moving an image sensor to collect terrain and other information and concomitantly construct a terrain map in the working field. In this work, a triangular mesh map was first used to represent the rough field surface and plan exploring strategies. A 3D image sensor model was used to simulate collection of field elevation information.A two-stage exploring policy was used to plan the next best viewpoint by considering both the distance and elevation change in the cost function. A greedy exploration algorithm based on the energy cost function was developed; the energy cost function not only considers the traveling distance, but also includes energy required to change elevation and the rolling resistance of the terrain. An information-based exploration policy was developed to choose the next best viewpoint to maximise the information gain and minimize the energy consumption. In a partially known environment, the information gain was estimated by applying the ray tracing algorithm. The two-part scouting algorithm was developed to address the field sampling problem; the coverage algorithm identifies a reasonable coverage path to traverse sampling points, while the dynamic path planning algorithm determines an optimal path between two adjacent sampling points.The developed algorithms were validated in two agricultural fields and three virtual fields by simulation. Greedy exploration policy, based on energy consumption outperformed other pattern methods in energy, time, and travel distance in the first 80% of the exploration task. The exploration strategy, which incorporated the energy consumption and the information gain with a ray tracing algorithm using a coarse map, showed an advantage over other policies in terms of the total energy consumption and the path length by at least 6%. For scouting algorithms, line sweeping methods require less energy and a shorter distance than the potential function method

    Mobile Robots

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    The objective of this book is to cover advances of mobile robotics and related technologies applied for multi robot systems' design and development. Design of control system is a complex issue, requiring the application of information technologies to link the robots into a single network. Human robot interface becomes a demanding task, especially when we try to use sophisticated methods for brain signal processing. Generated electrophysiological signals can be used to command different devices, such as cars, wheelchair or even video games. A number of developments in navigation and path planning, including parallel programming, can be observed. Cooperative path planning, formation control of multi robotic agents, communication and distance measurement between agents are shown. Training of the mobile robot operators is very difficult task also because of several factors related to different task execution. The presented improvement is related to environment model generation based on autonomous mobile robot observations

    Hybrid approaches for mobile robot navigation

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    The work described in this thesis contributes to the efficient solution of mobile robot navigation problems. A series of new evolutionary approaches is presented. Two novel evolutionary planners have been developed that reduce the computational overhead in generating plans of mobile robot movements. In comparison with the best-performing evolutionary scheme reported in the literature, the first of the planners significantly reduces the plan calculation time in static environments. The second planner was able to generate avoidance strategies in response to unexpected events arising from the presence of moving obstacles. To overcome limitations in responsiveness and the unrealistic assumptions regarding a priori knowledge that are inherent in planner-based and a vigation systems, subsequent work concentrated on hybrid approaches. These included a reactive component to identify rapidly and autonomously environmental features that were represented by a small number of critical waypoints. Not only is memory usage dramatically reduced by such a simplified representation, but also the calculation time to determine new plans is significantly reduced. Further significant enhancements of this work were firstly, dynamic avoidance to limit the likelihood of potential collisions with moving obstacles and secondly, exploration to identify statistically the dynamic characteristics of the environment. Finally, by retaining more extensive environmental knowledge gained during previous navigation activities, the capability of the hybrid navigation system was enhanced to allow planning to be performed for any start point and goal point

    Vision-based trajectory control of unsensored robots to increase functionality, without robot hardware modication

