3,727 research outputs found

    Hierarchical sales forecasting system for apparel companies and supply chains

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    The typical problems facing with apparel companies and supply chains are forecasting errors, because fashion markets are volatile and difficult to predict. For that reason, the ability to develop accurate sales forecasts is critical in the industry. There are several research studies related to forecasting apparel goods, but very often only for one level. However, apparel companies and supply chains deal with a number of levels at which the forecasts could exist and require consistent forecasts at all of them. The paper presents a hierarchical middle-term forecasting system designed for this purpose on the basis of a literature review. The system is built by the top-down forecasting approach and verified by means of a case study in a particular apparel company. The weaknesses of the system are identified during discussion of the results acquired. A generalised concept of the ANN forecasting model is designed for elimination these weaknesses.Web of Science21611

    Impact of information exchange on supply chain strategies

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    Due to globalisation and the competition faced from Asian countries, there is an emergent need to investigate how to extend the limited capabilities of developing countries in order to survive in the market as well as reach global market. Developing countries play an important role as OEM units to provide global markets with under-brand names. Many difficulties face the industrial zones in these countries in their attempt to reach this target and these prevent them from providing their own brands. For example, many sectors in Egyptian industry are outperformed by Chinese competition and have even lost their domestic market share. Textiles are one of the most affected industries as a result of this competition. The risk of Egyptian fabrics vanishing from global markets is indicated by a huge reduction in export rate after the quota phase-out. Egyptian textile producers rely on global agreements to reach global markets. The period after the Multi-Fibre agreement shows an obvious drop in exportation rates till the Qualified Industrial Zones (QIZ) agreement was issued. Can the same scenario occur after QIZ quota phase-out? What should Egyptian fabric manufacturer do? Since the situation is alarming and may result in exporting the high quality Egyptian cotton to global markets instead of to its domestic manufacturers, the flood of Chinese fabrics in Egyptian Markets requires that the question “how to survive and compete with low-cost Chinese fabrics?” be investigated. The aim of the research was to investigate the deficiencies experienced by Egyptian firms trying to reach global markets and maintain their domestic market share. The research conducted an exploratory-explanatory empirical study to identify the major issues facing textile fabricators in Egyptian industrial zones. Case studies and a survey outcome were matched to provide validated empirical findings. An Interpretive Structuring Modelling approach was used to indicate the stages of supply chain deficiencies based on the case study findings. The major issues causing supply chain deficiencies are defined from the case study analysis and validated using the survey approach. The outcome of the empirical study indicates that supply chain design, integration and IT infrastructure are considered as major issues that lead to the existing deficiencies of the textile industry supply chain in Egypt despite the low level assigned to their importance. At the same time, production and procurement issues are considered as dependant on poor supply chain design, IT infrastructure and unreliable forecasting despite the high level assigned to their importance. A stage-based model for supply chain deficiencies in the Egyptian textile sector was highlighted in this study to indicate dependency and driving power among internal deficiencies. A framework, indicates supply chain deficiencies and their leading factors in Egypt, was concluded from this study. The study points out a number of external issues related to the surrounding environment and the government’s role in contributing to the aggravation of the existing deficiencies. The research uses simulation techniques to test the proposed solution that might provide better supply chain performance. A System Dynamic approach is used to model a case study of the investigated industry. Different scenarios of fulfilling local and international orders have been tested. These scenarios are represented in: expansion of production capacity, reduction of inventory levels or reduction of procurement time. Since addressing the internal deficiency, which empirical study respondents’ pointed out as being the most important one, could not provide an adaquate solution for the existing deficiencies, supply chain re-structuring to represent a collaborative pattern between partners was, therefore, tested and proved to have a great effect on supply chain performance. A collaborative pattern among supply chain partners indicated its positive impact on supply chain performance. The simulation experiments prove that the individual decisions of supply chain partners cannot bring about improvement to supply chain cost and responsiveness. The negative impact of an unreliable logistic system on supply chain performance was confirmed through the simulation experiments. The study provides the managerial levels in textile organisations with a solid causal basis for the supply chain deficiencies in the Egyptian textile sector. The outcome of the work can be employed by governmental authorities to address such difficulties and accelerate the growth of this sector globally. The thesis provides the fundamentals for investigating deficiencies in developing countries that might be extended by other researchers to investigate other defective sectors in Egypt and other developing countries

    Supply chain performance measurement framework:case studies on the Thai manufacturers

