221 research outputs found

    A Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator for Ultra-Low-Power Radios

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    The increasing need of digital signal processing for telecommunication and multimedia applications, implemented in complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology, creates the necessity for high-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Based on the sampling frequency, ADCs are of two types: Nyquist-rate converters and oversampling converters. Oversampling converters are preferred for low-bandwidth applications such as audio and instrumentation because they provide inherently high resolution when coupled with proper noise shaping. This allows to push noise out of signal band, thus increasing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Continuous time delta-sigma ADCs are becoming more popular than discrete-time ADCs primarily because of inherent anti-aliasing filtering, reduced settling time and low-power consumption. In this thesis, a 2nd-order 4-bits continuous-time (CT) delta-sigma modulator (DSM) for radio applications is designed. It employs a 2nd-order loop filter with a single operational amplifier. Implemented in a 65-nanometer CMOS technology, the modulator runs on a 0.8-V supply and achieves a SNR of 70dB over a 500-kHz signal bandwidth. The modulator operates with an oversampling ratio (OSR) of 16 and a sampling frequency of 16MHz. In the first chapter the principles of ΔΣ modulators are analysed, introducing the differences between discrete-time (DT) modulators and continuous-time (CT) modulators. In the next chapter the techniques to design a ΔΣ modulators for ultra-low-power radios are presented. The third chapter talks over the design of the operational amplifier, which appears inside the loop filter. In the fourth chapter the performance of the complete ΔΣ modulator, which employs a flash quantizer, is shown. Finally, in the last chapter, a performance analysis is carried out replacing the flash quantizer with an asynchronous SAR quantizer. The analysis shows that a further reduction of the quantizer power consumption of about 40% is possible. The conjunction of this replacement with the power-saving technique implemented in the loop filter appears relevant

    Robust sigma delta converters : and their application in low-power highly-digitized flexible receivers

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    In wireless communication industry, the convergence of stand-alone, single application transceiver IC’s into scalable, programmable and platform based transceiver ICs, has led to the possibility to create sophisticated mobile devices within a limited volume. These multi-standard (multi-mode), MIMO, SDR and cognitive radios, ask for more adaptability and flexibility on every abstraction level of the transceiver. The adaptability and flexibility of the receive paths require a digitized receiver architecture in which most of the adaptability and flexibility is shifted in the digital domain. This trend to ask for more adaptability and flexibility, but also more performance, higher efficiency and an increasing functionality per volume, has a major impact on the IP blocks such systems are built with. At the same time the increasing requirement for more digital processing in the same volume and for the same power has led to mainstream CMOS feature size scaling, leading to smaller, faster and more efficient transistors, optimized to increase processing efficiency per volume (smaller area, lower power consumption, faster digital processing). As wireless receivers is a comparably small market compared to digital processors, the receivers also have to be designed in a digitally optimized technology, as the processor and transceiver are on the same chip to reduce device volume. This asks for a generalized approach, which maps application requirements of complex systems (such as wireless receivers) on the advantages these digitally optimized technologies bring. First, the application trends are gathered in five quality indicators being: (algorithmic) accuracy, robustness, flexibility, efficiency, and emission, of which the last one is not further analyzed in this thesis. Secondly, using the quality indicators, it is identified that by introducing (or increasing) digitization at every abstraction level of a system, the advantages of modern digitally optimized technologies can be exploited. For a system on a chip, these abstraction levels are: system/application level, analog IP architecture level, circuit topology level and layout level. In this thesis, the quality indicators together with the digitization at different abstraction levels are applied to S¿ modulators. S¿ modulator performance properties are categorized into the proposed quality indicators. Next, it is identified what determines the accuracy, robustness, flexibility and efficiency of a S¿ modulator. Important modulator performance parameters, design parameter relations, and performance-cost relations are derived. Finally, several implementations are presented, which are designed using the found relations. At least one implementation example is shown for each level of digitization. At system level, a flexible (N)ZIF receiver architecture is digitized by shifting the ADC closer to the antenna, reducing the amount of analog signal conditioning required in front of the ADC, and shifting the re-configurability of such a receiver into the digital domain as much as possible. Being closer to the antenna, and because of the increased receiver flexibility, a high performance, multi-mode ADC is required. In this thesis, it is proven that such multi-mode ADCs can be made at low area and power consumption. At analog IP architecture level, a smarter S¿ modulator architecture is found, which combines the advantages of 1-bit and multi-bit modulators. The analog loop filter is partly digitized, and analog circuit blocks are replaced by a digital filter, leading to an area and power efficient design, which above all is very portable, and has the potential to become a good candidate for the ADC in multimode receivers. At circuit and layout level, analog circuits are designed in the same way as digital circuits are. Analog IP blocks are split up in analog unit cells, which are put in a library. For each analog unit cell, a p-cell layout view is created. Once such a library is available, different IP blocks can be created using the same unit cells and using the automatic routing tools normally used for digital circuits. The library of unit cells can be ported to a next technology very quickly, as the unit cells are very simple circuits, increasing portability of IP blocks made with these unit cells. In this thesis, several modulators are presented that are designed using this digital design methodology. A high clock frequency in the giga-hertz range is used to test technology speed. The presented modulators have a small area and low power consumption. A modulator is ported from a 65nm to a 45nm technology in one month without making changes to the unit cells, or IP architecture, proving that this design methodology leads to very portable designs. The generalized system property categorization in quality indicators, and the digitization at different levels of system design, is named the digital design methodology. In this thesis this methodology is successfully applied to S¿ modulators, leading to high quality, mixed-signal S¿ modulator IP, which is more accurate, more robust, more flexible and/or more efficient