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    In nuclear decommissioning operations, very rugged remote manipulators are used, which lack proprioceptive joint angle sensors. Hence these machines are simply tele-operated, where a human operator controls each joint of the robot individually using a teach pendant or a set of switches. Moreover, decommissioning tasks often involve forceful interactions between the environment and powerful tools at the robot's end-effector. Such interactions can result in complex dynamics, large torques at the robot's joints, and can also lead to erratic movements of a mobile manipulator's base frame with respect to the task space. This Thesis seeks to address these problems by, firstly, showing how the configuration of such robots can be tracked in real-time by a vision system and fed back into a trajectory control scheme. Secondly, the Thesis investigates the dynamics of robot-environment contacts, and proposes several control schemes for detecting, coping with, and also exploiting such contacts. Several contributions are advanced in this Thesis. Specifically a control framework is presented which exploits the constraints arising at contact points to effectively reduce commanded torques to perform tasks; methods are advanced to estimate the constraints arising from contacts in a number of situations, using only kinematic quantities; a framework is proposed to estimate the configuration of a manipulator using a single monocular camera; and finally, a general control framework is described which uses all of the above contributions to servo a manipulator. The results of a number of experiments are presented which demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods

    An aesthetics of touch: investigating the language of design relating to form

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    How well can designers communicate qualities of touch? This paper presents evidence that they have some capability to do so, much of which appears to have been learned, but at present make limited use of such language. Interviews with graduate designer-makers suggest that they are aware of and value the importance of touch and materiality in their work, but lack a vocabulary to fully relate to their detailed explanations of other aspects such as their intent or selection of materials. We believe that more attention should be paid to the verbal dialogue that happens in the design process, particularly as other researchers show that even making-based learning also has a strong verbal element to it. However, verbal language alone does not appear to be adequate for a comprehensive language of touch. Graduate designers-makers’ descriptive practices combined non-verbal manipulation within verbal accounts. We thus argue that haptic vocabularies do not simply describe material qualities, but rather are situated competences that physically demonstrate the presence of haptic qualities. Such competencies are more important than groups of verbal vocabularies in isolation. Design support for developing and extending haptic competences must take this wide range of considerations into account to comprehensively improve designers’ capabilities

    Artificial cognitive architecture with self-learning and self-optimization capabilities. Case studies in micromachining processes

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de lectura : 22-09-201

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Biomimetic set up for chemosensor-based machine olfaction

