145 research outputs found

    On Real-Time AER 2-D Convolutions Hardware for Neuromorphic Spike-Based Cortical Processing

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    In this paper, a chip that performs real-time image convolutions with programmable kernels of arbitrary shape is presented. The chip is a first experimental prototype of reduced size to validate the implemented circuits and system level techniques. The convolution processing is based on the address–event-representation (AER) technique, which is a spike-based biologically inspired image and video representation technique that favors communication bandwidth for pixels with more information. As a first test prototype, a pixel array of 16x16 has been implemented with programmable kernel size of up to 16x16. The chip has been fabricated in a standard 0.35- m complimentary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) process. The technique also allows to process larger size images by assembling 2-D arrays of such chips. Pixel operation exploits low-power mixed analog–digital circuit techniques. Because of the low currents involved (down to nanoamperes or even picoamperes), an important amount of pixel area is devoted to mismatch calibration. The rest of the chip uses digital circuit techniques, both synchronous and asynchronous. The fabricated chip has been thoroughly tested, both at the pixel level and at the system level. Specific computer interfaces have been developed for generating AER streams from conventional computers and feeding them as inputs to the convolution chip, and for grabbing AER streams coming out of the convolution chip and storing and analyzing them on computers. Extensive experimental results are provided. At the end of this paper, we provide discussions and results on scaling up the approach for larger pixel arrays and multilayer cortical AER systems.Commission of the European Communities IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Commission of the European Communities 216777 (NABAB)Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIC-2000-0406-P4Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIC-2003-08164-C03-01Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-11730-C03-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-141

    A Wide Linear Dynamic Range Image Sensor Based on Asynchronous Self-Reset and Tagging of Saturation Events

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    We report a high dynamic range (HDR) image sensor with a linear response that overcomes some of the limitations of sensors with pixels with self-reset operation. It operates similar to an active pixel sensor, but its pixels have a novel asynchronous event-based overflow detection mechanism. Whenever the pixel voltages at the integration capacitance reach a programmable threshold, the pixels self-reset and send out asynchronously an event indicating this. At the end of the integration period, the voltage at the integration capacitance is digitized and readout. Combining this information with the number of events fired by each pixel, it is possible to render linear HDR images. Event operation is transparent to the final user. There is no limitation for the number of self-resets of each pixel. The output data format is compatible with frame-based devices. The sensor was fabricated in the AMS 0.18- μm HV technology. A detailed system description and experimental results are provided in this paper. The sensor can render images with an intra-scene dynamic range of up to 130 dB with linear outputs. The pixels' pitch is 25 μm and the sensor power consumption is 58.6 mW.Universidad de Cádiz PR2016-072Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2015-66878-C3-1-RJunta de Andalucía TIC 2012-2338Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014141035

    Asynchronous spike event coding scheme for programmable analogue arrays and its computational applications

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    This work is the result of the definition, design and evaluation of a novel method to interconnect the computational elements - commonly known as Configurable Analogue Blocks (CABs) - of a programmable analogue array. This method is proposed for total or partial replacement of the conventional methods due to serious limitations of the latter in terms of scalability. With this method, named Asynchronous Spike Event Coding (ASEC) scheme, analogue signals from CABs outputs are encoded as time instants (spike events) dependent upon those signals activity and are transmitted asynchronously by employing the Address Event Representation (AER) protocol. Power dissipation is dependent upon input signal activity and no spike events are generated when the input signal is constant. On-line, programmable computation is intrinsic to ASEC scheme and is performed without additional hardware. The ability of the communication scheme to perform computation enhances the computation power of the programmable analogue array. The design methodology and a CMOS implementation of the scheme are presented together with test results from prototype integrated circuits (ICs)

    Low-power CMOS digital-pixel Imagers for high-speed uncooled PbSe IR applications