    Robust sigma delta converters : and their application in low-power highly-digitized flexible receivers

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    In wireless communication industry, the convergence of stand-alone, single application transceiver IC’s into scalable, programmable and platform based transceiver ICs, has led to the possibility to create sophisticated mobile devices within a limited volume. These multi-standard (multi-mode), MIMO, SDR and cognitive radios, ask for more adaptability and flexibility on every abstraction level of the transceiver. The adaptability and flexibility of the receive paths require a digitized receiver architecture in which most of the adaptability and flexibility is shifted in the digital domain. This trend to ask for more adaptability and flexibility, but also more performance, higher efficiency and an increasing functionality per volume, has a major impact on the IP blocks such systems are built with. At the same time the increasing requirement for more digital processing in the same volume and for the same power has led to mainstream CMOS feature size scaling, leading to smaller, faster and more efficient transistors, optimized to increase processing efficiency per volume (smaller area, lower power consumption, faster digital processing). As wireless receivers is a comparably small market compared to digital processors, the receivers also have to be designed in a digitally optimized technology, as the processor and transceiver are on the same chip to reduce device volume. This asks for a generalized approach, which maps application requirements of complex systems (such as wireless receivers) on the advantages these digitally optimized technologies bring. First, the application trends are gathered in five quality indicators being: (algorithmic) accuracy, robustness, flexibility, efficiency, and emission, of which the last one is not further analyzed in this thesis. Secondly, using the quality indicators, it is identified that by introducing (or increasing) digitization at every abstraction level of a system, the advantages of modern digitally optimized technologies can be exploited. For a system on a chip, these abstraction levels are: system/application level, analog IP architecture level, circuit topology level and layout level. In this thesis, the quality indicators together with the digitization at different abstraction levels are applied to S¿ modulators. S¿ modulator performance properties are categorized into the proposed quality indicators. Next, it is identified what determines the accuracy, robustness, flexibility and efficiency of a S¿ modulator. Important modulator performance parameters, design parameter relations, and performance-cost relations are derived. Finally, several implementations are presented, which are designed using the found relations. At least one implementation example is shown for each level of digitization. At system level, a flexible (N)ZIF receiver architecture is digitized by shifting the ADC closer to the antenna, reducing the amount of analog signal conditioning required in front of the ADC, and shifting the re-configurability of such a receiver into the digital domain as much as possible. Being closer to the antenna, and because of the increased receiver flexibility, a high performance, multi-mode ADC is required. In this thesis, it is proven that such multi-mode ADCs can be made at low area and power consumption. At analog IP architecture level, a smarter S¿ modulator architecture is found, which combines the advantages of 1-bit and multi-bit modulators. The analog loop filter is partly digitized, and analog circuit blocks are replaced by a digital filter, leading to an area and power efficient design, which above all is very portable, and has the potential to become a good candidate for the ADC in multimode receivers. At circuit and layout level, analog circuits are designed in the same way as digital circuits are. Analog IP blocks are split up in analog unit cells, which are put in a library. For each analog unit cell, a p-cell layout view is created. Once such a library is available, different IP blocks can be created using the same unit cells and using the automatic routing tools normally used for digital circuits. The library of unit cells can be ported to a next technology very quickly, as the unit cells are very simple circuits, increasing portability of IP blocks made with these unit cells. In this thesis, several modulators are presented that are designed using this digital design methodology. A high clock frequency in the giga-hertz range is used to test technology speed. The presented modulators have a small area and low power consumption. A modulator is ported from a 65nm to a 45nm technology in one month without making changes to the unit cells, or IP architecture, proving that this design methodology leads to very portable designs. The generalized system property categorization in quality indicators, and the digitization at different levels of system design, is named the digital design methodology. In this thesis this methodology is successfully applied to S¿ modulators, leading to high quality, mixed-signal S¿ modulator IP, which is more accurate, more robust, more flexible and/or more efficient

