2,544 research outputs found

    Design Synthesis and Optimization of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Based on Computationally-Efficient Finite Element Analysis

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    In this dissertation, a model-based multi-objective optimal design of permanent magnet ac machines, supplied by sine-wave current regulated drives, is developed and implemented. The design procedure uses an efficient electromagnetic finite element-based solver to accurately model nonlinear material properties and complex geometric shapes associated with magnetic circuit design. Application of an electromagnetic finite element-based solver allows for accurate computation in intricate performance parameters and characteristics. The first contribution of this dissertation is the development of a rapid computational method that allows accurate and efficient exploration of large multi-dimensional design spaces in search of optimum design(s). The computationally efficient finite element-based approach developed in this work provides a framework of tools that allow rapid analysis of synchronous electric machines operating under steady-state conditions. In the developed modeling approach, major steady-state performance parameters such as, winding flux linkages and voltages, average, cogging and ripple torques, stator core flux densities, core losses, efficiencies and saturated machine winding inductances, are calculated with minimum computational effort. In addition, the method includes means for rapid estimation of distributed stator forces and three-dimensional effects of stator and/or rotor skew on the performance of the machine. The second contribution of this dissertation is the development of the design synthesis and optimization method based on a differential evolution algorithm. The approach relies on the developed finite element-based modeling method for electromagnetic analysis and is able to tackle large-scale multi-objective design problems using modest computational resources. Overall, computational time savings of up to two orders of magnitude are achievable, when compared to current and prevalent state-of-the-art methods. These computational savings allow one to expand the optimization problem to achieve more complex and comprehensive design objectives. The method is used in the design process of several interior permanent magnet industrial motors. The presented case studies demonstrate that the developed finite element-based approach practically eliminates the need for using less accurate analytical and lumped parameter equivalent circuit models for electric machine design optimization. The design process and experimental validation of the case-study machines are detailed in the dissertation

    Improved transistor-controlled and commutated brushless DC motors for electric vehicle propulsion

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    The development, design, construction, and testing processes of two electronically (transistor) controlled and commutated permanent magnet brushless dc machine systems, for propulsion of electric vehicles are detailed. One machine system was designed and constructed using samarium cobalt for permanent magnets, which supply the rotor (field) excitation. Meanwhile, the other machine system was designed and constructed with strontium ferrite permanent magnets as the source of rotor (field) excitation. These machine systems were designed for continuous rated power output of 15 hp (11.2 kw), and a peak one minute rated power output of 35 hp (26.1 kw). Both power ratings are for a rated voltage of 115 volts dc, assuming a voltage drop in the source (battery) of about 5 volts. That is, an internal source voltage of 120 volts dc. Machine-power conditioner system computer-aided simulations were used extensively in the design process. These simulations relied heavily on the magnetic field analysis in these machines using the method of finite elements, as well as methods of modeling of the machine power conditioner system dynamic interaction. These simulation processes are detailed. Testing revealed that typical machine system efficiencies at 15 hp (11.2 kw) were about 88% and 84% for the samarium cobalt and strontium ferrite based machine systems, respectively. Both systems met the peak one minute rating of 35 hp

    Design optimization and performance analysis methodology for PMSMs to improve efficiency in hydraulic applications