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    The thesis falls into the field of machine olfaction and accompanying experimental set up for chemical gas sensing. Perhaps more than any other sensory modality, chemical sensing faces with major technical and conceptual challenges: low specificity, slow response time, long term instability, power consumption, portability, coding capacity and robustness. There is an important trend of the last decade pushing artificial olfaction to mimic the biological olfaction system of insects and mammalians. The designers of machine olfaction devices take inspiration from the biological olfactory system, because animals effortlessly accomplish some of the unsolved problems in machine olfaction. In a remarkable example of an olfactory guided behavior, male moths navigate over large distances in order to locate calling females by detecting pheromone signals both rapidly and robustly. The biomimetic chemical sensing aims to identify the key blocks in the olfactory pathways at all levels from the olfactory receptors to the central nervous system, and simulate to some extent the operation of these blocks, that would allow to approach the sensing performance known in biological olfactory system of animals. New technical requirements arise to the hardware and software equipment used in such machine olfaction experiments. This work explores the bioinspired approach to machine olfaction in depth on the technological side. At the hardware level, the embedded computer is assembled, being the core part of the experimental set up. The embedded computer is interfaced with two main biomimetic modules designed by the collaborators: a large-scale sensor array for emulation of the population of the olfactory receptors, and a mobile robotic platform for autonomous experiments for guiding olfactory behaviour. At the software level, the software development kit is designed to host the neuromorphic models of the collaborators for processing the sensory inputs as in the olfactory pathway. Virtualization of the set up was one of the key engineering solutions in the development. Being a device, the set up is transformed to a virtual system for running data simulations, where the software environment is essentially the same, and the real sensors are replaced by the virtual sensors coming from especially designed data simulation tool. The proposed abstraction of the set up results in an ecosystem containing both the models of the olfactory system and the virtual array. This ecosystem can loaded from the developed system image on any personal computer. In addition to the engineering products released in the course of thesis, the scientific results have been published in three journal articles, two book chapters and conference proceedings. The main results on validation of the set up under the scenario of robotic odour localization are reported in the book chapters. The series of three journal articles covers the work on the data simulation tool for machine olfaction: the novel model of drift, the models to simulate the sensor array data based on the reference data set, and the parametrized simulated data and benchmarks proposed for the first time in machine olfaction. This thesis ends up with a solid foundation for the research in biomimetic simulations and algorithms on machine olfaction. The results achieved in the thesis are expected to give rise to new bioinspired applications in machine olfaction, which could have a significant impact in the biomedical engineering research area.Esta tesis se enmarca en el campo de bioingeneria, mas particularmente en la configuración de un sistema experimental de sensores de gases químicos. Quizás más que en cualquier otra modalidad de sensores, los sensores químicos representan un conjunto de retos técnicos y conceptuales ya que deben lidiar con problemas como su baja especificidad, su respuesta temporal lenta, su inestabilidad a largo plazo, su alto consumo enérgético, su portabilidad, así como la necesidad de un sistema de datos y código robusto. En la última década, se ha observado una clara tendencia por parte de los sistemas de machine olfaction hacia la imitación del sistema de olfato biológico de insectos y mamíferos. Los diseñadores de estos sistemas se inspiran del sistema olfativo biológico, ya que los animales cumplen, sin apenas esfuerzo, algunos de los escenarios no resueltos en machine olfaction. Por ejemplo, las polillas machos recorren largas distancias para localizar las polillas hembra, detectando sus feromonas de forma rápida y robusta. La detección biomimética de gases químicos tiene como objetivo identificar los elementos fundamentales de la vía olfativa a todos los niveles, desde los receptores olfativos hasta el sistema nervioso central, y simular, en cierta medida, el funcionamiento de estos bloques, lo que permitiría acercar el rendimiento de la detección al rendimiento de los sistemas olfativos conociodos de los animales. Esto conlleva nuevos requisitos técnicos a nivel de equipamiento tanto hardware como software utilizado en este tipo de experimentos de machine olfaction. Este trabajo propone un enfoque bioinspirado para la ¿machine olfaction¿, explorando a fondo la parte tecnológica. A nivel hardware, un ordenador embedido se ha ensamblado, siendo ésta la parte más importante de la configuración experimental. Este ordenador integrado está interconectado con dos módulos principales biomiméticos diseñados por los colaboradores: una matriz de sensores a gran escala y una plataforma móvil robotizada para experimentos autónomos. A nivel software, el kit de desarrollo software se ha diseñado para recoger los modelos neuromórficos de los colaboradores para el procesamiento de las entradas sensoriales como en la vía olfativa biológica. La virtualización del sistema fue una de las soluciones ingenieriles clave de su desarrollo. Al ser un dispositivo, el sistema se ha transformado en un sistema virtual para la realización de simulaciones de datos, donde el entorno de software es esencialmente el mismo, y donde los sensores reales se sustituyen por sensores virtuales procedentes de una herramienta de simulación de datos especialmente diseñada. La propuesta de abstracción del sistema resulta en un ecosistema que contiene tanto los modelos del sistema olfativo como la matriz virtual . Este ecosistema se puede cargar en cualquier ordenador personal como una imagen del sistema desarrollado. Además de los productos de ingeniería entregados en esta tesis, los resultados científicos se han publicado en tres artículos en revistas, dos capítulos de libros y los proceedings de dos conferencias internacionales. Los principales resultados en la validación del sistema en el escenario de la localización robótica de olores se presentan en los capítulos del libro. Los tres artículos de revistas abarcan el trabajo en la herramienta de simulación de datos para machine olfaction: el novedoso modelo de drift, los modelos para simular la matriz de sensores basado en el conjunto de datos de referencia, y la parametrización de los datos simulados y los benchmarks propuestos por primera vez en machine olfaction. Esta tesis ofrece una base sólida para la investigación en simulaciones biomiméticas y en algoritmos en machine olfaction. Los resultados obtenidos en la tesis pretenden dar lugar a nuevas aplicaciones bioinspiradas en machine olfaction, lo que podría tener un significativo impacto en el área de investigación en ingeniería biomédic
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