128 research outputs found

    JTEC panel on display technologies in Japan

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    This report is one in a series of reports that describes research and development efforts in Japan in the area of display technologies. The following are included in this report: flat panel displays (technical findings, liquid crystal display development and production, large flat panel displays (FPD's), electroluminescent displays and plasma panels, infrastructure in Japan's FPD industry, market and projected sales, and new a-Si active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD) factory); materials for flat panel displays (liquid crystal materials, and light-emissive display materials); manufacturing and infrastructure of active matrix liquid crystal displays (manufacturing logistics and equipment); passive matrix liquid crystal displays (LCD basics, twisted nematics LCD's, supertwisted nematic LCD's, ferroelectric LCD's, and a comparison of passive matrix LCD technology); active matrix technology (basic active matrix technology, investment environment, amorphous silicon, polysilicon, and commercial products and prototypes); and projection displays (comparison of Japanese and U.S. display research, and technical evaluation of work)

    Tactile and Touchless Sensors Printed on Flexible Textile Substrates for Gesture Recognition

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] The main objective of this thesis is the development of new sensors and actuators using Printed Electronics technology. For this, conductive, semiconductor and dielectric polymeric materials are used on flexible and/or elastic substrates. By means of suitable designs and application processes, it is possible to manufacture sensors capable of interacting with the environment. In this way, specific sensing functionalities can be incorporated into the substrates, such as textile fabrics. Additionally, it is necessary to include electronic systems capable of processing the data obtained, as well as its registration. In the development of these sensors and actuators, the physical properties of the different materials are precisely combined. For this, multilayer structures are designed where the properties of some materials interact with those of others. The result is a sensor capable of capturing physical variations of the environment, and convert them into signals that can be processed, and finally transformed into data. On the one hand, a tactile sensor printed on textile substrate for 2D gesture recognition was developed. This sensor consists of a matrix composed of small capacitive sensors based on a capacitor type structure. These sensors were designed in such a way that, if a finger or other object with capacitive properties, gets close enough, its behaviour varies, and it can be measured. The small sensors are arranged in this matrix as in a grid. Each sensor has a position that is determined by a row and a column. The capacity of each small sensor is periodically measured in order to assess whether significant variations have been produced. For this, it is necessary to convert the sensor capacity into a value that is subsequently digitally processed. On the other hand, to improve the effectiveness in the use of the developed 2D touch sensors, the way of incorporating an actuator system was studied. Thereby, the user receives feedback that the order or action was recognized. To achieve this, the capacitive sensor grid was complemented with an electroluminescent screen printed as well. The final prototype offers a solution that combines a 2D tactile sensor with an electroluminescent actuator on a printed textile substrate. Next, the development of a 3D gesture sensor was carried out using a combination of sensors also printed on textile substrate. In this type of 3D sensor, a signal is sent generating an electric field on the sensors. This is done using a transmission electrode located very close to them. The generated field is received by the reception sensors and converted to electrical signals. For this, the sensors are based on electrodes that act as receivers. If a person places their hands within the emission area, a disturbance of the electric field lines is created. This is due to the deviation of the lines to ground using the intrinsic conductivity of the human body. This disturbance affects the signals received by the electrodes. Variations captured by all electrodes are processed together and can determine the position and movement of the hand on the sensor surface. Finally, the development of an improved 3D gesture sensor was carried out. As in the previous development, the sensor allows contactless gesture detection, but increasing the detection range. In addition to printed electronic technology, two other textile manufacturing technologies were evaluated.