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    Pla de Doctorats Industrials de la Generalitat de CatalunyaIn the recent years, water pumping and other hydraulic applications are increasingly demanding motors capable to operate under different working conditions, including variable pressure and volumetric flow demands. Moreover, the technical evolution trend of pumping components is to minimize the size, offering compact and adaptable hydraulic units. Hence, the need to optimize the electric motor part to reduce the volume according this trend, maximizing the efficiency, decreasing material and fabrication costs, reducing noise and improving thermal dissipation have originated the research field of this project. So far different methodologies have been focused on designing electrical machines considering few aspects, such as the rated conditions with some size limitations. In addition, the optimization strategies have been based on single operation conditions, improving multiple aspects but not considering the overall performance of the machine and its influence with the working system. This research changes the design and optimization paradigm, focusing on defining beforehand the desired performance of the electrical machine in relation with the application system. The customization is not limited to an operating point but to the whole performance space, which in this case is the torque-speed area. Thus, the designer has plenty of freedom to study the system, and define the desired motor performance establishing the size, thermal and mechanical limitations from the beginning of the process. Moreover, when designing and optimizing electrical machines, the experimental validation is of major importance. From an industrial scope so far, the testing methodologies are focused on evaluating point by point the electrical machine performance, being a robust and trustable way to measure and validate the electrical machine characteristics. Nevertheless,this method requires a large time to prepare the experimental setup and to evaluate the whole motor performance. For this reason, there is a special interest on improving parameter estimation and performance evaluation techniques for electrical machines to reduce evaluation time, setup complexity and increase the number of physical magnitudes to measure in order to have deeper information. This research also develops methodologies to extend the electrical machine experimental validation providing information to evaluate the motor performance. This doctoral thesis has been developed with a collaboration agreement between UPC and the company MIDTAL TALENTOS S.L. The thesis is included within the Industrial Doctorates program 2018 DI 019 promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya.En los últimos años, el bombeo de agua, entre otras aplicaciones hidráulicas, exige cada vez más motores capaces de operar en diferentes condiciones de trabajo, incluyendo las demandas variables de presión y caudal volumétrico. Además, la evolución técnica de los componentes de bombeo está cada vez más minimizando el tamaño ofreciendo unidades hidráulicas compactas y adaptables. De ahí la necesidad de optimizar la parte del motor eléctrico para reducir el volumen de acuerdo con esta tendencia, maximizando la eficiencia, disminuyendo los costos de material y fabricación, reduciendo el ruido y mejorando la disipación térmica. Todos estos factores han creado el campo de investigación sobre el cual se desarrolla este proyecto. Hasta ahora las metodologías se han centrado en diseñar las máquinas eléctricas considerando unos pocos aspectos técnicos, como las condiciones nominales con algunas limitaciones de tamaño. Además, las estrategias de optimización se han basado en condiciones de operación única, mejorando múltiples aspectos sin considerar el rendimiento general de la máquina y su influencia en el sistema de trabajo. Esta investigación cambia el paradigma de diseño y optimización centrándose en definir de antemano el rendimiento deseado de la máquina eléctrica en relación con el sistema de aplicación. La personalización no se limita a un punto de funcionamiento sino a todo el espacio de operación, que en este caso se expresa en el espacio par-velocidad. Así, el diseñador tiene libertad para estudiar el sistema, definir el rendimiento deseado del motor estableciendo el tamaño, limitaciones térmicas y mecánicas desde el inicio del proceso. Además, a la hora de diseñar y optimizar máquinas eléctricas, la validación experimental es de gran importancia. En el ámbito industrial hasta ahora, las metodologías de ensayo han sido enfocadas a evaluar punto por punto la máquina eléctrica, siendo una forma robusta y confiable de medir y validar sus características. Sin embargo, este método requiere mucho tiempo para preparar la configuración experimental y evaluar el motor en toda su zona de operación. Por esta razón, existe un interés especial en mejorar la estimación de parámetros y las técnicas de evaluación de la operación de las máquinas eléctricas reduciendo tiempo, complejidad y aumentando el número de magnitudes físicas a medir teniendo más información sobre la máquina. Esta investigación también desarrolla metodologías para extender la validación experimental de la máquina eléctrica proporcionando información para evaluar el rendimiento del motor. Esta tesis doctoral ha sido desarrollada con un convenio de colaboración entre la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña UPC y la empresa MIDTAL TALENTOS S.L. La tesis se engloba dentro del plan de Doctorados Industriales 2018 DI 019 impulsado por la Generalitat de Catalunya.Postprint (published version

    Analytical prediction of the electromagnetic torques in single-phase and two-phase AC motors

