443 research outputs found

    A holistic multi-methodology for sustainable renovation

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    A review of the barriers for building renovation has revealed a lack of methodologies, which can promote sustainability objectives and assist various stakeholders during the design stage of building renovation/retrofitting projects. The purpose of this paper is to develop a Holistic Multi-methodology for Sustainable Renovation, which aims to deal with complexity of renovation projects. It provides a framework through which to involve the different stakeholders in the design process to improve group learning and group decision-making, and hence make the building renovation design process more robust and efficient. Therefore, the paper discusses the essence of multifaceted barriers in building renovation regarding cultural changes and technological/physical changes. The outcome is a proposal for a multi-methodology framework, which is developed by introducing, evaluating and mixing methods from Soft Systems Methodologies (SSM) with Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). The potential of applying the proposed methodology in renovation projects is demonstrated through a case study

    Preserving History in a Modern Setting "An Adaptive Redesign of Lawang Sewu for Sustainable Development and Architectural Heritage Conservation

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    This study focuses on the adaptive redesign of Lawang Sewu, a prominent landmark in Semarang, Indonesia. The building, constructed in the early 20th century, has witnessed historical events and changes throughout its existence. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in preserving and revitalizing Lawang Sewu as a cultural heritage site. However, the adaptive redesign is not without challenges, including structural instability, environmental degradation, functional obsolescence, aesthetic discordance, and social resistance. This research essay aims to explore the adaptive redesign of Lawang Sewu from various perspectives and propose strategies for achieving energy efficiency and sustainability objectives. The essay is organized into chapters that provide an overview, literature review, case study analysis, discussion of historical and socio-environmental aspects, examination of visual impact, and a conclusion. The study also discusses the concept of authenticity in heritage conservation and presents a design proposal for Lawang Sewu's acoustic enhancement. The results of the case study analysis highlight the complexity of the adaptive redesign project and its cultural context and project site in Semarang

    Cognitive Maps

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    Optimization of the product design through Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Analaytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): A case study in a ceramic washbasin

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Industrial Design, Izmir, 2009Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 67-79)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 81 leavesQFD is a methodology, which establishes a relationship between product and customer, determines product.s sales ability and carry out it to a high level during the process.In this study, QFD methodology, which is used in several industries, was implemented in the sanitary production industry. In this purpose, the washbasin, which is called as .Potsink. produced by Vitra, was chosen and examined implementation ability of the methodology. The aim for this choice is that Potsink.s design is different from usual washbasin forms and because of this reason, some sales problems would be appeared also there are some ergonomical and functional problems was observed.In the first step, which is developed by the customer.s voice, Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP was used. The relationship, which is between product and customer.s requirements, is determined by Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP.After this step, with customer requirements and technical details, which is matched with, are put in the house of quality (HoQ). Fallowing this step, improvement ratio and sales points are taken place in the house. Finally calculate all items and evaluated

