1,873 research outputs found

    Security Aspects of Printed Electronics Applications

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    Gedruckte Elektronik (Printed Electronics (PE)) ist eine neu aufkommende Technologie welche komplementär zu konventioneller Elektronik eingesetzt wird. Dessen einzigartigen Merkmale führten zu einen starken Anstieg von Marktanteilen, welche 2010 \$6 Milliarden betrugen, \$41 Milliarden in 2019 und in 2027 geschätzt \$153 Milliarden. Gedruckte Elektronik kombiniert additive Technologien mit funktionalen Tinten um elektronische Komponenten aus verschiedenen Materialien direkt am Verwendungsort, kosteneffizient und umweltfreundlich herzustellen. Die dabei verwendeten Substrate können flexibel, leicht, transparent, großflächig oder implantierbar sein. Dadurch können mit gedruckter Elektronik (noch) visionäre Anwendungen wie Smart-Packaging, elektronische Einmalprodukte, Smart Labels oder digitale Haut realisiert werden. Um den Fortschritt von gedruckten Elektronik-Technologien voranzutreiben, basierten die meisten Optimierungen hauptsächlich auf der Erhöhung von Produktionsausbeute, Reliabilität und Performance. Jedoch wurde auch die Bedeutung von Sicherheitsaspekten von Hardware-Plattformen in den letzten Jahren immer mehr in den Vordergrund gerückt. Da realisierte Anwendungen in gedruckter Elektronik vitale Funktionalitäten bereitstellen können, die sensible Nutzerdaten beinhalten, wie zum Beispiel in implantierten Geräten und intelligenten Pflastern zur Gesundheitsüberwachung, führen Sicherheitsmängel und fehlendes Produktvertrauen in der Herstellungskette zu teils ernsten und schwerwiegenden Problemen. Des Weiteren, wegen den charakteristischen Merkmalen von gedruckter Elektronik, wie zum Beispiel additive Herstellungsverfahren, hohe Strukturgröße, wenige Schichten und begrenzten Produktionsschritten, ist gedruckte Hardware schon per se anfällig für hardware-basierte Attacken wie Reverse-Engineering, Produktfälschung und Hardware-Trojanern. Darüber hinaus ist die Adoption von Gegenmaßnahmen aus konventionellen Technologien unpassend und ineffizient, da solche zu extremen Mehraufwänden in der kostengünstigen Fertigung von gedruckter Elektronik führen würden. Aus diesem Grund liefert diese Arbeit eine Technologie-spezifische Bewertung von Bedrohungen auf der Hardware-Ebene und dessen Gegenmaßnahmen in der Form von Ressourcen-beschränkten Hardware-Primitiven, um die Produktionskette und Funktionalitäten von gedruckter Elektronik-Anwendungen zu schützen. Der erste Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist ein vorgeschlagener Ansatz um gedruckte Physical Unclonable Functions (pPUF) zu entwerfen, welche Sicherheitsschlüssel bereitstellen um mehrere sicherheitsrelevante Gegenmaßnahmen wie Authentifizierung und Fingerabdrücke zu ermöglichen. Zusätzlich optimieren wir die multi-bit pPUF-Designs um den Flächenbedarf eines 16-bit-Schlüssels-Generators um 31\% zu verringern. Außerdem entwickeln wir ein Analyse-Framework basierend auf Monte Carlo-Simulationen für pPUFs, mit welchem wir Simulationen und Herstellungs-basierte Analysen durchführen können. Unsere Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass die pPUFs die notwendigen Eigenschaften besitzen um erfolgreich als Sicherheitsanwendung eingesetzt zu werden, wie Einzigartigkeit der Signatur und ausreichende Robustheit. Der Betrieb der gedruckten pPUFs war möglich bis zu sehr geringen Betriebsspannungen von nur 0.5 V. Im zweiten Beitrag dieser Arbeit stellen wir einen kompakten Entwurf eines gedruckten physikalischen Zufallsgenerator vor (True Random Number Generator (pTRNG)), welcher unvorhersehbare Schlüssel für kryptographische Funktionen und zufälligen "Authentication Challenges" generieren kann. Der pTRNG Entwurf verbessert Prozess-Variationen unter Verwendung von einer Anpassungsmethode von gedruckten Widerständen, ermöglicht durch die individuelle Konfigurierbarkeit von gedruckten Schaltungen, um die generierten Bits nur von Zufallsrauschen abhängig zu machen, und damit ein echtes Zufallsverhalten zu erhalten. Die Simulationsergebnisse legen nahe, dass die gesamten Prozessvariationen des TRNGs um das 110-fache verbessert werden, und der zufallsgenerierte Bitstream der TRNGs die "National Institute of Standards and Technology Statistical Test Suit"-Tests bestanden hat. Auch hier können wir nachweisen, dass die Betriebsspannungen der TRNGs von mehreren Volt zu nur 0.5 V lagen, wie unsere Charakterisierungsergebnisse der hergestellten TRNGs aufgezeigt haben. Der dritte Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist die Beschreibung der einzigartigen Merkmale von Schaltungsentwurf und Herstellung von gedruckter Elektronik, welche sehr verschieden zu konventionellen Technologien ist, und dadurch eine neuartige Reverse-Engineering (RE)-Methode notwendig macht. Hierfür stellen wir eine robuste RE-Methode vor, welche auf Supervised-Learning-Algorithmen für gedruckte Schaltungen basiert, um die Vulnerabilität gegenüber RE-Attacken zu demonstrieren. Die RE-Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die vorgestellte RE-Methode auf zahlreiche gedruckte Schaltungen ohne viel Komplexität oder teure Werkzeuge angewandt werden kann. Der letzte Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist ein vorgeschlagenes Konzept für eine "one-time programmable" gedruckte Look-up Table (pLUT), welche beliebige digitale Funktionen realisieren kann und Gegenmaßnahmen unterstützt wie Camouflaging, Split-Manufacturing und Watermarking um Attacken auf der Hardware-Ebene zu verhindern. Ein Vergleich des vorgeschlagenen pLUT-Konzepts mit existierenden Lösungen hat gezeigt, dass die pLUT weniger Flächen-bedarf, geringere worst-case Verzögerungszeiten und Leistungsverbrauch hat. Um die Konfigurierbarkeit der vorgestellten pLUT zu verifizieren, wurde es simuliert, hergestellt und programmiert mittels Tintenstrahl-gedruckter elektrisch leitfähiger Tinte um erfolgreich Logik-Gatter wie XNOR, XOR und AND zu realisieren. Die Simulation und Charakterisierungsergebnisse haben die erfolgreiche Funktionalität der pLUT bei Betriebsspannungen von nur 1 V belegt

