57 research outputs found

    Review on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its toolkits for opinion mining and sentiment analysis

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    As the majority of online networking on the Internet, opinion mining has turned into a fundamental way to deal with investigating such huge numbers of information. Different applications show up in an extensive variety of modern areas. In the interim, opinions have various pronunciations which bring along investigate challenges. The research challenges make opinion mining a dynamic research region recently. In this paper, Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for opinion mining and sentiment analysis are reviewed. Initially NLP is reviewed then briefed about its common and useful preprocessing steps also. In this paper opinion mining for various levels are analyzed and reviewed. At the end issues are identified and some recommendation are suggested for opinion mining and-sentiment-analysis

    Investigating the Effect of Emoji in Opinion Classification of Uzbek Movie Review Comments

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    Opinion mining on social media posts has become more and more popular. Users often express their opinion on a topic not only with words but they also use image symbols such as emoticons and emoji. In this paper, we investigate the effect of emoji-based features in opinion classification of Uzbek texts, and more specifically movie review comments from YouTube. Several classification algorithms are tested, and feature ranking is performed to evaluate the discriminative ability of the emoji-based features.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Understanding human decision-making during production ramp-up using natural language processing

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    Ramping up a manufacturing system from being just assembled to full-volume production capacity is a time consuming and error-prone task. The full behaviour of a system is difficult to predict in advance and disruptions that need to be resolved until the required performance targets are reached occur often. Information about the experienced faults and issues might be recorded, but usually, no record of decisions concerning necessary physical and process adjustments are kept. Having these data could help to uncover significant insights into the ramp-up process that could reduce the effort needed to bring the system to its mandatory state. This paper proposes Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interpret human operator comments collected during ramp-up. Recurring patterns in their feedback could be used to gain a deeper understanding of the cause and effect relationship between the system state and the corrective action that an operator applied. A manual dispensing experiment was conducted where human assessments in form of unstructured free-form text were gathered. These data have been used as an input for initial NLP analysis and preliminary results using the NLTK library are presented. Outcomes show first insights into the topics participants considered and lead to valuable knowledge to learn from this experience for the future

    Sentiment Analysis of Customer Feedback in Online Food Ordering Services

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    Background: E-commerce websites have been established expressly as useful online communication platforms, which is rather significant. Through them, users can easily perform online transactions such as shopping or ordering food and sharing their experiences or feedback. Objectives: Customers\u27 views and sentiments are also analyzed by businesses to assess consumer behavior or a point of view on certain products or services. Methods/Approach: This research proposes a method to extract customers\u27 opinions and analyse sentiment based on a collected dataset, including 236,867 online Vietnamese reviews published from 2011 to 2020 on foody.vn and diadiemanuong.com. Then, machine learning models were applied and assessed to choose the optimal model. Results: The proposed approach has an accuracy of up to 91.5 percent, according to experimental study findings. Conclusions: The research results can help enterprise managers and service providers get insight into customers\u27 satisfaction with their products or services and understand their feelings so that they can make adjustments and correct business decisions. It also helps food e-commerce managers ensure a better e-commerce service design and delivery

    Learning from students' perception on professors through opinion mining

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    Students' perception of classes measured through their opinions on teaching surveys allows to identify deficiencies and problems, both in the environment and in the learning methodologies. The purpose of this paper is to study, through sentiment analysis using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) techniques, those opinions in order to identify topics that are relevant for students, as well as predicting the associated sentiment via polarity analysis. As a result, it is implemented, trained and tested two algorithms to predict the associated sentiment as well as the relevant topics of such opinions. The combination of both approaches then becomes useful to identify specific properties of the students' opinions associated with each sentiment label (positive, negative or neutral opinions) and topic. Furthermore, we explore the possibility that students' perception surveys are carried out without closed questions, relying on the information that students can provide through open questions where they express their opinions about their classes

    A web content mining application for detecting relevant pages using Jaccard similarity

