44 research outputs found

    Transient behavior of M[x]/G/1 Retrial Queueing Model with Non Persistent Customers, Random break down, Delaying Repair and Bernoulli Vacation

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    In this paper we consider a single server batch arrival non-Markovian retrial queueing model with non persistent customers. In accordance with Poisson process, customers arrive in batches with arrival rate  and are served one by one with first come first served basis. The server is being considered as unreliable that it may encounter break down at any time. In order to resume its service the server has to be sent for repair, but the repair does not start immediately so that there is a waiting time before the repair process. The customer, who finds the server busy upon arrival, can either join the orbit with probability p or he/she can leave the system with probability 1-p. More details can be found in the full paper. Key words: Batch size, break down, delay time, transient solution, steady solution,  reliability indices

    An M/M/1 Retrial Queue with Unreliable Server

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    We analyze an unreliable M/M/1 retrial queue with infinite-capacity orbit and normal queue. Retrial customers do not rejoin the normal queue but repeatedly attempt to access the server at i.i.d. intervals until it is found functioning and idle. We provide stability conditions as well as several stochastic decomposability results

    System State Distributions In One Finite Source Unreliable Retrial Queue

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    The object of this paper is to study joint and marginal distributions of the system states at any arbitrary time moment for a single server, finite source retrial queue, in which the server can sustain breakdowns during service times. The server life times as well as the intervals between repetitions are exponentially distributed, while the repair and the service times are generally distributed. Unlike the unreliable model studied by J. Wang et al. [23], in which the interrupted customer waits for the server back from repair, to accomplish the remaining service, in our model this customer goes to the orbit, losing the service time, elapsed before the breakdown occurs

    Approximate Analysis of an Unreliable M/M/2 Retrial Queue

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    This thesis considers the performance evaluation of an M/M/2 retrial queue for which both servers are subject to active and idle breakdowns. Customers may abandon service requests if they are blocked from service upon arrival, or if their service is interrupted by a server failure. Customers choosing to remain in the system enter a retrial orbit for a random amount of time before attempting to re-access an available server. We assume that each server has its own dedicated repair person, and repairs begin immediately following a failure. Interfailure times, repair times and times between retrials are exponentially distributed, and all processes are assumed to be mutually independent. Modeling the number of customers in the orbit and status of the servers as a continuous-time Markov chain, we employ a phase-merging algorithm to approximately analyze the limiting behavior. Subsequently, we derive approximate expressions for several congestion and delay measures. Using a benchmark simulation model, we assess the accuracy of the approximations and show that, when the algorithm assumptions are met, the approximation procedure yields favorable results. However, as the rate of abandonment for blocked arrivals decreases, the performance declines while the results are insensitive to the rate of abandonment of customers preempted by a server failure

    Insensitive Bounds for the Stationary Distribution of a Single Server Retrial Queue with Server Subject to Active Breakdowns

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    The paper addresses monotonicity properties of the single server retrial queue with no waiting room and server subject to active breakdowns. The obtained results allow us to place in a prominent position the insensitive bounds for the stationary distribution of the embedded Markov chain related to the model in the study. Numerical illustrations are provided to support the results

    Unreliable Retrial Queues in a Random Environment

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    This dissertation investigates stability conditions and approximate steady-state performance measures for unreliable, single-server retrial queues operating in a randomly evolving environment. In such systems, arriving customers that find the server busy or failed join a retrial queue from which they attempt to regain access to the server at random intervals. Such models are useful for the performance evaluation of communications and computer networks which are characterized by time-varying arrival, service and failure rates. To model this time-varying behavior, we study systems whose parameters are modulated by a finite Markov process. Two distinct cases are analyzed. The first considers systems with Markov-modulated arrival, service, retrial, failure and repair rates assuming all interevent and service times are exponentially distributed. The joint process of the orbit size, environment state, and server status is shown to be a tri-layered, level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death (LDQBD) process, and we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the positive recurrence of LDQBDs using classical techniques. Moreover, we apply efficient numerical algorithms, designed to exploit the matrix-geometric structure of the model, to compute the approximate steady-state orbit size distribution and mean congestion and delay measures. The second case assumes that customers bring generally distributed service requirements while all other processes are identical to the first case. We show that the joint process of orbit size, environment state and server status is a level-dependent, M/G/1-type stochastic process. By employing regenerative theory, and exploiting the M/G/1-type structure, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for stability of the system. Finally, for the exponential model, we illustrate how the main results may be used to simultaneously select mean time customers spend in orbit, subject to bound and stability constraints

    Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae (36.)

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    Single server retrial queueing models.

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    Most retrial queueing research assumes that each retrial customer has its own orbit, and the retrial customers retry to enter service independently of each other. A small selection of papers assume that the retrial customers themselves form a queue, and only one customer from the retrial queue can attempt to enter at any given time. Retrial queues with exponential retrial times have been extensively studied, but little attention has been paid to retrial queues with general retrial times. In this thesis, we consider four retrial queueing models of the type in which the retrial customers form their own queue. Model I is a type of M/G/1 retrial queue with general retrial times and server subject to breakdowns and repairs. In addition, we allow the customer in service to leave the service position and keep retrying for service until the server has been repaired. After repair, the server is not allowed to begin service on other customers until the current customer (in service) returns from its temporary absence. We say that the server is in reserved mode, when the current customer is absent and the server has already been repaired. We define the server to be blocked if the server is busy, under repair or in reserved mode. In Model II, we consider a single unreliable server retrial queue with general retrial times and balking customers. If an arriving primary customer finds the server blocked, the customer either enters a retrial queue with probability p or leaves the system with probability 1 - p. An unsuccessful arriving customer from the retrial queue either returns to its position at the head of the retrial queue with probability q or leaves the system with the probability 1 - q. If the server fails, the customer in service either remains in service with probability r or enters a retrial service orbit with probability 1 - r and keeps returning until the server is repaired. We give a formal description for these two retrial queueing models, with examples. The stability of the system is analyzed by using an embedded Markov chain. We get a necessary and sufficient condition for the ergodicity of the embedded Markov chain. By employing the method of supplementary variables, we describe the state of the system at each point in time. A system of partial differential equations related to the models is derived from a stochastic analysis of the model. The steady state distribution of the system is obtained by means of probability generating functions. In steady state, some performance measures of the system are reported, the distribution of some important performance characteristics in the waiting process are investigated, and the busy period is discussed. In addition, some numerical results are given. Model III consists of a single-server retrial queue with two primary sources and both a retrial queue and retrial orbits. Some results are obtained using matrix analytic methods. Also simulation results are obtained. Model IV consists of a single server system in which the retrial customers form a queue. The service times are discrete. A stability condition and performance measures are presented.Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .W87. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-07, Section: B, page: 3883. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006

    Behavioural Analysis of a Complex Manufacturing System Having Queue in the Maintenance Section

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    In this paper reliability characteristic of a complex manufacturing system incorporating queue in service is studied. The considered system consists of three units namely A, B and C connected in series. Unit A consists of a main unit a1 and an active redundant unit a2, unit B consists of a main unit b1 and a cold redundant unit b2 and unit C consists of two units c1 and c2 connected in parallel configuration. Considered system can completely fail due to failure of any of the subsystems. It is also assumed that the system can fail due to catastrophic failure. General repair facility is available for units c1 and c2 whereas there exits a maintenance section with one repairmen for repairing the units a1, a2, b1 and b2. Various reliability characteristics such as steady state behavior, availability, reliability, and MTTF and cost analysis have been obtained using supplementary variable technique and Gumble-Hougaard copula methodology. Keywords: Supplementary variable technique, reliability, MTTF, asymptotic behavior, markov process, Gumble-Hougaard copula, profit function, queue