155 research outputs found

    Selecting patterns and features for between- and within- crop-row weed mapping using UAV-imagery

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    This paper approaches the problem of weed mapping for precision agriculture, using imagery provided by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) from sun ower and maize crops. Precision agriculture referred to weed control is mainly based on the design of early post-emergence site-speci c control treatments according to weed coverage, where one of the most important challenges is the spectral similarity of crop and weed pixels in early growth stages. Our work tackles this problem in the context of object-based image analysis (OBIA) by means of supervised machine learning methods combined with pattern and feature selection techniques, devising a strategy for alleviating the user intervention in the system while not compromising the accuracy. This work rstly proposes a method for choosing a set of training patterns via clustering techniques so as to consider a representative set of the whole eld data spectrum for the classi cation method. Furthermore, a feature selection method is used to obtain the best discriminating features from a set of several statistics and measures of di erent nature. Results from this research show that the proposed method for pattern selection is suitable and leads to the construction of robust sets of data. The exploitation of di erent statistical, spatial and texture metrics represents a new avenue with huge potential for between and within crop-row weed mapping via UAV-imagery and shows good synergy when complemented with OBIA. Finally, there are some measures (specially those linked to vegetation indexes) that are of great in uence for weed mapping in both sun ower and maize crop

    Selecting patterns and features for between- and within-crop-row weed mapping using UAV-imagery

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    This paper approaches the problem of weed mapping for precision agriculture, using imagery provided by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) from sunflower and maize crops. Precision agriculture referred to weed control is mainly based on the design of early post-emergence site-specific control treatments according to weed coverage, where one of the most important challenges is the spectral similarity of crop and weed pixels in early growth stages. Our work tackles this problem in the context of object-based image analysis (OBIA) by means of supervised machine learning methods combined with pattern and feature selection techniques, devising a strategy for alleviating the user intervention in the system while not compromising the accuracy. This work firstly proposes a method for choosing a set of training patterns via clustering techniques so as to consider a representative set of the whole field data spectrum for the classification method. Furthermore, a feature selection method is used to obtain the best discriminating features from a set of several statistics and measures of different nature. Results from this research show that the proposed method for pattern selection is suitable and leads to the construction of robust sets of data. The exploitation of different statistical, spatial and texture metrics represents a new avenue with huge potential for between and within crop-row weed mapping via UAV-imagery and shows good synergy when complemented with OBIA. Finally, there are some measures (specially those linked to vegetation indexes) that are of great influence for weed mapping in both sunflower and maize crops

    WeedMap: A large-scale semantic weed mapping framework using aerial multispectral imaging and deep neural network for precision farming

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    We present a novel weed segmentation and mapping framework that processes multispectral images obtained from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using a deep neural network (DNN). Most studies on crop/weed semantic segmentation only consider single images for processing and classification. Images taken by UAVs often cover only a few hundred square meters with either color only or color and near-infrared (NIR) channels. Computing a single large and accurate vegetation map (e.g., crop/weed) using a DNN is non-trivial due to difficulties arising from: (1) limited ground sample distances (GSDs) in high-altitude datasets, (2) sacrificed resolution resulting from downsampling high-fidelity images, and (3) multispectral image alignment. To address these issues, we adopt a stand sliding window approach that operates on only small portions of multispectral orthomosaic maps (tiles), which are channel-wise aligned and calibrated radiometrically across the entire map. We define the tile size to be the same as that of the DNN input to avoid resolution loss. Compared to our baseline model (i.e., SegNet with 3 channel RGB inputs) yielding an area under the curve (AUC) of [background=0.607, crop=0.681, weed=0.576], our proposed model with 9 input channels achieves [0.839, 0.863, 0.782]. Additionally, we provide an extensive analysis of 20 trained models, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in order to evaluate the effects of varying input channels and tunable network hyperparameters. Furthermore, we release a large sugar beet/weed aerial dataset with expertly guided annotations for further research in the fields of remote sensing, precision agriculture, and agricultural robotics.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, MDPI Remote Sensin