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    One of the most significant paradigm shifts of modern business management is that individual businesses no longer compete as solely autonomous entities, but rather as supply chains. Firms worldwide have embraced the concept of supply chain management as important and sometimes critical to their business. The idea of a collaborative supply chain is to gain a competitive advantage by improving overall performance through measuring a holistic perspective of the supply chain. However, contemporary performance measurement theory is somewhat fragmented and fails to support this idea. Therefore, this research develops and applies an integrated supply chain performance measurement framework that provides a more holistic approach to the study of supply chain performance measurement by combining both supply chain macro processes and decision making levels. Therefore, the proposed framework can provide a balanced horizontal (cross-process) and vertical (hierarchical decision) view and measure the performance of the entire supply chain system. Firstly, literature on performance measurement frameworks and performance measurement factors of supply chain management will help to develop a conceptual framework. Next the proposed framework will be presented. The framework will be validated through in-depth interviews with three Thai manufacturing companies. The fieldwork combined varied sources in order to understand the views of manufacturers on supply chain performance in the three case study companies. The collected data were analyzed, interpreted, and reported using thematic analysis and analysis hierarchy process (AHP), which was influenced by the study’s conceptual framework. This research contributes a new theory of supply chain performance measurement and knowledge on supply chain characteristics of a developing country, Thailand. The research also affects organisations by preparing decision makers to make strategic, tactical and operational level decisions with respect to supply chain macro processes. The results from the case studies also indicate the similarities and differences in their supply chain performance. Furthermore, the implications of the study are offered for both academic and practical use

    Impact pathways: technology-aided supply chain planning for resilience

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    Purpose: Due to emerging uncertainties, supply chain planning (SCP) has become complex for many companies, and practitioners are unsure how emerging technologies can help. We address this gap by identifying pathways of how digital technologies may aid planned flexibility in SCP. Design/methodology/approach: The research builds on engaged scholarship and co-creation of knowledge. Eight senior managers from two companies participated in three rounds of workshops with us discussing and contrasting their planning challenges and potential solutions using examples of industry 4.0 applications drawn from the literature. Findings: Based on a novel framework for digital transition in SCP, this research shows how emerging technologies may aid SCP in building resilience to emergent uncertainties and open new research avenues through four impact pathways. Research limitations/implications: The SCP literature is ruefully short on studies that address technology-aided SC resilience. The research explains why this calls for a paradigm shift in SCP research. Originality/value: This research argues that resilience-building SCP requires planned flexibility and presents a digital transition framework that allows for it

    Aerospace management techniques: Commercial and governmental applications

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    A guidebook for managers and administrators is presented as a source of useful information on new management methods in business, industry, and government. The major topics discussed include: actual and potential applications of aerospace management techniques to commercial and governmental organizations; aerospace management techniques and their use within the aerospace sector; and the aerospace sector's application of innovative management techniques

    Decision support visualization approach in textile manufacturing a case study from operational control in textile industry

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    Decision support visualization tools provide insights for solving problems by displaying data in an interactive, graphical format. Such tools can be effective for supporting decision-makers in finding new opportunities and in measuring decision outcomes. In this study, was used a visualization tool capable of handling multivariate time series for studying a problem of operational control in a textile manufacturing plant; the main goal was to identify sources of inefficiency in the daily production data of three machines. A concise rule-based model of the inefficiency measures (i.e. quantitative measures were transformed into categorical variables) was developed and then performed an in-depth visual analysis using a particular technique, the categorical time series plots stacked vertically. With this approach were identified a wide array of production inefficiency patterns, which were difficult to identify using standard quantitative reporting - temporal pattern of best and worst performing machines - and critically, along with most important sources of inefficiency and some interactions between them were revealed. The case study underlying this work was further contextualized within the state of the art, and demonstrates the effectiveness of adequate visual analysis as a decision support tool for operational control in manufacturing.This study was partially conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (UID/PSI/01662/2013), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-010145-FEDER-007653). This work was also supported by the following grants: FCT project PTDC/MHC/PCN/1530; FEDER Funds through the "Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE" program and by National Funds through FCT "Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia" under the project: FCOMP-010124-FEDER-PEst-OE/EEI/UI0760/2011, PEst-OE/EEI/UI0760/2014, PEst2015-2020 and UID/CEC/00319/2019

    Mid-term capacity planning process and tool for textile services company

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    This development project was carried out for Lindström Oy. The purpose of the project was to do a needs assessment for medium-term purchase planning and develop a process for it. The goal also included comparing alternative software as a tool for the process. The process needs to bind the long-term plan forecast to the ongoing purchasing process. This will be done by using the plan as a base and updating the plan more often, in a weekly basis. The plan is updated and validated by the Mid-term Planner who is the only one making changes to the plan. The plan is then shared with the execution parties. The search for the application software was started from what are already in use at Lindström. These software are used in different levels of the purchasing and production planning. All systems are very different and all of them have very different strengths and weaknesses. None of the solutions were a perfect match and were unable to fulfill all the requirements set for the tool. There was not one clear winner, but one favourite was found