1,500 research outputs found

    Precision Agriculture for Crop and Livestock Farming—Brief Review

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    In the last few decades, agriculture has played an important role in the worldwide economy. The need to produce more food for a rapidly growing population is creating pressure on crop and animal production and a negative impact to the environment. On the other hand, smart farming technologies are becoming increasingly common in modern agriculture to assist in optimizing agricultural and livestock production and minimizing the wastes and costs. Precision agriculture (PA) is a technology-enabled, data-driven approach to farming management that observes, measures, and analyzes the needs of individual fields and crops. Precision livestock farming (PLF), relying on the automatic monitoring of individual animals, is used for animal growth, milk production, and the detection of diseases as well as to monitor animal behavior and their physical environment, among others. This study aims to briefly review recent scientific and technological trends in PA and their application in crop and livestock farming, serving as a simple research guide for the researcher and farmer in the application of technology to agriculture. The development and operation of PA applications involve several steps and techniques that need to be investigated further to make the developed systems accurate and implementable in commercial environments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Monitoring and Reducing Sedentary Behavior in the Elderly with the Aid of Human Digital Memories

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    A healthy lifestyle has the ability not only to give you more energy and help you look and feel better, but it also has the ability to help you live longer and prevent disease, such as obesity and pressure ulcers. This is particularly important for the elderly population, as a healthier lifestyle would enable independent living to occur for a longer period of time. However, providing a direct link between increasing physical activity and positive health outcomes is a problem. The effect of leading an increasing sedentary lifestyle is also not evident straightaway. Effects of this behavior often occur over years and decades, as opposed to days or months. Therefore, there is very little willingness to change, if instant results are not seen. There is a need to provide a mechanism that is able to monitor an individual and provide a visual indication of his or her behavior. It is envisioned that the area of human digital memories is capable of providing such a system. This article explores how sedentary behavior and journey information can be collected, from different environments, so that an illustration of a user's habits can be seen and changes can occur. A successful prototype has also been developed that evaluates the applicability of the approach. Copyright © 2013, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 2013

    Applications of aerospace technology in the public sector

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    Current activities of the program to accelerate specific applications of space related technology in major public sector problem areas are summarized for the period 1 June 1971 through 30 November 1971. An overview of NASA technology, technology applications, and supporting activities are presented. Specific technology applications in biomedicine are reported including cancer detection, treatment and research; cardiovascular diseases, diagnosis, and treatment; medical instrumentation; kidney function disorders, treatment, and research; and rehabilitation medicine

    14th Annual Symposium of the School of Science, Engineering and Health

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    Welcome to the 14th Annual Symposium of the School of Science, Engineering and Health. This event continues a strong tradition showcasing student and faculty innovation, creativity and productivity in academic departments largely from within the School of Science, Engineering and Health

    A Systems Engineering Approach to a Just-In-Time intervention system

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    Systems Engineering, a diverse engineering field provides tools and processes to develop efficient systems across different domains. Design thinking, and Agile methodologies are some of the commonly used tools in system design. A mobile health solution using Systems Engineering principle is proposed in managing one of the costliest and common chronic diseases, Asthma. Out of many chronic diseases, Asthma is chosen to be studied, since it has shown a multi-fold increase in the last thirty years. Also, one in nine children in the United States is affected by Asthma. There is no cure for this chronic disease, but it can be controlled by proper medication and symptom tracking. The Just-in-Time Asthma Self-Management and Intervention (JASMIN) is a hybrid mobile application that provides efficient ways for patients to track the asthma symptoms, to learn and get educated about Asthma and their allergens, to communicate and get the necessary support from the care team in the long-term asthma control. JASMIN system is built on a Bio-Behavioral model which encourages and enables the use of system including parents, peers, school personnel and health care providers. JASMIN sends text message interventions to the entire care team when the child fails to track the symptom, ensuring the regularity in symptom adherence. The action plan which is rarely used when written in a physical journal has been given a digital form in JASMIN enabling the provider or parent to update it whenever the need arises. JASMIN is proposed to be used in a pilot study at East Tennessee Children Hospital recruiting 60 children who are between 7-17 years old and their parents and the providers treating their asthma

