176 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationHigh speed wireless communication systems (e.g., long-term evolution (LTE), Wi-Fi) operate with high bandwidth and large peak-to-average power ratios (PAPRs). This is largely due to the use of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation that is prevalent to maximize the spectral efficiency of the communication system. The power amplifier (PA) in the transmitter is the dominant energy consumer in the radio, largely because of the PAPR of the input signal. To reduce the energy consumption of the PA an amplifier that simultaneously achieves high efficiency and high linearity. Furthermore, to lower the cost for high volume production, it is desirable to achieve a complete System-on-Chip (SoC) integration. Linear amplifiers (e.g., Class-A, -B, -AB) are inefficient when amplifying signals with large PAPR that is associated by high peak-to-average modulation techniques such as LTE. OFDM. Switching amplifiers (e.g., Class-D, -E, -F) are very promising due to their high efficiency when compared to their linear amplifier counterparts. Linearization techniques for switching amplifiers have been intensively investigated due to their limited sensitivity to the input amplitude of the signal. Deep-submicron CMOS technology is mostly utilized for logic circuitry, and the Moore's law scaling of CMOS optimizes transistors to operate as high-speed and low-loss switches rather than high gain transistors. Hence, it is advantageous to use transistors in switching mode as switching amplifies and use high-speed digital logic circuitry to implement linearization systems and circuitry. In this work, several linearization architectures are investigated and demonstrated. An envelope elimination and restoration (EER) transmitter that comprises a class-E power amplifier and a 10-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) controlled current modulator is investigated. A pipelined switched-capacitor DAC is designed to control an open-loop transconductor that operates as a current modulator, modulating the amplitude of the current supplied to a class-E PA. Such a topology allows for increased filtering of the quantization noise that is problematic in most digital PAs (DPA). The proposed quadrature and multiphase architecture can avoid the bandwidth expansion and delay mismatch associated with polar PAs. The multiphase switched capacitor power amplifier (SCPA) was proposed after the quadrature SCPA and it significantly improves the power efficiency

    Optimization Of 5.7 Ghz Class E Power Amplifier For The Application Of Envelope Elimination And Restoration

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007Rekabetin yoğun olduğu günümüzde tasarımcılar hafif, boyutları daha küçük ve düşük güçle çalışan yüksek performanslı ürün geliştirmenin yollarını aramaktadırlar. RF alıcı uygulamalarında güç kuvvetlendiricileri en fazla güç sarfiyatının olduğu bölümdür. Kablosuz iletişim sistemlerinde güç küvvetlendiricisi verimi maliyeti direkt olarak etkilemektedir. Teorik olarak %100 verim elde edilebilen E-sınıfı güç kuvvetlendiricileri transistorların açık/kapalı durum geçişlerinde güç sarfiyatını minimize edebilmektedir. Ayrıca çıkış gerilimi kaynak gerilimi ile doğrusal değişmektedir. Bu çalışmada E sınıfı güç kuvvetlendiricilerinin tasarım metodları ele alınmıştır. 5.7 GHz de çalışan birinde toplu devre elemanları, diğerinde transmisyon hattı elemanları kullanımış E sınıfı güç kuvvetlendiricileri tasarlanmıştır. Her iki devrede de %50 güç ekli verim (GEV) ve 500mW çıkış gücü elde edilmiştir. Sinyaldeki bozulmayı azaltmak için başvurulan doğrusallaştırma yöntemi Zarf Yoketme ve Tekrar Oluşturma metodudur. E sınıfı kuvvetlendiricinin Zarf Yoketme ve Tekrar Oluşturma yöntemi kullanılarak doğrusallaştırılmasıyla IMD bileşenlerinde 7.5 dB azalmış olup seviyesi gerçek işaretin 20dB altındadır.In today’s competitive, manufactures and product developers are seeking ways to build high performance devices that are lighter in weight, smaller in size and operating at lower power. In transceiver applications one module is responsible for a large portion of the power consumption - the power amplifier. The efficiency of the power amplifier has a direct impact on the cost of the wireless communication system. The class-E amplifier has a maximum theoretical efficiency of 100%. Class E power amplifiers have the ability to minimize power loss during on/off transitions of the transistor. Also, the output voltage varies linearly with the supply voltage. This thesis describes the design and the linearization methodology of the Class E amplifiers. Two class-E amplifiers operating at 5.7 GHz are presented. One of them is a lumped elements based circuit and the other is a transmission lines based circuit. Both circuit show good performance with 50% PAE and have 500mW output power. Envelope elimination and restoration is the linearization method chosen to achieve reduction of signal distortion. Linearization Class E PA using EER system provides an additional 7.5 dB reduction in intermodulation distortion products, achieving a minimum distortion level of 20 dB below the fundamental signals.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Comparison of Two Multilevel Architectures for Envelope Amplifier

