9,817 research outputs found

    Putting Health on the Menu: A Toolkit for Creating Healthy Restaurant Programs

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    Outlines restaurants' impact on health, regulatory frameworks, and recommendations for creating and implementing a model healthy restaurant program, including setting standards and offering incentives for participating restaurants

    Customer experience in a Hungarian fine dining restaurant: a marketing perspektive

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    Este relatório descreve o papel e as respetivas tarefas que um gerente de experiências realizou num restaurante de fine-dining na Hungria. No início, o relatório visou a literatura existente sobre a experiência do cliente e a literatura sobre a gestão de pistas ou clues management. Verificou-se que a economia das experiências de Pine e Gilmore (1998) conduziram a uma transformação da indústria e da academia, visto que o foco deixou de ser a transação de produtos e serviços para passar a ser o consumo das experiências. A revisão da literatura permitiu também verificar que as experiências devem ser geridas dado a sua complexidade e subjetividade. Constatou-se também que as experiências gastronómicas na restauração devem proporcionar aos clientes uma experiência memorável, e que o gerenciamento de pistas é uma opção viável para gerenciar a experiência do cliente neste setor. O estágio decorreu de Junho a Novembro, no grupo Zsidai, que é grupo proprietário do Pierrot's Restaurant, sobre a supervisão de dois gerentes do Restaurante Pierrot’s. Durante o estágio foi verificada a importância do uso do gerenciamento de pistas, ou seja, pistas funcionais, humanísticas e mecânicas. Estes atributos da experiência de fine-dining podem ser vistos como pistas de experiência. A perspectiva Clue Management significa que os clientes captam pistas que podem ser distinguidas em termos de pistas funcionais, mecânicas e humanas. As pistas funcionais criam uma perceção racional respondendo à pergunta o quê, enquanto as pistas mecânicas e humanistas causam mais impacto na emoção do que na razão. Como os restaurantes de fine-dining representam um segmento de mercado de nicho, pelo que é importante que os gestores identifiquem os pontos fortes e fracos dos serviços e da experiência oferecida. Neste sentido, os gerentes devem identificar os principais atributos da experiência que podem influenciar a satisfação e as memorias dos clientes, tais como a qualidade dos alimentos, o tipo de alimentos, a qualidade de serviço, a atmosfera do local, o preço, a inovação nos menus e serviço, a distintividade da oferta, o engagement , a co-criação e ainda a autenticidade. No decurso do estágio foram realizadas várias tarefas: Gerenciamento e controlo dos custos de alimentação, análise SWOT, pesquisa sobre grau de satisfação dos funcionários, avaliação da popularidade dos menus, e ainda Revenue Management. A elaboração de uma análise SWOT com a ajuda do gerente geral e de outros membros da equipa permitiu também posteriormente há necessidade de realizaram-se reuniões de brainstorming, para se identificarem os pontos fracos, fortes, oportunidades e ameaças. Esta experiência foi bastante gratificante, visto que permitiu também aprender como as fraquezas e ameaças poderiam ser transformadas em pontos fortes e oportunidades. No mesmo contexto, o mundo de hoje requer que os gerentes de experiências consigam e saibam gerenciar as avaliações on-line do restaurante. A gestão dos comentários do Tripadvisor, Google e Michelin foram deste modo tarefas fundamentais. Os comentários positivos e negativos mostraram ter impacto no valor da marca e no desempenho financeiro do restaurante. Assim, responder aos clientes para manter uma boa conexão com o cliente ou contestar qualquer comentário injusto é crucial. O estágio também permitiu aprender a utilizar o Open Table Revenue Management Software, software que auxiliou a controlar o lead time da reserva; a origem das reservas; o tamanho de grupos de clientes e o tempo médio gasto pelos clientes no restaurante. As tarefas do estágio descritas e a análise crítica realizada mostram que o estágio permitiu que aprendesse sobre as tarefas que um gerente experiencial precisa realizar para proporcionar uma ótima experiência gastronómica aos clientes. Para estar envolvido em serviços de alta qualidade e fazer parte de uma equipa, a orientação do gerente geral é crucial. A aprendizagem na resolução de conflitos foi fulcral assim como o trabalho em equipa, mesmo em situações de tensão. Trabalhar num restaurante é lidar com pessoas. Isso inclui não apenas o gerenciamento dos convidados e a sensibilidade para sentir o que o convidado exige (por exemplo, conversar com eles ou deixá-los disfrutar da refeição), mas também ser um membro integral da equipa. Trabalhar na equipa da Pierrot’s, permitiu a criar amizades e conhecer outras realidades e personalidades. A equipa participou ativamente, apoiando e auxiliando as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio com vista a um melhor desempenho diário, e permitiu tornar a gestão da experiência no restaurante mais rica, para os consumidores e staff. Por exemplo, o questionário à satisfação dos funcionários ajudou os gerentes do restaurante a reconhecer que existiam lacunas que precisam de ser preenchidas para manter a equipa motivada. Outro exemplo, foi o trabalho em equipa que foi feito para a análise SWOT. Toda a equipa veio mais cedo para trabalhar, apenas para ajudar a identificar lacunas e oportunidades para a primeira análise SWOT a ser feita no restaurante. O sentimento de pertença a uma equipa que o foi experienciado desde o primeiro momento do estágio, foi também ele sentido pelos clientes, os quais muitas vezes comentaram que o ambiente no restaurante era muito positivo entre os colegas. Em conclusão, o papel de um gerente de experiências ou gerente experiencial num restaurante de requinte ou de fine-dining é crucial, visto que esta função envolve os vários departamentos do restaurante e, essencialmente garante que os clientes tenham uma experiência única, distinta e memorável. Além disso, o relatório demonstrou a importância da formação académica, uma vez que diferentes disciplinas relacionadas com a gestão, marketing e o turismo foram essenciais para entender, apreender e executar as múltiplas tarefas que um gerente de experiências tem ao seu cargo para realizar durante o dia. Por fim, o estágio proporcionou uma oportunidade de crescimento profissional, académico e pessoal, sem negligenciar a importância da experiência dos clientes.This report describes the role and tasks of an experience manager in a Hungarian fine-dining restaurant. In the beginning the report revised the existing literature on customer experience and clues management literature. It was found that fine dining experiences at restaurants should provide customers a memorable experience, and that clues management is a viable option to manage customer experience within this sector. The internship took place from June to November, at the Zsidai Group, group that owns the restaurant Pierrot ’s Restaurant. During the internship the importance of the using the clues management, namely funcional, humanic and mechanical was experienced. During the internship, with the supervision of the Pierrot ’s Restaurant General Managers, several tasks were performed throughout the internship: Food cost management, SWOT analysis, employee satisfaction survey, popularity menu assessment and profitability monitoring and control. The internship also permitted to learn and use the Open Table Revenue Management Software, which allowed to control the reservation lead time; the origin of the reservations; the parties size, and the average time spent by customers at the restaurant. In conclusion, the role of an experience manager at a fine dining restaurant is crucial, involving several departments of the restaurant and more importantly assuring customers have a unique, distinctive and memorable experience. Furthermore, the report showed the importance of having an academic background, since different theoretical disciplines related to management, marketing and tourism were essential to understand, learn and perform the multiple tasks an experience manager has to undertake during the day. Lastly, the internship provided an opportunity to grow professionally, academically and personally without neglecting how important it is to focus on the customers’ experience

