9 research outputs found

    Auction-Stackelberg game framework for access permission in femtocell networks with multiple network operators

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    With the explosive growth of indoor data traffic in forthcoming fifth generation cellular networks, it is imperative for mobile network operators to improve network coverage and capacity. Femtocells are widely recognized as a promising technology to address these demands. As femtocells are sold or loaned by a mobile network operator (MNO) to its residential or enterprise customers, MNOs usually employ refunding scheme to compensate the femtocell holders (FHs) providing indoor access to other subscribers by configuring the femtocell to operate in open or hybrid access mode. Due to the selfishness nature, competition between network operators as well as femtocell holders makes it challenging for operators to select appropriate FHs for trading access resources. This inspires us to develop an effective refunding framework, with aim to improve overall network resource utilization, through promoting FHs to make reasonable access permission for well-matched macro users. In this paper, we develop a two-stage auction–Stackelberg game (ASGF) framework for access permission in femtocell networks, where MNO and mobile virtual network operator lease access resources from multiple FHs. We first design an auction mechanism to determine the winner femtocell that fulfils the access request of macro users. We next formulate the access permission problem between the winner femtocell and operators as a Stackelberg game, and theoretically prove the existence of unique equilibrium. As a higher system payoff can be gained by improving individual players’ payoff in the game, each player can choose the best response to others’ action by implementing access permission, while avoiding solving a complicated optimization problem. Numerical results validate the effectiveness of our proposed ASGF based refunding framework and the overall network efficiency can be improved significantly

    Access control for hybrid femtocell network based on AGV mechanism

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    As most of voice calls and data traffic originates indoors, femtocells have been one of the most promising trends in LTE, which are short-range, cost-beneficial and low-power cellular home base stations that can improve indoor coverage and voice/data quality of service (QoS). One of the major challenges for femtocell network is the access control. The hybrid access control mechanism, as a tradeoff between open and closed scenario, is the most promising access mechanism from which both users and operators benefit. Femtocell user equipments (FUEs) select femtocell access points (FAPs) according to their reported channel information which FAPs confidently own, and selfish FAPs have incentive to report larger information to win greater opportunity to be selected. Considering the aforementioned truth-telling in access control issue, this paper proposes access control scheme for hybrid femtocell network based on Arrow-d'Aspremont-Gerard-Varet (AGV) mechanism. Close form for the payment is given. Moreover, the access control scheme is nearly optimal performances with low computational complexity compared with the optimal access scheme. Furthermore, the simulation results demonstrate that the access control scheme can be apply to hybrid femtocell network. ? 2014 Global IT Research Institute (GIRI).EICPCI-S(ISTP)

    Stackelberg Game for Access Permission in Femtocell Network with Multiple Network Operators

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    Femtocells are widely recognized as a promising technology to meet the requirements of indoor coverage in forthcoming fifth generation cellular networks (5G). As femtocell holders (FHs) can be users themselves or mobile network operators, it makes challenges to holistic network resource utilization. In particular, due to the selfishness nature, FHs are usually unwilling to accommodate extra users without compensation. This inspires us to develop an effective refunding mechanism, with aim to allow competitive network operators to employ truthful refunding policy, and to encourage FHs to make appropriate access permission. In this paper, we first define a refunding strategy function and price-coefficient for the refunding policy. We then formulate the access permission as a Stackelberg game and theoretically prove the existence of unique Nash Equilibrium. Numerical results validate the effectiveness of our proposed mechanism and overall network efficiency is improved significantly as well