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    Modern transmitters usually have to amplify and transmit signals with simultaneous envelope and phase modulation. Due to this property of the transmitted signal, linear power amplifiers (class A, B or AB) are usually used as a solution for the power amplifier stage. These amplifiers have high linearity, but suffer from low efficiency when the transmitted signal has low peak-to-average power ratio. The Kahn envelope elimination and restoration (EER) technique is used to enhance efficiency of RF transmitters, by combining highly efficient, nonlinear RF amplifier (class D or E) with a highly efficient envelope amplifier in order to obtain linear and highly efficient RF amplifier. This paper compares two solutions for the envelope amplifier based on a combination of multilevel converter and linear regulator. The solutions are compared regarding their efficiency, size and weight. Both solutions can reproduce any signal with maximal spectral component of 1 MHz and give instantaneous maximal power of 50 W. The efficiency measurements show that when the signals with low average value are transmitted, the implemented prototypes have up to 19% higher efficiency than linear regulator that is used as a conventional solution

    RF-CMOS Switched-Capacitor Power Amplifier for NB-IoT RF transceivers

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    The increasing market of Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) applications brings new challenges and constrains in the design of fully integrated transmission architectures, capable of delivering the desired output power with the highest efficiency and linearity, ensuring the longest battery lifetime of the devices. This work is focused on the study and implementation of the most power consuming block within the transmission chain: the Power Amplifier (PA). In this regard, a Switched Capacitor Power Amplifier (SCPA) is designed to operate at a frequency of 0.9 GHz and aiming the maximum output power allowed by the standard of 23 dBm. The final architecture includes a matching network that connects to eight unit PA cells through an LC filter. Each unit PA cell is made of a cascoded class-D PA, two drivers, a level shifter and two selection logic blocks. All the blocks were developed using RF components from a UMC 130nm CMOS process with a 1.2V/2.4V supply voltage. The results show that the architecture is able to produce a maximum output power of 15.61 dBm with a maximum Power Added Efficiency (PAE) of 26.52% and a Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of 0.68%. In the same conditions, the measured HD2 and HD3 are of -70.23dBc and -43.41dBc, respectively. Additionally, a modulation stage was implemented in VerilogA in order to evaluate the impact of sending different symbols in the SCPA performance. The block, designed for a 16 QAM modulation, is responsible for generating both the number of unit PA cells to be selected and the phase of the clock connected to each PA cell, depending on the amplitude and phase of the constellation points being transmitted.O mercado crescente de aplicações IoT de largura de banda estreita coloca novos desafios e restrições no desenvolvimento de arquiteturas de transmissão totalmente integradas, capazes de produzir a potência desejada com o máximo de eficiência e linearidade possí- veis, de forma a garantir o maior tempo de vida de bateria dos dispositivos. Este trabalho foca-se no estudo e implementação do bloco da cadeia de transmissão que mais consome: o amplificador de potência. Neste sentido, um amplificador de potência de condensadores comutados é desenhado para operar à frequência de 0.9GHz com o objetivo de produzir à sua saída o valor de potência máxima permitida pelo standard de 23dBm. A arquitetura inclui uma malha de adaptação que liga a oito PAs unitários através de um filtro LC. Cada PA unitário consiste num amplificador de potencia class-D cascoded, dois drivers, um level shifter e dois blocos de lógica de seleção. Todos estes blocos foram desenvolvidos usando componentes RF da tecnologia CMOS 130nm da UMC com uma tensão de alimentação de 1.2V/2.4V. Os resultados mostram que a arquitetura é capaz de produzir uma potência à saída de 15.61dBm, com uma PAE de 26.52% e uma distorção harmónica total de 0.68%. Nas mesmas condições, os valores medidos da HD2 e HD3 são de -70.23dBc e -43.41dBc, respetivamente. Adicionalmente, um andar de modulação foi implementado em VerilogA, de forma a avaliar o impacto de enviar diferentes símbolos na performance do amplificador. Este bloco, desenvolvido para uma modulacao 16QAM, é responsável por gerar o número de unidades de PA a serem selecionados e o relógio de fase que liga a cada PA unitário, dependendo da amplitude e fase dos pontos da constelação a serem transmitidos