    Boosting precision crop protection towards agriculture 5.0 via machine learning and emerging technologies: A contextual review

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    Crop protection is a key activity for the sustainability and feasibility of agriculture in a current context of climate change, which is causing the destabilization of agricultural practices and an increase in the incidence of current or invasive pests, and a growing world population that requires guaranteeing the food supply chain and ensuring food security. In view of these events, this article provides a contextual review in six sections on the role of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and other emerging technologies to solve current and future challenges of crop protection. Over time, crop protection has progressed from a primitive agriculture 1.0 (Ag1.0) through various technological developments to reach a level of maturity closelyin line with Ag5.0 (section 1), which is characterized by successfully leveraging ML capacity and modern agricultural devices and machines that perceive, analyze and actuate following the main stages of precision crop protection (section 2). Section 3 presents a taxonomy of ML algorithms that support the development and implementation of precision crop protection, while section 4 analyses the scientific impact of ML on the basis of an extensive bibliometric study of >120 algorithms, outlining the most widely used ML and deep learning (DL) techniques currently applied in relevant case studies on the detection and control of crop diseases, weeds and plagues. Section 5 describes 39 emerging technologies in the fields of smart sensors and other advanced hardware devices, telecommunications, proximal and remote sensing, and AI-based robotics that will foreseeably lead the next generation of perception-based, decision-making and actuation systems for digitized, smart and real-time crop protection in a realistic Ag5.0. Finally, section 6 highlights the main conclusions and final remarks

    UAV Detection of sinapis arvensis infestation in alfalfa plots using simple vegetation indices from conventional digital cameras

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    Producción CientíficaUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) offer excellent survey capabilities at low cost to provide farmers with information about the type and distribution of weeds in their fields. In this study, the problem of detecting the infestation of a typical weed (charlock mustard) in an alfalfa crop has been addressed using conventional digital cameras installed on a lightweight UAV to compare RGB-based indices with the widely used Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) index. The simple (R−B)/(R+B) and (R−B)/(R+B+G) vegetation indices allowed one to easily discern the yellow weed from the green crop. Moreover, they avoided the potential confusion of weeds with soil observed for the NDVI index. The small overestimation detected in the weed identification when the RGB indices were used could be easily reduced by using them in conjunction with NDVI. The proposed methodology may be used in the generation of weed cover maps for alfalfa, which may then be translated into site-specific herbicide treatment maps.Unión Europea (project LIFE11 ENV/ES/000535

    Assessing the advancement of artificial intelligence and drones’ integration in agriculture through a bibliometric study

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    Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with drones has emerged as a promising paradigm for advancing agriculture. This bibliometric analysis investigates the current state of research in this transformative domain by comprehensively reviewing 234 pertinent articles from Scopus and Web of Science databases. The problem involves harnessing AI-driven drones' potential to address agricultural challenges effectively. To address this, we conducted a bibliometric review, looking at critical components, such as prominent journals, co-authorship patterns across countries, highly cited articles, and the co-citation network of keywords. Our findings underscore a growing interest in using AI-integrated drones to revolutionize various agricultural practices. Noteworthy applications include crop monitoring, precision agriculture, and environmental sensing, indicative of the field’s transformative capacity. This pioneering bibliometric study presents a comprehensive synthesis of the dynamic research landscape, signifying the first extensive exploration of AI and drones in agriculture. The identified knowledge gaps point to future research opportunities, fostering the adoption and implementation of these technologies for sustainable farming practices and resource optimization. Our analysis provides essential insights for researchers and practitioners, laying the groundwork for steering agricultural advancements toward an enhanced efficiency and innovation era

    Monitorización 3D de cultivos y cartografía de malas hierbas mediante vehículos aéreos no tripulados para un uso sostenible de fitosanitarios

