137,757 research outputs found

    Dynamical ocean forcing of the Madden-Julian Oscillation at lead times of up to five months

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    We show that a simple three-dimensional ocean model linearised about a resting basic state can accurately simulate the dynamical ocean response to wind forcing by the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). This includes the propagation of equatorial waves in the Indian Ocean, from the generation of oceanic equatorial Kelvin waves to the arrival of downwelling oceanic equatorial Rossby waves in the western Indian Ocean, where they have been shown to trigger MJO convective activity. Simulations with idealised wind forcing suggest that the latitudinal width of this forcing plays a crucial role in determining the potential for such feedbacks. Forcing the model with composite MJO winds accurately captures the global ocean response, demonstrating that the observed ocean dynamical response to the MJO can be interpreted as a linear response to surface wind forcing. The model is then applied to study “primary” Madden-Julian events, which are not immediately preceded by any MJO activity nor by any apparent atmospheric triggers, but have been shown to coincide with the arrival of downwelling oceanic equatorial Rossby waves. Case study simulations show how this oceanic equatorial Rossby wave activity is partly forced by reflection of an oceanic equatorial Kelvin wave triggered by a westerly wind burst 140 days previously, and partly directly forced by easterly wind stress anomalies around 40 days prior to the event. This suggests predictability for primary Madden-Julian events on times scales of up to five months, following the re-emergence of oceanic anomalies forced by winds almost half a year earlier

    On open boundary conditions for three dimensional primitive equation ocean circulation models

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    An open boundary condition is constructed for three dimensional primitive equation ocean circulation models. The boundary condition utilises dominant balances in the governing equations to assist calculations of variables at the boundary. The boundary condition can be used in two forms. Firstly as a passive one in which there is no forcing at the boundary and phenomena generated within the domain of interest can propagate outwards without distorting the interior. Secondly as an active condition where a model is forced by the boundary condition. Three simple idealised tests are performed to verify the open boundary condition, (1) a passive condition to test the outflow of free Kelvin waves, (2) an active condition during the spin up phase of an ocean, (3) finally an example of the use of the condition in a tropical ocean

    Quantifying the influence of sea ice on ocean microseism using observations from the Bering Sea, Alaska

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    Microseism is potentially affected by all processes that alter ocean wave heights. Because strong sea ice prevents large ocean waves from forming, sea ice can therefore significantly affect microseism amplitudes. Here we show that this link between sea ice and microseism is not only a robust one but can be quantified. In particular, we show that 75–90% of the variability in microseism power in the Bering Sea can be predicted using a fairly crude model of microseism damping by sea ice. The success of this simple parameterization suggests that an even stronger link can be established between the mechanical strength of sea ice and microseism power, and that microseism can eventually be used to monitor the strength of sea ice, a quantity that is not as easily observed through other means

    Simulation of Seawinds Measurements in the Presence of Rain using Collocated TRMM PR Data

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    The scatterometer Sea Winds on QuikSCAT measures ocean winds via the relationship between the wind and the normalized radar backscatter cross-section (aO) from the ocean surface. Scattering and attenuation from falling rain droplets along with ocean surface perturbations due to rain change the backscatter signature of the waves induced by near-surface winds. A simple model incorporates the effects of rain on ocean aO. Colocated data from the precipitation radar (PR) aboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite is used to simulate the effects of rain as seen by Sea Winds. PRderived backscatter, atmospheric rain attenuation, and rain rates are averaged over the Sea Winds footprint. The enhancement in backscatter from rain striking the ocean surface is estimated as a function of rain rate using a least-squares technique. QuikSCAT aO values are simulated from the PR-derived parameters and numerical weather prediction wind data using the simple backscatter model. The simple model estimates 90% of the observed rain-contaminated QuikSCAT aO values to within 3 dB

    Ocean rogue waves and their phase space dynamics in the limit of a linear interference model

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    We reanalyse the probability for formation of extreme waves using the simple model of linear interference of a finite number of elementary waves with fixed amplitude and random phase fluctuations. Under these model assumptions no rogue waves appear when less than 10 elementary waves interfere with each other. Above this threshold rogue wave formation becomes increasingly likely, with appearance frequencies that may even exceed long-term observations by an order of magnitude. For estimation of the effective number of interfering waves, we suggest the Grassberger-Procaccia dimensional analysis of individual time series. For the ocean system, it is further shown that the resulting phase space dimension may vary, such that the threshold for rogue wave formation is not always reached. Time series analysis as well as the appearance of particular focusing wind conditions may enable an effective forecast of such rogue-wave prone situations. In particular, extracting the dimension from ocean time series allows much more specific estimation of the rogue wave probability