    Desynchronization: Synthesis of asynchronous circuits from synchronous specifications

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    Asynchronous implementation techniques, which measure logic delays at run time and activate registers accordingly, are inherently more robust than their synchronous counterparts, which estimate worst-case delays at design time, and constrain the clock cycle accordingly. De-synchronization is a new paradigm to automate the design of asynchronous circuits from synchronous specifications, thus permitting widespread adoption of asynchronicity, without requiring special design skills or tools. In this paper, we first of all study different protocols for de-synchronization and formally prove their correctness, using techniques originally developed for distributed deployment of synchronous language specifications. We also provide a taxonomy of existing protocols for asynchronous latch controllers, covering in particular the four-phase handshake protocols devised in the literature for micro-pipelines. We then propose a new controller which exhibits provably maximal concurrency, and analyze the performance of desynchronized circuits with respect to the original synchronous optimized implementation. We finally prove the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach, by showing its application to a set of real designs, including a complete implementation of the DLX microprocessor architectur

    Exploiting Adaptive Techniques to Improve Processor Energy Efficiency

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    Rapid device-miniaturization keeps on inducing challenges in building energy efficient microprocessors. As the size of the transistors continuously decreasing, more uncertainties emerge in their operations. On the other hand, integrating more and more transistors on a single chip accentuates the need to lower its supply-voltage. This dissertation investigates one of the primary device uncertainties - timing error, in microprocessor performance bottleneck in NTC era. Then it proposes various innovative techniques to exploit these opportunities to maintain processor energy efficiency, in the context of emerging challenges. Evaluated with the cross-layer methodology, the proposed approaches achieve substantial improvements in processor energy efficiency, compared to other start-of-art techniques

    Scalable Energy-Recovery Architectures.