    Factors influencing take-up of free school meals in primary- and secondary-school children in England.

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    OBJECTIVE: The present study sought to explore the factors that influence registration for free school meals and the subsequent take-up following registration in England. DESIGN: The research design consisted of two phases, a qualitative research phase followed by an intervention phase. Findings are presented from the qualitative research phase, which comprised interviews with head teachers, school administrators, parents and focus groups with pupils. SETTING: The study took place in four primary schools and four secondary schools in Leeds, UK. SUBJECTS: Participants included head teachers, school administrators, parents and pupils. RESULTS: Findings suggested that parents felt the registration process to be relatively straightforward although many secondary schools were not proactive in promoting free school meals. Quality and choice of food were regarded by both pupils and parents as significant in determining school meal choices, with stigma being less of an issue than originally anticipated. CONCLUSIONS: Schools should develop proactive approaches to promoting free school meals and attention should be given not only to the quality and availability of food, but also to the social, cultural and environmental aspects of dining. Processes to maintain pupils' anonymity should be considered to allay parents' fear of stigma

    The Social Dimensions of Idea Work in Haute Cuisine: A Bourdieusian Perspective

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    This paper analyzes idea work in haute cuisine through three case studies. Mobilizing Bourdieu’s praxeology, we consider idea work as a practice, an activity that takes sense and meaning in the social world. Thus, idea work reflects the position of the agent in the field and the struggles to maintain or improve this position. In grand restaurants, the chefs play a key role in idea work, even if they involve other people. Idea work is rooted in their personal experience, but is also shaped by the restaurant’ style and haute cuisine rules. Idea work relates to chefs’ reflection as well as emotions and feelings.Bourdieu; Creativity; Field; Habitus; Haute Cuisine; Gastronomy; Practice

