51 research outputs found

    Optimisation of a distribution system in the retail industry: An Australian retail industry

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    This paper develops a mathematical model based on inventory routing problem that aims to minimise transportation cost, inventory carrying cost and optimises delivery schedules in a retail Australian industry. A supply chain is considered which comprises of a single distribution centre, having homogenous fleet of vehicles, supplying a single product to multiple retailers having deterministic demand. The mathematical model takes into account varying level of road congestion.N/

    An Integrated Model for Production and Distribution Planning of Perishable Products with Inventory and Routing Considerations

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    In many conventional supply chains, production planning and distribution planning are treated separately. However, it is now demonstrated that they are mutually related problems that must be tackled in an integrated way. Hence, in this paper a new integrated production and distribution planning model for perishable products is formulated. The proposed model considers a supply chain network consisting of a production facility and multiple distribution centers. The facility produces a single perishable product that is storable only for predetermined periods. A homogenous fleet of vehicles is responsible for delivering the product from facility to distribution centers. The decisions to be made are the production quantities, the distribution centers that must be visited, and the quantities to be delivered to them. The objective is to minimize the total cost, where the trip minimization is considered simultaneously. As the proposed formulation is computationally complex, a heuristic method is developed to tackle the problem. In the developed method, the problem is divided into production submodel and distribution submodel. The production submodel is solved using LINGO, and a particle swarm heuristic is developed to tackle distribution submodel. Efficiency of the algorithm is proved through a number of randomly generated test problems

    Analysis of the characteristics and applications of vehicle routing systems

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    El ruteo de vehículos, permite establecer una estrategia para realizar la distribución adecuada de las mercancías, en los diferentes puntos en los cuales lo desee una organización. Esto se logra, a través del diseño de rutas para una flota de vehículos determinada; ya sea homogénea o heterogénea. El estudio de este problema de ruteo, como ha sido considerado, se ha clasificado en diferentes sistemas, de acuerdo a las condiciones del entorno en el cual se desean aplicar. Sin embargo, no todas las tipologías son conocidas a cabalidad por las organizaciones o investigadores, debido a su reciente desarrollo o su poco nivel de aplicación. Es por ello, que en la presente investigación, se plantea realizar un análisis de las características y aplicaciones de los tipos de sistemas de ruteo de vehículos, a través de una revisión bibliográfica de trabajos previos, con el propósito de brindar información sólida y concisa a futuros investigadores. La metodología empleada, conlleva principalmente a una investigación de tipo cualitativa, en la cual se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en bases de datos del problema planteado de los últimos cinco años. A partir de esto, fue posible establecer que durante este período de tiempo, las publicaciones en este campo, presentaron un incremento de aproximadamente el doble, evidenciando el aumento en el interés por el tema objetivo.The vehicle routing allows to establish a strategy for the proper distribution of goods in different points at which you want an organization. This is achieved through the design of routes to a particular fleet vehicle; either homogeneous or heterogeneous. Studying this routing problem, as has been seen, has been classified into different systems, according to the environmental conditions in which is applied. However, not all types are known at all by the organizations or researchers, due to its recent development or some application level. That is why, in this research, we propose an analysis of the characteristics and applications of the types of systems vehicle routing through a literature review of previous works, in order to provide solid and concise information to future researchers. The methodology used primarily involves qualitative research type, in which a systematic search was performed in databases of the problem of the past five years. From this, it was possible to establish that during this period, the publications in this field, showed an increase of about twice, showing increased interest in the subject target

    The vehicle routing problem with partial outsourcing

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    This paper introduces the vehicle routing problem with partial outsourcing (VRPPO) in which a customer can be served by a single private vehicle, by a common carrier, or by both a single private vehicle and a common carrier. As such, it is a variant of the vehicle routing problem with private fleet and common carrier (VRPPC). The objective of the VRPPO is to minimize fixed and variable costs of the private fleet plus the outsourcing cost. We propose two different path-based formulations for the VRPPO and solve these with a branch-and-price-and-cut solution method. For each path-based formulation, two different pricing procedures are designed and used when solving the linear relaxations by column generation. To assess the quality of the solution methods and gain insight in potential cost improvements compared with the VRPPC, we perform tests on two instance sets with up to 100 customers from the literature

    A Guided Neighborhood Search Applied to the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem