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    Energy efficiency is a critical challenge for today's integrated circuits, especially for high-end digital signal processing and communications that require both high throughput and low energy dissipation for extended battery life. Charge-recovery logic recovers and reuses charge using inductive elements and has the potential to achieve order-of-magnitude improvement in energy efficiency while maintaining high performance. However, the lack of large-scale high-speed silicon demonstrations and inductor area overheads are two major concerns. This dissertation focuses on scalable charge-recovery designs. We present a semi-automated design flow to enable the design of large-scale charge-recovery chips. We also present a new architecture that uses in-package inductors, eliminating the area overheads caused by the use of integrated inductors in high-performance charge-recovery chips. To demonstrate our semi-automated flow, which uses custom-designed standard-cell-like dynamic cells, we have designed a 576-bit charge-recovery low-density parity-check (LDPC) decoder chip. Functioning correctly at clock speeds above 1 GHz, this prototype is the first-ever demonstration of a GHz-speed charge-recovery chip of significant complexity. In terms of energy consumption, this chip improves over recent state-of-the-art LDPCs by at least 1.3 times with comparable or better area efficiency. To demonstrate our architecture for eliminating inductor overheads, we have designed a charge-recovery LDPC decoder chip with in-package inductors. This test-chip has been fabricated in a 65nm CMOS flip-chip process. A custom 6-layer FC-BGA package substrate has been designed with 16 inductors embedded in the fifth layer of the package substrate, yielding higher Q and significantly improving area efficiency and energy efficiency compared to their on-chip counterparts. From measurements, this chip achieves at least 2.3 times lower energy consumption with better area efficiency over state-of-the-art published designs.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116653/1/terryou_1.pd

    Revamping Timing Error Resilience to Tackle Choke Points at NTC

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    The growing market of portable devices and smart wearables has contributed to innovation and development of systems with longer battery-life. While Near Threshold Computing (NTC) systems address the need for longer battery-life, they have certain limitations. NTC systems are prone to be significantly affected by variations in the fabrication process, commonly called process variation (PV). This dissertation explores an intriguing effect of PV, called choke points. Choke points are especially important due to their multifarious influence on the functional correctness of an NTC system. This work shows why novel research is required in this direction and proposes two techniques to resolve the problems created by choke points, while maintaining the reduced power needs