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    This PhD dissertation describes the research and development of a new low-cost medium wavelength infrared MWIR monolithic imager technology for high-speed uncooled industrial applications. It takes the baton on the latest technological advances in the field of vapour phase deposition (VPD) PbSe-based medium wavelength IR (MWIR) detection accomplished by the industrial partner NIT S.L., adding fundamental knowledge on the investigation of novel VLSI analog and mixed-signal design techniques at circuit and system levels for the development of the readout integrated device attached to the detector. The work supports on the hypothesis that, by the use of the preceding design techniques, current standard inexpensive CMOS technologies fulfill all operational requirements of the VPD PbSe detector in terms of connectivity, reliability, functionality and scalability to integrate the device. The resulting monolithic PbSe-CMOS camera must consume very low power, operate at kHz frequencies, exhibit good uniformity and fit the CMOS read-out active pixels in the compact pitch of the focal plane, all while addressing the particular characteristics of the MWIR detector: high dark-to-signal ratios, large input parasitic capacitance values and remarkable mismatching in PbSe integration. In order to achieve these demands, this thesis proposes null inter-pixel crosstalk vision sensor architectures based on a digital-only focal plane array (FPA) of configurable pixel sensors. Each digital pixel sensor (DPS) cell is equipped with fast communication modules, self-biasing, offset cancellation, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and fixed pattern noise (FPN) correction. In-pixel power consumption is minimized by the use of comprehensive MOSFET subthreshold operation. The main aim is to potentiate the integration of PbSe-based infra-red (IR)-image sensing technologies so as to widen its use, not only in distinct scenarios, but also at different stages of PbSe-CMOS integration maturity. For this purpose, we posit to investigate a comprehensive set of functional blocks distributed in two parallel approaches: • Frame-based “Smart” MWIR imaging based on new DPS circuit topologies with gain and offset FPN correction capabilities. This research line exploits the detector pitch to offer fully-digital programmability at pixel level and complete functionality with input parasitic capacitance compensation and internal frame memory. • Frame-free “Compact”-pitch MWIR vision based on a novel DPS lossless analog integrator and configurable temporal difference, combined with asynchronous communication protocols inside the focal plane. This strategy is conceived to allow extensive pitch compaction and readout speed increase by the suppression of in-pixel digital filtering, and the use of dynamic bandwidth allocation in each pixel of the FPA. In order make the electrical validation of first prototypes independent of the expensive PbSe deposition processes at wafer level, investigation is extended as well to the development of affordable sensor emulation strategies and integrated test platforms specifically oriented to image read-out integrated circuits. DPS cells, imagers and test chips have been fabricated and characterized in standard 0.15μm 1P6M, 0.35μm 2P4M and 2.5μm 2P1M CMOS technologies, all as part of research projects with industrial partnership. The research has led to the first high-speed uncooled frame-based IR quantum imager monolithically fabricated in a standard VLSI CMOS technology, and has given rise to the Tachyon series [1], a new line of commercial IR cameras used in real-time industrial, environmental and transportation control systems. The frame-free architectures investigated in this work represent a firm step forward to push further pixel pitch and system bandwidth up to the limits imposed by the evolving PbSe detector in future generations of the device.La present tesi doctoral descriu la recerca i el desenvolupament d'una nova tecnologia monolítica d'imatgeria infraroja de longitud d'ona mitja (MWIR), no refrigerada i de baix cost, per a usos industrials d'alta velocitat. El treball pren el relleu dels últims avenços assolits pel soci industrial NIT S.L. en el camp dels detectors MWIR de PbSe depositats en fase vapor (VPD), afegint-hi coneixement fonamental en la investigació de noves tècniques de disseny de circuits VLSI analògics i mixtes pel desenvolupament del dispositiu integrat de lectura unit al detector pixelat. Es parteix de la hipòtesi que, mitjançant l'ús de les esmentades tècniques de disseny, les tecnologies CMOS estàndard satisfan tots els requeriments operacionals del detector VPD PbSe respecte a connectivitat, fiabilitat, funcionalitat i escalabilitat per integrar de forma econòmica el dispositiu. La càmera PbSe-CMOS resultant ha de consumir molt baixa potència, operar a freqüències de kHz, exhibir bona uniformitat, i encabir els píxels actius CMOS de lectura en el pitch compacte del pla focal de la imatge, tot atenent a les particulars característiques del detector: altes relacions de corrent d'obscuritat a senyal, elevats valors de capacitat paràsita a l'entrada i dispersions importants en el procés de fabricació. Amb la finalitat de complir amb els requisits previs, es proposen arquitectures de sensors de visió de molt baix acoblament interpíxel basades en l'ús d'una matriu de pla focal (FPA) de píxels actius exclusivament digitals. Cada píxel sensor digital (DPS) està equipat amb mòduls de comunicació d'alta velocitat, autopolarització, cancel·lació de l'offset, conversió analògica-digital (ADC) i correcció del soroll de patró fixe (FPN). El consum en cada cel·la es minimitza fent un ús exhaustiu del MOSFET operant en subllindar. L'objectiu últim és potenciar la integració de les tecnologies de sensat d'imatge infraroja (IR) basades en PbSe per expandir-ne el seu ús, no només a diferents escenaris, sinó també en diferents estadis de maduresa de la integració PbSe-CMOS. En aquest sentit, es proposa investigar un conjunt complet de blocs funcionals distribuïts en dos enfocs paral·lels: - Dispositius d'imatgeria MWIR "Smart" basats en frames utilitzant noves topologies de circuit DPS amb correcció de l'FPN en guany i offset. Aquesta línia de recerca exprimeix el pitch del detector per oferir una programabilitat completament digital a nivell de píxel i plena funcionalitat amb compensació de la capacitat paràsita d'entrada i memòria interna de fotograma. - Dispositius de visió MWIR "Compact"-pitch "frame-free" en base a un novedós esquema d'integració analògica en el DPS i diferenciació temporal configurable, combinats amb protocols de comunicació asíncrons dins del pla focal. Aquesta estratègia es concep per permetre una alta compactació del pitch i un increment de la velocitat de lectura, mitjançant la supressió del filtrat digital intern i l'assignació dinàmica de l'ample de banda a cada píxel de l'FPA. Per tal d'independitzar la validació elèctrica dels primers prototips respecte a costosos processos de deposició del PbSe sensor a nivell d'oblia, la recerca s'amplia també al desenvolupament de noves estratègies d'emulació del detector d'IR i plataformes de test integrades especialment orientades a circuits integrats de lectura d'imatge. Cel·les DPS, dispositius d'imatge i xips de test s'han fabricat i caracteritzat, respectivament, en tecnologies CMOS estàndard 0.15 micres 1P6M, 0.35 micres 2P4M i 2.5 micres 2P1M, tots dins el marc de projectes de recerca amb socis industrials. Aquest treball ha conduït a la fabricació del primer dispositiu quàntic d'imatgeria IR d'alta velocitat, no refrigerat, basat en frames, i monolíticament fabricat en tecnologia VLSI CMOS estàndard, i ha donat lloc a Tachyon, una nova línia de càmeres IR comercials emprades en sistemes de control industrial, mediambiental i de transport en temps real.Postprint (published version


