13 research outputs found

    Two-Stream RNN/CNN for Action Recognition in 3D Videos

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    The recognition of actions from video sequences has many applications in health monitoring, assisted living, surveillance, and smart homes. Despite advances in sensing, in particular related to 3D video, the methodologies to process the data are still subject to research. We demonstrate superior results by a system which combines recurrent neural networks with convolutional neural networks in a voting approach. The gated-recurrent-unit-based neural networks are particularly well-suited to distinguish actions based on long-term information from optical tracking data; the 3D-CNNs focus more on detailed, recent information from video data. The resulting features are merged in an SVM which then classifies the movement. In this architecture, our method improves recognition rates of state-of-the-art methods by 14% on standard data sets.Comment: Published in 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

    A Novel Algorithm for Human Fall Detection using Height, Velocity and Position of the Subject from Depth Maps

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    Human fall detection systems play an important role in our daily life, because falls are the main obstacle for elderly people to live independently and it is also a major health concern due to aging population. Different approaches are used to develop human fall detection systems for elderly and people with special needs. The three basic approaches include some sort of wearable devices, ambient based devices or non-invasive vision-based devices using live cameras. Most of such systems are either based on wearable or ambient sensor which is very often rejected by users due to the high false alarm and difficulties in carrying them during their daily life activities. This paper proposes a fall detection system based on the height, velocity and position of the subject using depth information from Microsoft Kinect sensor. Classification of human fall from other activities of daily life is accomplished using height and velocity of the subject extracted from the depth information. Finally position of the subject is identified for fall confirmation. From the experimental results, the proposed system was able to achieve an average accuracy of 94.81% with sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 93.33%

    Radar and RGB-depth sensors for fall detection: a review

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    This paper reviews recent works in the literature on the use of systems based on radar and RGB-Depth (RGB-D) sensors for fall detection, and discusses outstanding research challenges and trends related to this research field. Systems to detect reliably fall events and promptly alert carers and first responders have gained significant interest in the past few years in order to address the societal issue of an increasing number of elderly people living alone, with the associated risk of them falling and the consequences in terms of health treatments, reduced well-being, and costs. The interest in radar and RGB-D sensors is related to their capability to enable contactless and non-intrusive monitoring, which is an advantage for practical deployment and users’ acceptance and compliance, compared with other sensor technologies, such as video-cameras, or wearables. Furthermore, the possibility of combining and fusing information from The heterogeneous types of sensors is expected to improve the overall performance of practical fall detection systems. Researchers from different fields can benefit from multidisciplinary knowledge and awareness of the latest developments in radar and RGB-D sensors that this paper is discussing

    RGB-D-based Action Recognition Datasets: A Survey

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    Human action recognition from RGB-D (Red, Green, Blue and Depth) data has attracted increasing attention since the first work reported in 2010. Over this period, many benchmark datasets have been created to facilitate the development and evaluation of new algorithms. This raises the question of which dataset to select and how to use it in providing a fair and objective comparative evaluation against state-of-the-art methods. To address this issue, this paper provides a comprehensive review of the most commonly used action recognition related RGB-D video datasets, including 27 single-view datasets, 10 multi-view datasets, and 7 multi-person datasets. The detailed information and analysis of these datasets is a useful resource in guiding insightful selection of datasets for future research. In addition, the issues with current algorithm evaluation vis-\'{a}-vis limitations of the available datasets and evaluation protocols are also highlighted; resulting in a number of recommendations for collection of new datasets and use of evaluation protocols

    A Survey of Applications and Human Motion Recognition with Microsoft Kinect

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    Microsoft Kinect, a low-cost motion sensing device, enables users to interact with computers or game consoles naturally through gestures and spoken commands without any other peripheral equipment. As such, it has commanded intense interests in research and development on the Kinect technology. In this paper, we present, a comprehensive survey on Kinect applications, and the latest research and development on motion recognition using data captured by the Kinect sensor. On the applications front, we review the applications of the Kinect technology in a variety of areas, including healthcare, education and performing arts, robotics, sign language recognition, retail services, workplace safety training, as well as 3D reconstructions. On the technology front, we provide an overview of the main features of both versions of the Kinect sensor together with the depth sensing technologies used, and review literatures on human motion recognition techniques used in Kinect applications. We provide a classification of motion recognition techniques to highlight the different approaches used in human motion recognition. Furthermore, we compile a list of publicly available Kinect datasets. These datasets are valuable resources for researchers to investigate better methods for human motion recognition and lower-level computer vision tasks such as segmentation, object detection and human pose estimation

