15 research outputs found

    Tools for the construction of correct programs : an overview

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    STRICT: a language and tool set for the design of very large scale integrated circuits

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    PhD ThesisAn essential requirement for the design of large VLSI circuits is a design methodology which would allow the designer to overcome the complexity and correctness issues associated with the building of such circuits. We propose that many of the problems of the design of large circuits can be solved by using a formal design notation based upon the functional programming paradigm, that embodies design concepts that have been used extensively as the framework for software construction. The design notation should permit parallel, sequential, and recursive decompositions of a design into smaller components, and it should allow large circuits to be constructed from simpler circuits that can be embedded in a design in a modular fashion. Consistency checking should be provided as early as possible in a design. Such a methodology would structure the design of a circuit in much the same way that procedures, classes, and control structures may be used to structure large software systems. However, such a design notation must be supported by tools which automatically check the consistency of the design, if the methodology is to be practical. In principle, the methodology should impose constraints upon circuit design to reduce errors and provide' correctness by construction' . It should be possible to generate efficient and correct circuits, by providing a route to a large variety of design tools commonly found in design systems: simulators, automatic placement and routing tools, module generators, schematic capture tools, and formal verification and synthesis tools

    Specification-driven design of custom hardware in HOP

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    technical reportWe present a language "Hardware viewed as Objects and Processes" (HOP) for specifying the structure, behavior, and timing of hardware systems. HOP embodies a simple process model for lock-step synchronous processes. Processes may be described both as a black-box and as a collection of interacting sub-processes. The latter can be statically simplified using an algorithm 'PARCOMP'. PARCOMP symbolically simulates a collection of interacting processes. The advantages claimed for HOP include simple semantics, intuitiveness, high expressive power, and numerous provisions to support easily verifiable designs all the way to VLSI layout. After introducing HOP, and presenting some of the results obtained from experimenting with the HOP design system, we present the design of a large hardware system (the "Utah Simulation Engine") currently being developed to speed-up distributed discrete event simulation using Time Warp. Issues in the specification driven design of this system are discussed and illustrated using HOP

    Verification of Control Properties in the Polyhedral Model

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    We propose a combination of heuristic methods to prove properties of control signals for regular systems defined by means of affine recurrence equations (AREs). We benefit from the intrinsic regularity of the polyhedral model to handle parameterized systems in a symbolic way. Despite some restrictions on the form of equations we are able to handle, our techniques apply well for a useful set of properties and led us to discover some errors in actual systems. These techniques have been implemented in the MMAlpha environment