    차세대 HBM 용 고집적, 저전력 송수신기 설계

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2020. 8. 정덕균.This thesis presents design techniques for high-density power-efficient transceiver for the next-generation high bandwidth memory (HBM). Unlike the other memory interfaces, HBM uses a 3D-stacked package using through-silicon via (TSV) and a silicon interposer. The transceiver for HBM should be able to solve the problems caused by the 3D-stacked package and TSV. At first, a data (DQ) receiver for HBM with a self-tracking loop that tracks a phase skew between DQ and data strobe (DQS) due to a voltage or thermal drift is proposed. The self-tracking loop achieves low power and small area by uti-lizing an analog-assisted baud-rate phase detector. The proposed pulse-to-charge (PC) phase detector (PD) converts the phase skew to a voltage differ-ence and detects the phase skew from the voltage difference. An offset calibra-tion scheme that can compensates for a mismatch of the PD is also proposed. The proposed calibration scheme operates without any additional sensing cir-cuits by taking advantage of the write training of HBM. Fabricated in 65 nm CMOS, the DQ receiver shows a power efficiency of 370 fJ/b at 4.8 Gb/s and occupies 0.0056 mm2. The experimental results show that the DQ receiver op-erates without any performance degradation under a ± 10% supply variation. In a second prototype IC, a high-density transceiver for HBM with a feed-forward-equalizer (FFE)-combined crosstalk (XT) cancellation scheme is pre-sented. To compensate for the XT, the transmitter pre-distorts the amplitude of the FFE output according to the XT. Since the proposed XT cancellation (XTC) scheme reuses the FFE implemented to equalize the channel loss, additional circuits for the XTC is minimized. Thanks to the XTC scheme, a channel pitch can be significantly reduced, allowing for the high channel density. Moreover, the 3D-staggered channel structure removes the ground layer between the verti-cally adjacent channels, which further reduces a cross-sectional area of the channel per lane. The test chip including 6 data lanes is fabricated in 65 nm CMOS technology. The 6-mm channels are implemented on chip to emulate the silicon interposer between the HBM and the processor. The operation of the XTC scheme is verified by simultaneously transmitting 4-Gb/s data to the 6 consecutive channels with 0.5-um pitch and the XTC scheme reduces the XT-induced jitter up to 78 %. The measurement result shows that the transceiver achieves the throughput of 8 Gb/s/um. The transceiver occupies 0.05 mm2 for 6 lanes and consumes 36.6 mW at 6 x 4 Gb/s.본 논문에서는 차세대 HBM을 위한 고집적 저전력 송수신기 설계 방법을 제안한다. 첫 번째로, 전압 및 온도 변화에 의한 데이터와 클럭 간 위상 차이를 보상할 수 있는 자체 추적 루프를 가진 데이터 수신기를 제안한다. 제안하는 자체 추적 루프는 데이터 전송 속도와 같은 속도로 동작하는 위상 검출기를 사용하여 전력 소모와 면적을 줄였다. 또한 메모리의 쓰기 훈련 (write training) 과정을 이용하여 효과적으로 위상 검출기의 오프셋을 보상할 수 있는 방법을 제안한다. 제안하는 데이터 수신기는 65 nm 공정으로 제작되어 4.8 Gb/s에서 370 fJ/b을 소모하였다. 또한 10 % 의 전압 변화에 대하여 안정적으로 동작하는 것을 확인하였다. 두 번째로, 피드 포워드 이퀄라이저와 결합된 크로스 토크 보상 방식을 활용한 고집적 송수신기를 제안한다. 제안하는 송신기는 크로스 토크 크기에 해당하는 만큼 송신기 출력을 왜곡하여 크로스 토크를 보상한다. 제안하는 크로스 토크 보상 방식은 채널 손실을 보상하기 위해 구현된 피드 포워드 이퀄라이저를 재활용함으로써 추가적인 회로를 최소화한다. 제안하는 송수신기는 크로스 토크가 보상 가능하기 때문에, 채널 간격을 크게 줄여 고집적 통신을 구현하였다. 또한 집적도를 더 증가시키기 위해 세로로 인접한 채널 사이의 차폐 층을 제거한 적층 채널 구조를 제안한다. 6개의 송수신기를 포함한 프로토타입 칩은 65 nm 공정으로 제작되었다. HBM과 프로세서 사이의 silicon interposer channel 을 모사하기 위한 6 mm 의 채널이 칩 위에 구현되었다. 제안하는 크로스 토크 보상 방식은 0.5 um 간격의 6개의 인접한 채널에 동시에 데이터를 전송하여 검증되었으며, 크로스 토크로 인한 지터를 최대 78 % 감소시켰다. 제안하는 송수신기는 8 Gb/s/um 의 처리량을 가지며 6 개의 송수신기가 총 36.6 mW의 전력을 소모하였다.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 MOTIVATION 1 1.2 THESIS ORGANIZATION 4 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND ON HIGH-BANDWIDTH MEMORY 6 2.1 OVERVIEW 6 2.2 TRANSCEIVER ARCHITECTURE 10 2.3 READ/WRITE OPERATION 15 2.3.1 READ OPERATION 15 2.3.2 WRITE OPERATION 19 CHAPTER 3 BACKGROUNDS ON COUPLED WIRES 21 3.1 GENERALIZED MODEL 21 3.2 EFFECT OF CROSSTALK 26 CHAPTER 4 DQ RECEIVER WITH BAUD-RATE SELF-TRACKING LOOP 29 4.1 OVERVIEW 29 4.2 FEATURES OF DQ RECEIVER FOR HBM 33 4.3 PROPOSED PULSE-TO-CHARGE PHASE DETECTOR 35 4.3.1 OPERATION OF PULSE-TO-CHARGE PHASE DETECTOR 35 4.3.2 OFFSET CALIBRATION 37 4.3.3 OPERATION SEQUENCE 39 4.4 CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION 42 4.5 MEASUREMENT RESULT 46 CHAPTER 5 HIGH-DENSITY TRANSCEIVER FOR HBM WITH 3D-STAGGERED CHANNEL AND CROSSTALK CANCELLATION SCHEME 57 5.1 OVERVIEW 57 5.2 PROPOSED 3D-STAGGERED CHANNEL 61 5.2.1 IMPLEMENTATION OF 3D-STAGGERED CHANNEL 61 5.2.2 CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS AND MODELING 66 5.3 PROPOSED FEED-FORWARD-EQUALIZER-COMBINED CROSSTALK CANCELLATION SCHEME 72 5.4 CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION 77 5.4.1 OVERALL ARCHITECTURE 77 5.4.2 TRANSMITTER WITH FFE-COMBINED XTC 79 5.4.3 RECEIVER 81 5.5 MEASUREMENT RESULT 82 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION 93 BIBLIOGRAPHY 95 초 록 102Docto