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    The classic vehicle routing problem considers the distribution of goods to geographically scattered customers from a central depot using a homogeneous fleet of vehicles with finite capacity. Each customer has a known demand and can be visited by exactly one vehicle. Each vehicle services the assigned customers in such a way that all customers are fully supplied and the total service does not exceed the vehicle capacity. In the split delivery vehicle routing problem, a customer can be visited by more than one vehicle, i.e., a customer demand can be split between various vehicles. Allowing split deliveries has been proven to potentially reduce the operational costs of the fleet. This study efficiently solves the split delivery vehicle routing problem using three new approaches. In the first approach, the problem is solved in two stages. During the first stage, an initial solution is found by means of a greedy approach that can produce high quality solutions comparable to those obtained with existing sophisticated approaches. The greedy approach is based on a novel concept called the route angle control measure that helps to produce spatially thin routes and avoids crossing routes. In the second stage, this constructive approach is extended to an iterative approach using adaptive memory concepts, and then a variable neighborhood descent process is added to improve the solution obtained. A new solution diversification scheme is presented in the second approach based on concentric rings centered at the depot that partitions the original problem. The resulting sub-problems are then solved using the greedy approach with route angle control measures. Different ring settings produce varied partitions and thus different solutions to the original problem are obtained and improved via a variable neighborhood descent. The third approach is a learning procedure based on a set or population of solutions. Those solutions are used to find attractive attributes and construct new solutions within a tabu search framework. As the search progresses, the existing population evolves, better solutions are included in it whereas bad solutions are removed from it. The initial set is constructed using the greedy approach with the route angle control measure whereas new solutions are created using an adaptation of the well known savings algorithm of Clarke and Wright (1964) and improved by means of an enhanced version of the variable neighborhood descent process. The proposed approaches are tested on benchmark instances and results are compared with existing implementations

    Disruption Response Support For Inland Waterway Transportation

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    Motivated by the critical role of the inland waterways in the United States\u27 transportation system, this dissertation research focuses on pre- and post- disruption response support when the inland waterway navigation system is disrupted by a natural or manmade event. Following a comprehensive literature review, four research contributions are achieved. The first research contribution formulates and solves a cargo prioritization and terminal allocation problem (CPTAP) that minimizes total value loss of the disrupted barge cargoes on the inland waterway transportation system. It is tailored for maritime transportation stakeholders whose disaster response plans seek to mitigate negative economic and societal impacts. A genetic algorithm (GA)-based heuristic is developed and tested to solve realistically-sized instances of CPTAP. The second research contribution develops and examines a tabu search (TS) heuristic as an improved solution approach to CPTAP. Different from GA\u27s population search approach, the TS heuristic uses the local search to find improved solutions to CPTAP in less computation time. The third research contribution assesses cargo value decreasing rates (CVDRs) through a Value-focused Thinking based methodology. The CVDR is a vital parameter to the general cargo prioritization modeling as well as specifically for the CPTAP model for inland waterways developed here. The fourth research contribution develops a multi-attribute decision model based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process that integrates tangible and intangible factors in prioritizing cargo after an inland waterway disruption. This contribution allows for consideration of subjective, qualitative attributes in addition to the pure quantitative CPTAP approach explored in the first two research contributions

    Truckload Shipment Planning and Procurement

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    This dissertation presents three issues encountered by a shipper in the context of truckload transportation. In all of the studies, we utilize optimization techniques to model and solve the problems. Each study is inspired from the real world and much of the data used in the experiments is real data or representative of real data. The first topic is about the freight consolidation in truckload transportation. We integrate it with a purchase incentive program to increase truckload utilization and maximize profit. The second topic is about supporting decision making collaboration among departments of a manufacturer. It is a bi-objective optimization model. The third topic is about procurement in an adverse market. We study a modification of the existing procurement process to consider the market stochastic into marking decisions. In all three studies, our target is to develop effectively methodologies to seek optimal answers within a reasonable amount of time

    Milk Run Design: Definitions, Concepts and Solution Approaches

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    Efficient inbound networks in the European automotive industry rely on a set of different transport concepts including milk runs - understood as regularly scheduled pickup tours. The complexity of designing such a mixed network makes decision support necessary: In this thesis we provide definitions, mathematical models and a solution method for the Milk Run Design problem and introduce indicators assessing the performance of established milk runs in relation to alternative transport concepts

    Predicting online product sales via online reviews, sentiments, and promotion strategies

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate if online reviews (e.g. valence and volume), online promotional strategies (e.g. free delivery and discounts) and sentiments from user reviews can help predict product sales. Design/methodology/approach – The authors designed a big data architecture and deployed Node.js agents for scraping the Amazon.com pages using asynchronous input/output calls. The completed web crawling and scraping data sets were then preprocessed for sentimental and neural network analysis. The neural network was employed to examine which variables in the study are important predictors of product sales. Findings – This study found that although online reviews, online promotional strategies and online sentiments can all predict product sales, some variables are more important predictors than others. The authors found that the interplay effects of these variables become more important variables than the individual variables themselves. For example, online volume interactions with sentiments and discounts are more important than the individual predictors of discounts, sentiments or online volume. Originality/value – This study designed big data architecture, in combination with sentimental and neural network analysis that can facilitate future business research for predicting product sales in an online environment. This study also employed a predictive analytic approach (e.g. neural network) to examine the variables, and this approach is useful for future data analysis in a big data environment where prediction can have more practical implications than significance testing. This study also examined the interplay between online reviews, sentiments and promotional strategies, which up to now have mostly been examined individually in previous studies