110 research outputs found

    Chapter Il disegno delle gemme sfaccettate. Fonti iconografiche e trattatistica, analisi geometrica, rilevamento, modellazione parametrica

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Applying multiobjective evolutionary algorithms in industrial projects

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    During the recent years, multiobjective evolutionary algorithms have matured as a flexible optimization tool which can be used in various areas of reallife applications. Practical experiences showed that typically the algorithms need an essential adaptation to the specific problem for a successful application. Considering these requirements, we discuss various issues of the design and application of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms to real-life optimization problems. In particular, questions on problem-specific data structures and evolutionary operators and the determination of method parameters are treated. As a major issue, the handling of infeasible intermediate solutions is pointed out. Three application examples in the areas of constrained global optimization (electronic circuit design), semi-infinite programming (design centering problems), and discrete optimization (project scheduling) are discussed

    Accessibility to possibilities : discover the unknown unknown worlds

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    The digital revolution has transformed the world, and today we are drowning in information. We use search engines as an efficient way to access information, and when we search, by connecting, relating, or random recommending, our knowledge network expands from the keyword we put in. With this search engine model, it’s easy for us to find what we know we don’t know. But it’s hard to access things we don’t know we don’t know. In other words, our past limits our accessibility to information. In this essay, I attempt to find an alternative way of approaching information in the design process through constructing accessibility to all kinds of possibilities. I propose that we generate knowledge instead of search for it — design in a way where innovation and willingness are not trapped by the past, and allow more people to participate and have fun in the design process. Thus, we can integrate the design process into daily life and, ultimately, build a decentralized design ecosystem for society

    Using Implicit Feedback for User Modeling in Internet and Intranet Searching

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    Powerize Server 1.0, developed by Powerize.com, is a content-based information filtering and retrieval system that presently uses a manually constructed user model known as a search profile. User modeling captures a user’s information needs. A user model can be constructed explicitly by the user or implicitly by exploiting feedback from the user about which documents are relevant. Implicit feedback can be inferred from user behavior without any additional work on the part of the user. The study reported in this paper investigates a way of implementing the implicit feedback technique of user modeling for the Powerize Server 1.0. Previous studies on Internet discussion groups (USENET news) have shown reading time to be a useful source of implicit feedback for predicting a user’s preferences. In this study, we examined: 1) whether reading time is useful for predicting a user’s preferences for academic or professional journal articles, and 2) whether printing behavior adds anything to what we already know from reading time. Two experiments were conducted with undergraduate students using professional articles from the telecommunications and pharmaceutical industries. The results of the experiments showed that reading time could be used to predict the relevancy of documents, although the threshold on reading time required to detect relevant documents would be higher than for USENET news articles. The experiments also showed that printing behavior adds to what can be inferred from reading time. All the documents that were printed in the experiments were relevant, but the reading time for many of these documents was below the mean reading time for all documents read. This result implies that the use of printing behavior with reading time could increase the precision and recall ratios for detecting relevant documents. Suggestions for incorporating the results of the study into the Powerize Server were made in conclusion. This paper also reports detailed technical descriptions of the experiment design, including research problem, experimental system, and data collection

    Bureau of Mines publications and articles, 1992-1993 (with subject and author index)

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    The U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) was established in the public interest to conclude inquiries and scientific and technologic investigations on mining and the preparation, treatment, and utilization of mineral substances; to promote health and safety in the mineral industries; to conserve material resources and prevent their waste; to further economic development; to increaseee efficiency in the mining, metallurgical, quarrying, and other mineral industries; and to inquire into the economic conditions affecting those industries. The organic act of the Bureau, as amended by Congress and approved February 25, 1913, made it the province and duty of the U.S. Bureau of Mines to "disseminate information concerning these subjects in such manner as will best carry out the purposes of this Act."In accordance with this directive, USBM reports the findings of its research and investigations in its own series of publications and also in articles that appear in scientific, technical, and trade journals; in proceedings of conventions and seminars; in reference books; and in other non-USBM publications. The number of these reports, the wide range of subjects they cover, and the variety of mediums in which they appear make this kind of list both necessary and valuable.This edition describes reports and articles published during calendar years 1992 and 1993. It supplements the 50-year list of Bureau publications from July 1, 1910, to January 1, 19602 ; and these 5-year lists of publications and articles: from January 1, 1965, to December 31, 1969 from January 1, 1970, to December 31, 1974, from January 1, 1975, to December 31, 197 , from January 1, 1980, to December 31,1984, and from January 1, 1985, to December 31, 1989.ISBN 0-16-045065-