    Smart workplaces: a system proposal for stress management

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    Over the past last decades of contemporary society, workplaces have become the primary source of many health issues, leading to mental problems such as stress, depression, and anxiety. Among the others, environmental aspects have shown to be the causes of stress, illness, and lack of productivity. With the arrival of new technologies, especially in the smart workplaces field, most studies have focused on investigating the building energy efficiency models and human thermal comfort. However, little has been applied to occupants’ stress recognition and well-being overall. Due to this fact, this present study aims to propose a stress management solution for an interactive design system that allows the adapting of comfortable environmental conditions according to the user preferences by measuring in real-time the environmental and biological characteristics, thereby helping to prevent stress, as well as to enable users to cope stress when being stressed. The secondary objective will focus on evaluating one part of the system: the mobile application. The proposed system uses several usability methods to identify users’ needs, behavior, and expectations from the user-centered design approach. Applied methods, such as User Research, Card Sorting, and Expert Review, allowed us to evaluate the design system according to Heuristics Analysis, resulting in improved usability of interfaces and experience. The study presents the research results, the design interface, and usability tests. According to the User Research results, temperature and noise are the most common environmental stressors among the users causing stress and uncomfortable conditions to work in, and the preference for physical activities over the digital solutions for coping with stress. Additionally, the System Usability Scale (SUS) results identified that the system’s usability was measured as “excellent” and “acceptable” with a final score of 88 points out of the 100. It is expected that these conclusions can contribute to future investigations in the smart workplaces study field and their interaction with the people placed there.Nas últimas décadas da sociedade contemporânea, o local de trabalho tem se tornado principal fonte de muitos problemas de saúde mental, como o stress, depressão e ansiedade. Os aspetos ambientais têm se revelado como as causas de stress, doenças, falta de produtividade, entre outros. Atualmente, com a chegada de novas tecnologias, principalmente na área de locais de trabalho inteligentes, a maioria dos estudos tem se concentrado na investigação de modelos de eficiência energética de edifícios e conforto térmico humano. No entanto, pouco foi aplicado ao reconhecimento do stress dos ocupantes e ao bem-estar geral das pessoas. Diante disso, o objetivo principal é propor um sistema de design de gestão do stress para um sistema de design interativo que permita adaptar as condições ambientais de acordo com as preferências de utilizador, medindo em tempo real as características ambientais e biológicas, auxiliando assim na prevenção de stress, bem como ajuda os utilizadores a lidar com o stress quando estão sob o mesmo. O segundo objetivo é desenhar e avaliar uma parte do projeto — o protótipo da aplicação móvel através da realização de testes de usabilidade. O sistema proposto resulta da abordagem de design centrado no utilizador, utilizando diversos métodos de usabilidade para identificar as necessidades, comportamentos e as expectativas dos utilizadores. Métodos aplicados, como Pesquisa de Usuário, Card Sorting e Revisão de Especialistas, permitiram avaliar o sistema de design de acordo com a análise heurística, resultando numa melhoria na usabilidade das interfaces e experiência. O estudo apresenta os resultados da pesquisa, a interface do design e os testes de usabilidade. De acordo com os resultados de User Research, a temperatura e o ruído são os stressores ambientais mais comuns entre os utilizadores, causando stresse e condições menos favoráveis para trabalhar, igualmente existe uma preferência por atividades físicas sobre as soluções digitais na gestão do stresse. Adicionalmente, os resultados de System Usability Scale (SUS) identificaram a usabilidade do sistema de design como “excelente” e “aceitável” com pontuação final de 88 pontos em 100. É esperado que essas conclusões possam contribuir para futuras investigações no campo de estudo dos smart workplaces e sua interação com os utilizadores

    Development of a Web-enabled Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) for Prevention of Tick Borne Disease in Kuantan, Malaysia

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    Ticks are the second most common vectors of human disease after mosquitoes. They are found on many small mammal hosts and also blood-feed on humans with the risk of transmitting diseases. Considering the diseases’ risks, this study has investigated the potential for a web-enabled spatial decision support system (SDSS) to assist government decision-makers in the control, management of resources and prevention of tick borne diseases specifically in the study area of Kuantan, Malaysia