    Low-Overhead Built-In Self-Test for Advanced RF Transceiver Architectures

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    abstract: Due to high level of integration in RF System on Chip (SOC), the test access points are limited to the baseband and RF inputs/outputs of the system. This limited access poses a big challenge particularly for advanced RF architectures where calibration of internal parameters is necessary and ensure proper operation. Therefore low-overhead built-in Self-Test (BIST) solution for advanced RF transceiver is proposed. In this dissertation. Firstly, comprehensive BIST solution for RF polar transceivers using on-chip resources is presented. In the receiver, phase and gain mismatches degrade sensitivity and error vector magnitude (EVM). In the transmitter, delay skew between the envelope and phase signals and the finite envelope bandwidth can create intermodulation distortion (IMD) that leads to violation of spectral mask requirements. Characterization and calibration of these parameters with analytical model would reduce the test time and cost considerably. Hence, a technique to measure and calibrate impairments of the polar transceiver in the loop-back mode is proposed. Secondly, robust amplitude measurement technique for RF BIST application and BIST circuits for loop-back connection are discussed. Test techniques using analytical model are explained and BIST circuits are introduced. Next, a self-compensating built-in self-test solution for RF Phased Array Mismatch is proposed. In the proposed method, a sinusoidal test signal with unknown amplitude is applied to the inputs of two adjacent phased array elements and measure the baseband output signal after down-conversion. Mathematical modeling of the circuit impairments and phased array behavior indicates that by using two distinct input amplitudes, both of which can remain unknown, it is possible to measure the important parameters of the phased array, such as gain and phase mismatch. In addition, proposed BIST system is designed and fabricated using IBM 180nm process and a prototype four-element phased-array PCB is also designed and fabricated for verifying the proposed method. Finally, process independent gain measurement via BIST/DUT co-design is explained. Design methodology how to reduce performance impact significantly is discussed. Simulation and hardware measurements results for the proposed techniques show that the proposed technique can characterize the targeted impairments accurately.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Stellar classification of folded spectra using the MK Classification scheme and convolutional neural networks

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    The year 1943 saw the introduction of the Morgan-Keenan (MK) classification scheme and this replaced the existing Harvard Classification scheme. Both stellar classification scheme are fundamentally grounded in the field of spectroscopy. The Harvard Classification scheme classified stars based on stellar surface temperature. The MK Classification scheme introduced the concept of a luminosity class that is intrinsically linked to the surface gravity of a star. Temperature and luminosity class values are estimated directly from the stellar spectrum. Machine learning is a well-established technique in astronomy. Traditionally, a spectrum is treated as a one-dimensional sequence of data. Techniques such as artificial neural networks and principal component analysis are commonly used when classifying spectra. Recent research has seen the application of convolutional neural networks in this domain. This research investigates the effectiveness of using convolutional neural networks with folded spectra. Robust experimental and statistical techniques were used to test this hypothesis. The result show that folded spectra and 2D convolutional neural networks obtained a higher average classification accuracy when compared to spectra processed with a 1D convolutional neural network. A ResNet V2 50 architecture was also included in this experiment, but the results show that it did not match the performance of shallower network architecture. All data used in this research has been archived on github and is available by following this link https://github.com/D18124324/dissertatio

    Voltage stacking for near/sub-threshold operation

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