1,663 research outputs found

    Cyber-Virtual Systems: Simulation, Validation & Visualization

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    We describe our ongoing work and view on simulation, validation and visualization of cyber-physical systems in industrial automation during development, operation and maintenance. System models may represent an existing physical part - for example an existing robot installation - and a software simulated part - for example a possible future extension. We call such systems cyber-virtual systems. In this paper, we present the existing VITELab infrastructure for visualization tasks in industrial automation. The new methodology for simulation and validation motivated in this paper integrates this infrastructure. We are targeting scenarios, where industrial sites which may be in remote locations are modeled and visualized from different sites anywhere in the world. Complementing the visualization work, here, we are also concentrating on software modeling challenges related to cyber-virtual systems and simulation, testing, validation and verification techniques for them. Software models of industrial sites require behavioural models of the components of the industrial sites such as models for tools, robots, workpieces and other machinery as well as communication and sensor facilities. Furthermore, collaboration between sites is an important goal of our work.Comment: Preprint, 9th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2014

    A Hardware-in-the-Loop Facility for Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control System Design and Validation

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    Due to the increased number and the complexity of the embedded systems in today’s vehicle, there is ever increasing pressure to reduce the development cost and time to market of such systems. In recent years, Model based Development (MBD) is becoming a main stream in the development of automotive embedded systems, and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) testing is one of the key steps toward the implementation of MBD approach. This paper presents the recent HiL facility that has been developed at Cranfield University. The HiL setup includes real steering and brake smart actuator, high fidelity validated vehicle model, complete rapid control prototyping tool chain, and driver-in-the-loop capability. The applications of HiL setup are including but not limited to: smart actuators system identification; rapid control development and early validation of standalone and/or integrated vehicle dynamics control systems. Furthermore, the facility can be employed for investigation on driver-vehicle interaction at the presence of standalone active steering and/or brake systems as well as various Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS), such as lane keeping or adaptive cruise control systems. The capability of the HiL facility for validation of a several newly developed vehicle dynamics control systems is presente

    Design and Performance Analysis of a Non-Standard EPICS Fast Controller

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    The large scientific projects present new technological challenges, such as the distributed control over a communication network. In particular, the middleware EPICS is the most extended communication standard in particle accelerators. The integration of modern control architectures in these EPICS networks is becoming common, as for example for the PXI/PXIe and xTCA hardware alternatives. In this work, a different integration procedure for PXIe real time controllers from National Instruments is proposed, using LabVIEW as the design tool. This methodology is considered and its performance is analyzed by means of a set of laboratory experiments. This control architecture is proposed for achieving the implementation requirements of the fast controllers, which need an important amount of computational power and signal processing capability, with a tight real-time demand. The present work studies the advantages and drawbacks of this methodology and presents its comprehensive evaluation by means of a laboratory test bench, designed for the application of systematic tests. These tests compare the proposed fast controller performance with a similar system implemented using an standard EPICS IOC provided by the CODAC system.Comment: This is the extended version of the Conference Record presented in the IEEE Real-Time Conference 2014, Nara, Japan. This paper has been submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Scienc

    Variable Speed Simulation for Accelerated Industrial Control System Cyber Training

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    It is important for industrial control system operators to receive quality training to defend against cyber attacks. Hands-on training exercises with real-world control systems allow operators to learn various defensive techniques and see the real-world impact of changes made to a control system. Cyber attacks and operator actions can have unforeseen effects that take a significant amount of time to manifest and potentially cause physical harm to the system, making high-fidelity training exercises time-consuming and costly. This thesis presents a method for accelerating training exercises by simulating and predicting the effects of a cyber event on a partially-simulated control system. A hardware-in-the-loop system comprised of a software-modeled water tank and a commercially-available programmable logic controller is used to demonstrate the feasibility of this method. The results demonstrate the system\u27s speedup capability which allows users to accurately simulate the effects of a cyber event at speeds faster than real-time