    The Social Dimensions of Idea Work in Haute Cuisine: A Bourdieusian Perspective

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    Nous proposons de définir la production d'idées comme une pratique, c'est-à-dire comme une activité qui prend son sens et sa valeur dans un contexte social, pour analyser le travail créatif dans les cuisines de trois grands restaurants.Créativité ; Gastronomie ; Idées ; Pratique

    Business plan: Innovative business plan for Turkish-style theme restaurant in Suzhou, China

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    In recent years, China's economy has risen at a breakneck pace. The demand and level of consumption for food has been gradually increasing in addition to the daily needs of the people, which has led to the continuous growth of the catering industry in China. The Internet has dramatically changed our lives in the 21st century and has also affected the catering industry with constant innovations. It is no longer a single mode like before, but has become more abundant and convenient. This master thesis has the key objective of evaluating the feasibility of opening a Turkish restaurant in Suzhou, China. For this reason, this master's thesis comes as a business plan. The COVID-19 pandemic has swept the world in the last two years, wreaking havoc on people's lives. In order to control the continued spread of the pandemic, countries have adopted policies of production shutdown and home quarantine to reduce controls on human movement and exposure. It has had a significant negative impact on China's current economy situation, particularly on the country's real economy. Although the situation in China has largely returned to normal over the last year, there will inevitably be sporadic occurrences of outbreaks, which can also lead to shutdowns. In this article, I will discuss the possibilities and responses to opening a Turkish restaurant in Suzhou in the circumstances of COVID-19. In order to better understand the business environment around the restaurant, we need to collect and analyze some data to develop this project. We needed to perform internal and external analysis to determine if the restaurant has an advantage over other competitors. After reviewing the results, a strategic analysis and marketing plan was proposed. Finally, a financial analysis was conducted to determine if the event was financially and economically viable. In addition to that, we should consider the daily activities and unexpected responses in the current pandemic situation. After that, it is obvious that we have a lot of opportunities and advantages. We can see that the restaurant is strongly profitable and able to pay off the bank loan in the first year as well as prepare the capital for the second year of operation. We hope that we can provide the neighborhood with healthy and tasty food that is different from the current Chinese market cuisine that many people may not have tried before. Customers can experience the foreign culture and quality service in the restaurant. If we can achieve cultural exchange, this is our highest goal.Nos últimos anos, a economia da China cresceu em um ritmo vertiginoso. A demanda e o nível de consumo de alimentos vêm aumentando gradualmente, além das necessidades diárias das pessoas, o que levou ao crescimento contínuo da indústria de catering na China. A Internet mudou drasticamente nossas vidas no século 21 e também afetou a indústria de catering com inovações constantes. Não é mais um modo único como antes, mas tornou-se mais abundante e conveniente. Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo principal avaliar a viabilidade de abertura de um restaurante turco em Suzhou, China. Por esta razão, esta dissertação de mestrado surge como um plano de negócios. A pandemia do COVID-19 varreu o mundo nos últimos dois anos, causando estragos na vida das pessoas. Para controlar a propagação contínua da pandemia, os países adotaram políticas de paralisação da produção e quarentena domiciliar para reduzir os controles sobre o movimento e a exposição humanos. Teve um impacto negativo significativo na atual situação da economia chinesa, particularmente na economia real do país. Embora a situação na China tenha voltado ao normal em grande parte no ano passado, inevitavelmente haverá ocorrências esporádicas de surtos, que também podem levar a paralisações. Neste artigo, discutirei as possibilidades e respostas para a abertura de um restaurante turco em Suzhou nas circunstâncias do COVID-19. Para entender melhor o ambiente de negócios ao redor do restaurante, precisamos coletar e analisar alguns dados para desenvolver este projeto. Precisávamos realizar análises internas e externas para determinar se o restaurante tem vantagem sobre os demais concorrentes. Após a análise dos resultados, foi proposta uma análise estratégica e um plano de marketing. Por fim, foi realizada uma análise financeira para determinar se o evento era financeira e economicamente viável. Além disso, devemos considerar as atividades diárias e as respostas inesperadas na atual situação de pandemia. Depois disso, é óbvio que temos muitas oportunidades e vantagens. Podemos ver que o restaurante é fortemente lucrativo e capaz de pagar o empréstimo bancário no primeiro ano, bem como preparar o capital para o segundo ano de operação