    Energy Efficient RF Transmitter Design using Enhanced Breakdown Voltage SOI-CMOS Compatible MESFETs

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    abstract: The high cut-off frequency of deep sub-micron CMOS technologies has enabled the integration of radio frequency (RF) transceivers with digital circuits. However, the challenging point is the integration of RF power amplifiers, mainly due to the low breakdown voltage of CMOS transistors. Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) metal semiconductor field effect transistors (MESFETs) have been introduced to remedy the limited headroom concern in CMOS technologies. The MESFETs presented in this thesis have been fabricated on different SOI-CMOS processes without making any change to the standard fabrication steps and offer 2-30 times higher breakdown voltage than the MOSFETs on the same process. This thesis explains the design steps of high efficiency and wideband RF transmitters using the proposed SOI-CMOS compatible MESFETs. This task involves DC and RF characterization of MESFET devices, along with providing a compact Spice model for simulation purposes. This thesis presents the design of several SOI-MESFET RF power amplifiers operating at 433, 900 and 1800 MHz with ~40% bandwidth. Measurement results show a peak power added efficiency (PAE) of 55% and a peak output power of 22.5 dBm. The RF-PAs were designed to operate in Class-AB mode to minimize the linearity degradation. Class-AB power amplifiers lead to poor power added efficiency, especially when fed with signals with high peak to average power ratio (PAPR) such as wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA). Polar transmitters have been introduced to improve the efficiency of RF-PAs at backed-off powers. A MESFET based envelope tracking (ET) polar transmitter was designed and measured. A low drop-out voltage regulator (LDO) was used as the supply modulator of this polar transmitter. MESFETs are depletion mode devices; therefore, they can be configured in a source follower configuration to have better stability and higher bandwidth that MOSFET based LDOs. Measurement results show 350 MHz bandwidth while driving a 10 pF capacitive load. A novel polar transmitter is introduced in this thesis to alleviate some of the limitations associated with polar transmitters. The proposed architecture uses the backgate terminal of a partially depleted transistor on SOI process, which relaxes the bandwidth and efficiency requirements of the envelope amplifier in a polar transmitter. The measurement results of the proposed transmitter demonstrate more than three times PAE improvement at 6-dB backed-off output power, compared to the traditional RF transmitters.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Electrical Engineering 201

    Envelope amplifier based on switching capacitors for high efficiency RF amplifiers

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    Modern transmitters usually have to amplify and transmit signals with simultaneous envelope and phase modulation. Due to this property of the transmitted signal, linear power amplifiers (class A, B, or AB) are usually used as a solution for the power amplifier stage. These amplifiers have high linearity, but suffer from low efficiency when the transmitted signal has high peak-to-average power ratio. The Kahn envelope elimination and restoration technique is used to enhance the efficiency of RF transmitters, by combining highly efficient, nonlinear RF amplifier (class E) with a highly efficient envelope amplifier in order to obtain a linear and highly efficient RF amplifier. This paper presents a solution for the envelope amplifier based on a multilevel converter in series with a linear regulator. The multilevel converter is implemented by employing voltage dividers based on switching capacitors. The implemented envelope amplifier can reproduce any signal with a maximum spectral component of 2 MHz and give instantaneous maximum power of 50 W. The efficiency measurements show that when the signals with low average value are transmitted, the implemented prototypes have up to 20% higher efficiency than linear regulators used as a conventional solution

    The design of a multilevel envelope tracking amplifier based on a multiphase buck converter

