8 research outputs found

    Movement Pattern Recognition in Physical Rehabilitation - Cognitive Motivation-based IT Method and Algorithms

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    In this paper, a solution is presented to support both existing and future movement rehabilitation applications. The presented method combines the advantages of human-computer interaction-based movement therapy, with the cognitive property of intelligent decision-making systems. With this solution, therapy could be fully adapted to the needs of the patients and conditions while maintaining a sense of success in them, thereby motivating them. In our modern digital age, the development of HCI interfaces walks together with the growth of users’ needs. The available technologies have limitations, which can reduce the effectiveness of modern input devices, such as the Kinect sensor or any other similar sensors. In this article, multiple newly developed and modified methods are introduced with the aim to overcome these limitations. These methods can fully adapt the movement pattern recognition to the users' skills. The main goals are to apply this method in movement rehabilitation, where the supervisor, a therapist can personalize the rehabilitation exercises due to the Distance Vector-based Gesture Recognition (DVGR), Reference Distance-based Synchronous/Asynchronous Movement Recognition (RDSMR/RDAMR) and the Real-Time Adaptive Movement Pattern Classification (RAMPC) methods

    Frameworks de gamificação enquadrados numa visão sistémica: uma revisão

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    O presente artigo faz uma revisão focada sobre frameworks de Gamificação que podem ser enquadradas numa visão sistémica, no âmbito dos sistemas de informação. Gamificação é o uso de elementos derivados dos jogos em contextos que não são jogos. Nesse sentido, foi proposta uma terminologia que possa ser usada em várias implementações e cenários. É discutida a forma como a terminologia proposta está alinhada com os frameworks dos artigos revistos e a pertinência de usar uma visão sistémica única para futuras intervenções de Gamificação.This article is a review focused on Gamification frameworks that can be framed in a systemic approach, within the scope of information systems. Gamification is the use of game-derived elements in non game contexts. In this sense, a terminology that can be used in various implementations and scenarios is proposed. It discusses how the proposed terminology is aligned with the frameworks of the reviewed articles and the relevance of using a unique systemic approach for future Gamification interventionsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A modifiable virtual reality game for neurological physiotherapy - Multiprofessional development and pilot testing

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    Serious games and virtual reality are promising tools for future rehabilitation. They represent solutions for promoting self-care and for motivating the rehabilitees. However, their wider adoption requires experience and research information from both the rehabilitators themselves and experts in the field. The aim of this study is to develop a prototype physiotherapy virtual reality game in multiprofessional collaboration and to learn about the best practises leading into positive user experience. This paper emphasizes the game development process, the Whac-A-Physio game prototype itself and the preliminary user experiences utilizing a co-design approach. It is a basis for future studies with higher number of participants. The physiotherapy professionals were interested in developing the game in a multidisciplinary group and motivated to adopt it. The developed Whac-A-Physio game prototype was subsequently piloted in two physiotherapy clinics. The feedback was obtained from the physiotherapists by semi-structured interviewing. The physiotherapists found the game suitable for upper limb therapy, balance, and coordination training. The game presented a valuable motivational tool for their clients, improving their sense of ability and inclusion, and was thus considered a good addition to the conventional therapy.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Gameful Experience Questionnaire (GAMEFULQUEST): an instrument for measuring the perceived gamefulness of system use

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    In this paper, we present the development and validation of an instrument for measuring users’ gameful experience while using a service. Either intentionally or unintentionally, systems and services are becoming increasingly gamified and having a gameful experience is progressively important for the user’s overall experience of a service. Gamification refers to the transformation of technology to become more game-like, with the intention of evoking similar positive experiences and motivations that games do (the gameful experience) and affecting user behavior. In this study, we used a mixed-methods approach to develop an instrument for measuring the gameful experience. In a first qualitative study, we developed a model of the gameful experience using data from a questionnaire consisting of open-ended questions posed to users of Zombies, Run!, Duolingo, and Nike+ Run Club. In a second study, we developed the instrument and evaluated its dimensionality and psychometric properties using data from users of Zombies, Run! (N = 371). Based on the results of this second study, we further developed the instrument in a third study using data from users of Duolingo (N = 507), in which we repeated the assessment of dimensionality and psychometric properties, this time including confirmation of the model. As a result of this work, we devised GAMEFULQUEST, an instrument that can be used to model and measure an individual user’s gameful experience in systems and services, which can be used for user-adapted gamification and for informing user-modeling research within a gamification context.</p

    Método de evaluación de la usabilidad de juegos serios para la mejora de las funciones cognitivas de atención y memoria

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    En los últimos años, el desarrollo y utilización de juegos serios se ha masificado y está siendo utilizado de manera recurrente en varios entornos en los cuales el aprendizaje de un tema específico se junta con aspectos lúdicos. Estos juegos tienen el objetivo de enseñar a la población en diferentes áreas (p. ej. salud, educación, gobierno, negocios) por lo cual tienden a estimular funciones cognitivas tales como memoria, lenguaje, razonamiento, atención, entre otras. Sin embargo, con el aumento del desarrollo también nace la necesidad de presentar juegos de buena calidad que mejoren la experiencia del usuario considerando que los usuarios son diversos (p. ej. niños, adultos mayores, personas con discapacidad). De allí que, en este trabajo de titulación, se propone el método SG-QUAM, que tiene como objetivo, evaluar la calidad de juegos serios y está alineado con en el estándar ISO/IEC 25040. Además, presenta un modelo de calidad en uso y producto basado en la ISO/IEC 25010, con varios atributos para el proceso de evaluación de juegos serios. Adicionalmente, presenta la validez de este método a través del desarrollo de un cuasiexperimento; en el mismo, participaron 17 personas, los resultados dan a conocer que, el método puede ser aplicado en la práctica; asimismo, se presenta un caso de estudio en donde se muestra paso a paso la evaluación de calidad de un juego serio, para de esta manera, evaluar su aceptación tecnológicaIn recent years, the development and use of serious games has become widespread and is being used recurrently in various environments in which the learning of a specific subject is combined with ludic aspects. These games have the objective of teaching the population in different areas (e.g. health, education, government, business) and therefore tend to stimulate cognitive functions such as memory, language, reasoning, attention, among others. However, with the increase of development also comes the need to present good quality games that improve the user experience considering that users are diverse (e.g. children, elderly, people with disabilities). Hence, in this degree work, the SG-QUAM method is proposed, which aims to evaluate the quality of serious games and is aligned with the ISO/IEC 25040 standard. It also presents a quality model in use and product based on ISO/IEC 25010, with several attributes for the serious games evaluation process. Additionally, it presents the validity of this method through the development of a quasi-experiment; 17 people participated in it, the results show that the method can be applied in practice; also, a case study is presented where the quality evaluation of a serious game is shown step by step, in order to evaluate its technological acceptanceIngeniero de SistemasCuenc