    Developing Culinary Tourism Experiences for Inbound Travellers in Vietnam

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    In recent years, the growing popularity of Vietnamese cuisine has become an attraction of the country that motivates an increasing number of travellers to visit Vietnam to taste the cuisine. Together with food tasting, there is a wide variety of activities related to food that have the potentiality to attract international visitors. The main goal of this thesis was to provide suggestions and directions to develop culinary tourism experiences for foreign visitors in Vietnam by finding out their perspective towards current gastronomic experiences in the destination country and discovering how satisfied they were when engaging in food-involved activities. The paper also discussed inbound travellers’ expectations for culinary experiences prior to the travels in Vietnam together with post-travel feelings and behaviours. The thesis used mixed methods, in which qualitative method was primarily adopted to answer the research issue. An electronic survey was conducted and posted on different social channels. Simultaneously, interviews were carried out with the support of two experienced stakeholders working in the tourism sector. The findings of the research revealed that most of the inbound tourists were satisfied with their food experiences in Vietnam. Generally, those experiences met their expectations, yet they still lacked some elements to go beyond what they expected. The results also showed that the country had various potentialities and advantageous opportunities to develop this emerging niche market. On the other hand, several existent problems present a threat to its growth. Amid those controversies, development solutions were suggested in an attempt to tackle the problems as well as to improve the experiences of future international visitors in the country

    Spartan Daily February 9, 2012

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    Volume 138, Issue 7https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Foreign travellers’ recommendation of culinary tourism in India based on cuisine image and satisfaction with experiences at culinary establishments: an exploratory study

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    The role of food in tourism has recently received increased attention within the spheres of destination marketing, tourism development, and academia. Cuisine appreciation is an indelible aspect of the holistic, polysensual experiences that travellers seek thesedays (Crouch & Desforges, 2003; Everett, 2009). The experience of cuisine is the overarching theme for this study. It addresses a contextual gap concerning the concepts of image, satisfaction, and behavioural intentions (which have been abdundantly researched from a destination perspective) applied to cuisine and the travel experience, in India. Specifically, this study’s purpose was to determine foreign travellers’ likelihood to recommend India for culinary tourism based on their perception of its cuisine and satisfaction levels with culinary experiences during their travel to the country. Additional aspects of the culinary behaviour of foreign travellers to India, such as their frequency of patronising Indian culinary establishments, types of establishments they visited, key sources of cuisine knowledge, and their opinion on cuisine knowledge based on culinary experiences in the country, are also revealed in the study. As well, the study incorporated a comparative analysis between how Indian cuisine is perceived vis-à-vis Thai, another globally popular cuisine. A cross-sectional quantitative research design was employed in this study. A questionnaire comprising of six-point Likert scale questions for cuisine image, satisfaction with culinary establishments, and recommendation for culinary tourism, and a combination of additional close and open-ended questions was posed to a convenience sample of foreign travellers to India. Data analyses consisted of frequency analyses, and parametric and non-parametric tests to address the research questions and establish correlations between the study’s central concepts. The results indicate that the sample of foreign travellers’ perception of Indian cuisine was positive overall and equivalent in comparison with that of Thai cuisine. A majority of respondents were satisfied with their culinary experiences in the country and recommended India for culinary tourism, in spite of the culinary challenges faced. The results also indicate that cuisine experience featured prominently as one of the most enjoyable aspects of their trip and that foreign travellers patronised Indian culinary establishments on a frequent basis. Respondents used affective as well as cognitive sources of cuisine information and a majority felt that culinary experiences in India had an ameliorative effect on their overall cuisine knowledge. This study carries particular pertinence in light of recent efforts on the part of the Ministry of Tourism, India to promote culinary tourism as a distinct tourism segment. Although the study cannot claim to be wholly conclusive as it is limited to a small convenience sample, the results provide valuable insight on this previously under-researched topic. Acknowledging the aforementioned caveat, implications and recommendations for three stakeholders are presented: culinary tourism marketers, owners/managers of culinary establishments, and the academic community. It is suggested that stakeholders contextualise the learnings from this study to their unique needs from a culinary tourism promotion and managerial standpoint. Being that this is an exploratory study, further research is recommended to explore the nuances of the study’s central themes with respect to phenomenon of culinary tourism