    Personalised antimicrobial management in secondary care

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    Background: The growing threat of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) requires innovative methods to promote the sustainable effectiveness of antimicrobial agents. Hypothesis: This thesis aimed to explore the hypothesis that personalised decision support interventions have the utility to enhance antimicrobial management across secondary care. Methods: Different research methods were used to investigate this hypothesis. Individual physician decision making was mapped and patient experiences of engagement with decision making explored using semi-structured interviews. Cross-specialty engagement with antimicrobial management was investigated through cross-sectional analysis of conference abstracts and educational training curricula. Artificial intelligence tools were developed to explore their ability to predict the likelihood of infection and provide individualised prescribing recommendations using routine patient data. Dynamic, individualised dose optimisation was explored through: (i) development of a microneedle based, electrochemical biosensor for minimally invasive monitoring of beta-lactams; and (ii) pharmacokinetic (PK)-pharmacodynamic (PD) modelling of a new PK-PD index using C-Reactive protein (CRP) to predict the pharmacodynamics of vancomycin. Ethics approval was granted for all aspects of work explored within this thesis. Results: Mapping of individual physician decision making during infection management demonstrated several areas where personalised, technological interventions could enhance antimicrobial management. At specialty level, non-infection specialties have little engagement with antimicrobial management. The importance of engaging surgical specialties, who have relatively high rates of antimicrobial usage and healthcare associated infections, was observed. An individualised information leaflet, co-designed with patients, to provide personalised infection information to in-patients receiving antibiotics significantly improved knowledge and reported engagement with decision making. Artificial intelligence was able to enhance the prediction of infection and the prescribing of antimicrobials using routinely available clinical data. Real-time, continuous penicillin monitoring was demonstrated using a microneedle based electrochemical sensor in-vivo. A new PK-PD index, using C-Reactive Protein, was able to predict individual patient response to vancomycin therapy at 96-120 hours of therapy. Conclusion: Through co-design and the application of specific technologies it is possible to provide personalised antimicrobial management within secondary care.Open Acces

    Current status of technology and telemedicine services in Colombia

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    En el presente artículo de revisión se observaron los proyectos y avances implementados en la telemedicina colombiana, respecto al uso dado en las diferentes regiones del país, de esta manera se visualizan las diversas ramas en torno a las necesidades exigidas por cada sector de la nación. El artículo se divide en 5 secciones principales, en los que se realiza una descripción de la telemedicina, exponiendo el desarrollo de las diferentes técnicas usadas para la interfaz máquina-usuario, por medio de las telecomunicaciones y la telemática para una comunicación dinámica, continua e interactiva con el médico y el paciente, donde se ilustró las principales plataformas y herramientas utilizadas para un correcto desempeño de las aplicaciones, finalmente se generó una línea cronológica de tiempo que permite mostrar la evolución que ha tenido esta rama en Colombia.In this review article were observed, the projects and advances implemented in Colombian telemedicine, regarding the use given in the different regions of the country, in this way the different branches are visualized around the needs required by each sector of the nation. The article is divided into 5 main sections, in which a description of telemedicine is made, exposing the development of the different techniques used for the user-machine interface, through telecommunications and telematics for a dynamic, continuous and interactive communication with the doctor and the patient, where it was illustrated the main platforms and tools, used for a correct performance of the applications, finally a timeline was generated that allows to show the evolution that this branch has had in Colombia.Gite

    The Identification of Scientific Programs to Utilize the Space Environment

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    A program to identify and develop ideas for scientific experimentation on the long duration exposure facility (LDEF) was completed. Four research proposals were developed: (1) Ultra pure germanium gamma ray radiation detectors in the space environment, intended to develop and demonstrate an X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy system incorporating a temperature cyclable high-purity germanium detector and diode heat pipe cryogenic system for cooling, (2) growth, morphogenesis and metabolism of plant embryos in the zero-gravity environment, to investigate if the space environment induces mutations in the embryogenic cells so that mutants of commercial significance with desirable attributes may be obtained, (3) effect of zero gravity on the growth and pathogenicity of selected zoopathic fungi. It is possible that new kinds of treatment for candidiasis, and tichophytosis could eventuate from the results of the proposed studies, and (4) importance of gravity to survival strategies of small animals. Gravitational effects may be direct or mediate the selection of genetic variants that are preadapted to weightlessness