    Design of a wideband low-power continuous-time sigma-delta (ΣΔ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in 90nm CMOS technology

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    The growing trend in VLSI systems is to shift more signal processing functionality from analog to digital domain to reduce manufacturing cost and improve reliability. It has resulted in the demand for wideband high-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). There are many different techniques for doing analog-to-digital conversions. Oversampling ADC based on sigma-delta (ΣΔ) modulation is receiving a lot of attention due to its significantly relaxed matching requirements on analog components. Moreover, it does not need a steep roll-off anti-aliasing filter. A ΣΔ ADC can be implemented either as a discrete time system or a continuous time one. Nowadays growing interest is focused on the continuous-time ΣΔ ADC for its use in the wideband and low-power applications, such as medical imaging, portable ultrasound systems, wireless receivers, and test equipments. A continuous-time ΣΔ ADC offers some important advantages over its discrete-time counterpart, including higher sampling frequency, intrinsic anti-alias filtering, much relaxed sampling network requirements, and low-voltage implementation. Especially it has the potential in achieving low power consumption. This dissertation presents a novel fifth-order continuous-time ΣΔ ADC which is implemented in a 90nm CMOS technology with single 1.0-V power supply. To speed up design process, an improved direct design method is proposed and used to design the loop filter transfer function. To maximize the in-band gain provided by the loop filter, thus maximizing in-band noise suppression, the excess loop delay must be kept minimum. In this design, a very low latency 4-bit flash quantizer with digital-to-analog (DAC) trimming is utilized. DAC trimming technique is used to correct the quantizer offset error, which allows minimum-sized transistors to be used for fast and low-power operation. The modulator has sampling clock of 800MHz. It achieves a dynamic range (DR) of 75dB and a signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) of 70dB over 25MHz input signal bandwidth with 16.4mW power dissipation. Our work is among the most improved published to date. It uses the lowest supply voltage and has the highest input signal bandwidth while dissipating the lowest power among the bandwidths exceeding 15MHz

    Digital Signal Processing Techniques Applied to Radio over Fiber Systems

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    The dissertation aims to analyze different Radio over Fiber systems for the front-haul applications. Particularly, analog radio over fiber (A-RoF) are simplest and suffer from nonlinearities, therefore, mitigating such nonlinearities through digital predistortion are studied. In particular for the long haul A-RoF links, direct digital predistortion technique (DPDT) is proposed which can be applied to reduce the impairments of A-RoF systems due to the combined effects of frequency chirp of the laser source and chromatic dispersion of the optical channel. Then, indirect learning architecture (ILA) based structures namely memory polynomial (MP), generalized memory polynomial (GMP) and decomposed vector rotation (DVR) models are employed to perform adaptive digital predistortion with low complexities. Distributed feedback (DFB) laser and vertical capacity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) in combination with single mode/multi-mode fibers have been linearized with different quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) formats for single and multichannel cases. Finally, a feedback adaptive DPD compensation is proposed. Then, there is still a possibility to exploit the other realizations of RoF namely digital radio over fiber (D-RoF) system where signal is digitized and transmits the digitized bit streams via digital optical communication links. The proposed solution is robust and immune to nonlinearities up-to 70 km of link length. Lastly, in light of disadvantages coming from A-RoF and D-RoF, it is still possible to take only the advantages from both methods and implement a more recent form knows as Sigma Delta Radio over Fiber (S-DRoF) system. Second Order Sigma Delta Modulator and Multi-stAge-noise-SHaping (MASH) based Sigma Delta Modulator are proposed. The workbench has been evaluated for 20 MHz LTE signal with 256 QAM modulation. Finally, The 6x2 GSa/s sigma delta modulators are realized on FPGA to show a real time demonstration of S-DRoF system. The demonstration shows that S-DRoF is a competitive competitor for 5G sub-6GHz band applications

    Low Power CMOS Interface Circuitry for Sensors and Actuators

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    Novel design strategies and architectures for continuous-time Sigma-Delta modulators

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