5,190 research outputs found

    A Neuroevolutionary Approach to Stochastic Inventory Control in Multi-Echelon Systems

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    Stochastic inventory control in multi-echelon systems poses hard problems in optimisation under uncertainty. Stochastic programming can solve small instances optimally, and approximately solve larger instances via scenario reduction techniques, but it cannot handle arbitrary nonlinear constraints or other non-standard features. Simulation optimisation is an alternative approach that has recently been applied to such problems, using policies that require only a few decision variables to be determined. However, to find optimal or near-optimal solutions we must consider exponentially large scenario trees with a corresponding number of decision variables. We propose instead a neuroevolutionary approach: using an artificial neural network to compactly represent the scenario tree, and training the network by a simulation-based evolutionary algorithm. We show experimentally that this method can quickly find high-quality plans using networks of a very simple form

    Optimal Control Strategy for Serial Supply Chain

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    A Comparison Study of Multi-Objective Metaheuristic Techniques for Continuous Review Stochastic Inventory System

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    Supply chain management which involves managing the flow of material andinformation from sources to customers has been one of the most challenging issuesfacing both the academicians and the practitioners for years. Inventory control is acrucial part of tactical decision level affecting the performance of supply chain indistribution and production. The main focus of this study is to compare theperformance of different multi-objective metaheuristic techniques to optimizeinventory parameters for single-product continuous review stochastic inventorysystem with transportation costs. The simulation-based optimization method is usedto solve the problem by combining the simulation model and metaheuristicalgorithms in order to determine the inventory policy taking into account twoconflicting objectives: customer service level and total inventory cost. We build adiscrete event simulation model to evaluate the objective function of the problem.The Metaheuristic techniques such as the genetic algorithm and particle swarmoptimization are applied to search the solution space. The results obtained by allthese proposed techniques are compared and the effectiveness of each technique hasbeen illustrated

    Decision support system for vendor managed inventory supply chain:a case study

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    Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a widely used collaborative inventory management policy in which manufacturers manages the inventory of retailers and takes responsibility for making decisions related to the timing and extent of inventory replenishment. VMI partnerships help organisations to reduce demand variability, inventory holding and distribution costs. This study provides empirical evidence that significant economic benefits can be achieved with the use of a genetic algorithm (GA)-based decision support system (DSS) in a VMI supply chain. A two-stage serial supply chain in which retailers and their supplier are operating VMI in an uncertain demand environment is studied. Performance was measured in terms of cost, profit, stockouts and service levels. The results generated from GA-based model were compared to traditional alternatives. The study found that the GA-based approach outperformed traditional methods and its use can be economically justified in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

    An Integrated Model for Optimization of Production-Distribution inventory Levels and Routing Structure for a Multi-Period, Multi-Product, Bi-Echelon Supply Chain

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    In many multi-stage manufacturing supply chains, transportation related costs are a significant portion of final product costs. It is often crucial for successful decision making approaches in multi-stage manufacturing supply chains to explicitly account for non-linear transportation costs. In this paper, we have explored this problem by considering a Two-Stage Production-Transportation (TSPT). A two- stage supply chain that faces a deterministic stream of external demands for a single product is considered. A finite supply of raw materials, and finite production at stage one has been assumed. Items are manufactured at stage one and transported to stage two, where the storage capacity of the warehouses is limited. Packaging is completed at stage two (that is, value is added to each item, but no new items are created), and the finished goods inventories are stored which is used to meet the final demand of customers. During each period, the optimized production levels in stage one, as well as transportation levels between stage one and stage two and routing structure from the production plant to warehouses and then to customers, must be determined. We consider “different cost structures,” for both manufacturing and transportation. This TSPT model with capacity constraint at both stages is optimized using Genetic Algorithms (GA) and the results obtained are compared with the results of other optimization techniques of complete enumeration, LINDO, and C-plex

    Multiple order-up-to policy for mitigating bullwhip effect in supply chain network

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    This paper proposes a multiple order-up-to policy based inventory replenishment scheme to mitigate the bullwhip effect in a multi-stage supply chain scenario, where various transportation modes are available between the supply chain (SC) participants. The proposed policy is similar to the fixed order-up-to policy approach where replenishment decision “how much to order” is made periodically on the basis of the predecided order-up-to inventory level. In the proposed policy, optimal multiple order-up-to levels are assigned to each SC participants, which provides decision making reference point for deciding the transportation related order quantity. Subsequently, a mathematical model is established to define optimal multiple order-up-to levels for each SC participants that aims to maximize overall profit from the SC network. In parallel, the model ensures the control over supply chain pipeline inventory, high satisfaction of customer demand and enables timely utilization of available transportation modes. Findings from the various numerical datasets including stochastic customer demand and lead times validate that—the proposed optimal multiple order-up-to policy based inventory replenishment scheme can be a viable alternative for mitigating the bullwhip effect and well-coordinated SC. Moreover, determining the multiple order-up-to levels is a NP hard combinatorial optimization problem. It is found that the implementation of new emerging optimization algorithm named bacterial foraging algorithm (BFA) has presented superior optimization performances. The robustness and applicability of the BFA algorithm are further validated statistically by employing the percentage heuristic gap and two-way ANOVA analysis