    Five-Axis Machine Tool Condition Monitoring Using dSPACE Real-Time System

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    This paper presents the design, development and SIMULINK implementation of the lumped parameter model of C-axis drive from GEISS five-axis CNC machine tool. The simulated results compare well with the experimental data measured from the actual machine. Also the paper describes the steps for data acquisition using ControlDesk and hardware-in-the-loop implementation of the drive models in dSPACE real-time system. The main components of the HIL system are: the drive model simulation and input – output (I/O) modules for receiving the real controller outputs. The paper explains how the experimental data obtained from the data acquisition process using dSPACE real-time system can be used for the development of machine tool diagnosis and prognosis systems that facilitate the improvement of maintenance activities

    ERIGrid Holistic Test Description for Validating Cyber-Physical Energy Systems

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    Smart energy solutions aim to modify and optimise the operation of existing energy infrastructure. Such cyber-physical technology must be mature before deployment to the actual infrastructure, and competitive solutions will have to be compliant to standards still under development. Achieving this technology readiness and harmonisation requires reproducible experiments and appropriately realistic testing environments. Such testbeds for multi-domain cyber-physical experiments are complex in and of themselves. This work addresses a method for the scoping and design of experiments where both testbed and solution each require detailed expertise. This empirical work first revisited present test description approaches, developed a newdescription method for cyber-physical energy systems testing, and matured it by means of user involvement. The new Holistic Test Description (HTD) method facilitates the conception, deconstruction and reproduction of complex experimental designs in the domains of cyber-physical energy systems. This work develops the background and motivation, offers a guideline and examples to the proposed approach, and summarises experience from three years of its application.This work received funding in the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Program (H2020/2014–2020) under project “ERIGrid” (Grant Agreement No. 654113)

    Dependable Control for Wireless Distributed Control Systems

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    The use of wireless communications for real-time control applications poses several problems related to the comparatively low reliability of the communication channels. This paper is concerned with adaptive and predictive application-level strategies for ameliorating the effects of packet losses and burst errors in industrial sampled-data Distributed Control Systems (DCSs), which are implemented via one or more wireless and/or wired links, possibly spanning multiple hops. The paper describes an adaptive compensator that reconstructs the best estimates (in a least squares sense) of a sequence of one or more missing sensor node data packets in the controller node. At each sample time, the controller node calculates the current control, and a prediction of future controls to apply over a short time horizon; these controls are forwarded to the actuator node every sample time step. A simple design method for a digital Proportional Integral Derivative (PID)-like adaptive controller is also described for use in the controller node. Together these mechanisms give robustness to packet losses around the control loop; in addition, the majority of the computational overhead resides in the controller node. An implementation of the proposed techniques is applied to a case study using a Hardware in the Loop (HIL) test facility, and favorable results (in terms of both performance and computational overheads) are found when compared to an existing robust control method for a DCS experiencing artificially induced burst errors

    Hardware in the Loop Simulation and Control Design for Autonomous Free Running Ship Models

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    This paper presents an hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation system tool to test and validate an autonomous free running model system for ship hydrodynamic studies with a view to verification of the code, the control logic and system peripherals. The computer simulation of the plant model in real-time computer does not require the actual physical system and reduces the development cost and time for control design and testing purposes. The HIL system includes: the actual programmable embedded controller along with peripherals and a plant model virtually simulated in a real-time computer. With regard to ship controller design for ship model testing, this study describes a plant model for surge and a Nomoto first order steering dynamics, both implemented using Simulink software suit. The surge model captures a quasi-steady state relationship between surge speed and the propeller rpms, obtained from simple forward speed towing tank tests or derived analytically. The Nomoto first order steering dynamics is obtained by performing the standard turning circle test at model scale. The control logic obtained is embedded in a NI-cRIO based controller. The surge and steering dynamics models are used to design a proportional-derivative controller and an LQR controller. The controller runs a Linux based real-time operating system programmed using LabVIEW software. The HIL simulation tool allows for the emulation of standard ship hydrodynamic tests consisting of straight line, turning circle and zigzag to validate the combined system performance, prior to actual for use in the autonomous free-running tests
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