302 research outputs found

    A blind decision feedback equalizer incorporating fixed lag smoothing

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    Copyright © 2000 IEEEA new type of blind decision feedback equalizer (DFE) incorporating fixed lag smoothing is developed in this paper. The structure is motivated by the fact that if we make full use of the dependence of the observed data on a given transmitted symbol, delayed decisions may produce better estimates of that symbol. To this end, we use a hidden Markov model (HMM) suboptimal formulation that offers a good tradeoff between computational complexity and bit error rate (BER) performance. The proposed equalizer also provides estimates of the channel coefficients and operates adaptively (so that it can adapt to a fading channel for instance) by means of an online version of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. The resulting equalizer structure takes the form of a linear feedback system including a quantizer, and hence, it is easily implemented. In fact, because of its feedback structure, the proposed equalizer shows some similarities with the well-known DFE. A full theoretical analysis of the initial version of the algorithm is not available, but a characterization of a simplified version is provided. We demonstrate that compared to the zero-forcing DFE (ZF-DFE), the algorithm yields many improvements. A large range of simulations on finite impulse response (FIR) channels and on typical fading GSM channel models illustrate the potential of the proposed equalizer.Sylvie Perreau, Langford B. White and Pierre Duhame

    Algorithms for Blind Equalization Based on Relative Gradient and Toeplitz Constraints

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    Blind Equalization (BE) refers to the problem of recovering the source symbol sequence from a signal received through a channel in the presence of additive noise and channel distortion, when the channel response is unknown and a training sequence is not accessible. To achieve BE, statistical or constellation properties of the source symbols are exploited. In BE algorithms, two main concerns are convergence speed and computational complexity. In this dissertation, we explore the application of relative gradient for equalizer adaptation with a structure constraint on the equalizer matrix, for fast convergence without excessive computational complexity. We model blind equalization with symbol-rate sampling as a blind source separation (BSS) problem and study two single-carrier transmission schemes, specifically block transmission with guard intervals and continuous transmission. Under either scheme, blind equalization can be achieved using independent component analysis (ICA) algorithms with a Toeplitz or circulant constraint on the structure of the separating matrix. We also develop relative gradient versions of the widely used Bussgang-type algorithms. Processing the equalizer outputs in sliding blocks, we are able to use the relative gradient for adaptation of the Toeplitz constrained equalizer matrix. The use of relative gradient makes the Bussgang condition appear explicitly in the matrix adaptation and speeds up convergence. For the ICA-based and Bussgang-type algorithms with relative gradient and matrix structure constraints, we simplify the matrix adaptations to obtain equivalent equalizer vector adaptations for reduced computational cost. Efficient implementations with fast Fourier transform, and approximation schemes for the cross-correlation terms used in the adaptation, are shown to further reduce computational cost. We also consider the use of a relative gradient algorithm for channel shortening in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The redundancy of the cyclic prefix symbols is used to shorten a channel with a long impulse response. We show interesting preliminary results for a shortening algorithm based on relative gradient

    Bit-Error-Rate-Minimizing Channel Shortening Using Post-FEQ Diversity Combining and a Genetic Algorithm

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    In advanced wireline or wireless communication systems, i.e., DSL, IEEE 802.11a/g, HIPERLAN/2, etc., a cyclic prefix which is proportional to the channel impulse response is needed to append a multicarrier modulation (MCM) frame for operating the MCM accurately. This prefix is used to combat inter symbol interference (ISI). In some cases, the channel impulse response can be longer than the cyclic prefix (CP). One of the most useful techniques to mitigate this problem is reuse of a Channel Shortening Equalizer (CSE) as a linear preprocessor before the MCM receiver in order to shorten the effective channel length. Channel shortening filter design is a widely examined topic in the literature. Most channel shortening equalizer proposals depend on perfect channel state information (CSI). However, this information may not be available in all situations. In cases where channel state information is not needed, blind adaptive equalization techniques are appropriate. In wireline communication systems (such as DMT), the CSE design is based on maximizing the bit rate, but in wireless systems (OFDM), there is a fixed bit loading algorithm, and the performance metric is Bit Error Rate (BER) minimization. In this work, a CSE is developed for multicarrier and single-carrier cyclic prefixed (SCCP) systems which attempts to minimize the BER. To minimize the BER, a Genetic Algorithm (GA), which is an optimization method based on the principles of natural selection and genetics, is used. If the CSI is shorter than the CP, the equalization can be done by a frequency domain equalizer (FEQ), which is a bank of complex scalars. However, in the literature the adaptive FEQ design has not been well examined. The second phase of this thesis focuses on different types of algorithms for adapting the FEQ and modifying the FEQ architecture to obtain a lower BER. Simulation results show that this modified architecture yields a 20 dB improvement in BER

    Dynamic length equaliser and its application to the DS-CDMA systems

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    Efficient channel equalization algorithms for multicarrier communication systems

