23 research outputs found

    A survey of the machine interference problem

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    This paper surveys the research published on the machine interference problem since the 1985 review by Stecke & Aronson. After introducing the basic model, we discuss the literature along several dimensions. We then note how research has evolved since the 1985 review, including a trend towards the modelling of stochastic (rather than deterministic) systems and the corresponding use of more advanced queuing methods for analysis. We conclude with some suggestions for areas holding particular promise for future studies.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant 238294-200

    Analysis of the finite-source multiclass priority queue with an unreliable server and setup time

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    In this article, we study a queueing system serving multiple classes of customers. Each class has a finite-calling population. The customers are served according to the preemptive-resume priority policy. We assume general distributions for the service times. For each priority class, we derive the steady-state system size distributions at departure/arrival and arbitrary time epochs. We introduce the residual augmented process completion times conditioned on the number of customers in the system to obtain the system time distribution. We then extend the model by assuming that the server is subject to operation-independent failures upon which a repair process with random duration starts immediately. We also demonstrate how setup times, which may be required before resuming interrupted service or picking up a new customer, can be incorporated in the model

    Queues in Reliability

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    Queueing models can be useful in solving many complex reliability problems. Component failures are usually interpreted as the arrival of customers and the repair or replacement of failed components is typically associated with the service facility. A distinctive characteristic of queues in reliability is that requests for service are usually generated by a finite customer population because, in general, there are a limited number of units, e.g. machines which can fail, and when they are all in the system, being repaired or waiting for repair, no more can arrive. Thus the arrivals do not form a renewal process as they may depend on the number of units in the system. This is an essential difference from typical queueing systems, where the population of potential arrivals can be considered to be effectively limitless. This article overviews the main queueing models used in reliability which are illustrated using the classical machine repairmen model. Some statistical methods to estimate the main quantities of interest in a queue are also discussed

    Analysis of Critical Factors for Automatic Measurement of OEE

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    The increasing digitalization of industry provides means to automatically acquire and analyze manufacturing data. As a consequence, companies are investing in Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) where the measurement of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) often is a central part and important reason for the investment. The purpose of this study is to identify critical factors and potential pitfalls when operating automatic measurement of OEE. It is accomplished by analyzing raw data used for OEE calculation acquired from a large data set; 23 different companies and 884 machines. The average OEE was calculated to 65%. Almost half of the recorded OEE losses could not be classified since the loss categories were either lacking or had poor descriptions. In addition, 90% of the stop time that was classified could be directly related to supporting activities performed by operators and not the automatic process itself. The findings and recommendations of this study can be incorporated to fully utilize the potential of automatic data acquisition systems and to derive accurate OEE measures that can be used to improve manufacturing performance

    Healthcare queueing models.

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    Healthcare systems differ intrinsically from manufacturing systems. As such, they require a distinct modeling approach. In this article, we show how to construct a queueing model of a general class of healthcare systems. We develop new expressions to assess the impact of service outages and use the resulting model to approximate patient flow times and to evaluate a number of practical applications. We illustrate the devastating impact of service interruptions on patient flow times and show the potential gains obtained by pooling hospital resources. In addition, we present an optimization model to determine the optimal number of patients to be treated during a service session.Operations research; Health care evaluation mechanisms; Organizational efficiency; Management decision support systems; Time management; Queueing theory;

    Modeling a healthcare system as a queueing network:The case of a Belgian hospital.

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    The performance of health care systems in terms of patient flow times and utilization of critical resources can be assessed through queueing and simulation models. We model the orthopaedic department of the Middelheim hospital (Antwerpen, Belgium) focusing on the impact of outages (preemptive and nonpreemptive outages) on the effective utilization of resources and on the flowtime of patients. Several queueing network solution procedures are developed such as the decomposition and Brownian motion approaches. Simulation is used as a validation tool. We present new approaches to model outages. The model offers a valuable tool to study the trade-off between the capacity structure, sources of variability and patient flow times.Belgium; Brownian motion; Capacity management; Decomposition; Health care; Healthcare; Impact; Model; Models; Performance; Performance measurement; Queueing; Queueing theory; Simulation; Stochastic processes; Structure; Studies; Systems; Time; Tool; Validation; Variability;

    The impact of disruption characteristics on the performance of a server

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    In this paper, we study a queueing system serving N customers with an unreliable server subject to disruptions even when idle. Times between server interruptions, service times, and times between customer arrivals are assumed to follow exponential distributions. The main contribution of the paper is to use general distributions for the length of server interruption periods/down times. Our numerical analysis reveals the importance of incorporating the down time distribution into the model, since their impact on customer service levels could be counterintuitive. For instance, while higher down time variability increases the mean queue length, for other service levels, can prove to be improving system performance. We also show how the process completion time approach from the literature can be extended to analyze the queueing system if the unreliable server fails only when it is serving a customer

    Asymptotic waiting time analysis of finite source M/GI/1 retrial queueing systems with conflicts and unreliable server

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    The goal of the present paper is to analyze the steady-state distribution of the waiting time in a finite source M/G/1 retrial queueing system where conflicts may happen and the server is unreliable. An asymptotic method is used when the number of source N tends to infinity, the arrival intensity from the sources, the intensity of repeated calls tend to zero, while service intensity, breakdown intensity, recovery intensity are fixed. It is proved that the limiting steady-state probability distribution of the number of transitions/retrials of a customer into the orbit is geometric, and the waiting time of a customer is generalized exponentially distributed. The average total service time of a customer is also determined. Our new contribution to this topic is the inclusion of breakdown and recovery of the server. Prelimit distributions obtained by means of stochastic simulation are compared to the asymptotic ones and several numerical examples illustrate the power of the proposed asymptotic approach

    Scheduling policies for a repair shop problem

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    In this paper, we analyze a repair shop serving several fleets of machines that fail from time to time. To reduce downtime costs, a continuous-review spare machine inventory is kept for each fleet. A spare machine, if available on stock, is installed instantaneously in place of a broken machine. When a repaired machine is returned from the repair shop, it is placed in inventory for future use if the fleet has the required number of machines operating. Since the repair shop is shared by different fleets, choosing which type of broken machine to repair is crucial to minimize downtime and holding costs. The optimal policy of this problem is difficult to characterize, and, therefore, is only formulated as a Markov Decision Process to numerically compute the optimal cost and base-stock level for each spare machine inventory. As an alternative, we propose the dynamic Myopic(R) policy, which is easy to implement, yielding costs very close to the optimal. Most of the time it outperforms the static first-come-first-served, and preemptive-resume priority policies. Additionally, via our numerical study, we demonstrate that repair shop pooling is better than reserving a repair shop for each fleet

    Rostering staff at a mathematics support service using a finite-source queueing model

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    We study the problem of staffing university mathematics support services (MSSs) in which students drop in to the service (without appointment) for tutoring support. Our approach seeks to find the minimum sufficient number of tutors (with appropriate specialities) to present by hour and day to cover student demand with tolerable delays. We employ traditional operational research techniques to aid managers and administrators of MSSs to roster their services. The machine interference type queue is adopted to model the number of student queries within a mathematics support session. We define and solve an appropriate integer program to roster the number of tutors needed to run the service efficiently