65 research outputs found

    The development of biomedical instrumentation using backscattered laser light

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    This thesis is concerned with the measurement of blood flow and oxygen saturation in the microcirculation using the techniques of laser Doppler flowmetry and pulse oximetry. An investigation of the responses of Doppler flowmeters using different signal processing bandwidths and laser sources revealed two major findings. Firstly, that careful choice of processing bandwidth is required in order to sample the whole range of possible Doppler frequencies present in the backscattered light. Secondly, that the choice of laser source is important in governing the output stability of a flowmeter. Another investigation focused on the evaluation of a dual channel laser Doppler flowmeter using both in vitro and in vivo models. It was demonstrated that the instrument permitted a useful method of obtaining flow information by comparing simultaneous responses at experimental and control sites. The choice of laser wavelength was investigated in a study to determine whether blood flow measurements are obtained from different depths within the skin tissue. The results indicate that some depth discrimination is obtainable using instruments operating at different wavelengths, however it is difficult to demonstrate the effect in vivo. In a separate study it was shown that pressure applied to the skin surface greatly affects the underlying blood flow. It is recommended that care has to be taken when positioning Doppler probes on the skin. A reflection pulse oximeter was developed using laser light backscattered from the skin. The instrument was evaluated in vitro and in vivo by comparing desaturation responses with a commercial transmission pulse oximeter. The reflection oximeter was demonstrated to reliably follow trends in oxygen saturation but several problems prevented instrument calibration. Finally, a device combining laser Doppler flowmetry with reflection pulse oximetry was developed and used in vivo to follow trends in blood flow and oxygen saturation from the same tissue sample

    Contactless photoplethysmography for assessment of small fiber neuropathy

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    Chronic pain is a prevalent condition affecting approximately one-fifth of the global population, with significant impacts on quality of life and work productivity. Small fiber neuropathies are a common cause of chronic pain, and current diagnostic methods rely on subjective self-assessment or invasive skin biopsies, highlighting the need for objective noninvasive assessment methods. The study aims to develop a modular prototype of a contactless photoplethysmography system with three spectral bands (420, 540, and 800 nm) and evaluate its potential for assessing peripheral neuropathy patients via a skin topical heating test and spectral analyses of cutaneous flowmotions. The foot topical skin heating test was conducted on thirty volunteers, including fifteen healthy subjects and fifteen neuropathic patients. Four cutaneous nerve fiber characterizing parameters were evaluated at different wavelengths, including vasomotor response trend, flare area, flare intensity index, and the spectral power of cutaneous flowmotions. The results show that neuropathic patients had significantly lower vasomotor response (50%), flare area (63%), flare intensity index (19%), and neurogenic component (54%) of cutaneous flowmotions compared to the control group, independent of photoplethysmography spectral band. An absolute value of perfusion was 20%–30% higher in the 420 nm band. Imaging photoplethysmography shows potential as a cost-effective alternative for objective and non-invasive assessment of neuropathic patients, but further research is needed to enhance photoplethysmography signal quality and establish diagnostic criteria

    2D Hemodynamic imaging

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    Contribución a un enfoque no convencional de la función vascular periférica: estudio del impacto fisiológico del masaje en la circulación del miembro inferior

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    Massage is a long-known technique, applied with your hands for multiple purposes associated to health and well-being, but the demonstration of its physiological impact and mechanisms is still limited, and sometimes controversial or inconclusive. Some studies suggested a positive contribution of massage in pain modulation fatigue anxiety relief and stress control regardless of other underlying pathologies. Our main objective was to study the physiological impact of massage in the human lower limb and the involved adaptive mechanisms in previously selected and characterized healthy groups. We used well known reliable non-invasive optical techniques to register microcirculation events with total comfort and safety of participants - Laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) and photoplethysmography (PPG). In addition, we also used the Wavelet transform (WT), applied to the decomposition of these signals. The present project involved 98 participants (32.6 ± 15.5 years) of both sexes, normotensive and without signs of vascular impairment and all procedures followed the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (institutional Ethics Committee 03/2013.12). The massage protocol was evaluated in two of its variants in terms of the direction of application: ascending and descending, applied to one of the lower limbs previously randomized, with the other limb serving as control. The experimental massage procedure involved three phases of continuous recording with participants lying in supination - Phase I (baseline) for 10 minutes, Phase II, provocation (massage) for 5 minutes and Phase III, recovery for 10 minutes. Our project was structured in four milestones, the first being the definition of the experimental procedure, which allowed us to immediately observe that the perfusion impact of massage was observed in both limbs, despite being applied to only one of the limbs. The second milestone, in which we intended to deepen the data analysis, confirmed by correlation analysis of raw LDF and PPG signals the existence of significant proximity of these signals. In the third milestone, we confirm the adequacy of the chosen non-invasive measurement technologies and we verify that the average spectrum of the LDF and PPG signal profiles have different amplitudes. In the last milestone, we confirmed that massage involves more than a change in the local microcirculation that we named as the Prompt Adaptive Hemodynamic Response (PAHR) impacting the entire systemic cardiocirculatory hemodynamics. This answer was addressed in a complementary way in equally healthy individuals, but older, constituting the last manuscript of this collection. Here we demonstrate that, although responses here obtained are similar to those obtained in young participants, this PAHR is age dependent and therefore less obvious, suggesting its potential interest to be used as a clinical indicator. Based on the results obtained in these four milestones, we were able to substantiate the following main conclusions: 1 - that the experimental procedure we designed, proved to be rigorous, easily reproductible and totally adequate to the purposes of the study, while also ensuring total comfort and well-being of the participants. 2 - that the technologies chosen to evaluate microcirculation, namely LDF and PPG, proved to be suitable for the study, as the results allowed to quantitatively and accurately describe the peripheral microcirculation in vivo, under dynamic conditions such as those involved in massage, having been verified that the use of both technologies provides a more sustained analysis of the phenomena in question. 3 - that the massage maneuver when applied to the lower limb of young and healthy individuals, allows to increase the microcirculatory flow in the massaged lower limb, but also in the contralateral limb, being this effect, regardless of the direction in which the massage is applied, influencing the hemodynamics in general, affecting heart rate and blood pressure. 4 - that this hemodynamic response to massage that we identified in this study (PAHR), although similar, is clearly dependent on age

    Photonic Biosensors: Detection, Analysis and Medical Diagnostics

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    The role of nanotechnologies in personalized medicine is rising remarkably in the last decade because of the ability of these new sensing systems to diagnose diseases from early stages and the availability of continuous screenings to characterize the efficiency of drugs and therapies for each single patient. Recent technological advancements are allowing the development of biosensors in low-cost and user-friendly platforms, thereby overcoming the last obstacle for these systems, represented by limiting costs and low yield, until now. In this context, photonic biosensors represent one of the main emerging sensing modalities because of their ability to combine high sensitivity and selectivity together with real-time operation, integrability, and compatibility with microfluidics and electric circuitry for the readout, which is fundamental for the realization of lab-on-chip systems. This book, “Photonic Biosensors: Detection, Analysis and Medical Diagnostics”, has been published thanks to the contributions of the authors and collects research articles, the content of which is expected to assume an important role in the outbreak of biosensors in the biomedical field, considering the variety of the topics that it covers, from the improvement of sensors’ performance to new, emerging applications and strategies for on-chip integrability, aiming at providing a general overview for readers on the current advancements in the biosensing field