1,363 research outputs found

    Bridging the Gap Between Requirements and Simulink Model Analysis

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    Formal verification and simulation are powerful tools for the verification of requirements against complex systems. Requirements are developed in early stages of the software lifecycle and are typically expressed in natural language. There is a gap between such requirements and their software implementations.We present a framework that bridges this gap by supporting a tight integration and feedback loop between high-level requirements and their analysis against software artifacts. Our framework implements an analysis portal within the fret requirements elicitation tool, thus forming an end-to-end, open-source environment where requirements are written in an intuitive, structured natural language, and are verified automatically against Simulink models

    System-level Co-simulation of Integrated Avionics Using Polychrony

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    International audienceThe design of embedded systems from multiple views and heterogeneous models is ubiquitous in avionics as, in partic- ular, different high-level modeling standards are adopted for specifying the structure, hardware and software components of a system. The system-level simulation of such composite models is necessary but difficult task, allowing to validate global design choices as early as possible in the system de- sign ïŹ‚ow. This paper presents an approach to the issue of composing, integrating and simulating heterogeneous mod- els in a system co-design ïŹ‚ow. First, the functional behavior of an application is modeled with synchronous data-ïŹ‚ow and statechart diagrams using Simulink/Gene-Auto. The system architecture is modeled in the AADL standard. These high- level, synchronous and asynchronous, models are then trans- lated into a common model, based on a polychronous model of computation, allowing for a Globally Asynchronous Lo- cally Synchronous (GALS) interpretation of the composed models. This translation is implemented as an automatic model transformation within Polychrony, a toolkit for em- bedded systems design. Simulation, including proïŹling and value change dump demonstration, has been carried out based on the common model within Polychrony. An avionic case study, consisting of a simpliïŹed doors and slides control system, is presented to illustrate our approach

    AADLib, A Library of Reusable AADL Models

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    The SAE Architecture Analysis and Design Language is now a well-established language for the description of critical embedded systems, but also cyber-physical ones. A wide range of analysis tools is already available, either as part of the OSATE tool chain, or separate ones. A key missing elements of AADL is a set of reusable building blocks to help learning AADL concepts, but also experiment already existing tool chains on validated real-life examples. In this paper, we present AADLib, a library of reusable model elements. AADLib is build on two pillars: 1/ a set of ready-to- use examples so that practitioners can learn more about the AADL language itself, but also experiment with existing tools. Each example comes with a full description of available analysis and expected results. This helps reducing the learning curve of the language. 2/ a set of reusable model elements that cover typical building blocks of critical systems: processors, networks, devices with a high level of fidelity so that the cost to start a new project is reduced. AADLib is distributed under a Free/Open Source License to further disseminate the AADL language. As such, AADLib provides a convenient way to discover AADL concepts and tool chains, and learn about its features

    Current Trends in High-Level Synthesis of Asynchronous Circuits

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    Tools for Real-Time Control Systems Co-Design : A Survey

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    This report presents a survey of current simulation tools in the area of integrated control and real-time systems design. Each tool is presented with a quick overview followed by a more detailed section describing comparative aspects of the tool. These aspects describe the context and purpose of the tool (scenarios, development stages, activities, and qualities/constraints being addressed) and the actual tool technology (tool architecture, inputs, outputs, modeling content, extensibility and availability). The tools presented in the survey are the following; Jitterbug and TrueTime from the Department of Automatic Control at Lund University, Sweden, AIDA and XILO from the Department of Machine Design at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Ptolemy II from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at Berkeley, California, RTSIM from the RETIS Laboratory, Pisa, Italy, and Syndex and Orccad from INRIA, France. The survey also briefly describes some existing commercial tools related to the area of real-time control systems