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    The single-phase and two-phase versions of AC motors can be modelled by means of the two-axis (d-q) theory with sufficient accuracy when the equivalent circuit parameters are correctly estimated. This work attempts to present a unified approach to the analytical prediction of the electromagnetic torque of these machines. Classical d-q axes formulation requires that the reference frame should be fixed on the frame where the asymmetries arise, i.e. the stator and rotor. The asynchronous torques that characterize the induction motors are modelled in a stationary reference frame, where the d-q axes coincide with the physical magnetic axes of the stator windings. For the permanent magnet motors, that may exhibit asymmetries on both stator and rotor, the proposed solution includes: a series of frame transformations, followed by symmetrical components decomposition. As in single-phase and two-phase systems the homopolar component is zero; each symmetrical component – negative and positive – is further analysed using d-q axes theory. The superposition principle is employed to consider the magnets and rotor cage effects. The developed models account for the most important asymmetries of the motor configuration. These are, from the stator point of view, different distribution, conductors' dimensions and number of effective turns, non-orthogonal magnetic axes windings and from the rotor point of view, asymmetrical rotor cage, variable reluctance, and permanent magnets effect. The time and space harmonics effect is ignored. Test data are compared with the computed data in order to observe how the simplifying assumptions affect the level of accuracy. The analytical prediction methods make possible torque computation according to the nature of the torque being computed, namely, induction, reluctance and excitation (permanent magnet). The results are available for quasi steady-state, steady-state (rated or synchronous speed) and dynamic analyses. All the developed mathematical models can be used in preliminary design for further optimisation and accurate estimation in complex numerical models. Another important feature of the analytical models for single-phase and two-phase AC motors, is that they can be directly implemented in any suitable electrical drives control strategy.reviewe

    Aspects of magnetisation and iron loss characteristics in switched-reluctance and permanent-magnet machines

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    In the first section, the magnetisation characteristics of the switched-reluctance motor are examined. Measurements have been carried out using both static and dynamic test methods. The test data has been compared with simulation results from analytical design programs and finite element models. The effects of mutual coupling on the magnetisation characteristics are investigated through measurement and simulation. Results show that the degree of mutual coupling is strongly dependent on the winding arrangement of the machine. In the next section, the difficulties in measuring the properties of permanent-magnet machines are discussed in detail, and solutions to common problems proposed. The measurement and analysis methods used for the switched-reluctance motor are further developed for analysis of permanent magnet machines. Techniques for determining the variation in synchronous reactances and permanent magnet flux are presented. Finite element simulations are used to show the variation of magnet flux under loading, a condition ignored in classical analysis methods. The final section discusses the analysis of magnetisation characteristics of electrical sheet steels. Comparison is made between measurements carried out on single sheet tester and Epstein square test rigs. The iron losses of a typical non-grain-orientated steel are measured under both sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal flux density conditions. The iron losses are shown to increase significantly when higher harmonic components are introduced to the flux density waveform. The difficulties in modelling the nonlinear iron loss characteristics of electrical steels are considered

    Mathematical Models for the Design of Electrical Machines

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    This book is a comprehensive set of articles reflecting the latest advances and developments in mathematical modeling and the design of electrical machines for different applications. The main models discussed are based on the: i) Maxwell–Fourier method (i.e., the formal resolution of Maxwell’s equations by using the separation of variables method and the Fourier’s series in 2-D or 3-D with a quasi-Cartesian or polar coordinate system); ii) electrical, thermal and magnetic equivalent circuit; iii) hybrid model. In these different papers, the numerical method and the experimental tests have been used as comparisons or validations

    Design and Application of Electrical Machines

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    Electrical machines are one of the most important components of the industrial world. They are at the heart of the new industrial revolution, brought forth by the development of electromobility and renewable energy systems. Electric motors must meet the most stringent requirements of reliability, availability, and high efficiency in order, among other things, to match the useful lifetime of power electronics in complex system applications and compete in the market under ever-increasing pressure to deliver the highest performance criteria. Today, thanks to the application of highly efficient numerical algorithms running on high-performance computers, it is possible to design electric machines and very complex drive systems faster and at a lower cost. At the same time, progress in the field of material science and technology enables the development of increasingly complex motor designs and topologies. The purpose of this Special Issue is to contribute to this development of electric machines. The publication of this collection of scientific articles, dedicated to the topic of electric machine design and application, contributes to the dissemination of the above information among professionals dealing with electrical machines

    Multi-Objective Drive-Cycle Based Design Optimization of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