    Traffic offloading in future, heterogeneous mobile networks

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    The rise of third-party content providers and the introduction of numerous applications has been driving the growth of mobile data traffic in the past few years. In order to tackle this challenge, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) aim to increase their networks' capacity by expanding their infrastructure, deploying more Base Stations (BSs). Particularly, the creation of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) and the application of traffic offloading through the dense deployment of low-power BSs, the small cells (SCs), is one promising solution to address the aforementioned explosive data traffic increase. Due to their financial implementation requirements, which could not be met by the MNOs, the emergence of third parties that deploy small cell networks creates new business opportunities. Thus, the investigation of frameworks that facilitate the implementation of outsourced traffic offloading, the collaboration and the transactions among MNOs and third-party small cell owners, as well as the provision of participation incentives for all stakeholders is essential for the deployment of the necessary new infrastructure and capacity expansion. The aforementioned emergence of third-party content providers and their applications not only drives the increase in mobile data traffic, but also create new Quality of Service (QoS) as well as Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements that the MNOs need to guarantee for the satisfaction of their subscribers. Moreover, even though the MNOs accommodate this traffic, they do not get any monetary compensation or subsidization for the required capacity expansion. On the contrary, their revenues reduce continuously. To that end, it is necessary to research and design network and economic functionalities adapted to the new requirements, such as QoE-aware Radio Resource Management and Dynamic Pricing (DP) strategies, which both guarantee the subscriber satisfaction and maximization the MNO profit (to compensate the diminished MNOs' revenues and the increasing deployment investment). Following a thorough investigation of the state-of-the-art, a set of research directions were identified. This dissertation consists of contributions on network sharing and outsourced traffic offloading for the capacity enhancement of MNO networks, and the design of network and economic functions for the sustainable deployment and use of the densely constructed HetNets. The contributions of this thesis are divided into two main parts, as described in the following. The first part of the thesis introduces an innovative approach on outsourced traffic offloading, where we present a framework for the Multi-Operator Radio Access Network (MORAN) sharing. The proposed framework is based on an auction scheme used by a monopolistic Small Cell Operator (SCO), through which he leases his SC infrastructure to MNOs. As the lack of information on the future offered load and the auction strategies creates uncertainty for the MNOs, we designed a learning mechanism that assists the MNOs in their bid-placing decisions. Our simulations show that our proposal almost maximizes the social welfare, satisfying the involved stakeholders and providing them with participation incentives. The second part of the thesis researches the use of network and economic functions for MNO profit maximization, while guaranteeing the users' satisfaction. Particularly, we designed a model that accommodates a plethora of services with various QoS and QoE requirements, as well as diverse pricing, that is, various service prices and different charging schemes. In this model, we proposed QoE-aware user association, resource allocation and joint resource allocation and dynamic pricing algorithms, which exploit the QoE-awareness and the network's economic aspects, such as the profit. Our simulations have shown that our proposals gain substantial more profit compared to traditional and state-of-the-art solutions, while providing a similar or even better network performance.El aumento de los proveedores de contenido de terceros y la introducción de numerosas aplicaciones ha impulsado el crecimiento del tráfico de datos en redes móviles en los últimos años. Para hacer frente a este desafío, los operadores de redes móviles (Mobile Network Operators, MNOs) apuntan a aumentar la capacidad de sus redes mediante la expansión de su infraestructura y el despliegue de más estaciones base (BS). Particularmente, la creación de Redes Heterogéneas (Heterogenous Networks, HetNets) y la aplicación de descarga de tráfico a través del despliegue denso de BSs de baja potencia, las células pequeñas (small cells, SCs), es una solución prometedora para abordar el aumento del tráfico de datos explosivos antes mencionado. Debido a sus requisitos de implementación financiera, que los MNO no pudieron cumplir, la aparición de terceros que implementan redes de células pequeñas crea nuevas oportunidades comerciales. Por lo tanto, la investigación de marcos que faciliten la implementación de la descarga tercerizada de tráfico, la colaboración y las transacciones entre MNOs y terceros propietarios de células pequeñas, así como la provisión de incentivos de participación para todas las partes interesadas esencial para el despliegue de la nueva infraestructura necesaria y la expansión de la capacidad. La aparición antes mencionada de proveedores de contenido de terceros y sus aplicaciones no solo impulsa el aumento del tráfico de datos móviles, sino también crea nuevos requisitos de calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) y calidad de la experiencia (Quality of Experience, QoE) que los operadores de redes móviles deben garantizar para la satisfacción de sus suscriptores. Además, a pesar de que los operadores de redes móviles adaptan este tráfico, no obtienen ninguna compensación monetaria o subsidio por la expansión de capacidad requerida. Por el contrario, sus ingresos se reducen continuamente. Para ello, es necesario investigar y diseñar funcionalidades económicas y de red adaptadas a los nuevos requisitos, tales como las estrategias QoE-conscientes de gestión de recursos de radio y de precios dinámicos (Dynamic Pricing, DP), que garantizan la satisfacción del abonado y la maximización de la ganancia de operador móvil (para compensar los ingresos de los MNOs disminuidos y la creciente inversión de implementación). Después de una investigación exhaustiva del estado del arte, se identificaron un conjunto de direcciones de investigación. Esta disertación consiste en contribuciones sobre el uso compartido de redes y la descarga tercerizada de tráfico para la mejora de la capacidad de redes MNO, y el diseño de funciones económicas y de red para el despliegue y uso sostenible de las HetNets densamente construidas. Las contribuciones de esta tesis se dividen en dos partes principales, como se describe a continuación. La primera parte de la tesis presenta un enfoque innovador sobre la descarga subcontratada de tráfico, en el que presentamos un marco para el uso compartido de la red de acceso de radio de múltiples operadores (Multi-Operator RAN, MORAN). El marco propuesto se basa en un esquema de subasta utilizado por un operador monopólico de celda pequeña (Small Cell Operator, SCO), a través del cual arrienda su infraestructura SC a MNOs. Como la falta de información sobre la futura carga de red y las estrategias de subasta creaban incertidumbre para los MNO, diseñamos un mecanismo de aprendizaje que asiste a los MNO en sus decisiones de colocación de pujas. Nuestras simulaciones muestran que nuestra propuesta casi maximiza el bienestar social, satisfaciendo a las partes interesadas involucradas y proporcionándoles incentivos de participación. La segunda parte de la tesis investiga el uso de las funciones económicas y de red para la maximización de los beneficios de los MNOs, al tiempo que garantiza la satisfacción de los usuarios. Particularmente, diseñamos un modelo que acomoda una gran cantidad de servicios con diversos requisitos de QoS y QoE, tanto como diversos precios, es decir, varios precios de servicio y diferentes esquemas de cobro. En este modelo, propusimos algoritmos QoE-conscientes para asociación de usuarios, asignación de recursos y conjunta asignación de recursos y de fijación dinámica de precios, que explotan la conciencia de QoE y los aspectos económicos de la red, como la ganancia. Nuestras simulaciones han demostrado que nuestras propuestas obtienen un beneficio sustancial en comparación con las soluciones tradicionales y del estado del arte, a la vez que proporcionan un rendimiento de red similar o incluso mejor.Postprint (published version