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    The tremendous growth in the availability of enormous text data from a variety of sources creates a slew of concerns and obstacles to discovering meaningful information. This advancement of technology in the digital realm has resulted in the dispersion of texts over millions of web sites. Unstructured texts are densely packed with textual information. The discovery of valuable and intriguing relationships in unstructured texts demands more computer processing. So, text mining has developed into an attractive area of study for obtaining organized and useful data. One of the purposes of this research is to discuss text pre-processing of automobile marketing domains in order to create a structured database. Regular expressions were used to extract data from unstructured vehicle advertisements, resulting in a well-organized database. We manually develop unique rule-based ways of extracting structured data from unstructured web pages. As a result of the information retrieved from these advertisements, a systematic search for certain noteworthy qualities is performed. There are numerous approaches for query recommendation, and it is vital to understand which one should be employed. Additionally, this research attempts to determine the optimal value similarity for query suggestions based on user-supplied parameters by comparing MySQL pattern matching and Jaccard similarity

    Artificial Intelligence and Visual Analytics: A Deep-Learning Approach to Analyze Hotel Reviews & Responses

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    With a growing number of online reviews, consumers often rely on these reviews to make purchase decisions. However, little is known about managerial responses to online hotel reviews. This paper reports on a framework to integrate visual analytics and machine learning techniques to investigate whether hotel managers respond to positive and negative reviews differently and how to use a deep-learning approach to prioritize responses. In this study, forty 4- and 5-star hotels in London with 91,051 reviews and 70,397 responses were collected and analyzed. Visual analyses and machine learning were conducted. The results indicate most hotels (72.5%) showing no preference to respond to positive and negative reviews. Our proposed deep-learning approach outperformed existing algorithms to prioritize responses

    Anomaly Detection on Natural Language Processing to Improve Predictions on Tourist Preferences

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Edge Computing Applications[Abstract] Argumentation-based dialogue models have shown to be appropriate for decision contexts in which it is intended to overcome the lack of interaction between decision-makers, either because they are dispersed, they are too many, or they are simply not even known. However, to support decision processes with argumentation-based dialogue models, it is necessary to have knowledge of certain aspects that are specific to each decision-maker, such as preferences, interests, and limitations, among others. Failure to obtain this knowledge could ruin the model’s success. In this work, we sought to facilitate the information acquisition process by studying strategies to automatically predict the tourists’ preferences (ratings) in relation to points of interest based on their reviews. We explored different Machine Learning methods to predict users’ ratings. We used Natural Language Processing strategies to predict whether a review is positive or negative and the rating assigned by users on a scale of 1 to 5. We then applied supervised methods such as Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Decision Trees, K-Nearest Neighbors, and Recurrent Neural Networks to determine whether a tourist likes/dislikes a given point of interest. We also used a distinctive approach in this field through unsupervised techniques for anomaly detection problems. The goal was to improve the supervised model in identifying only those tourists who truly like or dislike a particular point of interest, in which the main objective is not to identify everyone, but fundamentally not to fail those who are identified in those conditions. The experiments carried out showed that the developed models could predict with high accuracy whether a review is positive or negative but have some difficulty in accurately predicting the rating assigned by users. Unsupervised method Local Outlier Factor improved the results, reducing Logistic Regression false positives with an associated cost of increasing false negatives.This work was supported by the GrouPlanner Project under the European Regional Development Fund POCI-01-0145-FEDER-29178 and by National Funds through the FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within the Projects UIDB/00319/2020 and UIDP/00760/2020Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-29178Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UIDB/00319/2020Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UIDP/00760/202

    SubjQA: A Dataset for Subjectivity and Review Comprehension

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    Subjectivity is the expression of internal opinions or beliefs which cannot be objectively observed or verified, and has been shown to be important for sentiment analysis and word-sense disambiguation. Furthermore, subjectivity is an important aspect of user-generated data. In spite of this, subjectivity has not been investigated in contexts where such data is widespread, such as in question answering (QA). We therefore investigate the relationship between subjectivity and QA, while developing a new dataset. We compare and contrast with analyses from previous work, and verify that findings regarding subjectivity still hold when using recently developed NLP architectures. We find that subjectivity is also an important feature in the case of QA, albeit with more intricate interactions between subjectivity and QA performance. For instance, a subjective question may or may not be associated with a subjective answer. We release an English QA dataset (SubjQA) based on customer reviews, containing subjectivity annotations for questions and answer spans across 6 distinct domains.Comment: EMNLP 2020 Long Paper - Camera Read