    Toatie : functional hardware description with dependent types

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    Describing correct circuits remains a tall order, despite four decades of evolution in Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Many enticing circuit architectures require recursive structures or complex compile-time computation — two patterns that prove difficult to capture in traditional HDLs. In a signal processing context, the Fast FIR Algorithm (FFA) structure for efficient parallel filtering proves to be naturally recursive, and most Multiple Constant Multiplication (MCM) blocks decompose multiplications into graphs of simple shifts and adds using demanding compile time computation. Generalised versions of both remain mostly in academic folklore. The implementations which do exist are often ad hoc circuit generators, written in software languages. These pose challenges for verification and are resistant to composition. Embedded functional HDLs, that represent circuits as data, allow for these descriptions at the cost of forcing the designer to work at the gate-level. A promising alternative is to use a stand-alone compiler, representing circuits as plain functions, exemplified by the CλaSH HDL. This, however, raises new challenges in capturing a circuit’s staging — which expressions in the single language should be reduced during compile-time elaboration, and which should remain in the circuit’s run-time? To better reflect the physical separation between circuit phases, this work proposes a new functional HDL (representing circuits as functions) with first-class staging constructs. Orthogonal to this, there are also long-standing challenges in the verification of parameterised circuit families. Industry surveys have consistently reported that only a slim minority of FPGA projects reach production without non-trivial bugs. While a healthy growth in the adoption of automatic formal methods is also reported, the majority of testing remains dynamic — presenting difficulties for testing entire circuit families at once. This research offers an alternative verification methodology via the combination of dependent types and automatic synthesis of user-defined data types. Given precise enough types for synthesisable data, this environment can be used to develop circuit families with full functional verification in a correct-by-construction fashion. This approach allows for verification of entire circuit families (not just one concrete member) and side-steps the state-space explosion of model checking methods. Beyond the existing work, this research offers synthesis of combinatorial circuits — not just a software model of their behaviour. This additional step requires careful consideration of staging, erasure & irrelevance, deriving bit representations of user-defined data types, and a new synthesis scheme. This thesis contributes steps towards HDLs with sufficient expressivity for awkward, combinatorial signal processing structures, allowing for a correct-by-construction approach, and a prototype compiler for netlist synthesis.Describing correct circuits remains a tall order, despite four decades of evolution in Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Many enticing circuit architectures require recursive structures or complex compile-time computation — two patterns that prove difficult to capture in traditional HDLs. In a signal processing context, the Fast FIR Algorithm (FFA) structure for efficient parallel filtering proves to be naturally recursive, and most Multiple Constant Multiplication (MCM) blocks decompose multiplications into graphs of simple shifts and adds using demanding compile time computation. Generalised versions of both remain mostly in academic folklore. The implementations which do exist are often ad hoc circuit generators, written in software languages. These pose challenges for verification and are resistant to composition. Embedded functional HDLs, that represent circuits as data, allow for these descriptions at the cost of forcing the designer to work at the gate-level. A promising alternative is to use a stand-alone compiler, representing circuits as plain functions, exemplified by the CλaSH HDL. This, however, raises new challenges in capturing a circuit’s staging — which expressions in the single language should be reduced during compile-time elaboration, and which should remain in the circuit’s run-time? To better reflect the physical separation between circuit phases, this work proposes a new functional HDL (representing circuits as functions) with first-class staging constructs. Orthogonal to this, there are also long-standing challenges in the verification of parameterised circuit families. Industry surveys have consistently reported that only a slim minority of FPGA projects reach production without non-trivial bugs. While a healthy growth in the adoption of automatic formal methods is also reported, the majority of testing remains dynamic — presenting difficulties for testing entire circuit families at once. This research offers an alternative verification methodology via the combination of dependent types and automatic synthesis of user-defined data types. Given precise enough types for synthesisable data, this environment can be used to develop circuit families with full functional verification in a correct-by-construction fashion. This approach allows for verification of entire circuit families (not just one concrete member) and side-steps the state-space explosion of model checking methods. Beyond the existing work, this research offers synthesis of combinatorial circuits — not just a software model of their behaviour. This additional step requires careful consideration of staging, erasure & irrelevance, deriving bit representations of user-defined data types, and a new synthesis scheme. This thesis contributes steps towards HDLs with sufficient expressivity for awkward, combinatorial signal processing structures, allowing for a correct-by-construction approach, and a prototype compiler for netlist synthesis

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    Applications of formal methods in engineering

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    The main idea presented in this thesis is to propose and justify a general framework for the development of safety-related systems based on a selection of criticality and the required level of integrity. We show that formal methods can be practically and consistently introduced into the system design lifecycle without incurring excessive development cost. An insight into the process of generating and validating a formal specification from an engineering point of view is illustrated, in conjunction with formal definitions of specification models, safety criteria and risk assessments. Engineering specifications are classified into two main classes of systems, memoryless and memory bearing systems. Heuristic approaches for specification generation and validation of these systems are presented and discussed with a brief summary of currently available formal systems and their supporting tools. It is further shown that to efficiently address different aspects of real-world problems, the concept of embedding one logic within another mechanised logic, in order to provide mechanical support for proofs and reasoning, is practical. A temporal logic framework, which is embedded in Higher Order Logic, is used to verify and validate the design of a real-time system. Formal definitions and properties of temporal operators are defined in HOL and real-time concepts such as timing marker, interrupt and timeout are presented. A second major case study is presented on the specification a solid model for mechanical parts. This work discusses the modelling theory with set theoretic topology and Boolean operations. The theory is used to specify the mechanical properties of large distribution transformers. Associated mechanical properties such as volumetric operations are also discussed

    The formal verification of generic interpreters

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    The task assignment 3 of the design and validation of digital flight control systems suitable for fly-by-wire applications is studied. Task 3 is associated with formal verification of embedded systems. In particular, results are presented that provide a methodological approach to microprocessor verification. A hierarchical decomposition strategy for specifying microprocessors is also presented. A theory of generic interpreters is presented that can be used to model microprocessor behavior. The generic interpreter theory abstracts away the details of instruction functionality, leaving a general model of what an interpreter does

    NASA space station automation: AI-based technology review

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    Research and Development projects in automation for the Space Station are discussed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based automation technologies are planned to enhance crew safety through reduced need for EVA, increase crew productivity through the reduction of routine operations, increase space station autonomy, and augment space station capability through the use of teleoperation and robotics. AI technology will also be developed for the servicing of satellites at the Space Station, system monitoring and diagnosis, space manufacturing, and the assembly of large space structures