    Applications of Game Theory and Microeconomics in Cognitive Radio and Femtocell Networks

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    Cognitive radio networks have recently been proposed as a promising approach to overcome the serious problem of spectrum scarcity. Other emerging concept for innovative spectrum utilization is femtocells. Femtocells are low-power and short-range wireless access points installed by the end-user in residential or enterprise environments. A common feature of cognitive radio and femtocells is their two-tier nature involving primary and secondary users (PUs, SUs). While this new paradigm enables innovative alternatives to conventional spectrum management and utilization, it also brings its own technical challenges. A main challenge in cognitive radio is the design of efficient resource (spectrum) trading methods. Game and microeconomics theories provide tools for studying the strategic interactions through rationality and economic benefits between PUs and SUs for effective resource allocation. In this thesis, we investigate some efficient game theoretic and microeconomic approaches to address spectrum trading in cognitive networks. We propose two auction frameworks for shared and exclusive use models. In the first auction mechanism, we consider the shared used model in cognitive radio networks and design a spectrum trading method to maximize the total satisfaction of the SUs and revenue of the Wireless Service Provider (WSP). In the second auction mechanism, we investigate spectrum trading via auction approach for exclusive usage spectrum access model in cognitive radio networks. We consider a realistic valuation function and propose an efficient concurrent Vickrey-Clarke-Grove (VCG) mechanism for non-identical channel allocation among r-minded bidders in two different cases. The realization of cognitive radio networks in practice requires the development of effective spectrum sensing methods. A fundamental question is how much time to allocate for sensing purposes. In the literature on cognitive radio, it is commonly assumed that fixed time durations are assigned for spectrum sensing and data transmission. It is however possible to improve the network performance by finding the best tradeoff between sensing time and throughput. In this thesis, we derive an expression for the total average throughput of the SUs over time-varying fading channels. Then we maximize the total average throughput in terms of sensing time and the number of SUs assigned to cooperatively sense each channel. For practical implementation, we propose a dynamical programming algorithm for joint optimization of sensing time and the number of cooperating SUs for sensing purpose. Simulation results demonstrate that significant improvement in the throughput of SUs is achieved in the case of joint optimization. In the last part of the thesis, we further address the challenge of pricing in oligopoly market for open access femtocell networks. We propose dynamic pricing schemes based on microeconomic and game theoretic approaches such as market equilibrium, Bertrand game, multiple-leader-multiple-follower Stackelberg game. Based on our approaches, the per unit price of spectrum can be determined dynamically and mobile service providers can gain more revenue than fixed pricing scheme. Our proposed methods also provide residential customers more incentives and satisfaction to participate in open access model.1 yea

    Enable Reliable and Secure Data Transmission in Resource-Constrained Emerging Networks