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    En esta Tesis Doctoral se han utilizado las imágenes procedentes de un UAV para abordar la sostenibilidad de la aplicación de productos fitosanitarios mediante la generación de mapas que permitan su aplicación localizada. Se han desarrollado dos formas diferentes y complementarias para lograr este objetivo: 1) la reducción de la aplicación de herbicidas en post-emergencia temprana mediante el diseño de tratamientos dirigidos a las zonas infestadas por malas hierbas en varios cultivos herbáceos; y 2) la caracterización tridimensional (arquitectura y volumen) de cultivos leñosos para el diseño de tratamientos de aplicación localizada de fitosanitarios dirigidos a la parte aérea de los mismos. Para afrontar el control localizado de herbicidas se han estudiado la configuración y las especificaciones técnicas de un UAV y de los sensores embarcados a bordo para su aplicación en la detección temprana de malas hierbas y contribuir a la generación de mapas para un control localizado en tres cultivos herbáceos: maíz, trigo y girasol. A continuación, se evaluaron los índices espectrales más precisos para su uso en la discriminación de suelo desnudo y vegetación (cultivo y malas hierbas) en imágenes-UAV tomadas sobre dichos cultivos en fase temprana. Con el fin de automatizar dicha discriminación se implementó en un entorno OBIA un método de cálculo de umbrales. Finalmente, se desarrolló una metodología OBIA automática y robusta para la discriminación de cultivo, suelo desnudo y malas hierbas en los tres cultivos estudiados, y se evaluó la influencia sobre su funcionamiento de distintos parámetros relacionados con la toma de imágenes UAV (solape, tipo de sensor, altitud de vuelo, momento de programación de los vuelos, entre otros). Por otra parte y para facilitar el diseño de tratamientos fitosanitarios ajustados a las necesidades de los cultivos leñosos se ha desarrollado una metodología OBIA automática y robusta para la caracterización tridimensional (arquitectura y volumen) de cultivos leñosos usando imágenes y modelos digitales de superficies generados a partir de imágenes procedentes de un UAV. Asimismo, se evaluó la influencia de distintos parámetros relacionados con la toma de las imágenes (solape, tipo de sensor, altitud de vuelo) sobre el funcionamiento del algoritmo OBIA diseñado

    Mid to Late Season Weed Detection in Soybean Production Fields Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Machine Learning

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    Mid-late season weeds are those that escape the early season herbicide applications and those that emerge late in the season. They might not affect the crop yield, but if uncontrolled, will produce a large number of seeds causing problems in the subsequent years. In this study, high-resolution aerial imagery of mid-season weeds in soybean fields was captured using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and the performance of two different automated weed detection approaches – patch-based classification and object detection was studied for site-specific weed management. For the patch-based classification approach, several conventional machine learning models on Haralick texture features were compared with the Mobilenet v2 based convolutional neural network (CNN) model for their classification performance. The results showed that the CNN model had the best classification performance for individual patches. Two different image slicing approaches – patches with and without overlap were tested, and it was found that slicing with overlap leads to improved weed detection but with higher inference time. For the object detection approach, two models with different network architectures, namely Faster RCNN and SSD were evaluated and compared. It was found that Faster RCNN had better overall weed detection performance than the SSD with similar inference time. Also, it was found that Faster RCNN had better detection performance and shorter inference time compared to the patch-based CNN with overlapping image slicing. The influence of spatial resolution on weed detection accuracy was investigated by simulating the UAV imagery captured at different altitudes. It was found that Faster RCNN achieves similar performance at a lower spatial resolution. The inference time of Faster RCNN was evaluated using a regular laptop. The results showed the potential of on-farm near real-time weed detection in soybean production fields by capturing UAV imagery with lesser overlap and processing them with a pre-trained deep learning model, such as Faster RCNN, in regular laptops and mobile devices. Advisor: Yeyin Sh