[ES] La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental el desarrollo de nuevos sensores y actuadores empleando la tecnología electrónica impresa, también conocida como Printed Electronics. Para ello, se emplean materiales poliméricos conductores, semiconductores y dieléctricos sobre sustratos flexibles y/o elásticos. Por medio de diseños y procesos de aplicación adecuados, es posible fabricar sensores capaces de interactuar con el entorno. De este modo, se pueden incorporar a los sustratos, como puedan ser tejidos textiles, funcionalidades específicas de medición del entorno y de respuesta ante cambios de este. Adicionalmente, es necesario incluir sistemas electrónicos, capaces de realizar el procesado de los datos obtenidos, así como de su registro. En el desarrollo de estos sensores y actuadores se combinan las propiedades físicas de los diferentes materiales de forma precisa. Para ello, se diseñan estructuras multicapa donde las propiedades de unos materiales interaccionan con las de los demás. El resultado es un sensor capaz de captar variaciones físicas del entorno, y convertirlas en señales que pueden ser procesadas y transformadas finalmente en datos. Por una parte, se ha desarrollado un sensor táctil impreso sobre sustrato textil para reconocimiento de gestos en 2D. Este sensor se compone de una matriz formada por pequeños sensores capacitivos basados en estructura de tipo condensador. Estos se han diseñado de forma que, si un dedo u otro objeto con propiedades capacitivas se aproxima suficientemente, su comportamiento varía, pudiendo ser medido. Los pequeños sensores están ordenados en dicha matriz como en una cuadrícula. Cada sensor tiene una posición que viene determinada por una fila y por una columna. Periódicamente se mide la capacidad de cada pequeño sensor con el fin de evaluar si ha sufrido variaciones significativas. Para ello es necesario convertir la capacidad del sensor en un valor que posteriormente es procesado digitalmente. Por otro lado, con el fin de mejorar la efectividad en el uso de los sensores táctiles 2D desarrollados, se ha estudiado el modo de incorporar un sistema actuador. De esta forma, el usuario recibe una retroalimentación indicando que la orden o acción ha sido reconocida. Para ello, se ha complementado la matriz de sensores capacitivos con una pantalla electroluminiscente también impresa. El resultado final ofrece una solución que combina un sensor táctil 2D con un actuador electroluminiscente realizado mediante impresión electrónica sobre sustrato textil. Posteriormente, se ha llevado a cabo el desarrollo de un sensor de gestos 3D empleando una combinación de sensores impresos también sobre sustrato textil. En este tipo de sensor 3D, se envía una señal que genera un campo eléctrico sobre los sensores impresos. Esto se lleva a cabo mediante un electrodo de transmisión situado muy cerca de ellos. El campo generado es recibido por los sensores y convertido a señales eléctricas. Para ello, los sensores se basan en electrodos que actúan de receptores. Si una persona coloca su mano dentro del área de emisión, se crea una perturbación de las líneas de los campos eléctricos. Esto es debido a la desviación de las líneas de campo a tierra utilizando la conductividad intrínseca del cuerpo humano. Esta perturbación cambia/afecta a las señales recibidas por los electrodos. Las variaciones captadas por todos los electrodos son procesadas de forma conjunta pudiendo determinar la posición y el movimiento de la mano sobre la superficie del sensor. Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo el desarrollo de un sensor de gestos 3D mejorado. Al igual que el desarrollo anterior, permite la detección de gestos sin necesidad de contacto, pero incrementando la distancia de alcance. Además de la tecnología de impresión electrónica, se ha evaluado el empleo de otras dos tecnologías de fabricación textil.[CA] La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu fonamental el desenvolupament de nous sensors i actuadors fent servir la tecnologia de electrònica impresa, també coneguda com Printed Electronics. Es va fer us de materials polimèrics conductors, semiconductors i dielèctrics sobre substrats flexibles i/o elàstics. Per mitjà de dissenys i processos d'aplicació adequats, és possible fabricar sensors capaços d'interactuar amb l'entorn. D'aquesta manera, es poden incorporar als substrats, com ara teixits tèxtils, funcionalitats específiques de mesurament de l'entorn i de resposta davant canvis d'aquest. Addicionalment, és necessari incloure sistemes electrònics, capaços de realitzar el processament de les dades obtingudes, així com del seu registre. En el desenvolupament d'aquests sensors i actuadors es combinen les propietats físiques dels diferents materials de forma precisa. Cal dissenyar estructures multicapa on les propietats d'uns materials interaccionen amb les de la resta. manera El resultat es un sensor capaç de captar variacions físiques de l'entorn, i convertirles en senyals que poden ser processades i convertides en dades. D'una banda, s'ha desenvolupat un sensor tàctil imprès sobre substrat tèxtil per a reconeixement de gestos en 2D. Aquest sensor es compon d'una matriu formada amb petits sensors capacitius basats en una estructura de tipus condensador. Aquests s'han dissenyat de manera que, si un dit o un altre objecte amb propietats capacitives s'aproxima prou, el seu comportament varia, podent ser mesurat. Els petits sensors estan ordenats en aquesta matriu com en una quadrícula. Cada sensor té una posició que ve determinada per una fila i per una columna. Periòdicament es mesura la capacitat de cada petit sensor per tal d'avaluar si ha sofert variacions significatives. Per a això cal convertir la capacitat del sensor a un valor que posteriorment és processat digitalment. D'altra banda, per tal de millorar l'efectivitat en l'ús dels sensors tàctils 2D desenvolupats, s'ha estudiat la manera d'incorporar un sistema actuador. D'aquesta forma, l'usuari rep una retroalimentació indicant que l'ordre o acció ha estat reconeguda. Per a això, s'ha complementat la matriu de sensors capacitius amb una pantalla electroluminescent també impresa. El resultat final ofereix una solució que combina un sensor tàctil 2D amb un actuador electroluminescent realitzat mitjançant impressió electrònica sobre substrat tèxtil. Posteriorment, s'ha dut a terme el desenvolupament d'un sensor de gestos 3D emprant una combinació d'un mínim de sensors impresos també sobre substrat tèxtil. En aquest tipus de sensor 3D, s'envia un senyal que genera un camp elèctric sobre els sensors impresos. Això es porta a terme mitjançant un elèctrode de transmissió situat molt a proper a ells. El camp generat és rebut pels sensors i convertit a senyals elèctrics. Per això, els sensors es basen en elèctrodes que actuen de receptors. Si una persona col·loca la seva mà dins de l'àrea d'emissió, es crea una pertorbació de les línies dels camps elèctrics. Això és a causa de la desviació de les línies de camp a terra utilitzant la conductivitat intrínseca de el cos humà. Aquesta pertorbació afecta als senyals rebudes pels elèctrodes. Les variacions captades per tots els elèctrodes són processades de manera conjunta per determinar la posició i el moviment de la mà sobre la superfície del sensor. Finalment, s'ha dut a terme el desenvolupament d'un sensor de gestos 3D millorat. A l'igual que el desenvolupament anterior, permet la detecció de gestos sense necessitat de contacte, però incrementant la distància d'abast. A més a més de la tecnologia d'impressió electrònica, s'ha avaluat emprar altres dues tecnologies de fabricació tèxtil.Ferri Pascual, J. (2020). Tactile and Touchless Sensors Printed on Flexible Textile Substrates for Gesture Recognition [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153075TESISCompendi