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    The increasing deployment of wireless devices has connected humans and objects all around the world, benefiting our daily life and the entire society in many aspects. Achieving those connectivity motivates the emergence of different types of paradigms, such as cellular networks, large-scale Internet of Things (IoT), cognitive networks, etc. Among these networks, enabling reliable and secure data transmission requires various resources including spectrum, energy, and computational capability. However, these resources are usually limited in many scenarios, especially when the number of devices is considerably large, bringing catastrophic consequences to data transmission. For example, given the fact that most of IoT devices have limited computational abilities and inadequate security protocols, data transmission is vulnerable to various attacks such as eavesdropping and replay attacks, for which traditional security approaches are unable to address. On the other hand, in the cellular network, the ever-increasing data traffic has exacerbated the depletion of spectrum along with the energy consumption. As a result, mobile users experience significant congestion and delays when they request data from the cellular service provider, especially in many crowded areas. In this dissertation, we target on reliable and secure data transmission in resource-constrained emerging networks. The first two works investigate new security challenges in the current heterogeneous IoT environment, and then provide certain countermeasures for reliable data communication. To be specific, we identify a new physical-layer attack, the signal emulation attack, in the heterogeneous environment, such as smart home IoT. To defend against the attack, we propose two defense strategies with the help of a commonly found wireless device. In addition, to enable secure data transmission in large-scale IoT network, e.g., the industrial IoT, we apply the amply-and-forward cooperative communication to increase the secrecy capacity by incentivizing relay IoT devices. Besides security concerns in IoT network, we seek data traffic alleviation approaches to achieve reliable and energy-efficient data transmission for a group of users in the cellular network. The concept of mobile participation is introduced to assist data offloading from the base station to users in the group by leveraging the mobility of users and the social features among a group of users. Following with that, we deploy device-to-device data offloading within the group to achieve the energy efficiency at the user side while adapting to their increasing traffic demands. In the end, we consider a perpendicular topic - dynamic spectrum access (DSA) - to alleviate the spectrum scarcity issue in cognitive radio network, where the spectrum resource is limited to users. Specifically, we focus on the security concerns and further propose two physical-layer schemes to prevent spectrum misuse in DSA in both additive white Gaussian noise and fading environments

