20 research outputs found

    CCTCP: A scalable receiver-driven congestion control protocol for content centric networking

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    Abstract—Content Centric Networking (CCN) is a recently proposed information-centric Internet architecture in which the main network abstraction is represented by location-agnostic content identifiers instead of node identifiers. In CCN each content object is divided into packet-size chunks. When a content object is transferred, routers on the path can cache single chunks which they can use to serve subsequent requests from other users. Since content chunks in CCN may be retrieved from a number of different nodes/caches, implicit-feedback transport protocols will not be able to work efficiently, because it is not possible to set an appropriate timeout value based on RTT estimations given that the data source may change frequently during a flow. In order to address this problem, we propose in this paper a scalable, implicit-feedback congestion control protocol, capable of coping with RTT unpredictability using a novel anticipated interests mechanism to predict the location of chunks before they are actually served. Our evaluation shows that our protocol outperforms similar receiver-driven protocols, in particular when content chunks are scattered across network paths due to reduced cache sizes, long-tail content popularity distribution or the adoption of specific caching policies. I

    Energy-Aware Forwarding Strategy for Metro Ethernet Networks

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    Energy optimization has become a crucial issue in the realm of ICT. This paper addresses the problem of energy consumption in a Metro Ethernet network. Ethernet technology deployments have been increasing tremendously because of their simplicity and low cost. However, much research remains to be conducted to address energy efficiency in Ethernet networks. In this paper, we propose a novel Energy Aware Forwarding Strategy for Metro Ethernet networks based on a modification of the Internet Energy Aware Routing (EAR) algorithm. Our contribution identifies the set of links to turn off and maintain links with minimum energy impact on the active state. Our proposed algorithm could be a superior choice for use in networks with low saturation, as it involves a tradeoff between maintaining good network performance and minimizing the active links in the network. Performance evaluation shows that, at medium load traffic, energy savings of 60% can be achieved. At high loads, energy savings of 40% can be achieved without affecting the network performance

    Reputation-based Cooperation in the Clouds

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    The popularity of the cloud computing paradigm is opening new opportunities for collaborative computing. In this paper we tackle a fundamental problem in open-ended cloud-based distributed comput- ing platforms, i.e., the quest for potential collaborators. We assume that cloud participants are willing to share their computational resources for shared distributed computing problems, but they are not willing to dis- closure the details of their resources. Lacking such information, we advo- cate to rely on reputation scores obtained by evaluating the interactions among participants. More specifically, we propose a methodology to as- sess, at design time, the impact of different (reputation-based) collabo- rator selection strategies on the system performance. The evaluation is performed through statistical analysis on a volunteer cloud simulator

    Bayesian Adaptive Path Allocation Techniques for Intra-Datacenter Workloads

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    Data center networks (DCNs) are the backbone of many cloud and Internet services. They are vulnerable to link failures, that occur on a daily basis, with a high frequency. Service disruption due to link failure may incur financial losses, compliance breaches and reputation damage. Performance metrics such as packet loss and routing flaps are negatively affected by these failure events. We propose a new Bayesian learning approach towards adaptive path allocation that aims to improve DCN performance by reducing both packet loss and routing flaps ratios. The proposed approach incorporates historical information about link failure and usage probabilities into its allocation procedure, and updates this information on-the-fly during DCN operational time. We evaluate the proposed framework using an experimental platform built with the POX controller and the Mininet emulator. Compared with a benchmark shortest path algorithm, the results show that the proposed methods perform better in terms of reducing the packet loss and routing flaps

    Development of Algorithm for Calculating Data Packet Transmission Delay in Software-Defined Networks

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    The relevance of this type of network is associated with the development and improvement of protocols, methods, and tools to verify routing policies and algorithmic models describing various aspects of SDN, which determined the purpose of this study. The main purpose of this work is to develop specialized methods to estimate the maximum end-to-end delay during packet transmission using SDN infrastructure. The methods of network calculus theory are used to build a model for estimating the maximum transmission delay of a data packet. The basis for this theory is obtaining deterministic evaluations by analyzing the best and worst-case scenarios for individual parts of the network and then optimally combining the best ones. It was found that the developed method of theoretical evaluation demonstrates high accuracy. Consequently, it is shown that the developed algorithm can estimate SND performance. It is possible to conclude the configuration optimality of elements in the network by comparing the different possible configurations. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm for calculating the upper estimate for packet transmission delay can reduce network maintenance costs by detecting inconsistencies between network equipment settings and requirements. The scientific novelty of these results is that it became possible to calculate the achievable upper data delay in polynomial time even in the case of arbitrary tree topologies, but not only when the network handlers are located in tandem. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-05-010 Full Text: PD

    QoS Routing with worst-case delay constraints: models, algorithms and performance analysis

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    In a network where weighted fair-queueing schedulers are used at each link, a flow is guaranteed an end-to-end worst-case delays which depends on the rate reserved for it at each link it traverses. Therefore, it is possible to compute resource-constrained paths that meet target delay constraints, and optimize some key performance metrics (e.g., minimize the overall reserved rate, maximize the remaining capacity at bottleneck links, etc.). Despite the large amount of literature that has appeared on weighted fair-queueing schedulers since the mid '90s, this has so far been done only for a single type of scheduler, probably because the complexity of solving the problem in general appeared forbidding. In this paper, we formulate and solve the optimal path computation and resource allocation problem for a broad category of weighted fair-queueing schedulers, from those emulating a Generalized Processor Sharing fluid server to variants of Deficit Round Robin. We classify schedulers according to their latency expressions, and show that a significant divide exists between those where routing a new flow affects the performance of existing flows, and those for which this do not happen. For the former, explicit admission control constraints are required to ensure that existing flows still meet their deadline afterwards. However, despite this major difference and the differences among categories of schedulers, the problem can always be formulated as a Mixed-Integer Second-Order Cone problem (MI-SOCP), and be solved at optimality in split-second times even in fairly large networks

    Delay-constrained Routing Problems: Accurate Scheduling Models and Admission Control

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    As shown in [1], the problem of routing a flow subject to a worst-case end-to-end delay constraint in a packed-based network can be formulated as a Mixed-Integer Second-Order Cone Program, and solved with general-purpose tools in real time on realistic instances. However, that result only holds for one particular class of packet schedulers, Strictly Rate-Proportional ones, and implicitly considering each link to be fully loaded, so that the reserved rate of a flow coincides with its guaranteed rate. These assumptions make latency expressions simpler, and enforce perfect isolation between flows, i.e., admitting a new flow cannot increase the delay of existing ones. Other commonplace schedulers both yield more complex latency formulæ and do not enforce flow isolation. Furthermore, the delay actually depends on the guaranteed rate of the flow, which can be significantly larger than the reserved rate if the network is unloaded. In this paper we extend the result to other classes of schedulers and to a more accurate representation of the latency, showing that, even when admission control needs to be factored in, the problem is still efficiently solvable for realistic instances, provided that the right modeling choices are made. Keywords: Routing problems, maximum delay constraints, scheduling algorithms, admission control, Second-Order Cone Programs, Perspective Reformulatio