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    Microsystems and integrated smart sensors represent a flourishing business thanks to the manifold benefits of these devices with respect to their respective macroscopic counterparts. Miniaturization to micrometric scale is a turning point to obtain high sensitive and reliable devices with enhanced spatial and temporal resolution. Power consumption compatible with battery operated systems, and reduced cost per device are also pivotal for their success. All these characteristics make investigation on this filed very active nowadays. This thesis work is focused on two main themes: (i) design and development of a single chip smart flow-meter; (ii) design and development of readout interfaces for capacitive micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) based on capacitance to pulse width modulation conversion. High sensitivity integrated smart sensors for detecting very small flow rates of both gases and liquids aiming to fulfil emerging demands for this kind of devices in the industrial to environmental and medical applications. On the other hand, the prototyping of such sensor is a multidisciplinary activity involving the study of thermal and fluid dynamic phenomenon that have to be considered to obtain a correct design. Design, assisted by finite elements CAD tools, and fabrication of the sensing structures using features of a standard CMOS process is discussed in the first chapter. The packaging of fluidic sensors issue is also illustrated as it has a great importance on the overall sensor performances. The package is charged to allow optimal interaction between fluids and the sensors and protecting the latter from the external environment. As miniaturized structures allows a great spatial resolution, it is extremely challenging to fabricate low cost packages for multiple flow rate measurements on the same chip. As a final point, a compact anemometer prototype, usable for wireless sensor network nodes, is described. The design of the full custom circuitry for signal extraction and conditioning is coped in the second chapter, where insights into the design methods are given for analog basic building blocks such as amplifiers, transconductors, filters, multipliers, current drivers. A big effort has been put to find reusable design guidelines and trade-offs applicable to different design cases. This kind of rational design enabled the implementation of complex and flexible functionalities making the interface circuits able to interact both with on chip sensors and external sensors. In the third chapter, the chip floor-plan designed in the STMicroelectronics BCD6s process of the entire smart flow sensor formed by the sensing structures and the readout electronics is presented. Some preliminary tests are also covered here. Finally design and implementation of very low power interfaces for typical MEMS capacitive sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes, pressure sensors, angular displacement and chemical species sensors) is discussed. Very original circuital topologies, based on chopper modulation technique, will be illustrated. A prototype, designed within a joint research activity is presented. Measured performances spurred the investigation of new techniques to enhance precision and accuracy capabilities of the interface. A brief introduction to the design of active pixel sensors interface for hybrid CMOS imagers is sketched in the appendix as a preliminary study done during an internship in the CNM-IMB institute of Barcelona

    NoC simulation steered by NEST: McAERsim and a Noxim patch

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    IntroductionGreat knowledge was gained about the computational substrate of the brain, but the way in which components and entities interact to perform information processing still remains a secret. Complex and large-scale network models have been developed to unveil processes at the ensemble level taking place over a large range of timescales. They challenge any kind of simulation platform, so that efficient implementations need to be developed that gain from focusing on a set of relevant models. With increasing network sizes imposed by these models, low latency inter-node communication becomes a critical aspect. This situation is even accentuated, if slow processes like learning should be covered, that require faster than real-time simulation.MethodsTherefore, this article presents two simulation frameworks, in which network-on-chip simulators are interfaced with the neuroscientific development environment NEST. This combination yields network traffic that is directly defined by the relevant neural network models and used to steer the network-on-chip simulations. As one of the outcomes, instructive statistics on network latencies are obtained. Since time stamps of different granularity are used by the simulators, a conversion is required that can be exploited to emulate an intended acceleration factor.ResultsBy application of the frameworks to scaled versions of the cortical microcircuit model—selected because of its unique properties as well as challenging demands—performance curves, latency, and traffic distributions could be determined.DiscussionThe distinct characteristic of the second framework is its tree-based source-address driven multicast support, which, in connection with the torus topology, always led to the best results. Although currently biased by some inherent assumptions of the network-on-chip simulators, the results suit well to those of previous work dealing with node internals and suggesting accelerated simulations to be in reach