    Flat Panel Displays in Perspective

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    This report addresses two issues. First, is the lack of a high-volume domestic FPD industry a cause for national concern? Why might having such an industry be important for the good of the nation? Second, if the government wishes to foster such an industry, what policies might be most effective

    High-dynamic-range Foveated Near-eye Display System

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    Wearable near-eye display has found widespread applications in education, gaming, entertainment, engineering, military training, and healthcare, just to name a few. However, the visual experience provided by current near-eye displays still falls short to what we can perceive in the real world. Three major challenges remain to be overcome: 1) limited dynamic range in display brightness and contrast, 2) inadequate angular resolution, and 3) vergence-accommodation conflict (VAC) issue. This dissertation is devoted to addressing these three critical issues from both display panel development and optical system design viewpoints. A high-dynamic-range (HDR) display requires both high peak brightness and excellent dark state. In the second and third chapters, two mainstream display technologies, namely liquid crystal display (LCD) and organic light emitting diode (OLED), are investigated to extend their dynamic range. On one hand, LCD can easily boost its peak brightness to over 1000 nits, but it is challenging to lower the dark state to \u3c 0.01 nits. To achieve HDR, we propose to use a mini-LED local dimming backlight. Based on our simulations and subjective experiments, we establish practical guidelines to correlate the device contrast ratio, viewing distance, and required local dimming zone number. On the other hand, self-emissive OLED display exhibits a true dark state, but boosting its peak brightness would unavoidably cause compromised lifetime. We propose a systematic approach to enhance OLED\u27s optical efficiency while keeping indistinguishable angular color shift. These findings will shed new light to guide future HDR display designs. In Chapter four, in order to improve angular resolution, we demonstrate a multi-resolution foveated display system with two display panels and an optical combiner. The first display panel provides wide field of view for peripheral vision, while the second panel offers ultra-high resolution for the central fovea. By an optical minifying system, both 4x and 5x enhanced resolutions are demonstrated. In addition, a Pancharatnam-Berry phase deflector is applied to actively shift the high-resolution region, in order to enable eye-tracking function. The proposed design effectively reduces the pixelation and screen-door effect in near-eye displays. The VAC issue in stereoscopic displays is believed to be the main cause of visual discomfort and fatigue when wearing VR headsets. In Chapter five, we propose a novel polarization-multiplexing approach to achieve multiplane display. A polarization-sensitive Pancharatnam-Berry phase lens and a spatial polarization modulator are employed to simultaneously create two independent focal planes. This method enables generation of two image planes without the need of temporal multiplexing. Therefore, it can effectively reduce the frame rate by one-half. In Chapter six, we briefly summarize our major accomplishments

    Space station data system analysis/architecture study. Task 2: Options development DR-5. Volume 1: Technology options

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    The second task in the Space Station Data System (SSDS) Analysis/Architecture Study is the development of an information base that will support the conduct of trade studies and provide sufficient data to make key design/programmatic decisions. This volume identifies the preferred options in the technology category and characterizes these options with respect to performance attributes, constraints, cost, and risk. The technology category includes advanced materials, processes, and techniques that can be used to enhance the implementation of SSDS design structures. The specific areas discussed are mass storage, including space and round on-line storage and off-line storage; man/machine interface; data processing hardware, including flight computers and advanced/fault tolerant computer architectures; and software, including data compression algorithms, on-board high level languages, and software tools. Also discussed are artificial intelligence applications and hard-wire communications

    Backplane System Design Considerations for Micro LED Displays

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    Display technologies have evolved from the bulky Cathode Ray Tube based displays to the latest lightweight and low power micro-Led (uLED) based flat panel displays. A display system consists of a device technology that either manipulates the incoming light or emits its own light and a controller circuit to control the behavior of these devices. This system makes up the backplane of a display technology. uLEDs due to their small size provide higher resolution and better contrast than all the previous display technologies like the LCDs and the OLEDs. Backplane system design considerations for a uLED flat panel display is the primary focus of this work. The uLEDs are arranged in a 2-D matrix on a glass substrate with each uLED driven by an arrangement of 2 transistor and 1 capacitor that make up a pixel circuit. Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide TFTs are used as the choice of transistors for this project. The backplane design considerations are done to support an active matrix of 10x10, 50x50 and 380x380 pixel count in both monochrome and color versions. The behavior of the pixel circuit is evaluated using existing TFT and uLED electrical device compact models to determine the optimal value of the storage capacitor needed for the pixel circuit operation at 30 & 60Hz refresh rates. A model board with shift registers, transistors and LEDs to mimic the operation of a 10x10 uLED array is made and a FPGA is used to control the operation of this board. A timing relationship between the row and column data latch is deduced and the impact of the row-line, column-line RC delay and the pixel transient response time is evaluated. The impact of IR losses due to the power and ground line resistances are evaluated with the help monochrome pixel circuit physical layout. A new pixel circuit to accommodate the RGB pixels is made and care is taken to minimize both the RC delay and IR losses. Finally, a low contact resistance (0.05Ω-mm2) modular packaging scheme to electrically bond the two-dimensional array of pixel circuits on glass with the electronics on the PCB and to reduce RC delay is given

    Multi-Year Program Plan FY'09-FY'15 Solid-State Lighting Research and Development

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    Modeling of OLED degradation for prediction and compensation of AMOLED aging artifacts