    An Object-Oriented Programming Environment for Parallel Genetic Algorithms

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    This thesis investigates an object-oriented programming environment for building parallel applications based on genetic algorithms (GAs). It describes the design of the Genetic Algorithms Manipulation Environment (GAME), which focuses on three major software development requirements: flexibility, expandability and portability. Flexibility is provided by GAME through a set of libraries containing pre-defined and parameterised components such as genetic operators and algorithms. Expandability is offered by GAME'S object-oriented design. It allows applications, algorithms and genetic operators to be easily modified and adapted to satisfy diverse problem's requirements. Lastly, portability is achieved through the use of the standard C++ language, and by isolating machine and operating system dependencies into low-level modules, which are hidden from the application developer by GAME'S application programming interfaces. The development of GAME is central to the Programming Environment for Applications of PArallel GENetic Algorithms project (PAPAGENA). This is the principal European Community (ESPRIT III) funded parallel genetic algorithms project. It has two main goals: to provide a general-purpose tool kit, supporting the development and analysis of large-scale parallel genetic algorithms (PGAs) applications, and to demonstrate the potential of applying evolutionary computing in diverse problem domains. The research reported in this thesis is divided in two parts: i) the analysis of GA models and the study of existing GA programming environments from an application developer perspective; ii) the description of a general-purpose programming environment designed to help with the development of GA and PGA-based computer programs. The studies carried out in the first part provide the necessary understanding of GAs' structure and operation to outline the requirements for the development of complex computer programs. The second part presents GAME as the result of combining development requirements, relevant features of existing environments and innovative ideas, into a powerful programming environment. The system is described in terms of its abstract data structures and sub-systems that allow the representation of problems independently of any particular GA model. GAME's programming model is also presented as general-purpose object-oriented framework for programming coarse-grained parallel applications. GAME has a modular architecture comprising five modules: the Virtual Machine, the Parallel Execution Module, the Genetic Libraries, the Monitoring Control Module, and the Graphic User Interface. GAME's genetic-oriented abstract data structures, and the Virtual Machine, isolates genetic operators and algorithms from low-level operations such as memory management, exception handling, etc. The Parallel Execution Module supports GAME's object- oriented parallel programming model. It defines an application programming interface and a runtime library that allow the same parallel application, created within the environment, to run on different hardware and operating system platforms. The Genetic Libraries outline a hierarchy of components implemented as parameterised versions of standard and custom genetic operators, algorithms and applications. The Monitoring Control Module supports dynamic control and monitoring of simulations, whereas the Graphic User Interface defines a basic framework and graphic 'widgets' for displaying and entering data. This thesis describes the design philosophy and rationale behind these modules, covering in more detail the Virtual Machine, the Parallel Execution Module and the Genetic Libraries. The assessment discusses the system's ability to satisfy the main requirements of GA and PGA software development, as well as the features that distinguish GAME from other programming environments

    Global optimization algorithms for semi-infinite and generalized semi-infinite programs

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-249).The goals of this thesis are the development of global optimization algorithms for semi-infinite and generalized semi-infinite programs and the application of these algorithms to kinetic model reduction. The outstanding issue with semi-infinite programming (SIP) was a methodology that could provide a certificate of global optimality on finite termination for SIP with nonconvex functions participating. We have developed the first methodology that can generate guaranteed feasible points for SIP and provide e-global optimality on finite termination. The algorithm has been implemented in a branch-and-bound (B&B) framework and uses discretization coupled with convexification for the lower bounding problem and the interval constrained reformulation for the upper bounding problem. Within the framework of SIP we have also proposed a number of feasible-point methods that all rely on the same basic principle; the relaxation of the lower-level problem causes a restriction of the outer problem and vice versa. All these methodologies were tested using the Watson test set. It was concluded that the concave overestimation of the SIP constraint using McCormcick relaxations and a KKT treatment of the resulting expression is the most computationally expensive method but provides tighter bounds than the interval constrained reformulation or a concave overestimator of the SIP constraint followed by linearization. All methods can work very efficiently for small problems (1-3 parameters) but suffer from the drawback that in order to converge to the global solution value the parameter set needs to subdivided. Therefore, for problems with more than 4 parameters, intractable subproblems arise very high in the B&B tree and render global solution of the whole problem infeasible.(cont.) The second contribution of the thesis was the development of the first finite procedure that generates guaranteed feasible points and a certificate of e-global optimality for generalized semi-infinite programs (GSIP) with nonconvex functions participating. The algorithm employs interval extensions on the lower-level inequality constraints and then uses discretization and the interval constrained reformulation for the lower and upper bounding subproblems, respectively. We have demonstrated that our method can handle the irregular behavior of GSIP, such as the non-closedness of the feasible set, the existence of re-entrant corner points, the infimum not being attained and above all, problems with nonconvex functions participating. Finally, we have proposed an extensive test set consisting of both literature an original examples. Similar to the case of SIP, to guarantee e-convergence the parameter set needs to be subdivided and therefore, only small examples (1-3 parameters) can be handled in this framework in reasonable computational times (at present). The final contribution of the thesis was the development of techniques to provide optimal ranges of valid reduction between full and reduced kinetic models. First of all, we demonstrated that kinetic model reduction is a design centering problem and explored alternative optimization formulations such as SIP, GSIP and bilevel programming. Secondly, we showed that our SIP and GSIP techniques are probably not capable of handling large-scale systems, even if kinetic model reduction has a very special structure, because of the need for subdivision which leads to an explosion in the number of constraints. Finally, we propose alternative ways of estimating feasible regions of valid reduction using interval theory, critical points and line minimization.by Panayiotis Lemonidis.Ph.D


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