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    The work described herein serves as a foundation for the development of CMOS imaging in lab-on-a-chip microsystems. Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) systems attempt to emulate the functionality of a cell biology lab by incorporating multiple sensing modalidites into a single microscale system. LOC are applicable to drug development, implantable sensors, cell-based bio-chemical detectors and radiation detectors. The common theme across these systems is achieving performance under severe resource constraints including noise, bandwidth, power and size. The contributions of this work are in the areas of two core lab-on-a-chip imaging functions: object detection and optical measurements

    Hardware Implementation of Spiking Neural Networks

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    The fields of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have made great strides in the last decade due to the increasing computational power of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Neural networks make up for a very large portion of this research area, and come in great variety (e.g. feedforward, convolutional, etc.). Although they are inspired by the human brain, they have no biological plausibility aside from the high interconnectivity of nodes. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are a step in the direction of greater biological plausibility with the use of inherently dynamic neurons. As implied by the name, SNNs are composed of neurons that generate Boolean spikes when their accumulated input exceeds a threshold value. Thus, information is encoded in the timing of spiking events. Although they are computationally expensive to simulate with general-purpose computers, their dynamic behavior lends itself well to direct hardware implementations with very high parallelism and low power consumption. This thesis proposes a scalable architecture for a hardware system that can be used to study the behavior of SNNs, as well as the trade-offs that result from the various design parameters. Using classic benchmark problems (i.e. MNIST classification and cart-pole stabilization), it was observed that SNNs are very robust against variations in neural parameters, but degrade quickly with mismatch in synaptic weights. An MNIST classification accuracy of 96.28% drops by 5% for small synaptic mismatches. Additionally, the performance is re-evaluated for several weight quantizations. Finally, the effects of router delays are observed

    Interconnect technologies for very large spiking neural networks

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    In the scope of this thesis, a neural event communication architecture has been developed for use in an accelerated neuromorphic computing system and with a packet-based high performance interconnection network. Existing neuromorphic computing systems mostly use highly customised interconnection networks, directly routing single spike events to their destination. In contrast, the approach of this thesis uses a general purpose packet-based interconnection network and accumulates multiple spike events at the source node into larger network packets destined to common destinations. This is required to optimise the payload efficiency, given relatively large packet headers as compared to the size of neural spike events. Theoretical considerations are made about the efficiency of different event aggregation strategies. Thereby, important factors are the number of occurring event network-destinations and their relative frequency, as well as the number of available accumulation buffers. Based on the concept of Markov Chains, an analytical method is developed and used to evaluate these aggregation strategies. Additionally, some of these strategies are stochastically simulated in order to verify the analytical method and evaluate them beyond its applicability. Based on the results of this analysis, an optimisation strategy is proposed for the mapping of neural populations onto interconnected neuromorphic chips, as well as the joint assignment of event network-destinations to a set of accumulation buffers. During this thesis, such an event communication architecture has been implemented on the communication FPGAs in the BrainScaleS-2 accelerated neuromorphic computing system. Thereby, its usability can be scaled beyond single chip setups. For this, the EXTOLL network technology is used to transport and route the aggregated neural event packets with high bandwidth and low latency. At the FPGA, a network bandwidth of up to 12 Gbit/s is usable at a maximum payload efficiency of 94 %. The latency has been measured in the scope of this thesis to a range between 1.6 μs and 2.3 μs across the network between two neuron circuits on separate chips. This latency is thereby mostly dominated by the path from the neuromorphic chip across the communication FPGA into the network and back on the receiving side. As the EXTOLL network hardware itself is clocked at a much higher frequency than the FPGAs, the latency is expected to scale in the order of only approximately 75 ns for each additional hop through the network. For being able to globally interpret the arrival timestamps that are transmitted with every spike event, the system time counters on the FPGAs are synchronised across the network. For this, the global interrupt mechanism implemented in the EXTOLL hardware is characterised and used within this thesis. With this, a synchronisation accuracy of ±40ns could be measured. At the end of this thesis, the successful emulation of a neural signal propagation model, distributed across two BrainScaleS-2 chips and FPGAs is demonstrated using the implemented event communication architecture and the described synchronisation mechanism