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    Degradation is still the most challenging issue for OLED, which causes the image-sticking artifact on AMOLED displays and limits their lifetime. To overcome the demerit, OLED degradation is modeled in this thesis, and compensation based on the models is applied for AMOLEDs. A data-counting model is firstly developed to quantitatively evaluate the degradation on OLEDs, with consideration of the accumulation stress during operation. An electro-optical model is further built, based on an equivalent circuit. It can simulate the electro-optical characteristic (I-V, Eff-V) and the degradation behaviors in aging process. Besides, the correlation model is aimed to derive the current efficiency decay with measurable electrical values, delivering more dependable results at strongly aged state. The prediction and compensation are implemented based on developed models. The results show that the models exactly predict the efficiency decay during operation. The image-sticking aging artifact on AMOLED can be suppressed by applying compensation, so that the display lifetime is extended.Durch das Einbrennen von Bildern in AMOLED Displays wird deren Lebensdauer verringert; dieser Qualitätsverlust stellt nach wie vor die größte Herausforderung für die OLED Technologie dar. In dieser Thesis wird die Degradation der OLEDs modelliert und eine Kompensierung anhand der Modelle erreicht. Zunächst wurde ein Data-counting Modell entwickelt, um die Degradation von OLEDs unter Berücksichtigung der akkumulierten Belastung während des Betriebs quantitativ zu bewerten. Des Weiteren wurde ein elektro-optisches Modell entwickelt, das auf einem äquivalenten Schaltungsmodell basiert. Es kann die elektro-optischen Eigenschaft (I-V, Eff-V) und das Degradationsverhalten im Alterungsprozess simulieren. Außer den beiden Modellen wird noch ein Korrelationsmodell entwickelt, das darauf abzielt, die Abnahme der Stromeffizienz aus den messbaren elektrischen Werten abzuleiten. Dieses Modell liefert im stark gealterten Zustand zuverlässigere Ergebnisse. Aufbauend auf die entwickelten Modelle wurden die Vorhersage und die Kompensierung implementiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Modelle den Effizienzverlust während des Betriebes genau vorhersagen. Das Einbrennen des Bildes in das AMOLED-Display kann durch das Anwenden der Kompensierung unterdrückt werden, so dass die Lebensdauer des Displays verlängert wird

    Smart Fabric sensors for foot motion monitoring

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    Smart Fabrics or fabrics that have the characteristics of sensors are a wide and emerging field of study. This thesis summarizes an investigation into the development of fabric sensors for use in sensorized socks that can be used to gather real time information about the foot such as gait features. Conventional technologies usually provide 2D information about the foot. Sensorized socks are able to provide angular data in which foot angles are correlated to the output from the sensor enabling 3D monitoring of foot position. Current angle detection mechanisms are mainly heavy and cumbersome; the sensorized socks are not only portable but also non-invasive to the subject who wears them. The incorporation of wireless features into the sensorized socks enabled a remote monitoring of the foot

    Why did video screens get slimmer? A study of the role of Intellectual Property in the commercial development of organic light-emitting diodes

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    PhDThis research project consists of a critical analysis of the role of intellectual property amongst other factors in the successful commercial development at the Cavendish Laboratory of optoelectronic light emitting diode display devices based on novel organic semiconductor materials. It begins by giving the background to the quantum mechanical properties upon which the technology is based, followed by a discussion of the path of innovation, describing the interaction between the different socioeconomic factors that influence this path. It then draws an analogy with the development of an analogous technology - inorganic semiconductors - to signpost the factors that may affect the developmental history of the technology. This is followed by an analysis of a chronology derived initially from patents downloaded from the World Patents Database of the European Patent Office to showcase the technology’s development steps, and to study the patenting strategy of Cambridge Display Technology (CDT) - the company that was set up to commercialise the novel technology - through a patent trends analysis. From that, the major socioeconomic factors critical to the technology’s development are analysed, followed by a test and extension of an existing Black Box mathematical model for studying the dynamics of innovation that is based on the interaction of those factors. Finally, through a patent citation analysis, CDT’s commercial strategy for the technology is shown as being based on its patents portfolio to build an extensive licensing programme that pooled major academic, industry and commercial partners for the furtherance of the technology. This later evolved into a new ecosystem for the innovation, of which CDT occupied a central and indispensable position