    Wind-driven Rossby waves in the tropical South Indian Ocean with and without an active ENSO

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    The interannual heat content variability in the tropical south Indian Ocean (SIO) and its relationship with El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is studied. The baroclinic ocean response to stochastic wind stress predicted by a simple analytical model is compared with two integrations of the ECHO-G coupled general circulation model. In one integration, ocean–atmosphere interactions are suppressed in the tropical Pacific Ocean, so that this integration does not simulate ENSO. In the other integration, interactions are allowed everywhere and ENSO is simulated. The results show that basinwide variability in the SIO heat content can be produced by two mechanisms: 1) oscillatory forcing by ENSO-related wind stress and 2) temporally stochastic and spatially coherent wind stress forcing. Previous studies have shown that transmission of energy from the tropical Pacific to the southern Indian Ocean occurs through coastal Kelvin waves along the western coast of Australia. The results in this paper confirm the occurrence of such transmission. In the ECHO-G simulations, this transmission occurs both at the annual time scale and at interannual time scales. Generation of offshore Rossby waves by these coastal Kelvin waves at interannual time scales—and, in particular, at the ENSO time scale—was found

    Long-Wave Generation due to Atmospheric-Pressure Variation and Harbor Oscillation in Harbors of Various Shapes and Countermeasures against Meteotsunamis

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    First, the generation and propagation of long ocean waves due to the atmospheric-pressure variation have been simulated using the numerical model based on the nonlinear shallow water equations, where the atmospheric-pressure waves of various pressure-profile patterns travel eastward over East China Sea. Before the oscillation attenuation in Urauchi Bay, Japan, the incidence of long waves can continue owing to an oscillation system generated between the main island of Kyushu and Okinawa Trough. Second, the simple estimate equations are proposed to predict both the wave height and wavelength of long waves caused by an atmospheric-pressure wave, using atmospheric-pressure data above the ocean. Third, numerical simulation has been generated for the oscillation in the harbors of C-, I-, L-, and T-type shapes, as well as Urauchi Bay with two bay heads like a T-type harbor. Finally, we discuss disaster measures, including the real-time prediction of meteotsunami generation, as well as both the structural and the nonstructural preparations

    An Asymptotic Expansion for the Recharge-Discharge Model of ENSO

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    International audienceThe dynamics of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the equatorial Pacific Ocean are largely associated with the slow thermocline adjustment at interannual and basin scales. This adjustment involves, among other things, the fast propagation and reflection of equatorial waves by wind stress forcing. A simple and straightforward asymptotic expansion of the long-wave equations is proposed using the low-frequency approximation. The asymptotic expansion is performed in Fourier space, retaining only the gravest equatorial long waves and baroclinic modes with the largest scale, and considering small dissipation by friction and boundary reflections. This leads to an asymptotic model for the thermocline response to wind stress forcing, which is in essence the ocean component of the recharge-discharge model of ENSO. The asymptotic model is nonheuristic and in broad agreement with some essential results scattered in previous studies. Thermocline variability is divided into a sloping "Tilt mode" that adjusts instantly to wind stress forcing and a zonal-mean "Warm Water Volume mode" that adjusts as a time integrator to wind stress curl. The model has a plausible energy budget and its solutions are in good agreement with observations. Results suggest that the net adjustment rather than the explicit delays of equatorial waves is essential for the slow thermocline adjustment, and this is best described by the recharge-discharge model

    Coupling coefficients and kinetic equation for Rossby waves in multi-layer ocean

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    International audienceThe kinetic description of baroclinic Rossby waves in multi-layer model ocean is analysed. Explicit analytical expressions for the coupling coefficients describing energy exchange intensity between different modes are obtained and their main properties are established for the three-layer model. It is demonstrated that several types of interactions vanish in the case of simple vertical structures of the ocean, e.g. when all layers have equal depth. These cases correspond to a zero component of the eigenvectors of the potential vorticity equations. The kinetic equation always possesses a fully barotropic solution. If energy is concentrated in the baroclinic modes, the barotropic mode will necessarily be generated. Motion systems consisting of a superposition of the barotropic and a baroclinic mode always transfer energy to other baroclinic modes