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    Research conducted previously has shown that a battery electric vehicle (BEV) motor design incorporating drive-cycle optimization can lead to achievement of a higher torque density motor that consumes less energy over the drive-cycle in comparison to a conventionally designed motor. Such a motor indirectly extends the driving range of the BEV. Firstly, in this thesis, a vehicle dynamics model for a direct-drive machine and its associated vehicle parameters is implemented for the urban dynamometer driving schedule (UDDS) to derive loading data in terms of torque, speed, power, and energy. K-means clustering and Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM) are two clustering techniques used to reduce the number of machine operating points of the drive-cycle while preserving the characteristics of the entire cycle. These methods offer high computational efficiency and low computational time cost while optimizing an electric machine. Differential evolution (DE) is employed to optimize the baseline fractional slot concentrated winding (FSCW) surface permanent magnet synchronous machine (SPMSM). A computationally efficient finite element analysis (CEFEA) technique is developed to evaluate the machine at the representative drive-cycle points elicited from the clustering approaches. In addition, a steady-state thermal model is established to assess the electric motor temperature variation between optimization design candidates. In an alternative application, the drive-cycle cluster points are utilized for a computationally efficient drive-cycle system simulation that examines the effects of inverter time harmonics on motor performance. The motor is parameterized and modeled in a PSIM motor-inverter simulation that determines the current excitation harmonics that are injected into the machine during drive-cycle operation. These current excitations are inserted into the finite element analysis motor simulation for accurate analysis of the harmonic effects. The analysis summarizes the benefits of high-frequency devices such as gallium nitride (GaN) in comparison to insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) in terms of torque ripple and motor efficiency on a drive-cycle

    Accurate Induction Machines Efficiency Mapping Computed by Standard Test Parameters

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    The extensive electrification process that is taking hold in several applications makes increasingly necessary the virtualization of electric components for energetic and performance assessments during the system design stage. For this purpose, this paper proposes a straightforward methodology for computing the efficiency maps of induction machines operated in wide torque-speed ranges. The modeling approach is based on the induction machine equivalent circuit defined in the rotor dq coordinates. The procedure allows computing a set of efficiency maps at different machine temperatures and supply voltage levels, both for motor and generator operation modes. The equivalent circuit parameters at different frequencies and voltages are determined by means of the well-known no-load and locked-rotor tests, thus including in the modelling the machine nonlinearities, skin effect and the iron losses. The proposed methodology has been validated on a 10 kW, 4-pole induction machine. The comparison between computed and experimental efficiency maps for different operating conditions, confirm the validity of the proposed methodology

    Modeling And Analysis Of Multi–Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines: Direct–Drive Electric Vehicle Application

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    In commercially existing electric vehicles (EVs), power is transferred from the motor to the wheels through a fixed gear mechanical transmission system. However, such a transmission system contributes to a power loss between 2% to 20% of output power of the motor depending on the operating speed and torque of the motor. Therefore, by removing the transmission, a direct–drive EV configuration is obtained with lower component count, improved motor to wheel efficiency and frequency dependent losses. However, challenges in developing a single on–board permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) for such a configuration include high torque density, low torque ripple and high torque per permanent magnet (PM) volume. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a novel PMSM addressing the aforementioned challenges for a direct–drive application. Initially, the design targets, stator and rotor configuration and phase numbers of the PMSM are chosen to satisfy the requirements of a direct drive application. A novel torque and torque ripple model based on multiple reference frames is proposed, in which the torque ripple from spatial harmonics of flux, inductances and the time harmonics of stator currents are included. Using the analytical model, optimal slot–pole combination of the machine is selected based on adaptive gradient descent algorithm. A new consequent pole rotor topology is proposed to improve the torque density and torque per PM volume thereby reducing the usage of expensive rare earth magnets. The proposed PMSM with novel rotor is further improved in terms of torque density, losses and cost by performing an intensive structural optimization based on novel hybrid analytical model, finite element analysis and supervised learning. The optimized PMSM is then analyzed for various drive cycles and performance in terms of torque, speed and efficiency are discussed. A scaled–down prototype of the proposed PMSM is developed and comprehensive experimental analysis in terms of torque ripple, torque–speed characteristics and efficiency are performed under different speeds and load conditions and are compared with the results obtained from proposed analytical model
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