    Application of multicriteria AHP method in selection of wood harvesting system

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    Donošenje odluka, kao proces odabira neke od alternativa kojima se rješava dani problem, u šumarstvu je naglašeno zahtjevno zbog mnogobrojnosti i širokog raspona kriterija uključenih u proces odlučivanja. Primjena različitih metoda višekriterijskog odlučivanja u takvim se situacijama pokazuje kao važan i potencijalno dobar način pristupanja brojnim šumarskim pitanjima i problemima. U tom smislu, u ovom se radu primjenom višekriterijske metode odlučivanja Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) ocijenila prikladnost primjene pojedinih sustava pridobivanja drva za odabranu šumsku sastojinu, odnosno radilište. Na temelju ispitivanja šumarskih stručnjaka i usporedbe postojećih sustava pridobivanja drva, prema postavljenim kriterijima, utvrdili su se rangovi pojedinih alternativa i donijet je prijedlog odluke o odabiru optimalnog sustava pridobivanja drva za predviđene proizvodne zadaće i konkretne uvjete određenog šumsko-gospodarskog područja. S obzirom na definirane tehnološko-biološke, ekonomske, ekološke, ergonomske, energijske i estetske kriterije odabira, kao najpogodnija opcija ocijenjen je sustav kojega čine harvester i forvarder.Decision-making, as a process of selecting some of the alternatives to solve a given problem, in forestry is extremely demanding because of the multiplicity and wide range of criteria involved in the decision-making process. Such interests and criteria cover a number of economic issues, social issues, environmental and ecological issues. The application of different multicriteria decision-making methods in such situations can be an important and potentially good way of addressing many forestry issues and problems. Multicriteria decision-making has been present in forestry for more than 40 years, however, more significant application has begun in the 1990s and numerous, in the meantime published multi-criteria papers dealing with different forestry issues in various areas. In this paper, a multicriteria procedure – Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to evaluate the existing timber harvesting systems in Croatian forestry. The AHP, introduced by Thomas Saaty (1980), is an effective tool for dealing with complex decision making. By reducing complex decisions to a series of pairwise comparisons, and then synthesizing the results, the AHP helps to capture both subjective and objective aspects of a decision. In this way it aids the decision maker to set priorities and make the optimal decision. By using the AHP method, the appropriateness of particular timber harvesting systems for the specific conditions of selected forest stand and planned production tasks (thinning) was evaluated. The study included a comparison of seven different timber harvesting systems, i.e. alternatives: 1) Logger and adapted farm tractor, 2) Logger and skidder with winch, 3) Logger and forestry trailer with crane, 4) Logger and forwarder, 5) Harvester and forwarder, 6) Logger and mobile tower yarder, 7) Logger and cable yarder on truck. The aim was to develop a model for multicriteria assessment of the suitability and effectiveness of particular timber harvesting systems and also demonstrate the possibilities of applying the AHP method, as well as other multicriteria methods in forestry. Based on the prepared questionnaire, i.e. examination of forestry experts and comparison of existing timber harvesting systems, according to the set criteria, the ranks of individual alternatives were determined and a decision proposal was made on the selection of optimal timber harvesting system for the foreseen production tasks and specific conditions of a particular forest management area. Given the defined technological-biological, economic, environmental, ergonomic, energy and aesthetic selection criteria, a system consisting of a harvester and a forwarder was evaluated as the most appropriate option. Designed multi-criteria approach offers more comprehensive bases for deciding on the most suitable technologies and means of work at many different forestry sites in Croatia. The research results can thus support forestry professionals in decision making and indirectly influence the selection and implementation of specific timber harvesting systems. The development and application of AHP and other multi-criteria methods in this regard can be valuable assistance at the strategic and operational level of decision-making in forestry

    A comparison of fuzzy multicriteria decision making methods for intelligent building assessment

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    The methodology, Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM), refers to finding the best alternative from all of the feasible alternatives in the presence of multiple, usually conflicting, decision criteria. Nowadays, intelligent buildings’ performance that is increasingly evidenced in building design and construction has been analyzed by using MCDM techniques. Intelligent buildings (IBs) are also under assessment according to their IB related characteristics and actual circumstances as a MCDM problem. In this paper, two most known MCDM methodologies, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), are used for intelligent building assessment under fuzzy environment for dealing with the evaluations’ uncertainty and imprecision in which the expert's comparisons that are represented as fuzzy numbers. For this aim, three intelligent building alternatives for a business centre in Istanbul are evaluated by using these two fuzzy MCDM methods and the obtained ranking results are compared

    Quality Function Deployment and operational design decisions – A healthcare infrastructure development case study

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    The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how Quality Function Deployment (QFD) can enhance a healthcare organisation’s strategic operational alignment, by synchronising the infrastructure design with the service intention. In this empirical paper, a case study of a £15 million infrastructure development has been used as the unique context to assess and test the experimental findings. QFD was utilised in order to capture and transform the requirements of decision-makers, providers, patients and local communities’ into both service and building design for Project K, a healthcare infrastructure, in the UK. QFD was implemented after the public consultation. The large amount of qualitative data collected from the public consultation was analysed using thematic analysis, which was used as the main QFD inputs. A series of eight facilitated workshops enabled a cross-functional team of 10 high-ranking managers to optimise the future infrastructure features. Two full iterations of the QFD results are presented. Using QFD generated effectiveness and efficiency by creating an information exchange platform and providing the stakeholders with a framework to optimise the decision-making. This paper makes a practical contribution by empirically testing the QFD modelling and providing evidence of its implementation within the complex, dynamic and evolving nature of the healthcare built environment sector. Moreover, from an academic perspective, this study makes a contribution by responding to the call inviting scholars to grow and advance the embryonic and undeveloped research of QFD application in the construction industry (Cudney and Gillis, 2016; Dikmen et al., 2005 and John et al., 2014)

    AHP and TOPSIS as methods assessing the attractiveness of urban parks: The case of Lodz, Poland

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    Urban parks are significant elements that improve the quality of life in built-up areas. This research aims to identify the most attractive park in Lodz, Poland, using a set of assessment indicators. In our opinion, the decision-making process in assessing the attractiveness of urban parks may be assisted by Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Two methods were chosen from the MCDA group, namely the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The research shows that the proposed methods reveal which park needs support and calls for investment