    Sign Language Recognition using Dynamic Time Warping and Hand Shape Distance Based on Histogram of Oriented Gradient Features

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    ABSTRACT Recognizing sign language is a very challenging task in computer vision. One of the more popular approaches, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), utilizes hand trajectory information to compare a query sign with those in a database of examples. In this work, we conducted an American Sign Language (ASL) recognition experiment on Kinect sign data using DTW for sign trajectory similarity and Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HoG

    Fall detection using history triple features

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    Accurate identification and timely handling of involuntary events, such as falls, plays a crucial part in effective as-sistive environment systems. Fall detection, in particular, is quite critical, especially in households of lonely elderly people. However, the task of visually identifying a fall is challenging as there is a variety of daily activities that can be mistakenly characterized as falls. To tackle this issue, various feature extraction methods that aim to effectively distinguish unintentional falls from other everyday activi-ties have been proposed. In this study, we examine the capability of the History Triple Features technique based on Trace transform, to provide noise robust and invariant to different variations features for the spatiotemporal represen-tation of fall occurrences. The aim is to effectively detect falls among other household-related activities that usually take place indoors. For the evaluation of the algorithm the video sequences from two realistic fall detection datasets of different nature have been used. One is constructed using a ceiling mounted depth camera and the other is constructed using an RGB camera placed on arbitrary positions in dif-ferent rooms. After forming the feature vectors, we train a support vector machine using a radial basis function kernel. Results show a very good response of the algorithm achiev-ing 100 % on both datasets indicating the suitability of the technique to the specific task. 1

    A Survey on RGBD-based Fall Detection

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    跌倒是老年人由于身体状况的下降,随着年龄的增长,经常会发生的一个高危动作。跌倒对于老年人的身心健康有着严重的危害,为了解决该问题,可以实时自动检测跌倒动作系统的研究,逐渐增多。近几年基于rgbd深度相机的跌倒检测研究情况综述也逐渐增多。区别于其他检测方式,基于深度信息的视觉设备检测,可以减少因光照和阴影所带来的误差,也可以使原始数据更加丰富,提取更多特征。针对目前检测算法的实现策略和研究现状,总结公开的数据库,跌倒检测的发展趋势进行展望和讨论,有助于后续研究的进展。With the age growing, the elder's body will become worse, which often cause dangerous fall.Falling may cause physi-cal and psychological damage to the elder people.In order to solve the problem, many research on real-time automatic fall detec-tion system are proposed.Unlike other approaches, system based on RGBD sensor have many advantages, which decrease the ef-fect of illumination and shadow.What's more RGBD sensor can bring potentially rich set of data features.Therefore, a review ofrecent research on RGBD based fall detection and discussing the trend, challenges and difficulties of the fall detection will benefitthe following research

    Development of a human fall detection system based on depth maps

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    Assistive care related products are increasingly in demand with the recent developments in health sector associated technologies. There are several studies concerned in improving and eliminating barriers in providing quality health care services to all people, especially elderly who live alone and those who cannot move from their home for various reasons such as disable, overweight. Among them, human fall detection systems play an important role in our daily life, because fall is the main obstacle for elderly people to live independently and it is also a major health concern due to aging population. The three basic approaches used to develop human fall detection systems include some sort of wearable devices, ambient based devices or non-invasive vision based devices using live cameras. Most of such systems are either based on wearable or ambient sensor which is very often rejected by users due to the high false alarm and difficulties in carrying them during their daily life activities. Thus, this study proposes a non-invasive human fall detection system based on the height, velocity, statistical analysis, fall risk factors and position of the subject using depth information from Microsoft Kinect sensor. Classification of human fall from other activities of daily life is accomplished using height and velocity of the subject extracted from the depth information after considering the fall risk level of the user. Acceleration and activity detection are also employed if velocity and height fail to classify the activity. Finally position of the subject is identified for fall confirmation or statistical analysis is conducted to verify the fall event. From the experimental results, the proposed system was able to achieve an average accuracy of 98.3% with sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 97.7%. The proposed system accurately distinguished all the fall events from other activities of daily life