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    Envelope Tracking (ET) and Envelope Elimination and Restoration (EER) are techniques that have gained in importance in the last decade in order to obtain highly efficient Radio Frequency Power Amplifier (RFPA) that transmits signals with high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). In this work a multilevel multiphase buck converter is presented as a solution for the envelope amplifier used in ET and EER. The presented multiphase buck converter generates multilevel voltage using “node” duty cycles and non-linear control. In this way the multilevel is implemented using only one simple power stage. However, the complexity of the multilevel converter implementation has been shifted from complicated power topologies to complicated digital control. Detailed discussion regarding the influence of the design parameters (switching frequency, output filter, time resolution of the digital control) on the performance of the proposed envelope amplifier is presented. The design of the output filter is conducted fulfilling the constraints of the envelope slew rate and minimum driver pulse that can be reproduced. In the cases when these two constraints cannot be fulfilled, they may be relieved by the modified control that is presented and experimentally validated. Finally, in order to validate the concept, a prototype has been designed and integrated with a nonlinear class F amplifier. Efficiency measurements showed that by employing EER it is possible to save up to 15% of power losses, comparing to the case when it is supplied by a constant voltage. Additionally, Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR) has been measured. The obtained results showed the value higher than 30dB for signals up to 5 MHz of bandwidth, without using predistortion technique

    CMOS Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communication Systems

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    An Octave-Range, Watt-Level, Fully-Integrated CMOS Switching Power Mixer Array for Linearization and Back-Off-Efficiency Improvement

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    The power mixer array is presented as a novel power generation approach for non-constant envelope signals. It comprises several power mixer units that are dynamically turned on and off to improve the linearity and back-off efficiency. At the circuit level, the power mixer unit can operate as a switching amplifier to achieve high peak power efficiency. Additional circuit level linearization and back-off efficiency improvement techniques are also proposed. To demonstrate the feasibility of this idea, a fully-integrated octave-range CMOS power mixer array is implemented in a 130 nm CMOS process. It is operational between 1.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz and can generate an output power of +31.3 dBm into an external 50 Ω load with a PAE of 42% and a gain compression of only 0.4 dB at 1.8 GHz. It achieves a PAE of 25%, at an average output power of +26.4 dBm, and an EVM of 4.6% with a non-constant-envelope 16 QAM signal. It can also produce arbitrary signal levels down to -70 dBm of output power with the 16 QAM-modulated signal without any RF gain control circuit

    CMOS Integrated Power Amplifiers for RF Reconfigurable and Digital Transmitters

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    abstract: This dissertation focuses on three different efficiency enhancement methods that are applicable to handset applications. These proposed designs are based on three critical requirements for handset application: 1) Small form factor, 2) CMOS compatibility and 3) high power handling. The three presented methodologies are listed below: 1) A transformer-based power combiner architecture for out-phasing transmitters 2) A current steering DAC-based average power tracking circuit for on-chip power amplifiers (PA) 3) A CMOS-based driver stage for GaN-based switched-mode power amplifiers applicable to fully digital transmitters This thesis highlights the trends in wireless handsets, the motivates the need for fully-integrated CMOS power amplifier solutions and presents the three novel techniques for reconfigurable and digital CMOS-based PAs. Chapter 3, presents the transformer-based power combiner for out-phasing transmitters. The simulation results reveal that this technique is able to shrink the power combiner area, which is one of the largest parts of the transmitter, by about 50% and as a result, enhances the output power density by 3dB. The average power tracking technique (APT) integrated with an on-chip CMOS-based power amplifier is explained in Chapter 4. This system is able to achieve up to 32dBm saturated output power with a linear power gain of 20dB in a 45nm CMOS SOI process. The maximum efficiency improvement is about ∆η=15% compared to the same PA without APT. Measurement results show that the proposed method is able to amplify an enhanced-EDGE modulated input signal with a data rate of 70.83kb/sec and generate more than 27dBm of average output power with EVM<5%. Although small form factor, high battery lifetime, and high volume integration motivate the need for fully digital CMOS transmitters, the output power generated by this type of transmitter is not high enough to satisfy the communication standards. As a result, compound materials such as GaN or GaAs are usually being used in handset applications to increase the output power. Chapter 5 focuses on the analysis and design of two CMOS based driver architectures (cascode and house of cards) for driving a GaN power amplifier. The presented results show that the drivers are able to generate ∆Vout=5V, which is required by the compound transistor, and operate up to 2GHz. Since the CMOS driver is expected to drive an off-chip capacitive load, the interface components, such as bond wires, and decoupling and pad capacitors, play a critical role in the output transient response. Therefore, extensive analysis and simulation results have been done on the interface circuits to investigate their effects on RF transmitter performance. The presented results show that the maximum operating frequency when the driver is connected to a 4pF capacitive load is about 2GHz, which is perfectly matched with the reported values in prior literature.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201