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    Blind adaptive algorithm that updates time-domain equalizer (TEQ) coefficients by Adjacent Lag Auto-correlation Minimization (ALAM) is proposed to shorten the channel for multicarrier modulation (MCM) systems. ALAM is an addition to the family of several existing correlation based algorithms that can achieve similar or better performance to existing algorithms with lower complexity. This is achieved by designing a cost function without the sum-square and utilizing symmetrical-TEQ property to reduce the complexity of adaptation of TEQ to half of the existing one. Furthermore, to avoid the limitations of lower unstable bit rate and high complexity, an adaptive TEQ using equal-taps constraints (ETC) is introduced to maximize the bit rate with the lowest complexity. An IP core is developed for the low-complexity ALAM (LALAM) algorithm to be implemented on an FPGA. This implementation is extended to include the implementation of the moving average (MA) estimate for the ALAM algorithm referred as ALAM-MA. Unit-tap constraint (UTC) is used instead of unit-norm constraint (UNC) while updating the adaptive algorithm to avoid all zero solution for the TEQ taps. The IP core is implemented on Xilinx Vertix II Pro XC2VP7-FF672-5 for ADSL receivers and the gate level simulation guaranteed successful operation at a maximum frequency of 27 MHz and 38 MHz for ALAM-MA and LALAM algorithm, respectively. FEQ equalizer is used, after channel shortening using TEQ, to recover distorted QAM signals due to channel effects. A new analytical learning based framework is proposed to jointly solve equalization and symbol detection problems in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with QAM signals. The framework utilizes extreme learning machine (ELM) to achieve fast training, high performance, and low error rates. The proposed framework performs in real-domain by transforming a complex signal into a single 2–tuple real-valued vector. Such transformation offers equalization in real domain with minimum computational load and high accuracy. Simulation results show that the proposed framework outperforms other learning based equalizers in terms of symbol error rates and training speeds

    On adaptive filter structure and performance

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D75686/87 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Polynomial matrix decomposition techniques for frequency selective MIMO channels

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    For a narrowband, instantaneous mixing multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) communications system, the channel is represented as a scalar matrix. In this scenario, singular value decomposition (SVD) provides a number of independent spatial subchannels which can be used to enhance data rates or to increase diversity. Alternatively, a QR decomposition can be used to reduce the MIMO channel equalization problem to a set of single channel equalization problems. In the case of a frequency selective MIMO system, the multipath channel is represented as a polynomial matrix. Thus conventional matrix decomposition techniques can no longer be applied. The traditional solution to this broadband problem is to reduce it to narrowband form by using a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to split the broadband channel into N narrow uniformly spaced frequency bands and applying scalar decomposition techniques within each band. This describes an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based system. However, a novel algorithm has been developed for calculating the eigenvalue decomposition of a para-Hermitian polynomial matrix, known as the sequential best rotation (SBR2) algorithm. SBR2 and its QR based derivatives allow a true polynomial singular value and QR decomposition to be formulated. The application of these algorithms within frequency selective MIMO systems results in a fundamentally new approach to exploiting spatial diversity. Polynomial matrix decomposition and OFDM based solutions are compared for a wide variety of broadband MIMO communication systems. SVD is used to create a robust, high gain communications channel for ultra low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environments. Due to the frequency selective nature of the channels produced by polynomial matrix decomposition, additional processing is required at the receiver resulting in two distinct equalization techniques based around turbo and Viterbi equalization. The proposed approach is found to provide identical performance to that of an existing OFDM scheme while supporting a wider range of access schemes. This work is then extended to QR decomposition based communications systems, where the proposed polynomial approach is found to not only provide superior bit-error-rate (BER) performance but significantly reduce the complexity of transmitter design. Finally both techniques are combined to create a nulti-user MIMO system that provides superior BER performance over an OFDM based scheme. Throughout the work the robustness of the proposed scheme to channel state information (CSI) error is considered, resulting in a rigorous demonstration of the capabilities of the polynomial approach

    A robust orthogonal adaptive approach to SISO deconvolution

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    This paper formulates in a common framework some results from the fields of robust filtering, function approximation with orthogonal basis, and adaptive filtering, and applies them for the design of a general deconvolution processor for SISO systems. The processor is designed to be robust to small parametric uncertainties in the system model, with a partially adaptive orthogonal structure. A simple gradient type of adaptive algorithm is applied to update the coefficients that linearly combine the fixed robust basis functions used to represent the deconvolver. The advantages of the design are inherited from the mentioned fields: low sensitivity to parameter uncertainty in the system model, good numerical and structural behaviour, and the capability of tracking changes in the systems dynamics. The linear equalization of a simple ADSL channel model is presented as an example including comparisons between the optimal nominal, adaptive FIR, and the proposed design.Facultad de IngenieríaComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Joint transceiver design for MIMO channel shortening.

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    Channel shortening equalizers can be employed to shorten the effective impulse response of a long intersymbol interference (ISI) channel in order, for example, to decrease the computational complexity of a maximum-likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) or to increase the throughput efficiency of an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission scheme. In this paper, the issue of joint transmitter–receiver filter design is addressed for shortening multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) ISI channels. A frequency-domain approach is adopted for the transceiver design which is effectively equivalent to an infinite-length time-domain design. A practical space–frequency waterfilling algorithm is also provided. It is demonstrated that the channel shortening equalizer designed according to the time-domain approach suffers from an error-floor effect. However, the proposed techniques are shown to overcome this problem and outperform the time-domain channel shortening filter design. We also demonstrate that the proposed transceiver design can be considered as a MIMO broadband beamformer with constraints on the time-domain multipath length. Hence, a significant diversity gain could also be achieved by choosing strong eigenmodes of the MIMO channel. It is also found that the proposed frequency-domain methods have considerably low computational complexity as compared with their time-domain counterparts
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