    Traffic offloading in future, heterogeneous mobile networks

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    The rise of third-party content providers and the introduction of numerous applications has been driving the growth of mobile data traffic in the past few years. In order to tackle this challenge, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) aim to increase their networks' capacity by expanding their infrastructure, deploying more Base Stations (BSs). Particularly, the creation of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) and the application of traffic offloading through the dense deployment of low-power BSs, the small cells (SCs), is one promising solution to address the aforementioned explosive data traffic increase. Due to their financial implementation requirements, which could not be met by the MNOs, the emergence of third parties that deploy small cell networks creates new business opportunities. Thus, the investigation of frameworks that facilitate the implementation of outsourced traffic offloading, the collaboration and the transactions among MNOs and third-party small cell owners, as well as the provision of participation incentives for all stakeholders is essential for the deployment of the necessary new infrastructure and capacity expansion. The aforementioned emergence of third-party content providers and their applications not only drives the increase in mobile data traffic, but also create new Quality of Service (QoS) as well as Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements that the MNOs need to guarantee for the satisfaction of their subscribers. Moreover, even though the MNOs accommodate this traffic, they do not get any monetary compensation or subsidization for the required capacity expansion. On the contrary, their revenues reduce continuously. To that end, it is necessary to research and design network and economic functionalities adapted to the new requirements, such as QoE-aware Radio Resource Management and Dynamic Pricing (DP) strategies, which both guarantee the subscriber satisfaction and maximization the MNO profit (to compensate the diminished MNOs' revenues and the increasing deployment investment). Following a thorough investigation of the state-of-the-art, a set of research directions were identified. This dissertation consists of contributions on network sharing and outsourced traffic offloading for the capacity enhancement of MNO networks, and the design of network and economic functions for the sustainable deployment and use of the densely constructed HetNets. The contributions of this thesis are divided into two main parts, as described in the following. The first part of the thesis introduces an innovative approach on outsourced traffic offloading, where we present a framework for the Multi-Operator Radio Access Network (MORAN) sharing. The proposed framework is based on an auction scheme used by a monopolistic Small Cell Operator (SCO), through which he leases his SC infrastructure to MNOs. As the lack of information on the future offered load and the auction strategies creates uncertainty for the MNOs, we designed a learning mechanism that assists the MNOs in their bid-placing decisions. Our simulations show that our proposal almost maximizes the social welfare, satisfying the involved stakeholders and providing them with participation incentives. The second part of the thesis researches the use of network and economic functions for MNO profit maximization, while guaranteeing the users' satisfaction. Particularly, we designed a model that accommodates a plethora of services with various QoS and QoE requirements, as well as diverse pricing, that is, various service prices and different charging schemes. In this model, we proposed QoE-aware user association, resource allocation and joint resource allocation and dynamic pricing algorithms, which exploit the QoE-awareness and the network's economic aspects, such as the profit. Our simulations have shown that our proposals gain substantial more profit compared to traditional and state-of-the-art solutions, while providing a similar or even better network performance.El aumento de los proveedores de contenido de terceros y la introducción de numerosas aplicaciones ha impulsado el crecimiento del tráfico de datos en redes móviles en los últimos años. Para hacer frente a este desafío, los operadores de redes móviles (Mobile Network Operators, MNOs) apuntan a aumentar la capacidad de sus redes mediante la expansión de su infraestructura y el despliegue de más estaciones base (BS). Particularmente, la creación de Redes Heterogéneas (Heterogenous Networks, HetNets) y la aplicación de descarga de tráfico a través del despliegue denso de BSs de baja potencia, las células pequeñas (small cells, SCs), es una solución prometedora para abordar el aumento del tráfico de datos explosivos antes mencionado. Debido a sus requisitos de implementación financiera, que los MNO no pudieron cumplir, la aparición de terceros que implementan redes de células pequeñas crea nuevas oportunidades comerciales. Por lo tanto, la investigación de marcos que faciliten la implementación de la descarga tercerizada de tráfico, la colaboración y las transacciones entre MNOs y terceros propietarios de células pequeñas, así como la provisión de incentivos de participación para todas las partes interesadas esencial para el despliegue de la nueva infraestructura necesaria y la expansión de la capacidad. La aparición antes mencionada de proveedores de contenido de terceros y sus aplicaciones no solo impulsa el aumento del tráfico de datos móviles, sino también crea nuevos requisitos de calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) y calidad de la experiencia (Quality of Experience, QoE) que los operadores de redes móviles deben garantizar para la satisfacción de sus suscriptores. Además, a pesar de que los operadores de redes móviles adaptan este tráfico, no obtienen ninguna compensación monetaria o subsidio por la expansión de capacidad requerida. Por el contrario, sus ingresos se reducen continuamente. Para ello, es necesario investigar y diseñar funcionalidades económicas y de red adaptadas a los nuevos requisitos, tales como las estrategias QoE-conscientes de gestión de recursos de radio y de precios dinámicos (Dynamic Pricing, DP), que garantizan la satisfacción del abonado y la maximización de la ganancia de operador móvil (para compensar los ingresos de los MNOs disminuidos y la creciente inversión de implementación). Después de una investigación exhaustiva del estado del arte, se identificaron un conjunto de direcciones de investigación. Esta disertación consiste en contribuciones sobre el uso compartido de redes y la descarga tercerizada de tráfico para la mejora de la capacidad de redes MNO, y el diseño de funciones económicas y de red para el despliegue y uso sostenible de las HetNets densamente construidas. Las contribuciones de esta tesis se dividen en dos partes principales, como se describe a continuación. La primera parte de la tesis presenta un enfoque innovador sobre la descarga subcontratada de tráfico, en el que presentamos un marco para el uso compartido de la red de acceso de radio de múltiples operadores (Multi-Operator RAN, MORAN). El marco propuesto se basa en un esquema de subasta utilizado por un operador monopólico de celda pequeña (Small Cell Operator, SCO), a través del cual arrienda su infraestructura SC a MNOs. Como la falta de información sobre la futura carga de red y las estrategias de subasta creaban incertidumbre para los MNO, diseñamos un mecanismo de aprendizaje que asiste a los MNO en sus decisiones de colocación de pujas. Nuestras simulaciones muestran que nuestra propuesta casi maximiza el bienestar social, satisfaciendo a las partes interesadas involucradas y proporcionándoles incentivos de participación. La segunda parte de la tesis investiga el uso de las funciones económicas y de red para la maximización de los beneficios de los MNOs, al tiempo que garantiza la satisfacción de los usuarios. Particularmente, diseñamos un modelo que acomoda una gran cantidad de servicios con diversos requisitos de QoS y QoE, tanto como diversos precios, es decir, varios precios de servicio y diferentes esquemas de cobro. En este modelo, propusimos algoritmos QoE-conscientes para asociación de usuarios, asignación de recursos y conjunta asignación de recursos y de fijación dinámica de precios, que explotan la conciencia de QoE y los aspectos económicos de la red, como la ganancia. Nuestras simulaciones han demostrado que nuestras propuestas obtienen un beneficio sustancial en comparación con las soluciones tradicionales y del estado del arte, a la vez que proporcionan un rendimiento de red similar o incluso mejor